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With over 100 million blogs out there, how do a small number of bloggers set themselves apart from the pack? That's the question that drove Michael A. Banks to go out and sit down with thirty of the best-known blogger and try to find out what makes their blogs influential, ground-breaking, and singularly successful. These thirty bloggers have been featured in "Wired" magazine, the "Wall Street Journal", "Popular Science", and on CNN, NPR, and MSBNC. For some it's an addictive hobby, for others it's how they make a living. But for all of them, it's their passion. 'For me, the future of journalism is blogging' - Mary Jo Foley, All About Microsoft. 'I do my best thinking via my blogs' - Chris Anderson, The Long Tail.'One of the true beauties and powers of blogs is that they can give voice to people who are not heard' - Frank Warren, PostSecret. 'When I look out at the blogosphere, I don't see lots of inconsequential blogs. I see lots of possibility' - Gina Trapani, Lifehacker.com. The bloggers interviewed in "Blogging Heroes" include: Steve Garfield; Grant Robertson; Victor Agreda; Mark Frauenfelder; Eric T.; Robert Scoble; Richard MacManus; Gary Lee; Deidre Woollard; Rebecca Lieb; Steve Rubel; Scott McNulty; Gina Trapani; Mary Jo Foley; Brad Hill; Philipp Lenssen; Chris Grant; Kristin Darguzas; Brian Lam; Joel Comm; Peter Rojas; Mike Masnick; Deborah Petersen; Ken Fisher; John Neff; Frank Warren; Dave Rothman; Dave Taylor; Ina Steiner; and, Chris Anderson.