点此购买报价¥107.10目录:图书,进口原版,Health, Mind & Body 健康与心理,Self-Help 自助,
·出版社:Harper Paperbacks
·页码:368 页码
·开本:32开 32开
Book Description
Once upon a time Martians and Venusians met, fell in love, and had happy relationships together because they respected and accepted their differences. Then they came to Earth and amnesia set in: they forgot they were from different planets.
Based on years of successful counseling of couples and individuals,Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venushas helped millions of couples transform their relationships. Now viewed as a modern classic, this phenomenal book has helped men and women realize how different they really are and how to communicate their needs in such a way that conflict doesn't arise and intimacy is given every chance to grow.
Amazon.com Audiobook Review
Relationship counselor John Gray focuses on the differences between men and women--men are from Mars, and women are from Venus, after all--and offers a simple solution: couples must acknowledge and accept these differences before they can develop happier relationships. In this unabridged version, Gray gives a spirited delivery of his message, especially when role-playing typical male/female interactions. Although it takes some time to adjust to his slightly nasal tone, the information is sound and gives both men and women helpful hints on improving themselves and their union. (Running time: 9.5 hours, 6 cassettes)
--Sharon Griggins
FromPublishers Weekly
Psychotherapist Gray ( What You Feel You Can Heal ) adds to the growing number of self-help books that assess marital and relationship problems in terms of distinct and pervasive gender differences. Unfortunately, his overuse of gimmicky, often silly analogies and metaphors makes his otherwise down-to-earth guide hard to take seriously. Here Martians (men) play Mr. Fix-It while Venusians (women) run the Home-Improvement Committee; when upset, Martians "go to their caves" (to sort things out alone) while Venusians "go to the well" (for emotional cleansing). While graphically illustrative, the hyperbolic, overextended comparisons, particularly in the chapters that refer to men as rubber bands and women as waves, significantly detract from Gray's realistic insights.
FromLibrary Journal
Couples counselor Gray addresses the topic of male-female relationships with humor, insight, and understanding. Author of What You Feel , You Can Heal (Heart Pub., 1989), he offers practical advice on understanding the opposite sex and achieving satisfactory relationships. He argues that we must accept the fact that men and women have different values, communication styles, and intimate needs, then offers practical tips on avoiding painful arguments, asking for support, and communicating during difficult times. His "Venusian/Martian" phrase dictionary lists statements made by men and women and the ways in which they are often misinterpreted. Written in a light tone that keeps the reader's interest, this is a very helpful source for couples trying to keep love alive. Recommended for self-help and therapy collections.
- Demetria A. Harvin, "Hospital Medicine," New York
The metaphor Dr. Gray uses to describe the psychological separation between the sexes-that men and women are originally from different planets-is clever but oversimplified. Dr. Gray's presentation is upbeat and humorous, and it makes the nearly ten-hour audio production easy to listen to...at first. Many of his points are stressed and restressed-a device this audiobook really doesn't require, considering Gray's preponderance of examples and supporting arguments for each concept. The result is a feeling that the point has been pounded into one's brain. (For some of us, that might be a good thing!) This audiobook may not change your romantic life, but it's a positive step toward trying to unravel the mystery of the sexes. R.A.P.
Book Dimension
length: (cm)20.4 width:(cm)13.6
John Gray, Ph.D., an internationally recognized expert in the fields of communication and relationships, and the author of twelve bestsellers, has been conducting personal-growth seminars for thirty years. He is a Certified Family Therapist (National Academy for Certified Family Therapists), a consulting editor of the Family Journal, a member of the Distinguished Advisory Board of the international Association of Marriage and Family Counselors, and a member of the American Counseling Association. John lives with his wife and three children in Northern California.