Director 动态事件传递
PROPERTY pnIntersectSprite
on beginSprite me
me .FindLowerSprite()
END beginSprite
on mouseUp me
me .TransmitClick()
END mouseUp
on FindLowerSprite me
nSprite = me . spriteNum - 1
rMyRect = sprite ( me . spriteNum ). rect
pnIntersectSprite = 0
repeat with nTest = nSprite down to 1
rTestRect = sprite (nTest). rect
rIntersect = intersect ( rMyRect, rTestRect )
if rIntersect <> rect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) then
pnIntersectSprite = nTest
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
END FindLowerSprite
on TransmitClick me
if pnIntersectSprite <> 0 then
sendSprite ( pnIntersectSprite, #mouseUp )
end if
END TransmitClick
PROPERTY pnIntersectSprite
on beginSprite me
me .FindLowerSprite()
END beginSprite
on mouseUp me
me .TransmitEvent( #mouseUp )
END mouseUp
on FindLowerSprite me
nSprite = me . spriteNum - 1
rMyRect = sprite ( me . spriteNum ). rect
pnIntersectSprite = 0
repeat with nTest = nSprite down to 1
rTestRect = sprite (nTest). rect
rIntersect = intersect ( rMyRect, rTestRect )
if rIntersect <> rect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) then
pnIntersectSprite = nTest
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
END FindLowerSprite
on TransmitEvent me , yEvent
if pnIntersectSprite <> 0 then
pMousePoint = the mouseLoc
rTestRect = sprite (pnIntersectSprite). rect
if pMousePoint. inside ( rTestRect ) then
sendSprite ( pnIntersectSprite, yEvent )
end if
end if
END TransmitEvent
Director 动态事件传递
PROPERTY pnIntersectSprite
PROPERTY pbPropagateMouseDown
PROPERTY pbPropagateMouseUp
PROPERTY pbPropagateMouseEnter
PROPERTY pbPropagateMouseLeave
PROPERTY pbPropagateMouseWithin
PROPERTY pbPropagateRightMouseDown
PROPERTY pbPropagateRightMouseUp
PROPERTY pbPropagateToInvisibleSprite
PROPERTY pbAssumeStaticStage
on beginSprite me
me .FindLowerSprite()
END beginSprite
on mouseDown me
if pbPropagateMouseDown = TRUE then
me .TransmitEvent( #mouseDown )
end if
END mouseDown
on mouseUp me
if pbPropagateMouseUp = TRUE then
me .TransmitEvent( #mouseUp )
end if
END mouseUp
on mouseEnter me
if pbPropagateMouseEnter = TRUE then
me .TransmitEvent( #mouseEnter )
end if
END mouseEnter
on mouseLeave me
if pbPropagateMouseLeave = TRUE then
me .TransmitEvent( #mouseLeave )
end if
END mouseLeave
on mouseWithin me
if pbPropagateMouseWithin = TRUE then
me .TransmitEvent( #mouseWithin )
end if
END mouseWithin
on rightMouseDown me
if pbPropagateRightMouseDown = TRUE then
me .TransmitEvent( #rightMouseDown )
end if
END rightMouseDown
on rightMouseUp me
if pbPropagateRightMouseUp = TRUE then
me .TransmitEvent( #rightMouseUp )
end if
END rightMouseUp
on FindLowerSprite me
pnIntersectSprite = 0
if pbAssumeStaticStage = TRUE then
nSprite = me . spriteNum - 1
rMyRect = sprite ( me . spriteNum ). rect
repeat with nTest = nSprite down to 1
rTestRect = sprite (nTest). rect
rIntersect = intersect ( rMyRect, rTestRect )
if rIntersect <> rect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) then
pnIntersectSprite = nTest
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end if
END FindLowerSprite
on TransmitEvent me , yEvent
pMousePoint = the mouseLoc
if pnIntersectSprite <> 0 then
rTestRect = sprite (pnIntersectSprite). rect
if pMousePoint. inside ( rTestRect ) then
if sprite (pnIntersectSprite). visible = TRUE or ( sprite (pnIntersectSprite). visible = FALSE and pbPropagateToInvisibleSprite = TRUE ) then
sendSprite ( pnIntersectSprite, yEvent )
end if
end if
else if pnIntersectSprite = 0 and pbAssumeStaticStage = FALSE then
bFoundIntersect = FALSE
nSprite = me . spriteNum - 1
rMyRect = sprite ( me . spriteNum ). rect
repeat with nTest = nSprite down to 1
rTestRect = sprite (nTest). rect
rIntersect = intersect ( rMyRect, rTestRect )
if rIntersect <> rect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) then
bFoundIntersect = TRUE
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if bFoundIntersect = TRUE then
rTestRect = sprite (nTest). rect
if pMousePoint. inside ( rTestRect ) then
if sprite (nTest). visible = TRUE or ( sprite (nTest). visible = FALSE and pbPropagateToInvisibleSprite = TRUE ) then
sendSprite ( nTest, yEvent )
end if
end if
end if
end if
END TransmitEvent
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
if the currentSpriteNum > 0 then
lMyPropList = [:]
lMyPropList. addProp ( # pbPropagateMouseDown, [ # comment: "Propagate mouseDown?" , # format: # boolean, # default: FALSE ] )
lMyPropList. addProp ( # pbPropagateMouseUp, [ # comment: "Propagate mouseUp?" , # format: # boolean, # default: TRUE ] )
lMyPropList. addProp ( # pbPropagateMouseEnter, [ # comment: "Propagate mouseEnter?" , # format: # boolean, # default: FALSE ] )
lMyPropList. addProp ( # pbPropagateMouseLeave, [ # comment: "Propagate mouseLeave?" , # format: # boolean