
Monkey portraits(猴子脸)|报价¥85.80|图书,进口原版,Art & Photography 艺术与摄影,Photography 摄影,

王朝王朝水庫·作者佚名  2008-05-23
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

目录:图书,进口原版,Art & Photography 艺术与摄影,Photography 摄影,




·页码:112 页码






·开本:16开 16开


Book Description

We share about 98 percent of our DNA with chimpanzees, our closest biological cousins. And never have the similarities between simians and humans been so amusingly and brilliantly captured as in Monkey Portratis. Jill Greenberg has spent 15 years photographing celebrities--from Clint Eastwood to Drew Barrymore--for leading publications, but has recently focused on actors of a different sort. She has been photographing monkeys and apes, many of whom have appeared on film or in television shows. Her intimate portraits of these animals convey a startling range of emotions and personalities, and evoke an almost eerie sense of recognition. Each of these 76 amazingly anthropomorphic photographs will remind you of someone you know. These monkeys in all their glory will cause you to laugh out loud and to wonder just how different we truly are.

Book Dimension

length: (cm)26.3 width:(cm)21.4


Jill Greenberg shoots advertising and celebrity portrait photography for Dreamworks, Sony Pictures, HBO,Bacardi, Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair, Time,andNewsweek.She is a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, and now lives in Los Angeles with her husband, Robert, her children, and her dog, Scooter.


Spot Reviews

Absolutely Wonderful ,September 7, 2006

By Wantz Upon A Time Reviews "www.wantzuponatime... (Chicago)

Some say they're just animals. Others say they're almost human. What is it about monkeys and apes that fascinate us? Whatever the reason, we love them, and this is what Jill Greenberg celebrates in her new photographic collection, Monkey Portraits.

Old world or new, the monkeys and apes are captured in a range of emotions. Somber to silly, bored to brash, these primates will startle you with the depth of their emotions. As Greenberg points out, the beings caught in these intimate portraits can look surprisingly human, expectedly animal, or both. Either way, as you page through, you'll see a set of eyes here or a mouth there that look as though they could belong to someone you know.

Greenberg's skills behind the lens are starkly apparent. She has managed to bring forth a stunning array of emotions generally reserved for human "people." Anyone can take pictures, but Greenberg can go beyond the photo to that moment between breaths where the truly remarkable can be found.

Are monkeys and apes "mere" animals? Are they something more? Bring this stunning volume home and decide for yourself.

Reviewed by Christina Wantz Fixemer (9/6/2006)

Customer Reviews

1.A wonderful book...,May 30, 2007

By Mark Bollobas "onelittleboy" (Memphis, TN, USA)

I first came across Monkey Portraits on a dodgy Russian website - I've forgotten its url now, but the photos stuck in my mind and I promised myself that if I ever found out who was responsible for these images, I'd snap the book up asap. When I did find it on amazon I bought it immediately.

The photographs are enchanting. My favourite is sadly the image on the cover - this is mildly frustrating as I hoped there would be more that grabbed my attention - and there is no doubt that Jill Greenberg is an excellent photographer. However, after leafing through it, I came away feeling a little unsatisfied. The book is wonderful, but I had expectations that I would be moved more than I was. My only complaints (and they are minor ones) are that the book isn't a truly oversized coffee table book, and that there aren't more images.

However, for the price it is a true bargain. And while it isn't a coffee table sized tome, the book has had pride of place on my coffee table (on the top) ever since it arrived. So far, everyone who has seen it has loved it. Both children and adults can't believe that the photographs are actually of monkeys - if I had a dollar for every 30+ year-old who said "this was done by computers," I'd have quite a few dollars!

I hope Ms Greenberg comes out with a larger second edition. Until then, you can't go wrong with this book. Highly recommended as a gift for yourself, or someone you know (as long as they don't look like a monkey)!

2. An antidote to misery and self-absorption,June 15, 2007

By Ayun Halliday "Author of No Touch Monkey!" (Beautiful Brooklyn New York)

Bookmark the incredible portrait of the guileless, seemingly delighted "Baby Monke"y and you can cancel the appointment with your shrink. I wish it came as wallpaper.

Also unforgettable is Anxiety, a perfectly titled portrait of Josh, the macaque also featured on the cover.




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