Rookie award (10 points) (初入网坛)
Complete the Amateur level in career.(以业余难度完成生涯模式)
Newcomer Award (20 points) (年度新人)
Complete the Challenger level in career. (以挑战者难度完成生涯模式)
Orange Prize (40 points) (初露锋芒)
Complete the Junior level in career. (以初级难度完成生涯模式)
Legends Club (50 points) (网坛老将)
Complete the Pro level in career. (以职业及难度完成生涯模式)
Lemon Prize (70 points) (传奇巨星)
Complete the Legend level in career. (以传奇难度完成生涯模式)
Two in a row (20 points) (双冠王)
Win 2 consecutive tournaments in the Pro level in career. (以职业及难度连续赢得两次锦标赛胜利)
Big Spender (40 points) (挥金如土)
Unlock 300 items in the mall. (解锁300个道具)
Experienced (40 points) (久经沙场)
Reach an Overall of 70 with a created player.(用一个自创球员使他的平均能力达到70)
Played cash. (30 points) (丰厚奖金)
Win $5,000,000 in Career mode. (在生涯模式中赢得五百万美金)
Here you go! (5 points) (费德勒不是一天练就的)
Create a player with the Player Creator.(自创一名球员)
Big names club (20 points) (星光大道)
Complete the Hall Of Fame in career mode on hard difficulty. (以难难度完成生涯模式中的名人堂模式)
Trigger Happy (20 points) (基本战术)
Hit 500 winners from the baseline in singles matches. (在单人比赛中累计500次底线得分)
First liner (30 points) (网前截击)
Hit 250 winners at the net in singles matches. .(在单人比赛中累计250次网前得分)
Mean server (20 points) (真 Ace 瞬狱杀)
Serve 100 aces in singles matches. (在单人比赛中累计发100个ACE球)
2K award (20 points) (2K大奖)
Win 2000 points in singles matches.(在单人比赛中赢得2000分)
Faster this way (20 points) (Ace瞬杀)
Serve at least 10 aces in a singles match.(一场比赛中发十个ACE球)
No kidding (20 points) (完胜)
Win a singles match with at least 30 winners, less than 10 unforced errors
on hard difficulty.(以少于10次失误,赢得对手超过30分,难 难度的条件下赢得一场比赛)
Men’s award (25 points) (拉锯战)
Win a singles match with 5 sets per match and 6 games per set on hard
difficulty.(以五局三胜,每局六场难 难度的条件下赢得一场比赛)
Focused award (15 points) (轻松获胜)
Win a singles match with 3 sets per match and 3 games per set with less
than 10 unforced errors.(以三局两胜,每局三场且少于10次失误的情况下赢得一场比赛)
Rusher award (15 points) (速推)
Win a singles match with 3 sets per match and 3 games per set with at
least 20 winners at net..(以三局两胜,每局三场且至少在网前的情况下赢得一场比赛)
Not that tough (20 points) (不败金身)
Win 10 consecutive singles matches on hard difficulty without dropping
serve. (不输掉发球局,并且在hard难度下连赢10场)
Court Regular (30 points) (重在参与)
Play 100 matches (singles or doubles, in any game mode). (完成100场比赛 任何模式下,单双打均可)
World premiere (20 points) (全球制霸)
Win a World Tour match. (赢得一次世界巡回赛)
Keep it up (20 points) (势如破竹)
Win 5 consecutive World Tour matches. (连续赢得五次世界巡回赛)It's all about timing, see? (40 points) (连战连捷)
Win 10 consecutive World Tour matches. (连续赢得十次世界巡回赛)
World career (30 points) (世界之旅)
Play 100 matches in World Tour. (完成100场世界巡回赛)
100 mixed (20 points) (男女搭配)
Play 50 matches in women's World Tour and 50 matches in men's World Tour.(用男性和女性选手各完成50场世界巡回赛)
Beaten em' all (30 points) (我是费天王)
Win a Grand Slam tournament in World Tour. (夺得大满贯)
Season's 5000s (30 points) (5000大关)
Win 5000 points in a World Tour Season. (在世界巡回赛的赛季中得到5000分)
That goes with glory (40 points) (职业巨星)
Win $1,000,000 World Tour Prize money.(在世界巡回赛中赢得一百万美金)
Grid-top regular (30 points) (棋逢对手)
Reach 4 finals in a World Tour season. (在世界巡回赛中四次进入决赛)
Local Champ (20 points) (本土冠军)
Enter your geographical zone's top 1000 (at least 20 matches played in
World Tour). (在你所在地的Xbox LIVE上排名进入前1000,至少进行过20场次的世界巡回赛)
Tennis elbow (0 points) (胜败乃兵家常事)
Lose a singles match on Xbox LIVE without winning a game. (在线上比赛中输掉一场比赛)
Tennis teacher (20 points) (好的开始)
Win a singles match on Xbox LIVE without losing a game. (在线上比赛中赢得一场比赛)
World Tour Regular (20 points) (球龄5年)
Play 5 seasons in World Tour.(完成5赛季的世界巡回赛)
School’s Out (10 points) (巨星的摇篮)
Complete every lesson in the Top Spin School. (完成所有教程)
Tournament hot shot (50 points) (无冕之王)
Win all tournaments in Tournament mode.(在锦标赛模式中赢得所有锦标赛)
Half the way (20 points) (路漫漫其修远)
Win 1000 points in singles matches, in any game mode against any opponent.(在一场比赛中得到1000奖励份
Safeplay award (10 points) (完美主义者)
Win a set with no unforced errors in a singles match, in any game mode,
against any opponent. (在一场比赛中没有失误,模式,对手不限)
Warmed up (5 points) (临战状态)
Win a singles match, in any game mode against any opponent.(赢得一场比赛,模式,对手不限)
Winning duo (5 points) (黄金组合)
Win a doubles match. (赢得一场双人比赛)