This configuration is for a cisco 4700 router. First we start out with some standard router stuff:
version 11.3
no service passWord-encryption
boot host elab-4700-confg
boot system flash
enable secret xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ip name-server
ipv6 unicast-routing
BGP statements sort to the top of the config in IPv6. Our only peer is the CA*net2 router. Several route redistribution filters have been applied. We are the source for network 3FFE:B00:1800:0/40, so we insert a "bgp network" statement for it. Since we have only one BGP peer, there is no need to accept the routing table. Filter it out, and we will set a default route later. Likewise make sure we do not insert transit routes by mistake (should never happen with this topology, but make doubly sure) (actually I have not been able to get this to work, so it is commented out).
ipv6 bgp neighbor 3FFE:B00:1802:100::2 remote-as 6509
ipv6 bgp neighbor 3FFE:B00:1802:100::2 route-map Accept_none in
! ipv6 bgp neighbor 3FFE:B00:1802:100::2 route-map Local_only out
ipv6 bgp network 3FFE:B00:1800::0/40 summary
Set the timezone.
clock timezone AST -4
clock summer-time ADT recurring
The ethernet interface is used to connect to a test bench at the moment. It has an IPv4 address for management.
interface Ethernet0
ip address
ipv6 address 3FFE:B00:1802:2::0/64 eui-64
The physical ATM interface does the signalling, but we will define subinterfaces to carry the actual data. PVC 1 is the standard 0/5 signalling circuit (UNI). PVC 2 is the standard ILMI 0/16 PVC which picks up the NSAP prefix from the local switch among other things.
interface ATM0
no ip address
atm uni-version 3.1
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
An ATM subinterface is used to connect to the CA*net2 IPv6 router:
interface ATM0.1 point-to-point
description CA*net2 IPv6 link
atm pvc 3 0 100 aal5snap
ipv6 enable
ipv6 address 3FFE:B00:1802:100::3/127
Turn on BGP. This is an IPv4 statement, but is necessary to start BGP and to define our AS.
router bgp 8111
More standard router configs, including a static default for IPv4 since we do not run any IPv4 routing protocols.
ip classless
ip route
logging trap debugging
Here are some useful BGP filters: 1) permit all, 2) deny all, 3) permit only local routes.
ip as-path Access-list 1 permit .*
ip as-path access-list 2 deny .*
ip as-path access-list 3 permit ^$
ip as-path access-list 3 deny .*
Define an IPv6 static default route since we do not accept any BGP routes.
ipv6 route 0::0/0 3FFE:B00:1802:100::2
Set up the BGP filters. We define route maps which make use of the as-path access-lists to deny all incoming, and to send only local routes. The route maps were used earlier in the ipv6 bgp statements.
route-map Accept_none permit 10
match as-path 2
route-map Local_only permit 10
match as-path 3
And, to finsh things off, yet more standard router stuff.
snmp-server community public RO
line con 0
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
session-timeout 60
exec-timeout 60 0
password xxxxx
ntp server