·出版社:Beijing Review
·页码:48 页码
·开本:16开 16开
Cover Story
In just a few years China's car industry has grown to become the third largest in the world in terms of volume of production, behind the United States and Japan. The industry is a symbol of China's rapidly rising economic growth and provides employment for 17 million people. Once viewed as a country of bicycles, at the end of 2006, there were 22 million private cars on China's roads and rising. Estimates predict the number of private cars in China will reach 100 million in 2009. For all their blessings they have also been a curse. Beijing's roads once filled with bicycles, are now clogged with traffic jams that at rush hour rebuce cars to a crawl. More vehicles also equal increasing pollution at a time when the world is waking up to global warimng. China is taking initiatives to stem the tide of car ownership and lower their polluting effects, but it likely to be a long battle.
Cover Story
In just a few years China's car industry has grown to become the third largest in the world in terms of volume of production, behind the United States and Japan. The industry is a symbol of China's rapidly rising economic growth and provides employment for 17 million people. Once viewed as a country of bicycles, at the end of 2006, there were 22 million private cars on China's roads and rising. Estimates predict the number of private cars in China will reach 100 million in 2009. For all their blessings they have also been a curse. Beijing's roads once filled with bicycles, are now clogged with traffic jams that at rush hour rebuce cars to a crawl. More vehicles also equal increasing pollution at a time when the world is waking up to global warimng. China is taking initiatives to stem the tide of car ownership and lower their polluting effects, but it likely to be a long battle.
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