·出版社:Beijing Review
·页码:48 页码
·开本:16开 16开
All eyes are on China as the Olympic clock ticks off the one-year countdown to BieJing 2008.The centruy-old dream of the Chinese nation to host the world's premier sporting event is providing a stage for the country to show the golbal community what it can do.And as preparations head for their final stages,nothing is being left to chance.From weather to food,security to thinking green,its all systems go and confidence is at a premium.The Games are also providing China with an added incentive to deal with negative issues,such as air pollution and intellectual property rights.For now,however,one world waits for China's dream to come true.
All eyes are on China as the Olympic clock ticks off the one-year countdown to BieJing 2008.The centruy-old dream of the Chinese nation to host the world's premier sporting event is providing a stage for the country to show the golbal community what it can do.And as preparations head for their final stages,nothing is being left to chance.From weather to food,security to thinking green,its all systems go and confidence is at a premium.The Games are also providing China with an added incentive to deal with negative issues,such as air pollution and intellectual property rights.For now,however,one world waits for China's dream to come true.
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