
RFC984 - PCMAIL: A distributed mail system for personal computers

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Network Working Group David D. Clark

Request for Comments: 984 Mark L. Lambert

M. I. T. Laboratory for Computer Science

May 1986

PCMAIL: A Distributed Mail System for Personal Computers

1. Status of this Document

This document is a preliminary discussion of the design of a

personal-computer-based distributed mail system. It is published for

discussion and comment, and does not constitute a standard. As the

proposal may change, implementation of this document is not advised.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

2. IntrodUCtion

Pcmail is a distributed mail system that provides mail service to an

arbitrary number of users, each of which owns one or more personal

computers (PCs). The system is divided into two halves. The first

consists of a single entity called the "repository". The repository

is a storage center for incoming mail. Mail for a Pcmail user can

arrive externally from the Internet or internally from other

repository users. The repository also maintains a stable copy of

each user's mail state (this will hereafter be referred to as the

user's "global mail state"). The repository is therefore typically a

computer with a large amount of disk storage.

The second half of Pcmail consists of one or more "clients". Each

Pcmail user may have an arbitrary number of clients, which are

typically PCs. The clients provide a user with a friendly means of

Accessing the user's global mail state over a network. In order to

make the interaction between the repository and a user's clients more

efficient, each client maintains a local copy of its user's global

mail state, called the "local mail state". Since clients are PCs,

they may not always have access to a network (and therefore to the

global mail state in the repository). This means that the local and

global mail states may not be identical all the time, making

synchronization between local and global mail states necessary.

Clients communicate with the repository via the Distributed Mail

System Protocol (DMSP); the specification for this protocol appears

in appendix A. The repository is therefore a DMSP server in addition

to a mail end-site and storage facility. DMSP provides a complete

set of mail manipulation operations ("send a message", "delete a

message", "print a message", etc.). DMSP also provides special

operations to allow easy synchronization between a user's global mail

state and his clients' local mail states. Particular attention has

been paid to the way in which DMSP operations act on a user's mail

state. All DMSP operations are atomic (that is, they are guaranteed

RFC984 May 1986


either to succeed completely, or fail completely). A client can be

abruptly disconnected from the repository without leaving

inconsistent or damaged mail states.

Pcmail is a mail system for PCs. Its design has therefore been

heavily influenced by several characteristics unique to PCs. First,

PCs are relatively ineXPensive. This means that people may own more

than one PC, perhaps putting one in an Office and one at home.

Second, PCs are portable. Most PCs can be packed up and moved in the

back seat of an automobile, and a few are truly portable--about the

size of a briefcase--and battery-powered. Finally, PCs are

resource-poor. A typical PC has a small amount (typically less than

one megabyte) of main memory and little in the way of mass storage

(floppy-disk drives that can access perhaps 360 kilobytes of data).

Because PCs are relatively inexpensive and people may own more than

one, Pcmail has been designed to allow users multiple access points

to their mail state. Each Pcmail user can have several client PCs,

each of which can access the user's mail by communicating with the

repository over a network. The client PCs all maintain local copies

of the user's global mail state, and synchronize the local and global

states using DMSP.

It is possible, even likely, that many PCs will only infrequently be

connected to a network (and thus be able to communicate with the

repository). The Pcmail design therefore allows two modes of

communication between repository and client. "Interactive mode" is

used when the client PC is always connected to the network. Any

changes to the client's local mail state are immediately also made to

the repository's global mail state, and any incoming mail is

immediately transmitted from repository to client. "Batch mode" is

used by clients that have infrequent access to the repository. Users

manipulate the client's local mail state, queueing the changes as

"actions". When next connected to the repository, the actions are

transmitted, and the client's local mail state is synchronized with

the repository's global mail state.

Finally, the Pcmail design minimizes the effect of using a

resource-poor PC as a client. Mail messages are split into two

parts: a "descriptor" and a "body". The descriptor is a capsule

message summary whose length (typically about 100 bytes) is

independent of the actual message length. The body is the actual

message text, including an RFC-822 standard message header. While the

client may not have enough storage to hold a complete set of

messages, it can always hold a complete set of descriptors, thus

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providing the user with at least a summary of his mail state.

Message bodies can be pulled over from the repository as client

storage becomes available.

The remainder of this document is broken up into the following

sections: first, there is a detailed description of the repository

architecture. This is followed by a description of DMSP, its

operations, and motivation for its design. A third section describes

client architecture. Another section describes a typical DMSP

session between the repository and a client. The final section

discusses the current Pcmail implementation.

3. Repository Architecture

A machine running repository code is typically a medium-to-large size

computer with a large amount of disk storage. It must also be a

permanent network site, since client PCs communicate with the

repository over a network, and rely on the repository's being

available at any time.

The repository must perform several tasks. First, and most

importantly, the repository must efficiently manage a potentially

large number of users and their mail states. Mail must be reliably

stored in a manner that makes it easy for multiple clients to access

the global mail state and synchronize their local mail states with

the global state. Second, the repository must be able to communicate

efficiently with its clients. The protocol used to communicate

between repository and client must be reliable and must provide

operations that (1) allow typical mail manipulation, and (2) support

Pcmail's distributed nature by allowing efficient synchronization

between local and global mail states. Third, the repository must be

able to process mail from sources outside the repository's own user

community (a primary outside source is the Internet). Internet mail

will arrive with a NIC RFC-822 standard message header; the recipient

names in the message must be properly translated from the RFC-822

namespace into the repository's namespace.

3.1. Management of user mail state

Pcmail divides the world into a community of users. Each user is

referred to by a user object. A user object consists of a unique

name, a passWord (which the user's clients use to authenticate

themselves to the repository before manipulating a global mail

state), a list of "client objects" describing those clients

belonging to the user, and a list of "mailbox objects".

A client object consists of a unique name and a status. A user

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has one client object for every client he owns; a client cannot

communicate with the repository unless it has a corresponding

client object in a user's client list. Client objects therefore

serve as a means of identifying valid clients to the repository.

Client objects also allow the repository to manage local and

global mail state synchronization; the repository associates with

every global state change a list of client objects corresponding

to those clients which have not recorded the global change


A client's status is either "active" or "inactive". The

repository defines inactive clients as those clients which have

not connected to the repository within a set time period (one week

in the current Pcmail implementation). When an inactive client

does connect to the repository, the repository notifies the client

that it has been "reset". The repository resets a client by

marking all messages in the user's mail state as having changed

since the client last logged in. When the client next

synchronizes with the repository, it will receive a complete copy

of the repository's global mail state. A forced reset is

performed on the assumption that enough global state changes occur

in a week that the client would spend too much time performing an

ordinary local state-global state synchronization.

Messages are stored in mailboxes. Users can have an arbitrary

number of mailboxes, which serve both to store and to categorize

messages. Since there can be any number of mailboxes, messages

can be categorized to an arbitrarily fine degree. A mailbox

object both names a mailbox and describes its contents. Mailboxes

are identified by a unique name; their contents are described by

three numeric values. The first is the total number of messages

in the mailbox, the second is the total number of unseen messages

(messages that have never been seen by the user via any client) in

the mailbox, and the third is the next available message unique

identifier (UID). This information is stored in the mailbox

object to allow clients to get a summary of a mailbox's contents

without having to read all the messages within the mailbox.

Associated with each mailbox are an arbitrary number of message

objects. Each message is broken into two parts--a "descriptor",

which contains a summary of useful information about the message,

and a "body", which is the message text itself, including NIC

RFC-822 message header. Each message is assigned a monotonically

increasing UID based on the owning mailbox's next available UID.

Each mailbox has its own set of UIDs which, together with the

mailbox name and user name, uniquely identify the message within

the repository.

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A descriptor holds the following information: the message UID, the

message size in bytes and lines, four "useful" message header

fields (the "date:", "to:", "from:", and "subject:" fields), and

two groups of eight flags each. The first group of flags is

system defined. These flags mark whether the message has never

been seen, whether it has been deleted, whether it is a forwarded

message, and whether the message has been expunged. The remaining

four flags are reserved for future use. The second group of flags

is user defined. The repository never examines these flags

internally; instead they can be used by application programs

running on the clients. Descriptors serve as an efficient means

for clients to get message information without having to waste

time retrieving the message from the repository.

3.2. Repository-to-RFC-822 name translation

"Address objects" provide the repository with a means for

translating the RFC-822-style mail addresses in Internet messages

into repository names. The repository provides its own namespace

for message identification. Any message is uniquely identified by

the triple (user-name, mailbox-name, message-UID). Any mailbox is

uniquely identified by the pair (user-name, mailbox-name). Thus

to send a message between two repository users, a user would

address the message to (user-name, mailbox-name). The repository

would deliver the message to the named user and mailbox, and

assign it a UID based on the requested mailbox's next available


In order to translate between RFC-822-style mail addresses and

repository names, the repository maintains a list of address

objects. Each address object is an association between an

RFC-822-style address and a (user-name, mailbox-name) pair. When

mail arrives from the Internet, the repository can use the address

object list to translate the recipients into (user-name,

mailbox-name) pairs and route the message correctly.

4. Communication Between Repository and Client: DMSP

The Distributed Mail System Protocol (DMSP) is a block-stream

protocol that defines and manipulates the objects mentioned in the

previous section. It has been designed to work with Pcmail's

single-repository/multiple-client model of the world. In addition to

providing typical mail manipulation functions, DMSP provides

functions that allow easy synchronization of global and local mail


DMSP is implemented on top of the Unified Stream Protocol (USP),

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specified in MIT-LCS Technical Memo 255. USP provides a reliable

virtual circuit block-stream connection between two machines. USP

defines a basic set of data types ("strings", "integers", "booleans",

etc.). Instances of these data types are grouped in an

application-defined order to form USP blocks. Each USP block is

defined by a numeric "block type"; a USP application can thus

interpret a block's contents based on knowledge of the block's type.

DMSP consists of a set of operations, each of which is comprised of

one or more different USP blocks that are sent between repository and


A DMSP session proceeds as follows: a client begins the session with

the repository by opening a USP connection to the repository's

machine. The client then authenticates both itself and its user to

the repository with a "login" operation. If the authentication is

successful, the user performs an arbitrary number of DMSP operations

before ending the session with a "logout" operation (at which time

the connection is closed by the repository).

Because DMSP can manipulate a pair of mail states (local and global)

at once, it is extremely important that all DMSP operations are

atomic. Failure of any DMSP operation must leave both states in a

consistent, known state. For this reason, a DMSP operation is

defined to have failed unless an explicit acknowledgement is received

by the operation initiator. This acknowledgement can take one of two

basic forms, based on two broad categories that all DMSP operations

fall into. First, an operation can be a request to perform some mail

state modification, in which case the repository will acknowledge the

request with either an "ok" or a "failure" (in which case the reason

for the failure is also returned). Second, an operation can be a

request for information, in which case the request is acknowledged by

the repository's providing the information to the client. Operations

such as "delete a message" fall into the first category; operations

like "send a list of mailboxes" fall into the second category.

Following are a list of DMSP operations by object type, their block

types and arguments, and their expected acknowledgement block types.

Each DMSP block has a different number; the first digit of each block

type defines the object being manipulated: Operations numbered 5xx

are general, operations numbered 6xx are user operations, operations

numbered 7xx are client operations, operations numbered 8xx are

mailbox and address operations, and operations numbered 11xx are

message operations.

Blocks marked "=>" flow from client to repository; blocks marked "<="

flow from repository to client. If more than one block can be sent,

the choices are delimited by "or" ("") characters.

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For clarity, each block type is put in a human-

understandable form. The block number is followed by an operation

name; this name is never transmitted as part of a USP block. Block

arguments are identified by name and type, and enclosed in square

brackets. "Record" data types are described by a list of

"field-name:field-type" pairs contained in square brackets. "Choice"

data types are described by a list of "tag:tag-name" pairs contained

in square brackets. USP data types are abbreviated as follows:

Primitive data types:

- string: str

- cardinal: card

- long-cardinal: Lcard

- integer: int

- long-integer: Lint

- boolean: bool

Compound data types:

- sequence: SEQ

- array: AR

- record: REC

- choice: CH

4.1. General operations

The first group of DMSP operations perform general functions that

operate on no one particular class of object. DMSP has six

general operations, which provide the following services:

If either a client or the repository thinks the other is

malfunctioning, they can send an "abort-request". An

abort-request is never acknowledged; after the request is sent,

the sender immediately closes the USP connection and returns

control to its application.

=> 503 (abort-request) [why:str]

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DMSP provides a limited remote debugging facility via the

"start-debug" and "end-debug" operations. When a client sends a

"start-debug" request, the repository enables its idea of

remote-debugging. The exact definition of remote debugging is

implementation dependent; the current repository implementation

simply writes debugging information to a special file. The

"end-debug" request disables remote debugging.

=> 504 (start-debug) []

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]


=> 505 (end-debug) []

<= 500 (ok) []

In order to prevent protocol version skew between clients and the

repository, DMSP provides a "send-version" operation. The client

supplies its DMSP version number as an argument; the operation

succeeds if the supplied version number matches the repository's

DMSP version number. It fails if the two version numbers do not


=> 506 (send-version) [version-number:card]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

DMSP also provides clients with the ability to send an arbitrary

text message to the repository. The "log-message" operation takes

as an argument a string of arbitrary length; the repository

accepts the string; what is done with the string is


=> 507 log-message[message:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

Finally, users can send mail to other users via the "send-message"

operation. The message must have an Internet-style header as

defined by NIC RFC-822. The repository takes the message and

distributes it to the mailboxes specified on the "to:", "cc:", and

"bcc:" fields of the message header. If one or more of the

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mailboxes exists outside the repository's user community, the

repository is responsible for handing the message to a local SMTP


An OK block is sent from the repository only if the entire message

was successfully transmitted. If the message was destined for the

Internet, the send-message operation is successful if the message

was successfully transmitted to the local SMTP server.

=> 508 (send-message) [message:SEQ[str]]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

4.2. User operations

The next series of DMSP operations manipulates user objects. The

most common of these operations are "login" and "logout". A

client must perform a login operation before being able to access

a user's mail state. A DMSP login block contains five items: (1)

the user's name, (2) the user's password, (3) the name of the

client performing the login, (4) a flag telling the repository to

create a client object for the client if one does not exist, and

(5) a flag set to TRUE if the client wishes to operate in "batch

mode" and FALSE if the client wishes to operate in "interactive"

mode. The flag value allows the repository to tune internal

parameters for either mode of operation.

The repository can return either an OK block (indicating

successful authentication), a FAILURE block (indicating failed

authentication), or a FORCE-RESET block. This last is sent if the

client logging in has been marked as "inactive" by the repository

(clients are marked inactive if they have not connected to the

repository in over a week). The FORCE-RESET block indicates that

the client should erase its local mail state and pull over a

complete version of the repository's mail state. This is done on

the assumption that so many mail state changes have been made in a

week that it would be inefficient to perform a normal


=> 600 (login) [user:str, password:str, client:str,



<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

705 (force-client-reset) []

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When a client is finished interacting with the repository, it

performs a logout operation. This allows the repository to

perform any necessary cleanup before closing the USP connection.

=> 601 (logout) []

<= 500 (ok) []

DMSP also provides "add-user" and "remove-user" operations, which

allow system administrators to remotely add new users to, and

remove users from, the repository. These operations are

privileged; the repository authenticates the user requesting the

operation before performing an add-user or remove-user operation.

Both operations require the name of the user to be added or

removed; the add-user operation also requires a default password

to assign the new user.

=> 602 (add-user) [user:str, password:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

=> 603 (remove-user) [user:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

A user can change his password via the "set-password" operation.

The operation works much the same as the UNIX change-password

operation, taking as arguments the user's current password and a

desired new password. If the current password given matches the

user's current password, the user's current password is changed to

the new password given.

=> 604 (set-password) [old-password:str,


<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

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4.3. Client operations

DMSP provides four operations to manipulate client objects. The

first, "list-clients", tells the repository to send the user's

client list to the requesting client. The list takes the form of

a series of (name, status pairs).

=> 700 (list-clients) []

<= 701 (client-list) [client-list:SEQ[

REC[name:str, status:card]]]

The "add-client" operation allows a user to add a client object to

his list of client objects. Although the login operation

duplicates this functionality via the "create-this-client?" flag,

the add-client operation is a useful means of creating a number of

new client objects while logged into the repository via an

existing client. The add-client operation requires the name of

the client to add.

=> 702 (add-client) [client:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

The most common failure mode for this operation is an attempt to

add a client that already exists.

The "remove-client" operation removes an existing client object

from a user's client list. The client being removed can be the

client requesting the operation. The remove-client operation

requires the name of the client to remove.

=> 703 (remove-client) [client:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

The most common failure mode here is an attempt to remove a

non-existent client. This is a typical failure mode for any DMSP

operation which operates on a named object.

The last client operation, "reset-client", causes the repository

to mark all messages in the user's mail state as having changed

since the client last logged in. When a client next synchronizes

with the repository, it will end up receiving a complete copy of

the repository's global mail state. This is useful for two

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reasons. First, a client's local mail state could easily become

lost or damaged, especially if it is stored on a floppy disk.

Second, if a client has been marked as inactive by the repository,

the reset-client operation provides a fast way of resynchronizing

with the repository, assuming that so many differences exist

between the local and global mail states that a normal

synchronization would take far too much time.

=> 704 (reset-client) [client:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

4.4. Mailbox operations

DMSP supports five operations that manipulate mailbox objects.

First, "list-mailboxes" has the repository send to the requesting

client information on each mailbox. This information consists of

the mailbox name, total message count, unseen message count, and

"next available UID". This operation is useful in synchronizing

local and global mail states, since it allows a client to compare

the user's global mailbox list with a client's local mailbox list.

The list of mailboxes also provides a quick summary of each

mailbox's contents without having the contents present.

=> 800 (list-mailboxes) []

<= 801 (mailbox-list) [mailbox-list:SEQ[





The "add-mailbox" has the repository create a new mailbox and

attach it to the user's list of mailboxes. An address object

binding the (user-name, mailbox-name) pair to an RFC-822-style

address is automatically created and placed in the repository's

list of address objects. This allows mail coming from the

Internet to be correctly routed to the new mailbox.

=> 802 (add-mailbox) [mailbox:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

"Remove-mailbox" removes a mailbox from the user's list of

mailboxes. All messages within the mailbox are also deleted and

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permanently removed from the system. Any address objects binding

the mailbox name to RFC-822-style mailbox addresses are also

removed from the system.

=> 803 (remove-mailbox) [mailbox:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

DMSP also has an "expunge-mailbox" operation. Any message can be

deleted and "undeleted" at will. Deletions are made permanent by

performing an expunge-mailbox operation. The expunge operation

causes the repository to look through a named mailbox, removing

from the system any messages marked "deleted".

=> 808 expunge-mailbox[mailbox:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

Finally, "reset-mailbox" causes the repository to mark all the

messages in a named mailbox as having changed since the current

client last logged in. When the client next synchronizes with the

repository, it will receive a complete copy of the named mailbox's

mail state. This operation is merely a more specific version of

the reset-client operation (which allows the client to pull over a

complete copy of the user's global mail state). Its primary use

is for mailboxes whose contents have accidentally been destroyed


=> 809 (reset-mailbox) [mailbox:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

4.5. Address operations

DMSP provides three operations that allow users to manipulate

address objects. First, the "list-address" operation returns a

list of address objects associated with a particular (user-name,

mailbox-name) pair.

=> 804 (list-addresses) [mailbox:str]

<= 501 (failure) [why:str]

805 (address-list) [address-list:SEQ[str]]

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The "add-address" operation adds a new address object that

associates a (user-name, mailbox-name) pair with a given

RFC-822-style mailbox address.

=> 806 (add-address) [mailbox:str,


<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

Finally, the "remove-address" operation destroys the address

object binding the given RFC-822-style mail address and the given

(user-name, mailbox-name) pair.

=> 807 (remove-address) [mailbox:str,


<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

4.6. Message operations

The most commonly-manipulated Pcmail objects are messages; DMSP

therefore provides special message operations to allow efficient

synchronization, as well as a set of operations to perform

standard message-manipulation functions. In the following

paragraphs, the terms "message" and "descriptor" will be used


A client can request a particular message's flag values with the

"get-descriptor-flags" operation. The repository sends over an

array of boolean values, eight of which are system defined, and

eight of which are user defined and ignored by the repository.

=> 1100 (get-descriptor-flags) [mailbox:str,


<= 1101 (descriptor-flags) [flags:SEQ[bool]]

501 (failure) [why:str]

A user may request a series of descriptors with the

"get-descriptors" operation. The series is identified by a pair

of message UIDs, representing the lower and upper bounds of the

list. Since UIDs are defined to be monotonically increasing

numbers, a pair of UIDs is sufficient to completely identify the

series of descriptors. The repository returns a sequence of

"choices". Elements of the sequence can either be descriptors, in

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which case the choice is tagged as a descriptor, or they can be

notification that the requested message has been expunged

subsequent to the client's last connection to the repository.

=> 1102 (get-descriptors) [mailbox:str,



<= 501 (failure) [why:str]

1103 (descriptor-list) [descriptor-list:SEQ[ CH[











The "get-changed-descriptors" operation is intended for use during

state synchronization. Whenever a descriptor changes state (is

deleted, for example), the repository notes those clients which

have not yet recorded the change locally. Get-changed-descriptors

has the repository send to the client a given number of

descriptors which have changed since the client's last

synchronization. The list sent begins with the earliest-changed


=> 1105 (get-changed-descriptors) [mailbox:str,


<= 501 (failure) why:str]

1103 (descriptor-list) [descriptor-list:SEQ[












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Once the changed descriptors have been looked at, a user will want

to inform the repository that the current client has recorded the

change locally. The "reset-changed-descriptors" causes the

repository to mark as "seen by current client" a given number of

changed descriptors, starting with the changed descriptor with

lowest UID.

=> 1106 (reset-changed-descriptors) [



<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

Message bodies are transmitted from repository to user with the

"get-message-text" operation. The separation of "get-descriptors"

and "get-message-text" operations allows clients with small

amounts of disk storage to oBTain a small message summary (via

"get-descriptors" or "get-changed-descriptors") without having to

pull over the entire message.

=> 1107 (get-message-text)[mailbox:str,


<= 501 (failure) [why:str]

1110 (message) [message:SEQ[str]]

Frequently, a message may be too large for some clients to store

locally. Users can still look at the message contents via the

"print-message" operation. This operation has the repository send

a copy of the message to a named printer. The printer name need

only have meaning to the particular repository implementation;

DMSP transmits the name only as a means of identification.

=> 1108 (print-message) [mailbox:str,



<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

The user can set and clear any of the 16 descriptor flags with the

"set-flag" operation. The desired flag is set or cleared

according to the operation arguments.

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=> 1109 (set-flag) [mailbox:str,




<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

Copying of one message into another mailbox is accomplished via

the "copy-message" operation.

=> 1111 (copy-message) [source-mailbox:str,



<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

5. Client Architecture

Clients are typically PCs; Pcmail's architecture must therefore take

into account several characteristics common to PCs. First, PCs are

cheap, therefore a user may well have more than one. Second, they

are portable, therefore they are not expected to be constantly tied

into a network. Finally, they are resource-poor, so they are not

expected to be able to store a significant amount of state

information locally. The following subsections describe the

particular parts of Pcmail's client architecture that address these

three characteristics.

5.1. Multiple clients

The fact that Pcmail users may own more than one PC forms the

rationalization for the multiple client model that Pcmail uses. A

Pcmail user may have a PC client at home, a PC at an office, and

maybe even a third portable PC. Each client maintains a separate

copy of the user's mail state, hence Pcmail's distributed nature.

The notion of separate clients allows Pcmail users to access mail

state from several different locations.

RFC984 May 1986


5.2. Synchronization

Since PCs are fairly portable, the likelihood of a PC's being

always connected to a network is relatively small. This is

another reason for each client's maintaining a local copy of a

user's mail state. The user can then manipulate the local mail

state while not connected to the network (and the repository).

This immediately brings up the problem of synchronization between

local and global mail states. The repository is continually in a

position to receive global mail state updates, either in the form

of incoming mail, or in the form of changes from other clients. A

client that is not always connected to the net cannot immediately

receive the global changes. In addition, the client's user can

make his own changes on the local mail state.

Pcmail's architecture permits efficient synchronization between

client local mail states and the repository's global mail state.

Each client is identified in the repository by a client object

attached to the user. This object forms the basis for

synchronization between local and global mail states. Some of the

less common state changes include the adding and deleting of user

mailboxes and the adding and deleting of address objects.

Synchronization of these changes is performed via DMSP list

operations, which allow clients to compare their local versions of

mailbox and address object lists with the repository's global

version and make any appropriate changes. The majority of

possible changes to a user's mail state are in the form of changed

descriptors. Since most users will have a large number of

messages, and message states will change relatively often, special

attention needs to be paid to message synchronization.

An existing descriptor can be changed in one of two ways: first,

one of its sixteen flags values can be changed (this encompasses

reading an unseen message, deleting a message, and expunging a

message). The second way to change a descriptor is via the

arrival of incoming mail or the copying of a message from one

mailbox to another. Both result in a new message being added to a


In both the above cases, synchronization is required between the

repository and every client that has not previously noted a

change. To keep track of which clients have noticed a global mail

state change and changed their local states accordingly, each

descriptor has associated with it a (potentially empty) "update

list" of client objects. The list identifies those clients which

have not yet recorded a change to that descriptor's state.

RFC984 May 1986


When a client connects to the repository, it executes a DMSP

"get-changed-descriptors" operation. This causes the repository

to return a list of all descriptor objects that have the

requesting client on their update list. As the client receives

the changed descriptors, it can store them locally, thus updating

the local mail state. After a changed descriptor has been

recorded, the client uses the DMSP "reset-descriptors" operation

to remove itself from the descriptor's update list. That

descriptor will now not be sent to the client unless (1) it is

explicitly requested, or (2) it changes again.

In this manner, a client can run through its user's mailboxes,

getting all changed descriptors, incorporating them into the local

mail state, and marking the change as recorded.

5.3. Batch operation versus interactive operation

Because of the portable nature of most PCs, they may not always be

connected to the repository. Since each client maintains a local

mail state, Pcmail users can manipulate the local state while not

connected to the repository. This is known as "batch" operation,

since all changes are recorded by the client and made to the

repository's global state in a batch, when the client next

connects to the repository. Interactive operation occurs when a

client is always connected to the repository. In interactive

mode, changes made to the local mail state are immediately

propagated to the global state via DMSP operations.

In batch mode, interaction between client and repository takes the

following form: the client connects to the repository and sends

over all the changes made by the user to the local mail state.

The repository changes its global mail state accordingly. When all

changes have been processed, the client begins synchronization, to

incorporate newly-arrived mail, as well as mail state changes by

other clients, into the local state.

In interactive mode, since local changes are immediately

propagated to the repository, the first part of batch-type

operation is eliminated. The synchronization process also

changes; interactive clients can periodically poll the repository

for a list of changes, synchronizing a small amount at a time.

RFC984 May 1986


5.4. Message summaries

Since PCs are assumed to have little in the way of disk storage, a

given client may never have enough room for a complete local copy

of a user's global mail state. This means that Pcmail's client

architecture must allow user's to obtain a clear picture of their

mail state without having all their messages present.

Descriptors provide message information without taking up large

amounts of storage. Each descriptor contains a summary of

information on a message. This information includes the message

UID, its length in bytes and lines, its status (encoded in the

eight system-defined and eight user-defined flags), and portions

of its RFC-822 header (the "to:", "from:", "subject:" and "date:"

fields). All of this information can be encoded in a small

(around 100 bytes) data structure whose length is independent of

the size of the message it describes.

Any client should be able to store a complete list of message

descriptors with little problem. This allows a user to get a

complete picture of his mail state without having all his messages

present locally. Short messages can reside on the client, along

with the descriptors, and long messages can either be printed via

the DMSP print-message operation, or specially pulled over via the

fetch-message-text operation.

6. Typical Client-Repository Interaction

The following example describes a typical communication session

between the repository and a client. The client is one of three

belonging to user "Fred". Its name is "office-client", and since

Fred uses the client regularly to access his mail, the client is

marked as "active". Fred has two mailboxes: "main" is where all of

his current mail is stored; "archive" is where messages of lasting

importance are kept. The example will run through a simple

synchronization operation followed by a series of typical mail state

manipulations. Typically, the synchronization will be performed by

an application program that connects to the repository, logs in,

synchronizes, and logs out.

For the example, all DMSP operations will be shown in a user-readable

format. In reality, the operations would be sent as a stream of USP

blocks consisting of a block-type number followed by a stream of

bytes representing the block's arguments. Both the block name and its

number are included for convenience.

RFC984 May 1986


In order to access his global mail state, the client software must

authenticate Fred to the repository; this is done via the DMSP login


600 (login) ["fred", "ajyr63ywg", "office-client",


This tells the repository that Fred is logging in via

"office-client", and that "office-client" is identified by an

existing client object attached to Fred's user object. The second

login block argument in an encrypted version of Fred's password. The

final argument tells the repository that Fred's client is not

operating in batch mode but rather in interactive mode.

Fred's authentication checks out, so the repository logs him in,

acknowledging the login request with an OK block.

Now that Fred is logged in, he wants to bring

"office-client"'s local mail state up to date. To do this, the

client program asks for an up-to-date list of mailboxes:

800 (list-mailboxes) []

The repository replies with:

801 (mailbox-list) [["main", 10, 1, 253],

["archive", 100, 0, 101]]

This tells the client that there are two mailboxes, "main" and

"archive". "Main" has 10 messages, one of which is unseen. The next

incoming message will be assigned a UID of 253. "Archive", on the

other hand, has 100 message, none of which are unseen. The next

message sent to "archive" will be assigned the UID 101. There are no

new mailboxes in the list (if there were, the client program would

create them. On the other hand, if some mailboxes in the client's

local list were not in the repository's list, the program would

assume them deleted by another client and delete them locally as


To synchronize the client need only look at each mailbox's contents

to see if (1) any new mail has arrived, or (2) if Fred changed any

messages on one of his other two clients subsequent to

"office-client"'s last connection to the repository.

The client asks for any changed descriptors via the

"get-changed-descriptors" operation. It requests at most ten changed

descriptors since storage is very tight on "office-client".

RFC984 May 1986


1105 (get-changed-descriptors) ["main", 10]

The repository responds with:

1103 (descriptor-list) [[descriptor[


[T T F F F F F F F F F F F F F F],



"Wed, 23 Jan 86 11:11 EST",

"tomorrow's meeting",





[F T F F F F F F F F F F F F F F],



"Fri, 25 Jan 86 11:11 EST",

"Monthly progress report",




The first descriptor in the list is one which Fred deleted on another

client yesterday. "Office-client" marks the local version of the

message as deleted. The second descriptor in the list is a new one.

"Office-client" adds the descriptor to its local list. Since both

changes have now been recorded locally, the descriptors can be reset:

1106 (reset-descriptors) ["main", 2]

The repository clears each descriptor's update vector bit

corresponding to "office-client"'s client object. "Main" has now

been synchronized. The client now turns to Fred's "archive" mailbox

and asks for the first ten changed descriptors.

1105 (get-changed-descriptors) ["archive", 10]

The repository responds with

1103 (descriptor-list) []

The zero-length list tells "office-client" that no descriptors have

been changed in "archive" since its last synchronization. No new

synchronization needs to be performed.

RFC984 May 1986


Fred's client is now ready to pull over the new message so Fred can

read it. The message is 320 lines long; there might not be

sufficient storage on "office-client" to hold the new message. The

client tries anyway:

1107 (fetch-message-text) ["main", 10]

The repository begins transmitting the message:

1110 (message) ["From: Fred's-secretary",

"To: Fred",

"Subject: Monthly progress report",

"Date: Fri, 25 Jan 86 11:11 EST",


"Dear Fred,",

"Here is this month's progress report",



Halfway through the message transmission, "office-client" runs out of

disk space. Because all DMSP operations are defined to be atomic,

the portion of the message already transmitted is destroyed locally

and the operation fails. "Office-client" informs Fred that the

message cannot be pulled over because of a lack of disk space. The

synchronization process is now finished and Fred's client logs out.

601 (logout) []

The repository does any housecleaning it needs to do, acknowledges

the logout request, and closes the USP connection.

7. A Current Pcmail Implementation

The following section briefly describes a current implementation of

Pcmail that services a small community of users. The Pcmail

repository runs under UNIX on a DEC VAX-750 connected to the

Internet. The clients are IBM PCs, XTs, and ATs. The network

software that communicates with the repository allows only

"batch-mode" operation. Users make local state changes, which are

queued until the client connects to the repository. At that time,

the changes are performed and the local and global states

synchronized. The client then disconnects from the repository.

Users access and modify their local mail state via a user interface

program. The program uses windows and a full-screen mode of

operation. Users are given a rich variety of commands to operate on

RFC984 May 1986


individual messages as well as mailboxes. The interface allows use

of any text editor to compose messages, and adds features of its own

to make RFC-822-style header composition easier.

Synchronization and the processing of queued changes is performed by

a separate program, which the user runs whenever he wishes. The

program takes any actions queued while operating the user interface,

and converts them into DMSP operations. All queued changes are made

before any synchronization is performed.

The limitation of client operation to batch mode was made for the

following reasons: first, the implementation is slanted toward use of

portable computers as clients. These computers are rarely connected

to the network, making interactive mode unnecessary. Those clients

that are constantly connected to the network run slightly less

efficiently than they could (since users must make changes locally

and then run the action-processing/synchronization program, rather

than simply making changes interactively).

Another important reason for limiting operation to batch mode is that

it allows a very simple locking scheme to prevent problems raised by

concurrent state updates. A user may have several clients; it is

therefore likely that the repository could get into a variety of

inconsistent states as different clients try to change the

repository's global mail state at the same time. To prevent these

inconsistencies, a user's mail state is locked as soon as a client

connects to the repository. The lock is released when the client

disconnects from the repository. This locking scheme is simple to

implement, but makes interactive-mode operation very cumbersome: if a

user remains constantly connected to the network (i.e. in interactive

mode), the repository would be unavailable to any of the user's other

clients for an unacceptable length of time.

8. Conclusions

Pcmail is now used by a small community of people at the MIT

Laboratory for Computer Science. The repository design works well,

providing a fairly efficient means of storing and maintaining mail

state for several users. Members of another research group at LCS

are currently working on a replicated, scaleable version of the

repository designed to support a very large community of users with

high availability. This repository also uses DMSP and has

successfully communicated with clients that use the current

repository implementation. DMSP therefore seems to be useable over

several flavors of repository design. The clients, being PCs, are

unfortunately very limited in the way of resources, making local mail

state manipulation difficult at times. Synchronization is also

RFC984 May 1986


relatively time consuming due to the low performance of the PCs. The

"batch-mode" of client operation is very useful for portable

computers that spend a large percentage of their time unplugged and

away from a network. It is somewhat less useful for the majority of

the clients, which are always connected to the network and could make

good use of an "interactive-mode" state manipulation.

RFC984 May 1986


I. DMSP Protocol Specification

Following is a list of DMSP block types and DMSP operations by object

type. Again, "=>" marks blocks flowing from client to repository;

"<=" marks blocks flowing from repository to client.

General operations:

=> or <= 503 (abort-request) [why:str]

(no acknowledgement)

=> 504 (start-debug) []

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

=> 505 (end-debug) []

<= 500 (ok) []

=> 506 (send-version) [version:card]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

=> 507 (log-message) [message:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

=> 508 (send-message) [message:seq[str]]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

User operations:

=> 600 (login) [name:str, password:str,

client:str, create-client-object?:bool


<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

705 (force-client-reset) []

=> 601 (logout) []

<= 500 (ok) []

=> 602 (add-user) [name:str, password:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

RFC984 May 1986


=> 603 (remove-user) [user:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

=> 604 (set-password) [old:str, new:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

Client operations:

=> 700 (list-clients) []

<= 701 (client-list) [client-list:seq[

rec[name:str], status:card]]

=> 702 (add-client) [client:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

=> 703 (remove-client) [client:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

=> 704 (reset-client) [client:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

Mailbox operations:

=> 800 (list-mailboxes) []

<= 801 (mailbox-list) [mailbox-list:seq[





=> 802 (add-mailbox) [mailbox:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

=> 803 (remove-mailbox) [mailbox:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

=> 808 (expunge-mailbox) [mailbox:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

RFC984 May 1986


=> 809 (reset-mailbox) [mailbox:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

Address operations:

=> 804 (list-addresses) [mailbox:str]

<= 501 (failure) [why:str]

805 (address-list) [address-list:seq[str]]

=> 806 (add-address) [mailbox:str, address:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

=> 807 (remove-address) [mailbox:str, address:str]

<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

Message operations:

=> 1100 (get-descriptor-flags) [mailbox:str, uid:lcard]

<= 1101 (descriptor-flags) [flags:seq[bool]]

501 (failure) [why:str]

=> 1102 (get-descriptors) [mailbox:str,



<= 501 (failure) [why:str]

1103 (descriptor-list) [descriptor-list:seq[












RFC984 May 1986


=> 1105 (get-changed-descriptors) [mailbox:str,


<= 501 (failure) [why:str]

1103 (descriptor-list) [descriptor-list:seq[












=> 1106 (reset-changed-descriptors) [




<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

=> 1107 (get-message-text) [mailbox:str,


<= 501 (failure) [why:str]

1110 (message) [message:seq[str]]

=> 1108 (print-message) [mailbox:str,



<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

=> 1109 (set-flag) [mailbox:str,




<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

=> 1111 copy-message[source-mailbox:str,



<= 500 (ok) []

501 (failure) [why:str]

RFC984 May 1986


DMSP block types by number

General block types

ok 500

failure 501

abort-request 503

start-debug 504

end-debug 505

send-version 506

log-message 507

send-message 508

User operation block types

login 600

logout 601

add-user 602

remove-user 603

set-password 604

Client operation block types

list-clients 700

client-list 701

add-clien 702

remove-client 703

reset-client 704

force-client-reset 705

Mailbox operation block types

list-mailboxes 800

mailbox-list 801

add-mailbox 802

remove-mailbox 803

expunge-mailbox 808

reset-mailbox 809

RFC984 May 1986


Address operation block types

list-addresses 804

address-list 805

add-address 806

remove-address 807

Message operation block types

get-descriptor-flags 1100

descriptor-flags 1101

get-descriptors 1102

descriptor-list 1103

get-changed-descriptors 1105

reset-changed-descriptors 1106

get-message-text 1107

print-message 1108

set-flag 1109

message 1110

copy-message 1111

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