


扩展 MAPI 方法

CDO 1.21 方法

ActiveX 数据对象 (ADO) 方法

WebDAV 方法

概要本文描述如何使用 Microsoft Visual C、Microsoft Visual C++、Microsoft Visual Basic 和 Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) 在运行 Microsoft Exchange 的服务器上以编程方式检索有关邮箱大小的信息。
更多信息扩展 MAPI 方法可用的编程语言:Visual C 和 Visual C++
Exchange Server 版本:Exchange Server 5.5、Exchange 2000 和 Exchange 2003
扩展 MAPI 提供了 IExchangeManageStore 接口以从 Exchange 信息存储区获得管理信息。此接口提供了 GetMailboxTable 函数,该函数返回包含有关特定服务器上邮箱信息的 IMAPITable 接口。请注意此函数要求具有对运行 Exchange Server 的服务器的管理权限。
此表包含的列提供了有关每个邮箱大小的信息。PR_MESSAGE_SIZE 属性包含邮箱的大小(以字节为单位)。
有关其他信息,请访问下面的 Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) 网站: IExchangeManageStore::GetMailboxTable
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/exchserv/html/intrface_24it.asp (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/exchserv/html/intrface_24it.asp)
有关其他信息,请单击下面的文章编号,以查看 Microsoft 知识库中相应的文章: 200160 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/200160/) 如何使用 GetMailboxTable 循环完 Exchange 上的邮箱
CDO 1.21 方法可用的编程语言:VBScript、Visual Basic、Visual C 和 Visual C++
Exchange Server 版本:Exchange Server 5.5、Exchange 2000 和 Exchange 2003
可以使用协作数据对象 (CDO) 1.21 通过 CDO InfoStore 对象,检查用户邮箱存储上的相同属性。在此方法中,应用程序必须先登录到邮箱,然后才可以检查此属性。这意味着应用程序必须能够访问服务器上的所有邮箱。此方法还要求生成服务器上邮箱的列表,并在代码中循环完这些邮箱。
下面的示例是一个简单的 VBScript 代码示例,可以检查邮箱上的此属性。要使用此示例,请将下面的代码粘贴到一个新的文本文件,然后将此文件命名为 Mailboxsize.vbs: 'This script logs on to a server that is running Exchange Server and'displays the current number of bytes that are used in the user's'mailbox and the number of messages.' USAGE: cscript MailboxSize.vbs SERVERNAME MAILBOXNAME' This requires that CDO 1.21 is installed on the computer.' This script is provided AS IS. It is intended as a SAMPLE only.' Microsoft offers no warranty or support for this script.' Use at your own risk.' Get command line arguments.Dim obArgsDim cArgsSet obArgs = WScript.ArgumentscArgs = obArgs.CountMainSub Main() Dim osession Dim oInfoStores Dim oInfoStore Dim StorageUsed Dim NumMessages Dim strProfileInfo Dim sMsg On Error Resume Next If cArgs 2 Then WScript.Echo "Usage: cscript MailboxSize.vbs SERVERNAME MAILBOXNAME" Exit Sub End If 'Create Session object. Set oSession = CreateObject("MAPI.Session") if Err.Number 0 Then sMsg = "Error creating MAPI.Session." sMsg = sMsg %26amp; "Make sure CDO 1.21 is installed. " sMsg = sMsg %26amp; Err.Number %26amp; " " %26amp; Err.Description WScript.Echo sMsg Exit Sub End If strProfileInfo = obArgs.Item(0) %26amp; vbLf %26amp; obArgs.Item(1) 'Log on. oSession.Logon , , False, True, , True, strProfileInfo if Err.Number 0 Then sMsg = "Error logging on: " sMsg = sMsg %26amp; Err.Number %26amp; " " %26amp; Err.Description WScript.Echo sMsg WScript.Echo "Server: " %26amp; obArgs.Item(0) WScript.Echo "Mailbox: " %26amp; obArgs.Item(1) Set oSession = Nothing Exit Sub End If 'Grab the information stores. Set oInfoStores = oSession.InfoStores if Err.Number 0 Then sMsg = "Error retrieving InfoStores Collection: " sMsg = sMsg %26amp; Err.Number %26amp; " " %26amp; Err.Description WScript.Echo sMsg WScript.Echo "Server: " %26amp; obArgs.Item(0) WScript.Echo "Mailbox: " %26amp; obArgs.Item(1) Set oInfoStores = Nothing Set oSession = Nothing Exit Sub End If 'Loop through information stores to find the user's mailbox. For Each oInfoStore In oInfoStores If InStr(1, oInfoStore.Name, "Mailbox - ", 1) 0 Then '%26amp;HE080003 = PR_MESSAGE_SIZE StorageUsed = oInfoStore.Fields(%26amp;HE080003) if Err.Number 0 Then sMsg = "Error retrieving PR_MESSAGE_SIZE: " sMsg = sMsg %26amp; Err.Number %26amp; " " %26amp; Err.Description WScript.Echo sMsg WScript.Echo "Server: " %26amp; obArgs.Item(0) WScript.Echo "Mailbox: " %26amp; obArgs.Item(1) Set oInfoStore = Nothing Set oInfoStores = Nothing Set oSession = Nothing Exit Sub End If '%26amp;H33020003 = PR_CONTENT_COUNT NumMessages = oInfoStore.Fields(%26amp;H36020003) if Err.Number 0 Then sMsg = "Error Retrieving PR_CONTENT_COUNT: " sMsg = sMsg %26amp; Err.Number %26amp; " " %26amp; Err.Description WScript.Echo sMsg WScript.Echo "Server: " %26amp; obArgs.Item(0) WScript.Echo "Mailbox: " %26amp; obArgs.Item(1) Set oInfoStore = Nothing Set oInfoStores = Nothing Set oSession = Nothing Exit Sub End If sMsg = "Storage Used in " %26amp; oInfoStore.Name sMsg = sMsg %26amp; " (bytes): " %26amp; StorageUsed WScript.Echo sMsg WScript.Echo "Number of Messages: " %26amp; NumMessages End If Next ' Log off. oSession.Logoff ' Clean up memory. Set oInfoStore = Nothing Set oInfoStores = Nothing Set oSession = NothingEnd Sub
ActiveX 数据对象 (ADO) 方法可用的编程语言:VBScript、Visual Basic、Visual C 和 Visual C++
Exchange Server 版本:Exchange 2000 和 Exchange 2003
在 Exchange 2000 和 Exchange 2003 中,您可以通过 ActiveX 数据对象 (ADO) 访问 Exchange 信息存储区。存储在邮箱上的属性均不包含总计大小。但是,用户邮箱中的每个文件夹各自的大小存储在名为 http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/x0e080003 的字段中。这与 MAPI 属性 (PR_MESSAGE_SIZE) 对应。
通过将用户邮箱中所有文件夹的大小相加,可以计算出邮箱的总计大小。为此,请使用 SHALLOW 遍历以递归方式遍历邮箱中的文件夹。虽然可以使用 DEEP 遍历,但由于 DEEP 遍历会引起问题,因此,避免使用此方法。 有关 DEEP 遍历问题的其他信息,请单击下面的文章编号,以查看 Microsoft 知识库中相应的文章: 216076 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/216076/) 在 Exchange 中访问信息存储文件夹的速度可能会变慢
使用此方法时,必须在运行 Exchange 2000 的服务器上运行代码。Exchange 的 OLE DB 提供程序 (EXOLEDB) 无法远程访问邮箱。
下面的示例是一个简单的 VBScript 代码示例,可以检索邮箱的大小。要使用此示例,请将下面的代码粘贴到一个新的文本文件,然后将此文件命名为 Mailboxsize.vbs: 'This script logs on to a server that is running Exchange 2000 or 2003 and'displays the current number of bytes that are used in the user's'mailbox.' USAGE: cscript MailboxSize.vbs DOMAINNAME MAILBOXNAME' You must run this code on the computer that is running Exchange 2000 or 2003.' This script is provided AS IS. It is intended as a SAMPLE only.' Microsoft offers no warranty or support for this script.' Use at your own risk.' Get command line argumentsDim obArgsDim cArgsDim iSizeSet obArgs = WScript.ArgumentscArgs = obArgs.CountMainSub Main() Dim sConnString On Error Resume Next If cArgs 2 Then WScript.Echo "Usage: cscript MailboxSize.vbs DOMAINNAME MAILBOXNAME" Exit Sub End If ' Set up connection string to mailbox. sConnString = "file://./backofficestorage/" %26amp; obArgs.Item(0) sConnString = sConnString %26amp; "/mbx/" %26amp; obArgs.Item(1) %26amp; "/NON_IPM_SUBTREE" WScript.Echo sConnString iSize = 0 RecurseFolder(sConnString) WScript.Echo "Mailbox Size: " %26amp; iSizeEnd SubPublic Sub RecurseFolder(sConnString) Dim oConn Dim oRecSet Dim sSQL ' Set up SQL SELECT statement. sSQL = "SELECT ""http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/x0e080003"", " sSQL = sSQL %26amp; """DAV:href"", " sSQL = sSQL %26amp; """DAV:hassubs"" " sSQL = sSQL %26amp; "FROM SCOPE ('SHALLOW TRAVERSAL OF """ %26amp; sConnString sSQL = sSQL %26amp; """') WHERE ""DAV:isfolder"" = true" WScript.Echo sSQL ' Create Connection object. Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") if Err.Number 0 then WScript.Echo "Error creating ADO Connection object: " %26amp; Err.Number %26amp; " " %26amp; Err.Description end if ' Create RecordSet object. Set oRecSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") if Err.Number 0 then WScript.Echo "Error creating ADO RecordSet object: " %26amp; Err.Number %26amp; " " %26amp; Err.Description Set oConn = Nothing Exit Sub end if ' Set provider to EXOLEDB. oConn.Provider = "Exoledb.DataSource" ' Open connection to folder. oConn.Open sConnString if Err.Number 0 then WScript.Echo "Error opening connection: " %26amp; Err.Number %26amp; " " %26amp; Err.Description Set oRecSet = Nothing Set oConn = Nothing Exit Sub end if ' Open Recordset of all subfolders in folder. oRecSet.CursorLocation = 3 oRecSet.Open sSQL, oConn.ConnectionString if Err.Number 0 then WScript.Echo "Error opening recordset: " %26amp; Err.Number %26amp; " " %26amp; Err.Description oRecSet.Close oConn.Close Set oRecSet = Nothing Set oConn = Nothing Exit Sub end if if oRecSet.RecordCount = 0 then oRecSet.Close oConn.Close Set oRecSet = Nothing Set oConn = Nothing Exit Sub end if ' Move to first record. oRecSet.MoveFirst if Err.Number 0 then WScript.Echo "Error moving to first record: " %26amp; Err.Number %26amp; " " %26amp; Err.Description oRecSet.Close oConn.Close Set oRecSet = Nothing Set oConn = Nothing Exit Sub end if ' Loop through all of the records, and then add the size of the ' subfolders to obtain the total size. While oRecSet.EOF True ' Increment size. iSize = iSize + oRecSet.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/x0e080003") ' If the folder has subfolders, recursively call RecurseFolder to process them. If oRecSet.Fields.Item("DAV:hassubs") = True then RecurseFolder oRecSet.Fields.Item("DAV:href") End If ' Move to next record. oRecSet.MoveNext if Err.Number 0 then WScript.Echo "Error moving to next record: " %26amp; Err.Number %26amp; " " %26amp; Err.Description Set oRecSet = Nothing Set oConn = Nothing Exit Sub end if wend ' Close Recordset and Connection. oRecSet.Close if Err.Number 0 then WScript.Echo "Error closing recordset: " %26amp; Err.Number %26amp; " " %26amp; Err.Description Set oRecSet = Nothing Set oConn = Nothing Exit Sub end if oConn.Close if Err.Number 0 then WScript.Echo "Error closing connection: " %26amp; Err.Number %26amp; " " %26amp; Err.Description Set oRecSet = Nothing Set oConn = Nothing Exit Sub end if ' Clean up memory. Set oRecSet = Nothing Set oConn = NothingEnd Sub
有关此主题和检索邮箱大小的 Visual C++ 示例的其他信息,请单击下面的文章编号,以查看 Microsoft 知识库中相应的文章: 291368 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/291368/) 如何在 C++ 中使用 ADO 确定 Exchange 2000 Server 邮箱的大小
WebDAV 方法语言:VBScript、Visual Basic 和 Visual C
Exchange Server 版本:Exchange 2000 和 Exchange 2003
也可以使用 WebDAV 方法(类似于 ADO 方法)。属性和算法是相同的,因为可以从邮箱的所有子文件夹添加 http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/x0e080003 的值。使用 WebDAV 代替 ADO 的一个好处是:代码无须在运行 Exchange 2000 或 Exchange 2003 的计算机上运行。
要使用此示例,请将下面的代码粘贴到一个新的文本文件,然后将此文件命名为 Mailboxsize.vbs: 'This script logs on to a server that is running Exchange Server and'displays the current number of bytes that are used in the user's'mailbox.' USAGE: cscript MailboxSize.vbs SERVERNAME MAILBOXNAME USERNAME PASSWord' SERVERNAME: Name of your Exchange Server' MAILBOXNAME: Your alias (Note: depending on your environment, you may need to use the portion of your' SMTP address left of the '@' symbol instead of your alias.' USERNAME: Your domainname\username '' PASSWORD: Your domain password' This script is provided AS IS. It is intended as a SAMPLE only.' Microsoft offers no warranty or support for this script.' Use at your own risk.' Get command line arguments.Dim obArgsDim cArgsDim iSumSet obArgs = WScript.ArgumentscArgs = obArgs.CountMainSub Main() Dim sUrl Dim sMsg On Error Resume Next iSum = 0 ' Check argument count. If cArgs 4 Then sMsg = "Usage: cscript MailboxSize.vbs " sMsg = sMsg %26amp; "SERVERNAME MAILBOXNAME USERNAME PASSWORD" WScript.Echo sMsg Exit Sub End If sUrl = "http://" %26amp; obArgs.Item(0) %26amp; "/exchange/" %26amp; obArgs.Item(1) %26amp; "/NON_IPM_SUBTREE" wscript.echo sUrl RecurseFolder(sUrl) WScript.Echo "Mailbox Size: " %26amp; iSumEnd SubPublic Sub RecurseFolder(sUrl) Dim oxmlHttp Dim oXMLDoc Dim oXMLSizeNodes Dim oXMLHREFNodes Dim oXMLHasSubsNodes Dim sQuery Set oxmlhttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.xmlhttp") If Err.Number 0 Then WScript.Echo "Error Creating XML object" WScript.Echo Err.Number %26amp; ": " %26amp; Err.Description Set oXMLHttp = Nothing End If ' Open DAV connection. oXMLHttp.open "SEARCH", sUrl, False, obArgs.Item(2), obArgs.Item(3) If Err.Number 0 Then WScript.Echo "Error opening DAV connection" WScript.Echo Err.Number %26amp; ": " %26amp; Err.Description Set oXMLHttp = Nothing End If ' Set up query. sQuery = "" sQuery = sQuery %26amp; "" sQuery = sQuery %26amp; "SELECT ""http://schemas.microsoft.com/" sQuery = sQuery %26amp; "mapi/proptag/x0e080003"", ""DAV:hassubs"" FROM SCOPE " sQuery = sQuery %26amp; "('SHALLOW TRAVERSAL OF """ %26amp; sUrl %26amp; """') " sQuery = sQuery %26amp; "WHERE ""DAV:isfolder"" = true" sQuery = sQuery %26amp; "" sQuery = sQuery %26amp; "" ' Set request headers. oXMLHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml" oXMLHttp.setRequestHeader "Translate", "f" oXMLHttp.setRequestHeader "Depth", "0" oXMLHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Length", "" %26amp; Len(sQuery) ' Send request. oXMLHttp.send sQuery If Err.Number 0 Then WScript.Echo "Error Sending Query" WScript.Echo Err.Number %26amp; ": " %26amp; Err.Description Set oXMLHttp = Nothing End If ' Load XML. Set oXMLDoc = oXMLHttp.responseXML ' Get the XML nodes that contain the individual sizes. Set oXMLSizeNodes = oXMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("d:x0e080003") ' Get the XML nodes that contain the individual HREFs. Set oXMLHREFNodes = oXMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("a:href") ' Get the XML nodes that contain the individual HasSubs. Set oXMLHasSubsNodes = oXMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("a:hassubs") ' Loop through the nodes, and then add all of the sizes. For i = 0 to oXMLSizeNodes.length - 1 WScript.Echo oXMLHREFNodes.Item(i).nodeTypedValue WScript.Echo "Size: " %26amp; oXMLSizeNodes.Item(i).nodeTypedValue iSum = iSum + oXMLSizeNodes.Item(i).nodeTypedValue ' If the folder has subfolders, call your recursive function to ' process subfolders. If oXMLHasSubsNodes.Item(i).nodeTypedValue = True Then RecurseFolder oXMLHREFNodes.Item(i).nodeTypedValue End If Next ' Clean up. Set oXMLSizeNodes = Nothing Set oXMLDoc = Nothing Set oXMLHttp = NothingEnd Sub
注意:除了本节介绍的编程方法外,还可以通过使用 Exchange 系统管理器将文件夹大小信息导出到文本文件。
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Standard Edition
Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server 标准版
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 标准版
kbhowto KB320071