·页码:294 页码
·开本:32开 32开
Since the advent of the laser,coherent optics has developde at an ever increasing pace.there is no adubt the reason. Coherent light ,with its propreties so different from the ilght se are surrounded by lends itself to numerous applications in science,technology,and life,The bandwidth of coherent optics reaches from holography and interfewomerty ,with its gravitational wave detectors ,to the CD player for music,movies,and computers;from the laser scalper which allows surgical cutting in the interior of the eye without destrution of the layers penetrated in front of it,to optical infrrmation and data processing with its great impact on society.
Since the advent of the laser,coherent optics has developde at an ever increasing pace.there is no adubt the reason. Coherent light ,with its propreties so different from the ilght se are surrounded by lends itself to numerous applications in science,technology,and life,The bandwidth of coherent optics reaches from holography and interfewomerty ,with its gravitational wave detectors ,to the CD player for music,movies,and computers;from the laser scalper which allows surgical cutting in the interior of the eye without destrution of the layers penetrated in front of it,to optical infrrmation and data processing with its great impact on society.
1 History of Optics
1.1 Past
1.2 Present
1.3 Future
2 The MaincAreas of Optics