What is JOSSO?
JOSSO, or Java Open Single Sign-On, is an open source J2EE-based SSO infrastrUCture aimed to provide a solution for centralized platform neutral user authentication.
Pluggable Framework
The Pluggable framework allows to implement and combine multiple authentication schemes with credential stores.
An authentication scheme is a security mechanisms used to verify user identity based on his credentials. Sample authentication schemes are username/passWord authentication or Certificate based authentication.
Credential Stores are repositories for user credentials to be used during the user authentication transaction
You could configure JOSSO to use for example certificate-based authentication scheme oBTaining user X.509 certificates from a database using JDBC.
Multi-platform Single Sign-On
JOSSO uses web services for asserting user identity, allowing the integration of non-Java applications (i.e: PHP, Microsoft ASP, etc.) to the Single Sign-On Service using the SOAP over HTTP protocol.
Reverse Proxy Support
JOSSO comes with a Reverse Proxy component that can be used to create n-tier Single Sign-On configurations.
Standard Based
JOSSO security infrastructure is based on JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service)
JOSSO uses web services implementing Axis as the distributed infrastructure.
JOSSO uses Struts and jsp standards