1. Reliability Theory.
The Need for Network Availability.
Mathematics of Reliability and Availability.
Network Vulnerabilities.
Designing for ImPRoved Network Availability.
2. Bridging and Routing.
Basic Connectivity Considerations.
Bridging for Higher Availability.
Routing for Higher Availability.
3. Multihomed Hosts.
Two Network Interfaces with Independent Addresses.
Two Network Interfaces with One ip Address.
Two Systems with One IP Address.
4. Dial Backup for Permanent Links.
General Considerations.
Dial Backup Approaches.
Basic ISDN Dial Backup.
5. Advanced Dial Backup.
Dial Backup over Asynchronous Links.
Combining Channel for Higher Bandwidth.
Supporting IPX along with IP.
BGP-Driven Dial Backup.
6. Multiple Routers at a Single Site.
Protecting LAN Users from Router Loss.
Dial Backup by One Router for a Line on Another.
Protecting against LAN Segmentation.
7. Hub and Spokes Topology.
Routing Protocols for Hubs with Many Spokes.
Dial Backup with Multiple Dial access Servers.
Using More than One Hub.
8. Connecting to Service Providers.
Multiple Links to an External Network.
Connecting to an Internet Service Provider.
Connecting through Multiple Internet Service Providers.
9. Connecting through Firewalls.
Firewalls Concepts.
Firewalls in a Fully Redundant Network.
Automating Failover in Redundant Firewall Networks.
10. IBM Mainframe Connections.
Data Link Switching (DLSw) Protocol.
DLSw for Ethernet Attached Devices.
DLSw through Firewalls.
11. Disaster Recovery Considerations.
Disaster Recovery Requirements.
Traditional Approaches.
Hot Backup Facility Approaches.
Load Sharing Approaches.
12. Management Considerations.
Network Monitoring.
Configuration Management.
Total Quality Control.