
RFC1030 - On testing the NETBLT Protocol over divers networks

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Network Working Group M. Lambert

Request for Comments: 1030 M.I.T. Laboratory for Computer Science

November 1987

On Testing the NETBLT Protocol over Divers Networks


This RFCdescribes the results gathered from testing NETBLT over

three networks of differing bandwidths and round-trip delays. While

the results are not complete, the information gathered so far has

been very promising and supports RFC-998's assertion that that NETBLT

can provide very high throughput over networks with very different

characteristics. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

1. IntrodUCtion

NETBLT (NETwork BLock Transfer) is a transport level protocol

intended for the rapid transfer of a large quantity of data between

computers. It provides a transfer that is reliable and flow

controlled, and is designed to provide maximum throughput over a wide

variety of networks. The NETBLT protocol is specified in RFC-998;

this document assumes an understanding of the specification as

described in RFC-998.

Tests over three different networks are described in this document.

The first network, a 10 megabit-per-second Proteon Token Ring, served

as a "reference environment" to determine NETBLT's best possible

performance. The second network, a 10 megabit-per-second Ethernet,

served as an Access path to the third network, the 3 megabit-per-

second Wideband satellite network. Determining NETBLT's performance

over the Ethernet allowed us to account for Ethernet-caused behaviour

in NETBLT transfers that used the Wideband network. Test results for

each network are described in separate sections. The final section

presents some conclusions and further directions of research. The

document's appendices list test results in detail.

2. Acknowledgements

Many thanks are due Bob Braden, Stephen Casner, and Annette DeSchon

of ISI for the time they spent analyzing and commenting on test

results gathered at the ISI end of the NETBLT Wideband network tests.

Bob Braden was also responsible for porting the IBM PC/AT NETBLT

implementation to a SUN-3 workstation running UNIX. Thanks are also

due Mike Brescia, Steven Storch, Claudio Topolcic and others at BBN

who provided much useful information about the Wideband network, and

helped monitor it during testing.

3. Implementations and Test Programs

This section briefly describes the NETBLT implementations and test

programs used in the testing. Currently, NETBLT runs on three

machine types: Symbolics LISP machines, IBM PC/ATs, and SUN-3s. The

test results described in this paper were gathered using the IBM

PC/AT and SUN-3 NETBLT implementations. The IBM and SUN

implementations are very similar; most differences lie in timer and

multi-taSKINg library implementations. The SUN NETBLT implementation

uses UNIX's user-accessible raw IP socket; it is not implemented in

the UNIX kernel.

The test application performs a simple memory-to-memory transfer of

an arbitrary amount of data. All data are actually allocated by the

application, given to the protocol layer, and copied into NETBLT

packets. The results are therefore fairly realistic and, with

appropriately large amounts of buffering, could be attained by disk-

based applications as well.

The test application provides several parameters that can be varied

to alter NETBLT's performance characteristics. The most important of

these parameters are:

burst interval The number of milliseconds from the start of one

burst transmission to the start of the next burst


burst size The number of packets transmitted per burst.

buffer size The number of bytes in a NETBLT buffer (all

buffers must be the same size, save the last,

which can be any size required to complete the


data packet size

The number of bytes contained in a NETBLT DATA

packet's data segment.

number of outstanding buffers

The number of buffers which can be in

transmission/error recovery at any given moment.

The protocol's throughput is measured in two ways. First, the "real

throughput" is throughput as viewed by the user: the number of bits

transferred divided by the time from program start to program finish.

Although this is a useful measurement from the user's point of view,

another throughput measurement is more useful for analyzing NETBLT's

performance. The "steady-state throughput" is the rate at which data

is transmitted as the transfer size approaches infinity. It does not

take into account connection setup time, and (more importantly), does

not take into account the time spent recovering from packet-loss

errors that occur after the last buffer in the transmission is sent

out. For NETBLT transfers using networks with long round-trip delays

(and consequently with large numbers of outstanding buffers), this

"late" recovery phase can add large amounts of time to the

transmission, time which does not reflect NETBLT's peak transmission

rate. The throughputs listed in the test cases that follow are all

steady-state throughputs.

4. Implementation Performance

This section describes the theoretical performance of the IBM PC/AT

NETBLT implementation on both the transmitting and receiving sides.

Theoretical performance was measured on two LANs: a 10 megabit-per-

second Proteon Token Ring and a 10 megabit-per-second Ethernet.

"Theoretical performance" is defined to be the performance achieved

if the sending NETBLT did nothing but transmit data packets, and the

receiving NETBLT did nothing but receive data packets.

Measuring the send-side's theoretical performance is fairly easy,

since the sending NETBLT does very little more than transmit packets

at a predetermined rate. There are few, if any, factors which can

influence the processing speed one way or another.

Using a Proteon P1300 interface on a Proteon Token Ring, the IBM

PC/AT NETBLT implementation can copy a maximum-sized packet (1990

bytes excluding protocol headers) from NETBLT buffer to NETBLT data

packet, format the packet header, and transmit the packet onto the

network in about 8 milliseconds. This translates to a maximum

theoretical throughput of 1.99 megabits per second.

Using a 3COM 3C500 interface on an Ethernet LAN, the same

implementation can transmit a maximum-sized packet (1438 bytes

excluding protocol headers) in 6.0 milliseconds, for a maximum

theoretical throughput of 1.92 megabits per second.

Measuring the receive-side's theoretical performance is more

difficult. Since all timer management and message ACK overhead is

incurred at the receiving NETBLT's end, the processing speed can be

slightly slower than the sending NETBLT's processing speed (this does

not even take into account the demultiplexing overhead that the

receiver incurs while matching packets with protocol handling

functions and connections). In fact, the amount by which the two

processing speeds differ is dependent on several factors, the most

important of which are: length of the NETBLT buffer list, the number

of data timers which may need to be set, and the number of control

messages which are ACKed by the data packet. Almost all of this

added overhead is directly related to the number of outstanding

buffers allowable during the transfer. The fewer the number of

outstanding buffers, the shorter the NETBLT buffer list, and the

faster a scan through the buffer list and the shorter the list of

unacknowledged control messages.

Assuming a single-outstanding-buffer transfer, the receiving-side

NETBLT can DMA a maximum-sized data packet from the Proteon Token

Ring into its network interface, copy it from the interface into a

packet buffer and finally copy the packet into the correct NETBLT

buffer in 8 milliseconds: the same speed as the sender of data.

Under the same conditions, the implementation can receive a maximum-

sized packet from the Ethernet in 6.1 milliseconds, for a maximum

theoretical throughput of 1.89 megabits per second.

5. Testing on a Proteon Token Ring

The Proteon Token Ring used for testing is a 10 megabit-per-second

LAN supporting about 40 hosts. The machines on either end of the

transfer were IBM PC/ATs using Proteon P1300 network interfaces. The

Token Ring provides high bandwidth with low round-trip delay and

negligible packet loss, a good debugging environment in situations

where packet loss, packet reordering, and long round-trip time would

hinder debugging. Also contributing to high performance is the large

(maximum 2046 bytes) network MTU. The larger packets take somewhat

longer to transmit than do smaller packets (8 milliseconds per 2046

byte packet versus 6 milliseconds per 1500 byte packet), but the

lessened per-byte computational overhead increases throughput


The fastest single-outstanding-buffer transmission rate was 1.49

megabits per second, and was achieved using a test case with the

following parameters:

transfer size 2-5 million bytes

data packet size

1990 bytes

buffer size 19900 bytes

burst size 5 packets

burst interval 40 milliseconds. The timer code on the IBM PC/AT

is accurate to within 1 millisecond, so a 40

millisecond burst can be timed very accurately.

Allowing only one outstanding buffer reduced the protocol to running

"lock-step" (the receiver of data sends a GO, the sender sends data,

the receiver sends an OK, followed by a GO for the next buffer).

Since the lock-step test incurred one round-trip-delay's worth of

overhead per buffer (between transmission of a buffer's last data

packet and receipt of an OK for that buffer/GO for the next buffer),

a test with two outstanding buffers (providing essentially constant

packet transmission) should have resulted in higher throughput.

A second test, this time with two outstanding buffers, was performed,

with the above parameters identical save for an increased burst

interval of 43 milliseconds. The highest throughput recorded was

1.75 megabits per second. This represents 95% efficiency (5 1990-

byte packets every 43 milliseconds gives a maximum theoretical

throughput of 1.85 megabits per second). The increase in throughput

over a single-outstanding-buffer transmission occurs because, with

two outstanding buffers, there is no round-trip-delay lag between

buffer transmissions and the sending NETBLT can transmit constantly.

Because the P1300 interface can transmit and receive concurrently, no

packets were dropped due to collision on the interface.

As mentioned previously, the minimum transmission time for a

maximum-sized packet on the Proteon Ring is 8 milliseconds. One

would eXPect, therefore, that the maximum throughput for a double-

buffered transmission would occur with a burst interval of 8

milliseconds times 5 packets per burst, or 40 milliseconds. This

would allow the sender of data to transmit bursts with no "dead time"

in between bursts. Unfortunately, the sender of data must take time

to process incoming control messages, which typically forces a 2-3

millisecond gap between bursts, lowering the throughput. With a

burst interval of 43 milliseconds, the incoming packets are processed

during the 3 millisecond-per-burst "dead time", making the protocol

more efficient.

6. Testing on an Ethernet

The network used in performing this series of tests was a 10 megabit

per second Ethernet supporting about 150 hosts. The machines at

either end of the NETBLT connection were IBM PC/ATs using 3COM 3C500

network interfaces. As with the Proteon Token Ring, the Ethernet

provides high bandwidth with low delay. Unfortunately, the

particular Ethernet used for testing (MIT's infamous Subnet 26) is

known for being somewhat noisy. In addition, the 3COM 3C500 Ethernet

interfaces are relatively unsophisticated, with only a single

hardware packet buffer for both transmitting and receiving packets.

This gives the interface an annoying tendency to drop packets under

heavy load. The combination of these factors made protocol

performance analysis somewhat more difficult than on the Proteon


The fastest single-buffer transmission rate was 1.45 megabits per

second, and was achieved using a test case with the following


transfer size 2-5 million bytes

data packet size

1438 bytes (maximum size excluding protocol


buffer size 14380 bytes

burst size 5 packets

burst interval 30 milliseconds (6.0 milliseconds x 5 packets).

A second test, this one with parameters identical to the first save

for number of outstanding buffers (2 instead of 1) resulted in

substantially lower throughput (994 kilobits per second), with a

large number of packets retransmitted (10%). The retransmissions

occurred because the 3COM 3C500 network interface has only one

hardware packet buffer and cannot hold a transmitting and receiving

packet at the same time. With two outstanding buffers, the sender of

data can transmit constantly; this means that when the receiver of

data attempts to send a packet, its interface's receive hardware goes

deaf to the network and any packets being transmitted at the time by

the sender of data are lost. A symmetrical problem occurs with

control messages sent from receiver of data to sender of data, but

the number of control messages sent is small enough and the

retransmission algorithm redundant enough that little performance

degradation occurs due to control message loss.

When the burst interval was lengthened from 30 milliseconds per 5

packet burst to 45 milliseconds per 5 packet burst, a third as many

packets were dropped, and throughput climbed accordingly, to 1.12

megabits per second. Presumably, the longer burst interval allowed

more dead time between bursts and less likelihood of the receiver of

data's interface being deaf to the net while the sender of data was

sending a packet. An interesting note is that, when the same test

was conducted on a special Ethernet LAN with the only two hosts

attached being the two NETBLT machines, no packets were dropped once

the burst interval rose above 40 milliseconds/5 packet burst. The

improved performance was douBTless due to the absence of extra

network traffic.

7. Testing on the Wideband Network

The following section describes results gathered using the Wideband

network. The Wideband network is a satellite-based network with ten

stations competing for a raw satellite channel bandwidth of 3

megabits per second. Since the various tests resulted in substantial

changes to the NETBLT specification and implementation, some of the

major changes are described along with the results and problems that

forced those changes.

The Wideband network has several characteristics that make it an

Excellent environment for testing NETBLT. First, it has an extremely

long round-trip delay (1.8 seconds). This provides a good test of

NETBLT's rate control and multiple-buffering capabilities. NETBLT's

rate control allows the packet transmission rate to be regulated

independently of the maximum allowable amount of outstanding data,

providing flow control as well as very large "windows". NETBLT's

multiple-buffering capability enables data to still be transmitted

while earlier data are awaiting retransmission and subsequent data

are being prepared for transmission. On a network with a long

round-trip delay, the alternative "lock-step" approach would require

a 1.8 second gap between each buffer transmission, degrading


Another interesting characteristic of the Wideband network is its

throughput. Although its raw bandwidth is 3 megabits per second, at

the time of these tests fully 2/3 of that was consumed by low-level

network overhead and hardware limitations. (A detailed analysis of

the overhead appears at the end of this document.) This reduces the

available bandwidth to just over 1 megabit per second. Since the

NETBLT implementation can run substantially faster than that, testing

over the Wideband net allows us to measure NETBLT's ability to

utilize very high percentages of available bandwidth.

Finally, the Wideband net has some interesting packet reorder and

delay characteristics that provide a good test of NETBLT's ability to

deal with these problems.

Testing progressed in several phases. The first phase involved using

source-routed packets in a path from an IBM PC/AT on MIT's Subnet 26,

through a BBN Butterfly Gateway, over a T1 link to BBN, onto the

Wideband network, back down into a BBN Voice Funnel, and onto ISI's

Ethernet to another IBM PC/AT. Testing proceeded fairly slowly, due

to gateway software and source-routing bugs. Once a connection was

finally established, we recorded a best throughput of approximately

90K bits per second.

Several problems contributed to the low throughput. First, the

gateways at either end were forwarding packets onto their respective

LANs faster than the IBM PC/AT's could accept them (the 3COM 3C500

interface would not have time to re-enable input before another

packet would arrive from the gateway). Even with bursts of size 1,

spaced 6 milliseconds apart, the gateways would aggregate groups of

packets coming from the same satellite frame, and send them faster

than the PC could receive them. The obvious result was many dropped

packets, and degraded performance. Also, the half-duplex nature of

the 3COM interface caused incoming packets to be dropped when packets

were being sent.

The number of packets dropped on the sending NETBLT side due to the

long interface re-enable time was reduced by packing as many control

messages as possible into a single control packet (rather than

placing only one message in a control packet). This reduced the

number of control packets transmitted to one per buffer transmission,

which the PC was able to handle. In particular, messages of the form

OK(n) were combined with messages of the form GO(n + 1), in order to

prevent two control packets from arriving too close together to both

be received.

Performance degradation from dropped control packets was also

minimized by changing to a highly redundant control packet

transmission algorithm. Control messages are now stored in a single

long-lived packet, with ACKed messages continuously bumped off the

head of the packet and new messages added at the tail of the packet.

Every time a new message needs to be transmitted, any unACKed old

messages are transmitted as well. The sending NETBLT, which receives

these control messages, is tuned to ignore duplicate messages with

almost no overhead. This transmission redundancy puts little

reliance on the NETBLT control timer, further reducing performance

degradation from lost control packets.

Although the effect of dropped packets on the receiving NETBLT could

not be completely eliminated, it was reduced somewhat by some changes

to the implementation. Data packets from the sending NETBLT are

guaranteed to be transmitted by buffer number, lowest number first.

In some cases, this allowed the receiving NETBLT to make retransmit-

request decisions for a buffer N, if packets for N were expected but

none were received at the time packets for a buffer N+M were

received. This optimization was somewhat complicated, but improved

NETBLT's performance in the face of missing packets. Unfortunately,

the dropped-packet problem remained until the NETBLT implementation

was ported to a SUN-3 workstation. The SUN is able to handle the

incoming packets quite well, dropping only 0.5% of the data packets

(as opposed to the PC's 15 - 20%).

Another problem with the Wideband network was its tendency to re-

order and delay packets. Dealing with these problems required

several changes in the implementation. Previously, the NETBLT

implementation was "optimized" to generate retransmit requests as

soon as possible, if possible not relying on expiration of a data

timer. For instance, when the receiving NETBLT received an LDATA

packet for a buffer N, and other packets in buffer N had not arrived,

the receiver would immediately generate a RESEND for the missing

packets. Similarly, under certain circumstances, the receiver would

generate a RESEND for a buffer N if packets for N were expected and

had not arrived before packets for a buffer N+M. Obviously, packet-

reordering made these "optimizations" generate retransmit requests

unnecessarily. In the first case, the implementation was changed to

no longer generate a retransmit request on receipt of an LDATA with

other packets missing in the buffer. In the second case, a data

timer was set with an updated (and presumably more accurate) value,

hopefully allowing any re-ordered packets to arrive before timing out

and generating a retransmit request.

It is difficult to accommodate Wideband network packet delay in the

NETBLT implementation. Packet delays tend to occur in multiples of

600 milliseconds, due to the Wideband network's datagram reservation

scheme. A timer value calculation algorithm that used a fixed

variance on the order of 600 milliseconds would cause performance

degradation when packets were lost. On the other hand, short fixed

variance values would not react well to the long delays possible on

the Wideband net. Our solution has been to use an adaptive data

timer value calculation algorithm. The algorithm maintains an

average inter-packet arrival value, and uses that to determine the

data timer value. If the inter-packet arrival time increases, the

data timer value will lengthen.

At this point, testing proceeded between NETBLT implementations on a

SUN-3 workstation and an IBM PC/AT. The arrival of a Butterfly

Gateway at ISI eliminated the need for source-routed packets; some

performance improvement was also expected because the Butterfly

Gateway is optimized for IP datagram traffic.

In order to put the best Wideband network test results in context, a

short analysis follows, showing the best throughput expected on a

fully loaded channel. Again, a detailed analysis of the numbers that

follow appears at the end of this document.

The best possible datagram rate over the current Wideband

configuration is 24,054 bits per channel frame, or 3006 bytes every

21.22 milliseconds. Since the transmission route begins and ends on

an Ethernet, the largest amount of data transmissible (after

accounting for packet header overhead) is 1438 bytes per packet.

This translates to approximately 2 packets per frame. Since we want

to avoid overflowing the channel, we should transmit slightly slower

than the channel frame rate of 21.2 milliseconds. We therefore came

up with a best possible throughput of 2 1438-byte packets every 22

milliseconds, or 1.05 megabits per second.

Because of possible software bugs in either the Butterfly Gateway or

the BSAT (gateway-to-earth-station interface), 1438-byte packets were

fragmented before transmission over the Wideband network, causing

packet delay and poor performance. The best throughput was achieved

with the following values:

transfer size 500,000 - 750,000 bytes

data packet size

1432 bytes

buffer size 14320 bytes

burst size 5 packets

burst interval 55 milliseconds

Steady-state throughputs ranged from 926 kilobits per second to 942

kilobits per second, approximately 90% channel utilization. The

amount of data transmitted should have been an order of magnitude

higher, in order to get a longer steady-state period; unfortunately

at the time we were testing, the Ethernet interface of ISI's

Butterfly Gateway would lock up fairly quickly (in 40-60 seconds) at

packet rates of approximately 90 per second, forcing a gateway reset.

Transmissions therefore had to take less than this amount of time.

This problem has reportedly been fixed since the tests were


In order to test the Wideband network under overload conditions, we

attempted several tests at rates of 5 1432-byte packets every 50

milliseconds. At this rate, the Wideband network ground to a halt as

four of the ten network BSATs immediately crashed and reset their

channel processor nodes. Apparently, the BSATs crash because the ESI

(Earth Station Interface), which sends data from the BSAT to the

satellite, stops its transmit clock to the BSAT if it runs out of

buffer space. The BIO interface connecting BSAT and ESI does not

tolerate this clock-stopping, and typically locks up, forcing the

channel processor node to reset. A more sophisticated interface,

allowing faster transmissions, is being installed in the near future.

8. Future Directions

Some more testing needs to be performed over the Wideband Network in

order to get a complete analysis of NETBLT's performance. Once the

Butterfly Gateway Ethernet interface lockup problem described earlier

has been fixed, we want to perform transmissions of 10 to 50 million

bytes to get accurate steady-state throughput results. We also want

to run several NETBLT processes in parallel, each tuned to take a

fraction of the Wideband Network's available bandwidth. Hopefully,

this will demonstrate whether or not burst synchronization across

different NETBLT processes will cause network congestion or failure.

Once the BIO BSAT-ESI interface is upgraded, we will want to try for

higher throughputs, as well as greater hardware stability under

overload conditions.

As far as future directions of research into NETBLT, one important

area needs to be explored. A series of algorithms need to be

developed to allow dynamic selection and control of NETBLT's

transmission parameters (burst size, burst interval, and number of

outstanding buffers). Ideally, this dynamic control will not require

any information from outside sources such as gateways; instead,

NETBLT processes will use end-to-end information in order to make

transmission rate decisions in the face of noisy channels and network

congestion. Some research on dynamic rate control is taking place

now, but much more work needs done before the results can be

integrated into NETBLT.

I. Wideband Bandwidth Analysis

Although the raw bandwidth of the Wideband Network is 3 megabits per

second, currently only about 1 megabit per second of it is available

to transmit data. The large amount of overhead is due to the channel

control strategy (which uses a fixed-width control subframe based on

the maximum number of stations sharing the channel) and the low-

performance BIO interface between BBN's BSAT (Butterfly Satellite

Interface) and Linkabit's ESI (Earth Station Interface). Higher-

performance BSMI interfaces are soon to be installed in all Wideband

sites, which should improve the amount of available bandwidth.

Bandwidth on the Wideband network is divided up into frames, each of

which has multiple subframes. A frame is 32768 channel symbols, at 2

bits per symbol. One frame is available for transmission every 21.22

milliseconds, giving a raw bandwidth of 65536 bits / 21.22 ms, or

3.081 megabits per second.

Each frame contains two subframes, a control subframe and a data

subframe. The control subframe is subdivided into ten slots, one per

earth station. Control information takes up 200 symbols per station.

Because the communications interface between BSAT and ESI only runs

at 2 megabits per second, there must be a padding interval of 1263

symbols between each slot of information, bringing the total control

subframe size up to 1463 symbols x 10 stations, or 14630 symbols.

The data subframe then has 18138 symbols available. The maximum

datagram size is currently expressed as a 14-bit quantity, further

dropping the maximum amount of data in a frame to 16384 symbols.

After header information is taken into account, this value drops to

16,036 symbols. At 2 bits per symbol, using a 3/4 coding rate, the

actual amount of usable data in a frame is 24,054 bits, or

approximately 3006 bytes. Thus the theoretical usable bandwidth is

24,054 bits every 21.22 milliseconds, or 1.13 megabits per second.

Since the NETBLT implementations are running on Ethernet LANs

gatewayed to the Wideband network, the 3006 bytes per channel frame

of usable bandwidth translates to two maximum-sized (1500 bytes)

Ethernet packets per channel frame, or 1.045 megabits per second.

II. Detailed Proteon Ring LAN Test Results

Following is a table of some of the test results gathered from

testing NETBLT between two IBM PC/ATs on a Proteon Token Ring LAN.

The table headers have the following definitions:

BS/BI burst size in packets and burst interval in


PSZ number of bytes in DATA/LDATA packet data segment

BFSZ number of bytes in NETBLT buffer

XFSZ number of kilobytes in transfer

NBUFS number of outstanding buffers

#LOSS number of data packets lost

#RXM number of data packets retransmitted

DTMOS number of data timeouts on receiving end

SPEED steady-state throughput in megabits per second


5/25 1438 14380 1438 1 0 0 0 1.45

5/25 1438 14380 1438 1 0 0 0 1.45

5/30 1438 14380 1438 1 0 0 0 1.45

5/30 1438 14380 1438 1 0 0 0 1.45

5/35 1438 14380 1438 1 0 0 0 1.40

5/35 1438 14380 1438 1 0 0 0 1.41

5/40 1438 14380 1438 1 0 0 0 1.33

5/40 1438 14380 1438 1 0 0 0 1.33

5/25 1438 14380 1438 2 0 0 0 1.62

5/25 1438 14380 1438 2 0 0 0 1.61

5/30 1438 14380 1438 2 0 0 0 1.60

5/30 1438 14380 1438 2 0 0 0 1.61

5/34 1438 14380 1438 2 0 0 0 1.59

5/35 1438 14380 1438 2 0 0 0 1.58

5/25 1990 19900 1990 1 0 0 0 1.48

5/25 1990 19900 1990 1 0 0 0 1.49

5/30 1990 19900 1990 1 0 0 0 1.48

5/30 1990 19900 1990 1 0 0 0 1.48

5/35 1990 19900 1990 1 0 0 0 1.49

5/35 1990 19900 1990 1 0 0 0 1.48

5/40 1990 19900 1990 1 0 0 0 1.49

5/40 1990 19900 1990 1 0 0 0 1.49

5/45 1990 19900 1990 1 0 0 0 1.45

5/45 1990 19900 1990 1 0 0 0 1.46

5/25 1990 19900 1990 2 0 0 0 1.75

5/25 1990 19900 1990 2 0 0 0 1.75

5/30 1990 19900 1990 2 0 0 0 1.74

5/30 1990 19900 1990 2 0 0 0 1.75

5/35 1990 19900 1990 2 0 0 0 1.74

5/35 1990 19900 1990 2 0 0 0 1.74

5/40 1990 19900 1990 2 0 0 0 1.75

5/40 1990 19900 1990 2 0 0 0 1.74

5/43 1990 19900 1990 2 0 0 0 1.75

5/43 1990 19900 1990 2 0 0 0 1.74

5/43 1990 19900 1990 2 0 0 0 1.75

5/44 1990 19900 1990 2 0 0 0 1.73

5/44 1990 19900 1990 2 0 0 0 1.72

5/45 1990 19900 1990 2 0 0 0 1.70

5/45 1990 19900 1990 2 0 0 0 1.72

III. Detailed Ethernet LAN Testing Results

Following is a table of some of the test results gathered from

testing NETBLT between two IBM PC/ATs on an Ethernet LAN. See

previous appendix for table header definitions.


5/30 1438 14380 1438 1 9 9 6 1.42

5/30 1438 14380 1438 1 2 2 2 1.45

5/30 1438 14380 1438 1 5 5 4 1.44

5/35 1438 14380 1438 1 7 7 7 1.38

5/35 1438 14380 1438 1 6 6 5 1.38

5/40 1438 14380 1438 1 48 48 44 1.15

5/40 1438 14380 1438 1 50 50 38 1.17

5/40 1438 14380 1438 1 13 13 11 1.28

5/40 1438 14380 1438 1 7 7 5 1.30

5/30 1438 14380 1438 2 206 206 198 0.995

5/30 1438 14380 1438 2 213 213 198 0.994

5/40 1438 14380 1438 2 117 121 129 1.05

5/40 1438 14380 1438 2 178 181 166 0.892

5/40 1438 14380 1438 2 135 138 130 1.03

5/45 1438 14380 1438 2 57 57 52 1.12

5/45 1438 14380 1438 2 97 97 99 1.02

5/45 1438 14380 1438 2 62 62 51 1.09

5/15 512 10240 2048 1 6 6 4 0.909

5/15 512 10240 2048 1 10 11 7 0.907

5/18 512 10240 2048 1 11 11 8 0.891

5/18 512 10240 2048 1 5 5 9 0.906

5/19 512 10240 2048 1 3 3 3 0.905

5/19 512 10240 2048 1 8 8 7 0.898

5/20 512 10240 2048 1 7 7 4 0.876

5/20 512 10240 2048 1 11 12 5 0.871

5/20 512 10240 2048 1 8 9 5 0.874

5/30 512 10240 2048 2 113 116 84 0.599

5/30 512 10240 2048 2 20 20 14 0.661

5/30 512 10240 2048 2 49 50 40 0.638

IV. Detailed Wideband Network Testing Results

Following is a table of some of the test results gathered from

testing NETBLT between an IBM PC/AT and a SUN-3 using the Wideband

satellite network. See previous appendix for table header



5/90 1400 14000 500 22 9 10 0.584

5/90 1400 14000 500 22 12 12 0.576

5/90 1400 14000 500 22 3 3 0.591

5/90 1420 14200 500 22 12 12 0.591

5/90 1420 14200 500 22 6 6 0.600

5/90 1430 14300 500 22 9 10 0.600

5/90 1430 14300 500 22 15 15 0.591

5/90 1430 14300 500 22 12 12 0.590

5/90 1432 14320 716 22 13 16 0.591

5/90 1434 14340 717 22 33 147 0.483

5/90 1436 14360 718 22 25 122 0.500

5/90 1436 14360 718 22 25 109 0.512

5/90 1436 14360 718 22 28 153 0.476

5/90 1438 14380 719 22 6 109 0.533

5/80 1432 14320 716 22 56 68 0.673

5/80 1432 14320 716 22 14 14 0.666

5/80 1432 14320 716 22 15 16 0.661

5/60 1432 14320 716 22 19 22 0.856

5/60 1432 14320 716 22 84 95 0.699

5/60 1432 14320 716 22 18 21 0.871

5/60 1432 14320 716 30 38 40 0.837

5/60 1432 14320 716 30 25 26 0.869

5/55 1432 14320 716 22 13 13 0.935

5/55 1432 14320 716 22 25 25 0.926

5/55 1432 14320 716 22 25 25 0.926

5/55 1432 14320 716 22 20 20 0.932

5/55 1432 14320 716 22 17 19 0.934

5/55 1432 14320 716 22 13 14 0.942

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