品牌:Sir Thomas Browne
·出版社:Penguin Classics
·页码:560 页码
Sir Thomas Browne (1605-82) was a writer of breathtaking range and learning, whose works demonstrate a warm and humorous view of human nature. "Religio Medici" is a fascinating, witty and intimate exploration of his views on faith and tolerance, while substantial selections from "Pseudodoxia Epidemica" display Browne's breadth of knowledge and omnivorous curiosity in his account of common errors in a startling array of subjects including sciences, history, literature and philosophy. "Hydriotaphia" or 'Urn Buriall' is an intriguing meditation on death and the desire for immortality. "The Garden of Cyrus" considers the mysterious order to be found in nature, and "A Letter to a Friend" and the aphoristic "Christian Morals" provide profound spiritual guidance to readers.