·页码:279 页码
·开本:24开 24开
This book covers all the most important areas of nanotube research, as well as discussing related structures such as carbon naoparticles and ‘inorganic fullerenes’.
This is the first single-author book on carbon nanotubes. It will be of interest to chemists, physicists, material scientists and engineers working on carbon material and fullerenes from both academic and industrial backgrouds.
PETER HARRIS was brought up in Gloucestershire and read chemistry at Birmingham University. He went on to study for a doctorate at Oxford University, where his project involued transmission electron microscopy of catalytic materials. Dince that time his research has focused on the applicaion of various forms of microscopy to problems in solid-state chemistry and materical science.
1 Introdcution
1.1 The discovery of fullerence-related carbon nanotubes
1.2 Chanracteristics of multiwalled nanotubes
1.3 Single-walled nanotubes
1.4 Pre-1991 evidence for carbon nanotubes