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Book Description
In his most provocative and caustically funny book yet, Greg Palast, author of the national bestseller The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, once again gives us the straight scoop on the stories that Big Media won’t report. Digging up reams of documents marked “secret” and “confidential,” Palast provides the latest lowdown on Bush’s secret plans to seize Iraq’s oil, the fix planned for the 2008 election, who drowned New Orleans, and the horror and the humor of the War on Terror. With diligent detective work, moral outrage, and a keen sense of the absurd, Palast takes on the “armed and dangerous clowns that rule us” as only he can.
FromPublishers Weekly
Palast (The Best Democracy Money can Buy) is a refreshing, fearless witness to the American political landscape-and he doesn't really care whether or not you like him for it: "I am not a nice man. You want something heartwarming ... buy a puppy." Though Palast comes right out and calls George Bush II un-American ("'Greg, you have no respect for the office of the President.' No, I don't. Not one iota."), the author is not another TV or radio personality with an axe to grind. A former corporate fraud and racketeering investigator, Palast is an economist and investigative journalist, and his arguments are based on research and fact. At once scary, infuriating, fascinating and frustrating, this book covers almost all the controversial political territory of the new century (see the subtitle), including Hurricane Katrina. Palast believes that this crucial period has put every working citizen's rights at stake-"from the Wage and Hour Law's 40-hour week to the Clayton Antitrust Law"-and his well-reasoned outrage makes a convincing case. Unfortunately, Palast is short on solutions; the only actions he advocates are signing up at his web site and voting the bums out-even though, as Palast points out, Bush already "lost the election. TWICE."
America needs more fire-breathing investigative reporters like Greg Palast. He is passionate about America and passionate about exposing the crimes, greedy plots, and crooked world-influencing schemes of the Bush Administration and its international cronies. What's refreshing is Palast's ability to also mock himself as his excoriating, deeply researched screed unfolds. Does he relent as we near the end of the final CD? No, Palast ramps up the intensity and outrage, as real patriots are known to do. Add a star-studded guest list of readers, actors, activists, and various others to Palast's angry and deeply aware delivery, shake gently, and watch the fireworks. D.J.B.
Book Dimension
length: (cm)20.3 width:(cm)13.8
GREG PALAST is the author The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, a New York Times bestseller—it spent 6 months on the list—and produced and starred in the hit BBC documentary Bush Family Fortunes. His undercover reports appear regularly in Harper’s magazine, on BBC’s Newsnight, and on Pacifica’s Democracy Now! Palast has won numerous awards for his investigative journalism, including six Project Censored awards and the Guerrilla News Network Reporter of the Year.