·出版社:Beijing Review
·页码:48 页码
·开本:16开 16开
COVER STORY Ten years ago,on the eve of Hong Kong's reintegration with China,few could have predicted the rollercoaster ride that the former British colony was in for.Admittedly it had its share ofdoomsayers and detractors,and some even fled the place to what they thought were treener pastures.The ones who stayed were left to face the deadly SARS outbreak and a near collapse of the economy.But today,they are the ones with biggest smiles on their faces.The region is now the 11th largest economy in the world,a bustling hotbed of commerce,tourism,culture,sport and much more-a direct validation of Deng xiaoPing's "one country,two systems"principle.On July1,2007,the "fratrant harbor"will commemorate its 10th anniversary as a renewed,reinvented part of China,and celebrate,with trademark pizzazz and gusto,what it means to be rich,famous,successful,and the envy of the modern world.
COVER STORY Ten years ago,on the eve of Hong Kong's reintegration with China,few could have predicted the rollercoaster ride that the former British colony was in for.Admittedly it had its share ofdoomsayers and detractors,and some even fled the place to what they thought were treener pastures.The ones who stayed were left to face the deadly SARS outbreak and a near collapse of the economy.But today,they are the ones with biggest smiles on their faces.The region is now the 11th largest economy in the world,a bustling hotbed of commerce,tourism,culture,sport and much more-a direct validation of Deng xiaoPing's "one country,two systems"principle.On July1,2007,the "fratrant harbor"will commemorate its 10th anniversary as a renewed,reinvented part of China,and celebrate,with trademark pizzazz and gusto,what it means to be rich,famous,successful,and the envy of the modern world.
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