
RFC1018 - Some comments on SQuID

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Request for Comments: 1018 BBN Labs

August 1987

Some Comments on SQuID

Status of this Memo

This memo is a discussion of some of the ideas eXPressed in RFC-1016

on Source Quench. This memo introdUCes the distinction of the cause

of congestion in a gateway between the effects of "Funneling" and

"Mismatch". It is offered in the same spirit as RFC-1016; to

stimulate discussion. The opinions offered are personal, not

corporate, opinions. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


It appears to me that there are at least two qualitatively different

types of congestion which may occur at Internet gateways. One form

of congestion is the result of the merger of several independent data

streams from diverse sources at a common point in their communication

path. I'll refer to this as "Funneling". The architecture of the

Internet (apparently) assumes that traffic flows are bursty and

asynchronous; therefore congestion which occurs at the result of

Funneling will typically be the result of "bad luck" as several

independent bursts happen to arrive at a common point simultaneously.

It is expected that Funneling congestion will be short-lived, just as

individual bursts are. I don't claim that any such assumptions are

documented or formalized; nevertheless I got a clear sense of this

class of assumptions both from reading the protocol documentation and

from personal recollections of long-past design meetings.

A second form of Internet congestion may arise during a prolonged

(non-bursty) data transfer between hosts when the resulting traffic

must pass through a node connecting two communications subsystems

with significantly different throughput rates. I'll refer to this as

"Mismatching". By contrast with Funneling, Mismatching can be caused

by the innocent action of a single host, is highly repeatable

(definitely not just "bad luck"), and will be long-lived.

RFC- 1016 discusses two interrelated strategies; one for when to send

a SQ, and a second for what to do when an SQ is received. There is

also a discussion of some experiments, which deal almost exclusively

with Mismatching congestion. (I understand that the simulation can

generate multiple flows, but these simply further increase the degree

of Mismatch; the flow under study is long-lived by design.) It seems

to me that the strategy RFC- 1016 proposes for sending SQ's, based on

queue length, may be appropriate for Funneling Congestion, but

inappropriate for Mismatch congestion, as discussed below. The host

behavior proposed in RFC- 1016 may be appropriate for both cases.

Since we assume that Funneling congestion is the result of short-

lived phenomena, it is appropriate for gateways which are the sites

of this congestion to attempt to smooth it without excessive control

actions. This is the basis for the "hint" in the ICMP specification

that maybe an SQ should be sent only when a datagram is dropped. It

is the basis for the idea in RFC- 1016 that a gateway should be slow

to cry "congestion" (SQK = 70% of queue space filed), even if

persistent in attempting to eliminate it (SQLW = 50% of queue space

filled). Since Funneling congestion is the result of the actions of

multiple senders, the growth of internal queues is the only

reasonable place to watch for its existence or measure its effects.

Mismatch congestion, on the other hand, is the result of incorrect or

inadequate information about available transmission bandwidth on the

part of a single sender. The sending host has available to it

information about destination host capacity (TCP window size and ACK

rate) and about local link capacity (from the hardware/software

interface to the directly-connected network), but no real information

about the capacity of the Internet path. As noted in RFC-1016, hosts

can oBTain the best throughput if their datagrams are never dropped,

and the probability of dropped datagrams is minimized when hosts send

at the appropriate steady-state rate (no "bunching"). Therefore, it

is a disservice to a host which is the source of Mismatch congestion

to wait a "long" time before taking control action. It would be

preferable to provide immediate feedback, via SQ's, to the host as

soon as datagrams with too short an inter-arrival time begin to

arrive. The sending host could then immediately (begin to) adjust

its behavior for the indicated destination.

There are, of course, many implementation issues which would need to

be addressed in order to implement the type of SQ-sending behavior

suggested here. Perhaps, though, they are not as severe as they

might appear. Two specific issues and possible solutions, are:

1. How should a gateway differentiate between Funneling and

mismatch congestion? Perhaps whenever there are more than q"

items on an output queue to a slower subnet which have been

received from a faster subnet, then look to see if any h" of them

have the same source. It so assume Mismatch and send an SQ to

that source. The "q" test might be implemented by a small set of

counters which are incremented when a packet is placed on an

output queue and decremented when a packet is sent. The search

for a common source might require more cycles but be performed

less often. The value of "q" would have to be small enough to

give an early warning, but bigger than a small multiple of "h".

The value of "h" would have to be big enough to avoid triggering

on common cases of source datagram fragmentation by an

intermediate gateway.

2. How can a gateway determine which subnets are "slower" and

faster", as well as appropriate inter-arrival times? There may be

lots of clever ways for a gateway to measure the dynamic bandwidth

of its directly-connected subnets. However, I'm more in favor of

starting with configuration parameters related to the known (at

installation time) general characteristics of subnet types (e.g.

Ethernet is 10Mbps, ARPANET is 50 Kbps, SATNET is 100 Kbps, etc).

This sort of approximation is quite adequate for determining which

subnet is faster, or what inter-arrival time is appropriate for

packets being routed to a slower subnet.


Funneling congestion and Mismatch congestion are qualitatively

different, and it would not be surprising if different SQ-sending

strategies were best for dealing with them. RFC- 1016 suggests a

specific SQ-sending strategy which may be inappropriate for dealing

with Mismatch congestion. This RFCsuggests guidelines for an

additional SQ-sending strategy for dealing with Mismatch. Hosts

implementing the SQuID algorithm of RFC-1016 should be expected to

achieve better performance if they received SQ's sent according to

either or both of these strategies. However, all these ideas are

still only in half-baked form; real engineering is clearly needed.

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