品牌:Renhong Wang、Jieqing Tan
·页码:452 页码
·开本:16开 16开
Invited talks
Rational Approximation Theory and Scientific Computing
An Adaptation of BiCGStab for Nonlinear Systems
Superconducting Microchip Design for Quantum Computers and the Application to Diagnostic Imaging
3D Digital Technology and Its Applications
Numerical analysis
Comparison Relationship of the AOR Iterative Method for Preconditioned Linear Systems
A New Upper Bound for Spectral Radius of Block Iterative Matrices
Using Linear Information to Approximate Functions in Anisotropic Besov Spaces
Regularization and Adaptive Multiscale Galerkin Methods for first kind integral equations
Gamma Distribution and Gamma Approximation
On Numerical Studies of Fold Bifurcation for Multi-point Boundary Value Problems
Some Researches on Bivariate Hermite Interpolation
A New Regularization Algorithm for Solving ILL-Posed Problems Based on Singular System
Interpolation Basis for Nonuniform Rectangular Grid
Block Based Lagrange-Thiele-like Blending Rational Interpolation
Chebyshev Approximation in the Algebraic Function Field
The Construction of the Bases in Algebraic Function Field
The Least-Squares Finite Element Method ON overlapping Elements
Nonlinear numerical methods
Pade Type Approximation Method For Accelerating The Convergence Of Function-Valued Squences
An Application of Rationalized Haar Functions to Solution of Nonlinear Fredholm-Hammerstein Integro-differential Equations
A Bivariate Rational Interpolation with Symmetric Bases
On the Convergence Speed of Two-Dimensional Continued Fractions
On Osculatory Rational Interpolation
Solving Structured Linear Systems In The Context Of Adaptive Modeling
Homogeneous Pade Approximants at Work in Shape Reconastruction
Converxity-preserving Piecewise Rational Cubic Interpolation
On the Simultaneous Rational Approximants of a Multivariate Infinite Product and Applications
Computational geometry
Wavelet and its applications
Image and signal processing
3D object recognition
Neural computing
Other topics
Author Index