
SCSA Exam Questions 06/10/02

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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59. Two types of automatic installations of Solaris 7 :

a. suninstall

b. jumpstart

c. custom jumpstart

d. webstart

ans: B,C

60. Which openboot command shows the openboot version ?

a. printenv

b. .version

c. version

d. banner

ans: B

61. Which openboot command will test the network interface card ?

a. net

b. test net

c. test nic

d. ?net

ans: B

62. Which Openboot command will display the SCSI devices it finds ?

a. probe-scsi

b. test scsi

c. scsi

d. test disks

ans: A

63. The command one would use to view and modify the openboot parameters is :

a. nvram

b. openboot

c. halt parm

d. eeprom

ans: D

64. Which keystroke will cause to bypass the POST while booting ?

a. stop

b. stop-A

c. stop-d

d. control-d

ans: A

65. Which keystroke will cause to enter the diagnostics mode ?

a. stop

b. stop-A

c. stop-d

d. control-d

ans: C

66. Kernel modules are located at:

a. /platform/sparc/kernel

b. /usr/bin

c. /kernel

d. /usr/kernel

e. /etc/system

ans: A, C, D

67. What does the init program do ?

a. last step of the boot process and it starts programs listed in /etc/inittab

b. starts the CDE

c. defines a new local run level

d. initiates a RS-232 connection

ans: A

68. Which run level represents the single user mode ?

a. 0

b. 1

c. 2

d. s

ans: D

69. Which run level represents multiuser with NFS ?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

ans: C

70. What does init level 0 represent ?

a. power down

b. single user mode

c. mutiuser

d. multiuser with NFS support

ans: A

71. What does init level 6 represent ?

a. power down

b. single user

c. multiuser

d. reboot

ans: D

72. Which command displays the current init level ?

a. init �v

b. who

c. who �r

d. state

ans: C

73. 2 commands to change file permissions and modify ACLs ?

a. chmod

b. chown

c. chacl

d. setfacl

ans: A,D

74. Which command is used to view ACLs ?

a. view file

b. perm

c. getfacl

d. setfacl

ans: C

75. What is the 3rd filed in the /etc/passwd file ?

a. UID

b. GID

c. name

d. passWord

ans: A

76. What is the last field in the /etc/passwd file ?

a. password

b. comment

c. home Directory

d. login shell

ans: D

77. True or False: One of the fields in the /etc/shadow file is the user�s login name .

a. True

b. False

ans: B

78. What is the first field in the /etc/shadow file ?

a. UID

b. GID

c. name

d. password

ans: A

79. Which file keeps the information about user groups ?

a. /etc/passwd

b. /etc/shadow

c. /etc/group

d. /etc/groups

ans: C

80. What does the last field of the /etc/group file contain ?

a. GID

b. comma separated user accounts

c. comment

d. login shell

ans: B

81. Which files does the C shell use ?

a. .profile

b. .cshrc

c. .login

d. logout

e. .csh

ans: B,C,D

82. Which file does the Bourne shell use ?

a. .profile

b. .bshrc

c. login

d. logout

ans: A

83. Which shells use the .profile file ?

a. Bourne shell

b. C shell

c. Korn Shell

d. vi

ans: A,C

84. Which file can be used as a template for the .cshrc file for users ?

a. /etc/default/.cshrc

b. /etc/.cshrc

c. /usr/local/.cshrc

d. /etc/skel/local.cshrc

ans: D

85. what is the default signal that goes with the kill command ?





ans: B

86. 2 commands to kill processes :

a. kill

b. hangup

c. init �k

d. pkill

ans: A,D

87. 2 commands to view processes and their attributes :

a. ps

b. pgrep

c. grep

d. find

ans: A,B

88. 2 files that control Access to the cron daemon are:

a. /etc/cron.d/cron.allow

b. /etc/cron.allow

c. /etc/cron.deny

d. /etc/cron.d/cron.deny

ans: A,D

89. Which cron entry will execute the ufsdump command at 3P.M. every sunday ?

a. 0 3 * * 0 ufsdump

b. 0 15 * * 1 ufsdump

c. 0 15 * * 0 ufsdump

d. ufsdump 0 15 * * 0

ans: C

90. Which cron entry will run the �du �k /usr� the command at 11th minute of each hour every

monday ?

a. 11 * * * 1 du �k /usr

b. * 11 * * 1 du �k /usr

c. 11 * * * 0 du �k /usr

d. 11 * * 1 * du �k /usr

ans: A

91. Which command will allow you to schedule a command for execution at a certain time only

once ?

a. cron

b. sched

c. at

d. atq

ans: C

92. Which kind of device names are used by the system ?

a. physical names

b. logical names

c. instance names

d. block device names

ans: A

93. 2 kinds of logical devices are :

a. physical

b. instance

c. raw

d. block

ans: C,D

94. A command that will show raw logical device names is :

a. df

b. dmesg

c. format

d. mount

ans: D

95. 2 commands that will display instance names of devices are:

a. mount

b. sysdef

c. prtconf

d. format

ans: B,C

96. A command that will display logical block names of devices is:

a. df

b. dmesg

c. sysdef

d. format

ans: A

97. 2 commands that can create a partition table on a disk are :

a. prtvtoc

b. format

c. fmthard

d. sysdef

ans: B,C

98. What is the default file system type for hard disks ?

a. FAT


c. UFS


ans: C

99. What is the filesystem used on floppies ?

a. UFS

b. FAT



ans: D

100. Which is the mount point for the file system for the processes ?

a. /

b. /proc

c. /tmp

d. /usr

ans: B

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