* 检测一个特定点是否进入一个Actor内
* @param px 特定点的x坐标.
* @param py 特定点的y坐标
* @return假如特定点进入Actor范围内,那么返回true,否则为false;
public boolean isCollidingWith(int px, int py)
if (px = getX() && px <= (getX() + getActorWidth()) &&
py = getY() && py <= (getY() + getActorHeight()) )
return true;
return false;
* 检测一个Actor对象是否碰上了当前的Actor对象。
* @param another 另一个Actor对象
* @return 假如another和当前对象发生碰撞,则返回true,否则为false.
public boolean isCollidingWith(Actor another)
// check if any of our corners lie inside the other actor's
// bounding rectangle
if (isCollidingWith(another.getX(), another.getY())
isCollidingWith(another.getX() + another.getActorWidth(), another.getY())
isCollidingWith(another.getX(), another.getY() + another.getActorHeight())
isCollidingWith(another.getX() + another.getActorWidth(),
another.getY()+ another.getActorHeight()))
return true;
return false;
* 较为通用的矩形碰撞检测方法
* @param ax a矩形左上角x坐标
* @param ay a矩形左上角y坐标
* @param aw a矩形宽度
* @param ah a矩形高度
* @param bx b矩形左上角x坐标
* @param by b矩形左上角y坐标
* @param bw b矩形宽度
* @param bh b矩形高度
* @return
public static final boolean isIntersectingRect(int ax, int ay, int aw,
int ah, int bx, int by, int bw, int bh) {
if (by + bh < ay // is the bottom of b above the top of a?
by ay + ah // is the top of b below bottom of a?
bx + bw < ax // is the right of b to the left of a?
bx ax + aw) // is the left of b to the right of a?
return false;
return true;