/**//**@author 我为J狂 建立日期 2007-4-18**/package net.blogjava.lzqdiy;import java.net.URL;import java.sql.*;import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ProxoolException;import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ProxoolFacade;import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.configuration.JAXPConfigurator;import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.admin.SnapshotIF;public class DBConnection{ private static boolean initialized = false; private static int activeCount = 0; public static Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { Connection connection = null; if (!initialized) { init(); } connection = DriverManager.getConnection("proxool.Develop"); try { SnapshotIF snapshot = ProxoolFacade.getSnapshot("Develop", true); int curActiveCount = snapshot.getActiveConnectionCount();// 获得活动连接数 int availableCount = snapshot.getAvailableConnectionCount();// 获得可得到的连接数 int maxCount = snapshot.getMaximumConnectionCount();// 获得总连接数 if (curActiveCount != activeCount)// 当活动连接数变化时输出信息 { System.out.println("----------------------------------"); System.out .println(curActiveCount + "(active) " + availableCount + "(available) " + maxCount + "(max)"); System.out.println("----------------------------------"); activeCount = curActiveCount; } } catch (ProxoolException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } if (connection != null) { return connection; } else { throw new NullPointerException( "Didn't get connection, which probably means that no Driver accepted the URL"); } } private static void init() { String fileName = "proxool.xml"; URL resourceURL = null; try { if (Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() != null) { resourceURL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() .getResource(fileName); } if (resourceURL == null) { resourceURL = DBConnection.class.getClassLoader().getResource( fileName); } JAXPConfigurator.configure(resourceURL.getFile(), false); Class.forName("org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ProxoolDriver"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ProxoolException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } initialized = true; }}