品牌:Michael Masterson
·出版社:John Wiley & Sons
·页码:247 页码
InSeven Years to Seven Figures,self-made millionaire and renowned wealth coach Michael Masterson reveals the steps you can take to accumulate seven-figure wealth within seven years—or less.Seven Years to Seven Figureswill give you the tools to increase your income, get the highest possible returns on investments, save wisely—and secure your financial future faster than you may have ever dreamed.
MICHAEL MASTERSONhas developed a loyal following through his writings in Early to Rise (www.earlytorise.com), an e-newsletter published by Agora, Inc. that mentors more than 160,000 success-oriented individuals to help them achieve their financial goals. Masterson has been making money for himself and others for almost four decades. At one time or another, he's owned and run multi-million dollar companies that were public/private, onshore/overseas, local/international, service-/product-oriented, retail/wholesale/direct mail, and even profit/not-for-profit. Masterson is the author of theWall Street JournalbestsellersAutomatic Wealth: The Six Steps to Financial Independence;Automatic Wealth for Grads . . . and Anyone Else Just Starting Out;Power and Persuasion: How to Command Success in Business and Your Personal Life(all published by Wiley); andConfessions of a Self-Made Millionaire.
From Publishers Weekly
This is not the book for people who merely want to enjoy a comfortable retirement, but for those whose goal is nothing less than becoming fabulously wealthy. Masterson (Automatic Wealth) derides what he calls the "pinch-save-and-wait" philosophy of contributing the maximum to one's 401(k) and depending on compound interest and time to work their magic. Such tactics, he says, can take decades to bear fruit, whereas most of his clients are baby boomers who hope to realize astonishing gains in a few short years. The first part of the book is about "super-sizing" one's income to six-figure levels in order to free up money for investing in one's own businesses, and soaking up knowledge from mentors and bosses. The rest contains numerous stories of self-made millionaires (almost all from sales and direct marketing) along with Masterson's advice: invest in businesses you understand and, more importantly, can actually control; be entrepreneurial and a risk taker; never stop networking and selling yourself; invest heavily in real estate. Masterson's aggressive, gratingly self-promotional message is oddly out of synch with Dietz's gentle, avuncular, let's-chat-on-the-porch narration. Dietz's wonderful storytelling voice is wasted on this get-rich-quick scheme.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.--This text refers to theAudio CDedition.
A publishing entrepreneur, writer, and businessman states that all it takes to build a million-dollar net worth is to work hard at a good job, start a business on the side, and invest wisely. He conveys a broad can-do focus that reaches beyond money matters into the realms of health and fitness, individual growth, and social ideals. Eight success stories illustrate how people, some in impossible financial condition, parlayed their day jobs and side businesses into significant net worth. The author seems blissfully unaware of the tone of arrogance in his writing. To make matters worse, Norman Dietz's slow enunciation and over-the-top emotional emphasis detract from this how-to audio lesson. T.W. © AudioFile 2007, Portland, Maine--Copyright © AudioFile, Portland, Maine--This text refers to theAudio CDedition.