品牌:James E. Lukaszewski
·页码:240 页码
How to be the best, most useful, trusted, and loyal advisor at all times
Named by PR Week as one of 22 "crunch-time counselors who should be on the speed dial in a crisis," PR and crisis management expert Jim Lukaszewski shows consultants and advisors how to become a trusted advisor to senior executives as well as the best advisor they can possibly be. He outlines the five disciplines that anyone who counsels a CEO should embrace and also provides the leaders who employ consultants with a working tool to teach advisors how to consult effectively, how to set appropriate expectations for them, and to teach them how to better serve.James E. Lukaszewski (White Plains, NY) is the founder and President of The Lukaszewski Group. His name appeared in Corporate Legal Times as one of "28 Experts to Call When All Hell Breaks Loose."
James E. Lukaszewskiis the founder, CEO, and chairman of The Lukaszewski Group Inc. He is a trusted advisor who helps leaders and managers contain and counteract tough, touchy, sensitive corporate management issues on a daily basis. His website—www.e911.com—is considered to be among the most important in crisis management and public relations.
"the book offers smart and practical advice that will help advisors who want to have a real impact on their boss and the organization they work for." (About.com, January 14, 2008)