读到《C++编程思想》48页,“3.4 对象布局”一节时,看到这样一段话:
既然是在编译期间去掉了所有的存取限制属性,那么能不能设计一段代码绕过编译器的检查机制,又能在运行期间访问类的私有成员呢? 首先想到了条件转移语句——编译器对条件转移代码块的编译是否有可利用之处呢?虽然实验失败了,但我的第一想法确实是这个。示例代码如下:
//Demo class
class tester
tester() : i(5), ch('x'){};
int i;
char ch;
//Demo testing code
#include "tester.h"
using namespace std;
void main(void)
tester myTester;
char* p = NULL;
if (1 > 0)
p = &myTester.ch; //Here is the point
cout << "Address of ch = " << (void*) p << endl; //The type modifier void* forces it to output the
//address, not its content
cout << "ch = " << * (p) << endl;
getch(); //Waits your action
* p = 'y';
cout << "Now ch = " << * (p) << endl;
结果正如上面所说,失败了:编译器报错:error C2248: 'ch' : cannot access private member declared in class 'tester'。不过这引发了更深一步的思考。C语言里面最活的就是指针了,平常最怕乱指的野指针,这一次就试试它!修改后的测试代码如下:
//Demo testing code
#include "tester.h"
using namespace std;
void main(void)
tester myTester;
char* p = NULL;
p = (char*) &myTester + sizeof(int); //Here is the point! Jumps sizeof(int) units of bytes!
cout << "Address of ch = " << (void*) p << endl; //The type modifier void* forces it to output the
//address, not the content.
cout << "ch = " << * (p) << endl;
getch(); //Waits your action
* p = 'y';
cout << "Now ch = " << * (p) << endl;