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Some time ago, the authors collaborated on a book entitled "Atomic Dynamics in Liquids", which has subsequently been reprinted by Dover. This book, it is fair to say, was motivated by advanced lecture courses the two authors had presented at a variety of venues, notable among these being the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste. .
Subsequently, because of our mutual interests in charged fluids, we followed up the above Volume (Dover, 1991) with "Coulomb Liquids". This naturally had a narrower range of coverage: dominantly classical ionic melts and liquid metals, where the valence electrons are fully quantal. ...
Some time ago, the authors collaborated on a book entitled "Atomic Dynamics in Liquids", which has subsequently been reprinted by Dover. This book, it is fair to say, was motivated by advanced lecture courses the two authors had presented at a variety of venues, notable among these being the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste. .
Subsequently, because of our mutual interests in charged fluids, we followed up the above Volume (Dover, 1991) with "Coulomb Liquids". This naturally had a narrower range of coverage: dominantly classical ionic melts and liquid metals, where the valence electrons are fully quantal. ...
1 Qualities Description of Liquid Properties
1.1 Three Phases of Matter:pVTBehaviour of Pure Materials
1.2 Melting and Lindemann's Law
1.3 Molecular Thermal Movements in the Liquid Phase:Brownian
1.4 Qualitative Considerations Continued:Flow Properties of Dense Liquids