·出版社:Beijing Review
·页码:48 页码
·开本:16开 16开
Cover Story Friction and political game palying have dogged China-U.s. relations in recent years, as the United States pushes for more access to the Chinese market and protection for U.S.patents, and China tries to control its meteoric economic development. For its part, China has taken steps to firm up its intellectual property right regulations and continues to open itself up to the world both economically and culturally. As major trading partners it is in the interests of both nations to get along and to see each other do well. Many signs point to growing ties between China and the United States and the coming Second China-U.S.strategic economic dialogue is likely to strengthen relations further.
Cover Story Friction and political game palying have dogged China-U.s. relations in recent years, as the United States pushes for more access to the Chinese market and protection for U.S.patents, and China tries to control its meteoric economic development. For its part, China has taken steps to firm up its intellectual property right regulations and continues to open itself up to the world both economically and culturally. As major trading partners it is in the interests of both nations to get along and to see each other do well. Many signs point to growing ties between China and the United States and the coming Second China-U.S.strategic economic dialogue is likely to strengthen relations further.
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