·出版社:Kaplan Publishing
·页码:272 页码
·开本:16开 16开
SAT为Scholastic Assessment Test的缩写,是美国高中生进入美国大学所必须参加的考试,也是世界各国高中生申请进入美国大学本科学习能否被录取及能否得到奖学金的重要参考。
SAT考试分为两部分,包括SATⅠ:推理测验(Reasoning Test)和SATⅡ:专项测验(Subject Tests)包括数学、物理、化学、生物等。SATⅠ考试时间为3小时,主要测验考生的语文、数学推理能力,满分是1600分。SATⅡ考试时间1小时,大部分为选择题,主要考察考生某一专业的知识。
Book Description
Maximize Your SAT Math Score
Targeted Review
Kaplan's SAT Math Workbook: Fifth Edition focuses your preparation on exactly the key concepts you need to know. This targeted review helps you maximize your study time and build the skills you need to score higher.
Realistic Practice
Each chapter in this book comes with in-depth practice sets with complete explanations for every answer. In addition, you can test your skills on 2 practice math exams. Question after question, practice set after practice set, you will build the skills and confidence you need.
Tips & Tools
In SAT Math Workbook: Fifth Edition you receive helpful techniques and strategies for conquering the toughest math questions on the SAT. In addition, you can get a bird's eye view of the test with Kaplan's Exclusive Top 100 SAT Math Concepts.
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Book Dimension :
length: (cm)27.8 width:(cm)21.4