

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-21
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

for ($offend = $pos + strlen($dynend[1]); $offend < $l; $offend++) {

$c = $rest{$offend};

if ($c == "

") {




if (($c != ' ') && ($c != "")) {

$offend = $pos + strlen($dynend[1]);





// if ($debug)

// $this->logwrite ("parse_internal_1: DYNAMIC BEGIN: (pos,len,beg,end) => ($pos, " . strlen($dynbeg[1]) . ", $offbeg, $offend)

// This includes the contents of the REGEX_DYNEND in the output

// $rest = substr ($rest, $pos);

// This preserves whitespace on the END block line(s).

// $rest = substr ($rest, $pos+strlen($dynend[1]));

// $sub .= substr ($rest, 0, $pos);

$sub .= substr ($rest, 0, $offbeg);

$rest = substr ($rest, $offend);

// Already loaded templates will not be reloaded.


// 'clear' test was actually hiding a bug in the clear()

// logic....

if (false && isset($this->TEMPLATE[$dynend[2]]['clear'])

&& $this->TEMPLATE[$dynend[2]]['clear']) {


= '';

$this->TEMPLATE[$dynend[2]]['result'] = '';



$this->parse_internal_1 ($dynend[2], ' ');

} else if (!isset($this->TEMPLATE[$dynend[2]]['loaded'])

|| !$this->TEMPLATE[$dynend[2]]['loaded']) {

// Omit pathological case of empty dynamic template.

if (strlen($sub) > 0) {

$this->TEMPLATE[$dynend[2]]['string'] = $sub;



$this->parse_internal_1 ($dynend[2], $sub);

$this->TEMPLATE[$dynend[2]]['part']['parent'] = $tag;



$this->TEMPLATE[$dynend[2]]['loaded'] = true;

$part[] = &$this->TEMPLATE[$dynend[2]];


= $dynend[2];


} else {

$sub .= substr ($rest, 0, $pos+strlen($dynend[1]));

$rest = substr ($rest, $pos+strlen($dynend[1]));

if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ("parse_internal_1: $dynbeg[2] != $dynend[2]");



if (!$found) {

$this->error ("malformed dynamic template, missing END<BR />

" .

"$dynbeg[1]<BR />

", true);


} else {

// Although it would appear to make sense to check that we don't

// have a dangling END block, we will, in fact, ALWAYS appear to

// have a dangling END block.

We stuff the BEGIN string in the

// part before the inferior template and the END string in the

// part after the inferior template.

So for this test to work,

// we would need to look just past the final match.

if (preg_match ($this->REGEX_DYNEND, $rest, $dynend)) {

// $this->error ("malformed dynamic template, dangling END<BR />

" .


"$dynend[1]<BR />

", 1);


$part[] = $rest;

$rest = '';



return $part;



// Description


Parse the template.

If $tag is actually an array, we iterate over


the array elements.

If it is a simple string tag, we may still


recursively parse the template if it contains dynamic templates and


we are configured to automatically load those as well.


function parse_internal ($tag) {

$debug = $this->DEBUGALL || $this->DEBUG['parse_internal'];

$append = false;

if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ("parse_internal (tag=$tag)");

// If we are handed an array of tags, iterate over all of them.


// is really a holdover from the way class.FastTemplate.php3 worked;

// I think subst() already pulls that array apart for us, so this

// should not be necessary unless someone calls the internal member

// function directly.

if (gettype($tag) == 'array') {

reset ($tag);

foreach ($tag as $t) {

$this->parse_internal ($t);


} else {

// Load the file if it hasn't already been loaded.

It might be

// nice to put in some logic that reloads the file if it has

// changed since we last loaded it, but that probably gets way too

// complicated and only makes sense if we start keeping it floating

// around between page loads as a persistent variable.

if (!isset($this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['loaded'])) {

if ($this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['dynamic']) {

// Template was declared via define_dynamic().

if ($this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['parent'])

$tag = $this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['parent'];

else {

// Try to find a non-dynamic template with the same file.

// This would have been defined via define(array(), true)

reset ($this->TEMPLATE);

foreach (array_keys($this->TEMPLATE) as $ptag) {

if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ("parse_internal: looking for non-dynamic parent, $ptag");

if (!$this->TEMPLATE[$ptag]['dynamic']

&& ($this->TEMPLATE[$ptag]['file'] == $this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['file'])) {

$tag = $ptag;






$this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['string'] = &$this->load($this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['file']);

$this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['loaded'] = 1;


// If we are supposed to automatically detect dynamic templates and the dynamic

// flag is not set, scan the template for dynamic sections.

Dynamic sections

// markers have a very rigid syntax as HTML comments....

if ($this->DYNAMIC) {


= $tag;

if (!isset($this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['parsed'])

|| !$this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['parsed']) {

$this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['part'] = $this->parse_internal_1 ($tag, $this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['string']);

$this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['parsed'] = true;






// Description


class.FastTemplate.php3 compatible interface.


// Notes


I prefer the name `subst' to `parse' since during this phase we are


really doing variable substitution into the template.

However, at


some point we have to load and parse the template and `subst' will


do that as well...


function parse ($handle, $tag, $autoload = true) {

return $this->subst ($handle, $tag, $autoload);



// Description


Perform substitution on the template.

We do not really recurse


downward in the sense that we do not do subsitutions on inferior



For each inferior template which is a part of this


template, we insert the current value of their results.


// Notes


Do I want to make this return a reference?

function subst ($handle, $tag, $autoload = true) {

$append = false;

$debug = $this->DEBUGALL || $this->DEBUG['subst'];

$this->LAST = $handle;

if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ("subst (handle=$handle, tag=$tag, autoload=$autoload)");

// For compatibility with FastTemplate, the results need to overwrite

// for an array.

This really only seems to be useful in the case of

// something like


$t->parse ('MAIN', array ('array', 'main'));

// Where the 'main' template has a variable named MAIN which will be

// set on the first pass (i.e., when parasing 'array') and used on the

// second pass (i.e., when parsing 'main').

if (gettype($tag) == 'array') {

foreach (array_values($tag) as $t) {

if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ("subst: calling subst($handle,$t,$autoload)");

$this->subst ($handle, $t, $autoload);


return $this->HANDLE[$handle];


// Period prefix means append result to pre-existing value.

if (substr($tag,0,1) == '.') {

$append = true;

$tag = substr ($tag, 1);

if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ("subst (handle=$handle, tag=$tag, autoload=$autoload) in append mode");


// $this->TEMPLATE[$tag] will only be set if it was explicitly

// declared via define(); i.e., inferior templates will not have an

// entry.

if (isset($this->TEMPLATE[$tag])) {

if (!isset($this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['parsed'])

|| !$this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['parsed'])

$this->parse_internal ($tag);

} else {

if (!$this->DYNAMIC) {

$this->error ("subst (handle=$handle, tag=$tag, autoload=$autoload): " .

'no such tag and dynamic templates are turned off', true);


if ($autoload) {

if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ("subst: TEMPLATE[tag=$tag] not found, trying autoload");

foreach (array_keys($this->TEMPLATE) as $t) {

if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ("subst: calling parse_internal (tag=$t)");

if (!isset($this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['parsed'])

|| !$this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['parsed'])

$this->parse_internal ($t);


if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ('subst: retrying with autoload = false');

$this->subst ($handle, $tag, false);

if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ('subst: completed with autoload = false');


} else {

$this->error ("subst (handle=$handle, tag=$tag, autoload=$autoload):

no such tag", true);



if (!$append) {

$this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['result'] = '';

if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ("subst (handle=$handle, tag=$tag, autoload=$autoload) in overwrite mode");


if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ('subst: type(this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['part']) => ' .


// Hmmm, clear() called before subst() seems to result in this not

// being defined which leaves me a bit confused....

$result = '';

if (isset($this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['part'])) {

reset ($this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['part']);

foreach (array_keys($this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['part']) as $p) {

if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ("subst: looking at TEMPLATE[$tag]['part'][$p]");

$tmp = $this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['part'][$p];

// Don't try if ($p == 'parent')....

if (strcmp ($p, 'parent') == 0) {

if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ("subst: skipping part $p");

$tmp = '';

} else if (gettype($this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['part'][$p]) == 'string') {

if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ("subst: using part $p");

reset ($this->VAR);

// Because we treat VAR and HANDLE separately (unlike

// class.FastTemplate.php3), we have to iterate over both or we

// miss some substitutions and are not 100% compatible.

while (list($key,$val) = each ($this->VAR)) {

if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ("subst: substituting VAR $key = $val in $tag");

$key = '{'.$key.'}';

$tmp = str_replace ($key, $val, $tmp);


reset ($this->HANDLE);

while (list($key,$val) = each ($this->HANDLE)) {

if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ("subst: substituting HANDLE $key = $val in $tag");

$key = '{'.$key.'}';

$tmp = str_replace ($key, $val, $tmp);


$result .= $tmp;

} else {

$xtag = $this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['part'][$p]['tag'];

if ($debug) {

$this->logwrite ("subst: substituting other tag $xtag result in $tag");


// The assignment is a no-op if the result is not set, but when

// E_ALL is in effect, a warning is generated without the

// isset() test.

if (isset ($this->TEMPLATE[$xtag]['result']))

$result .= $this->TEMPLATE[$xtag]['result'];




if ($this->STRICT) {

// If quiet-mode is turned on, skip the check since we're not going

// to do anything anyway.

if (!$this->QUIET) {

if (preg_match ($this->REGEX_VAR, $result)) {

$this->error ("<B>unmatched tags still present in $tag</B><BR />");



} else {

$result = preg_replace ($this->REGEX_VAR, '', $result);


if ($append) {

if ($debug) {

$this->logwrite ("subst: appending TEMPLATE[$tag]['result'] = $result");

$this->logwrite ("subst: old HANDLE[$handle] = {$this->HANDLE[$handle]}");

$this->logwrite ("subst: old TEMPLATE[$tag]['result'] = {$this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['result']}");


// The isset() tests are to suppresss warning when E_ALL is in effect

// and the variables have not actually been set yet (even though the

// user specified append-mode).

if (isset ($this->HANDLE[$handle]))

$this->HANDLE[$handle] .= $result;


$this->HANDLE[$handle] = $result;

if (isset ($this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['result']))

$this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['result'] .= $result;


$this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['result'] = $result;

if ($debug) {

$this->logwrite ("subst: new HANDLE[$handle] = {$this->HANDLE[$handle]}");

$this->logwrite ("subst: new TEMPLATE[$tag]['result'] = {$this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['result']}");


} else {

if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ("subst: setting TEMPLATE[$tag]['result'] = $result");


= $result;

$this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['result'] = $result;


return $this->HANDLE[$handle];



// Description


Clear a block from a template.

The intent is to remove an inferior


template from a parent.

This works even if the template has already


been parsed since we go straight to the specified template and clear


the results element.

If the given template has not yet been


loaded, the load is forced by calling parse_internal().


function clear_dynamic ($tag = NULL) {

$debug = $this->DEBUGALL || $this->DEBUG['clear_dynamic'];

if (is_null ($tag)) {

// Clear all result elements.

Uhm, needs to be tested.

if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ("clear_dynamic (NULL)");

foreach (array_values ($this->TEMPLATE) as $t) {

$this->clear_dynamic ($t);



} else if (gettype($tag) == 'array') {

if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ("clear_dynamic ($tag)");

foreach (array_values($tag) as $t) {

$this->clear_dynamic ($t);




else if (!isset($this->TEMPLATE[$tag])) {

if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ("clear_dynamic ($tag) --> $tag not set, calling parse_internal");

$this->parse_internal ($tag);

// $this->TEMPLATE[$tag] = array ();


if ($debug)

$this->logwrite ("clear_dynamic ($tag)");

// $this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['loaded']

= true;

// $this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['string']

= '';

$this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['result'] = '';

// $this->TEMPLATE[$tag]['clear']

= true;



// Description


Clear the results of a handle set by parse().

The input handle can


be a single value, an array, or the PHP constant NULL.

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