·页码:427 页码
·开本:16开 16开
From the editors
Exporation of multiscaling related to crack velocity behavior with temperature change under fatigue and creep
Fatigue crack growth studies in fast breeder reactor steels
Finite element creep analysis of brazed stainless steel plate-fin structure
Investigation of traction prescribed weight function methodology for thermal shock fracture in a boundary restrained edge cracked plate
Relationship between the applied torque and compression of fasket in a fuel cell assembly
Specimens subjected to combined compressive and high temperature loads:intrinsic behaviour or structural effect?
A unified visco-plastic constitutive model for uniaxial time-dependent ratcheting and its finite implementation
Detection and analysis of corrosion and failure of urban buried steel-made fas pipeline
Effect of three-dimensional complex microstructure on the mechanical behaviour and damage initiation of particle-reinforced composites
Analytical solution for an open-ended thick-walled cylinder subjected to linear ddistribution pressure on the outer surface
Multiaxial creep strength design for high temperature components in coal-fired power plants
Micro-mechanics analysis for discontinuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite
Unified maximum stress intensity for true plane stress based on twin shear unified strength theory
Author index
Key words index