
RFC1005 - ARPANET AHIP-E Host Access Protocol (enhanced AHIP)

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Network Working Group Atul Khanna, Andy Malis

Request for Comments: 1005 BBN Communications Corp.

May 1987

The ARPANET AHIP-E Host Access Protocol (Enhanced AHIP)

1. Status of this Memo

This RFCis a proposed specification for the encoding of Class A

IP addresses for use on ARPANET-style networks sUCh as the Milnet

and Arpanet, and for enhancements to the ARPANET AHIP Host Access

Protocol (AHIP; formerly known as 1822). These enhancements

increase the size of the PSN field, allow ARPANET hosts to use

logical names to address each other, allow for the communication

of type-of-service information from the host to the PSN and

enable the PSN to provide congestion feedback to the host on a

connection basis. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Comments on this RFCshould be sent to the netmail address


Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION.......................................... 4

2 IP ISSUES............................................. 6

2.1 Current Interpretation of Class A IP Address


................................................... 6

2.2 Requirements and Constraints Affecting New

Class A Mapping

................................................... 7

2.3 New Interpretation of IP Address Fields............. 8

2.4 Discussion of the New Mapping.......................10

2.5 Interoperability between Current AHIP and



3 LOGICAL ADDRESSING................................... 13

3.1 Addresses and Names................................ 13

3.2 Name Translations.................................. 14

3.2.1 Authorization and Effectiveness.................. 15

3.2.2 Translation Policies............................. 16

3.2.3 Reporting Destination Host Downs................. 17

3.3 Establishing Host-PSN Communications............... 18

3.4 Name Server........................................ 19

4 OTHER CHANGES........................................ 20

4.1 Type-of-Service Specification...................... 20

4.2 Subnet Congestion Feedback......................... 21

4.3 Precedence Level Information....................... 21

5 FORMATS FOR NEW AHIP-E MESSAGES...................... 23

5.1 Host-to-PSN AHIP-E Leader Format................... 23

5.2 PSN-to-Host AHIP-E Leader Format................... 27

6 AHIP-E VERSIONS...................................... 33

7 REFERENCES........................................... 34


2.1 IP Class A Mapping................................... 6

2.2 New Class A IP Address Interpretation................ 8

2.3 AHIP-E Address and Name.............................. 9

3.1 Current AHIP Address Format......................... 13

3.2 AHIP-E Address Format............................... 14

3.3 Logical Name Format................................. 14

5.1 Host-to-PSN AHIP-E Leader Format.................... 23

5.2 NDM Message Format.................................. 25

5.3 PSN-to-Host AHIP-E Leader Format.................... 27

5.4 Name Server Reply Format............................ 30


This RFCis a proposed specification for the encoding of Class A

IP addresses for use on ARPANET-style networks such as the Milnet

and Arpanet, and for enhancements to the AHIP Protocol (AHIP is the

preferred term for what has previously been known as the 1822

protocol). These enhancements and modifications are partially

motivated by a need to overcome the current address limitation

of 256 PSNs per network and by a desire to allow hosts to take

advantage of logical addressing with minimal change to their AHIP

software. This enhanced AHIP protocol will be referred to as

"AHIP-E". These enhancements will:

1. Increase the size of the PSN field to 10 bits.

2. Allow hosts to use logical names (i.e., host names that are

independent of physical location on the network) in addition to

physical port addresses to communicate with each other.

3. Enable the host to specify a type-of-service to the PSN.

4. Provide a mechanism for the PSN to communicate subnetwork

congestion information to the host on a destination host basis.

This will give the host an opportunity to selectively reduce

its congesting flows, thus preventing all of its flows from

being blocked b y the network. Currently, a host has no way of

knowing which of its flows is eXPeriencing congestion;

consequently, it is possible that one congesting flow can

result in the blocking of all the host's flows .

5. Enable the PSN to inform the host about changes in precedence

cutoff levels and about precedence level violations.

A host can take advantage of the extended and logical addressing

capabilities without making substantial changes to its AHIP

implementation. In particular, the specification provides three

versions of AHIP-E: version 0 is current AHIP with no changes; version 1

allows use of logical and extended addressing with minimal change to

code; version 2 constitutes full-fledged AHIP-E. This is described in

further detail in chapter 6.

This RFC's terminology is consistent with that used in BBN Report 1822

[1], and any new terms are defined when they are first used.

Familiarity with Report 1822 (section 3 in particular) is assumed. As

could be expected, the RFCmakes many references to Report 1822. As a

result, it uses, as a convenient abbreviation, "see 1822(x)" instead of

"please refer to Report 1822, section x, for further details".

The rest of this RFCis organized as follows. Chapter 2 describes the

new mapping between IP class A addresses and subnetwork hosts. Chapter

3 discusses logical addressing. Chapter 4 describes the enhancements

related to type-of-service and reliability specification and to

congestion and precedence feedback. Chapter 5 includes a specification

of the new message types and their formats. Finally, chapter 6

describes the AHIP-E version numbering scheme.


This section discusses the changes to the mapping between Class A IP

addresses [5] and subnet addresses. These changes are made necessary


1. The introduction of logical names.

2. The expansion of the PSN-number field.

Note that this RFCdoes not affect Class B and C mappings [5].

2.1 Current Interpretation of Class A IP Address Fields

Class A IP addresses are 32 bits in length, with 8 bits devoted to

network number and 24 to the local address. In particular, they are of

the form n.h.l.i, where n,h,l and i are decimal integers less than 256.

AHIP addresses are 24 bits in length. The current ARPANET-style class A

mapping is as follows (from RFC796):

0 7 8 15 16 23 24 31


net # HOST LH PSN IP Address


8 8 8 8

8 8 8


HOST ZERO PSN AHIP Physical Address


41 48 49 56 57 64

(bit positions in the AHIP leader)

IP Class A Mapping

Figure 2.1

The LH (logical host) field is used by the hosts only and is not passed

to the network.

2.2 Requirements and Constraints Affecting New Class A Mapping

This section discusses some of the requirements and constraints that

were considered significant in determining the new address mapping.

1. Address Mapping Stability Requirement:

Any current IP physical address with l (logical host) = 0

should remain unchanged under the new design. For example,

the binary string corresponding to should continue

to refer to sri-nic.arpa (assuming, of course, that sri-nic

continues to reside on psn 51, port 0). This requirement is

motivated by a desire to avoid a network-wide address


2. Existing implementation compatibility:

Existing compliant implementations of AHIP should continue to

function for destinations with addresses fitting the

restrictions in 1. In other Words, such addresses should

continue to refer to their original destinations, not only

with the AHIP-E implementation (which is the condition in 1),

but also with current ones.

3. Compatibility between X.25's IP address to subnet host mapping

and AHIP's IP address to subnet host mapping:

The AHIP-E IP to host mapping should be able to co-exist in

some sense with the IP to host mapping specified by the DDN

X.25 Specification [6]. In particular, restricted use of the

revised IP to DDN host mapping should produce addresses that

are consistent with the current X.25 mapping. In other words,

there should be a set that includes "sufficiently many"

logical names and physical addresses, with the property that

each address/name in the set maps onto the same host under

both the AHIP and X.25 mappings.

4. Maximum number of PSNs that can be supported:

The new design should support a maximum of more than 256 PSNs

per network.

2.3 New Interpretation of IP Address Fields

The following is the new interpretation of the IP address field, in the

context of ARPANET-style networks:

Proposed IP Address Interpretation

8 8 1 5 10


net # HOST 0XXXXX PSN Physical Address


0 7 8 15 17 21 22 31

8 8 2 6 8


net # UPPER 11XXXXXX LOWER Logical Name


0 7 8 15 18 23 24 31

16 2 14


10 Reserved Format


0 15 18 31

(X = don't care)

New Class A IP Address Interpretation

Figure 2.2

The fields have the following meanings:

HOST = host-number

PSN = 10 bit PSN-number field

UPPER = upper 8 bits of the 16-bit logical name

LOWER = lower 8 bits of the 16-bit logical name

AHIP-E physical addresses and logical names have the following formats:

8 1 5 10


HOST 0XXXXX PSN Physical Address


41 48 55 64

(bit positions in the AHIP leader)

(X = don't care)

8 2 6 8




41 48 57 64

(bit positions in the AHIP leader)


10 Reserved Address Format


41 48 51 64

(bit positions in the AHIP leader)

AHIP-E Address and Name

Figure 2.3

The reserved address format is currently undefined and will be rejected

by the PSN, which will return an error message (message type 6, suBType

3) to the host.


This design does not require the AHIP-E host to do any processing

of the address -- the host need only copy bits 8-31 of the IP

address into bits 41-64 of the AHIP leader. The host no longer

needs to zero out bits 49-56 of the AHIP leader. The PSN will

take care of the AHIP to subnet address conversion. In other

words, bits 8-31 of the IP address field should be passed

unchanged to the PSN, which interprets them exactly as shown in

figure 2.3.


2.4 Discussion of the New Mapping

This section presents an evaluation of the design in terms of the

requirements in section 2.2

1. Address mapping stability requirement:

Current physical IP addresses will not have to be changed, as

long as they have been following the convention of setting LH

= 0. This ensures that bit 16 is set to 0, indicating that

the address is physical, and that the PSN number comes out


2. Existing implementation compatibility:

The design meets this requirement, as the address that gets to

the PSN has its second octet = 0, which results in its correct

interpretation as a physical address.

3. Compatibility with the current X.25 IP address to DDN host


The current X.25 IP to HOST mapping [6] is as follows: If h <

64, the address is considered physical, i.e., it refers to

host h on PSN i. If h >= 64, the address is considered

logical, i.e., it refers to the host whose logical name is h

concatenated with i.

The design is compatible in a limited sense with the current

X.25 logical addressing implementation, as long as logical

names are assigned such that host-number > 63 (also PSN-number

< 256 which is automatic, given the 16-bit size of the logical

name field) and physical addresses are in the range host-

number < 64 and PSN- number < 256, with the appropriate

setting of bits 16 and 17 of the IP address field. This works

because the X.25 mapping ignores the value of the l field,

i.e., the third IP address octet.

Given the desire to be able to address more than 64 hosts

physically and for PSN numbers > 255, this address assignment

restriction should not be considered permanent, but rather as

an interim compromise until the hosts' X.25 implementations

are revised to incorporate the new mapping between IP and DDN


4. Maximum number of PSNs that can be supported:

The design allows addressing of up to 1024 PSNs per network.

2.5 Interoperability between Current AHIP and AHIP-E

This section discusses the interoperability between hosts using current

AHIP and AHIP-E. It also discusses the general issue of current AHIP

host operation in the AHIP-E addressing environment.

The proposed modifications to AHIP have been designed with backward

compatibility in mind. However, note that bits 41-64 of the PSN-to-host

leader (see 1822(3.4)) will always contain the physical address of the

source host. This means that an error could occur when a host on a PSN

numbered greater than 255 attempts to send a message to a host running a

current AHIP implementation, which interprets the address of the source

host as one with PSN-number < 256.

There are other possibilities for errors, caused by incorrect address

translation between IP and current AHIP:

1. A host running current AHIP cannot physically address

any host on a PSN numbered greater than 255 (see Figure

3.1). Consequently, an error will result if the host

attempts to use an address from the NIC host table that

has PSN-number > 255.

2. If a host running current AHIP attempts to use a

logical name that it might have in its host table, an

error will occur. This is because the logical name flag

bits 16 and 17 of the IP address, bits 49 and 50 of the

AHIP leader. Recal that bits 49 - 56 of the AHIP

leader get set to zero with current AHIP (see figure


Since these errors cannot be detected by the subnetwork, it is essential

that all hosts implement at least version 1 AHIP-E (see chapter 6)

before PSN numbers over 255 and logical names are assigned.

Another ASPect of interoperability has to do with the IP LH field, which

is currently used by a handful of Arpanet hosts to demultiplex a single

host port. The 5 don't-care bits of the physical IP address (bits 17-

21) and the 6 don't-care bits of the IP logical name (bits 18-23) can be

used for this purpose -- in particular, the use of these bits is divided

between the network and external devices, based on administrative

agreement. At the very least, the IP addresses of such hosts will have

to change to reflect the changed position of the LH field. However, the

preferred way to demultiplex a single host port is via the mechanism of

logical names. The only change this involves is to get the port

expander implementation to look at the entire IP address, rather than

just the LH field.


The modifications to AHIP allow a host to use logical addressing to

communicate with other hosts on the network. Basically, logical

addressing allows hosts to refer to each other using a logical name (see

section 3.1) which is independent of a host's physical location in the

network. IEN 183 (also published as BBN Report 4473) [2] gives the use

of logical addressing considerable justification. Among the advantages

it cites are:

o The ability to refer to each host on the network by a name

independent of its location in the network (especially

important if the host has to move to another physical port).

o Allowing different hosts to share the same host port on a

time-division basis.

o Allowing a host to use multi-homing (where a single host uses

more than one port to communicate with the network).

o Allowing several hosts that provide the same service to share

the same name.

o Allowing a host to provide services that have their own unique


3.1 Addresses and Names

The AHIP-E protocol allows two forms of host specification. The first

is a slightly modified version of the form used by the current AHIP

protocol, the physical address. The second form is the logical name

(the terms "name", "logical name" and "logical address" are used

interchangeably in this document).

Current AHIP addresses are the 24-bit host addresses found in AHIP

leaders. They have the following format:

8 8 8


host-number 00000000 PSN-number


41 48 49 56 57 64

(bit positions in the AHIP leader)

Current AHIP Address Format

Figure 3.1

AHIP-E addresses have the following format:

8 1 5 10


HOST 0XXXXX PSN Physical Address


41 48 55 64

(bit positions in the AHIP leader)

(X = don't care)

AHIP-E Address Format

Figure 3.2

Logical names are 16-bit unsigned numbers that serve as a logical

identifier for one or more hosts. A logical name is the concatenation

of two separate octets in the AHIP leader, bits 41-48 (Upper 8) and 57-

64 (Lower 8) in particular.

8 2 6 8




41 48 57 64

(bit positions in the AHIP leader)

(X = don't care)

Logical Name Format

Figure 3.3

3.2 Name Translations

There are a number of factors that determine how a logical name is

translated by the PSN into a physical address on the network. These

factors include which translations are legal; in what order different

translations for the same name should be attempted; and which legal

translations should not be attempted because a particular host port is

down. These issues are discussed in the following sections.

3.2.1 Authorization and Effectiveness

Every host on a PSN, regardless of whether it is using the AHIP or

AHIP-E protocol to access the network, can have one or more logical

names. Hosts using AHIP-E can then use these names to address the hosts

in the network independent of their physical locations.

At this point, several questions arise: How are these names assigned,

how do they become known to the PSNs (so that translations to physical

addresses can be made), and how do the PSNs know which host is currently

using a shared port? To answer each question in order:

Names are assigned by a central network administrator. When each name

is created, it is assigned to a host (or a group of hosts) at one or

more specific host ports. The host(s) are allowed to reside at those

specific host ports, and nowhere else. If a host moves, it will keep

the same name, but the administrator has to update the central database

to reflect the new host port. Changes to this database are distributed

to the PSNs by the Monitoring Center (MC). For a while, the host may be

allowed to reside at either of (or both) the new and old ports. Once

the correspondence between a name and one or more hosts ports where it

may be used has been made official by the administrator, that name is

said to be authorized. Physical addresses, which actually refer to

physical host ports, are always authorized in this sense.

When the PSN detects that a host has come up on one of its ports, it

makes effective the default name(s), if any, for that host. This

default action is specified in the configuration table for that host,

and can be one of the following: Enable All Names, Enable No Names,

Enable One Particular Name. In the case of an AHIP-E host, the default

name might not be the one that the host desires to be known as (recall

that several hosts may share the same port, or one host may prefer to be

known by different names at different times). This requires that an

AHIP-E host be able to declare its name to the PSN. This function is

performed by a new host-to-PSN message, the Name Declaration Message

(NDM), which lists the names that the host would like to be known by.

The PSN checks its tables to see if each of the names is authorized, and

sends an NDM Reply to the host saying which names were actually

authorized and can now be used for sending and receiving messages (i.e.,

which names are effective). A host can also use an NDM message to

change its list of effective names (it can add to and delete from the

list) at any time. The only constraint on the host is that any names it

wishes to use can become effective only if they are authorized.

If a host is using the current AHIP protocol, it can still receive

messages from hosts via its logical name. Of course, it can also

receive messages from a current AHIP host via its physical address as

well. (Remember, the distinction between logical names and physical

addresses is that the addresses correspond to physical locations on the

network, while the names are strictly logical identifiers).

The third question above has by now already been answered. An AHIP-E

host can use the NDM message to tell the PSN which host it is (which

names it is known by). Thus, even if this is a shared port, the PSN

knows which host is currently connected.


EFFECTIVE. When it comes back up, the default action (from the host's

configuration) is taken. If the host wishes to be known by a name other

than the default, it will have to issue a NDM. It will also have to do

this upon receipt of reset NOPS from the PSN.

3.2.2 Translation Policies

Several hosts can share the same logical name. If more than one of

these hosts is up at the same time, any messages sent to that logical

name will be delivered to just one of the hosts sharing that name, and a

RFNM will be returned as usual. However, the sending host will not

receive any indication of which host received the message, and

subsequent messages to that name are not guaranteed to be sent to the

same host. Typically, hosts providing exactly the same service could

share the same logical name in this manner.

Similarly, when a host is multi-homed, the same logical name may refer

to more than one host port (all connected to the same host). If the

host is up on only one of those ports, that port will be used for all

messages addressed to the host. However, if the host were up on more

than one port, the message would be delivered over just one of those

ports, and the subnet would choose which port to use. This port

selection could change from message to message. If a host wanted to

insure that certain messages were delivered to it on specific ports,

these messages could use either the port's physical address or a

specific logical name that referred to that port alone.

Three different address selection policies are available for the name

mapping process. When translated, each name uses one of the three

policies (the policy is administratively pre-determined on a per-name

basis). The three policies are:

o Attempt each translation in the order in which the physical

addresses are listed in the PSN's translation tables, to find

the first reachable physical host address. This list is

always searched from the top whenever a new virtual circuit

connection has to be created. This is the most commonly used


o Selection of the closest physical address, which uses the

PSN's internal routing tables to find the translation to the

destination PSN with the least cost path for the particular

type-of-service whenever a new virtual circuit connection has

to be created.

o Use load leveling. This is similar to the first policy, but

differs in that searching the address list for a valid

translation starts at the address following where the

previous translation search ended whenever a new virtual

circuit connection has to be created. This attempts to

spread out the load from any one PSN's hosts to the various

host ports associated with a particular name. Note that

this is NOT network-wide load leveling, which would require

knowledge about flows throughout the network.

3.2.3 Reporting Destination Host Downs

As is explained in Report 1822, whenever regular messages are sent by a

host, the PSN opens a virtual circuit connection to each destination

host from the source host. A new connection is opened for each new

source-address/destination-name (or address, as the case might

be)/handling-type/type-of-service combination. A connection will stay

open at least as long as there are any outstanding (un-RFNMed) messages

using it and both the source and destination hosts stay up. Connections

are also closed after a period of inactivity.

However, the destination host may go down for some reason during the

lifetime of a connection. If the host goes down while there are no

outstanding messages to it in the network, then the connection is closed

and no other action is taken until the source host submits the next

message for that destination. At that time, ONE of the following events

will occur:

A1. If a physical address is being used to specify the

destination host, then the source host will receive a type

7, subtype 0 (Destination Host Dead) message from the PSN.

A2. If a logical name is being used to specify the

destination host, and the name maps to only one authorized

host port,then a type 7, subtype 0 message will be sent to

the source host.

A3. If a logical name is being used to specify the destination

host, and the name maps to more than one authorized host

port, then the PSN attempts to open a connection to another

authorized and effective host port for that name. If no

such connection can be made, the host will receive a type

15 (AHIP Name or Address Error), subtype 5 (no effective

translations) message (see section 5.2). Note that a type

7 message cannot be returned to the source host, since type

7 messages refer to a particular destination host port, and

the name maps to more than one destination port. However,

in the case of a version 0 or 1 host, a type 7, subtype 0

message will be returned for each outstanding message. See

chapter 6 for further details on version numbers.

Things get a bit more complicated if there are any outstanding messages

on the connection when the destination host goes down. The connection

will be closed, and one of the following will occur:

B1. If a physical address is being used to specify the

destination host, then the source host will receive a type

7 message for each outstanding message.

B2. If a logical name is being used to specify the

destination host, then the source host will receive a type

9 (Incomplete Transmission), subtype 6 (message lost due to

logically addressed host going down) message for each

outstanding message. The next time the source host

submits another message for that same destination name,

the previous algorithm will be used (either step A2 or

step A3). However,in the case of a version 0 or 1 host, a

type 7,subtype 0 message will be returned for each

outstanding message. See chapter 6 for further details

on version numbers.

3.3 Establishing Host-PSN Communications

When a host comes up on a PSN, or after there has been a break in the

communications between the host and its PSN (see 1822 (3.2)),the orderly

flow of messages between the host and the PSN needs to be properly (re-

)established. This allows the PSN and host to recover from almost any

failure in the other or in their communications path, including a break

in mid-message.

The first messages that a host should send to its PSN are three NOPs.

Three messages are required to ensure that at least one message will be

properly read by the PSN (the first NOP could be concatenated to a

previous message if communications had been broken in mid-stream, and

the third provides redundancy for the second). These NOPs serve to

synchronize the PSN with the host, to inform the PSN about how much

padding the host requires between the message leader and its body and to

specify the host's AHIP-E version number to the PSN (see chapter 6).

Similarly, the PSN will send three NOPs to the host when it detects that

the host has come up. The NOPs will be followed by an Interface Reset

message. These NOPs will contain the physical address of the host


Once the PSN and the host have sent each other the above messages,

regular communications can commence. See 1822(3.2) for further details

concerning the ready line, host tardiness, and other issues.

3.4 Name Server

There may be times when a host wants to perform its own translations, or

might need the full list of physical addresses to which a particular

name maps. For example, a connection- based host-to-host protocol may

require that the same physical host port on a multi-homed host be used

for all messages using that host-to-host connection, and the host does

not wish to trust the PSN to always deliver messages using a destination

name to the same host port.

In these cases, the host can submit a type 11 (Name Server Request)

message to the PSN, which requests the PSN to translate the destination

name and return a list of the addresses to which it maps. The PSN will

respond with a type 11 (Name Server Reply) message, which contains the

selection policy in use for that name, the number of addresses to which

the name maps, the addresses themselves, and for each address, whether

it is effective and its routing distance (for the particular type-of-

service specified in the Name Server Request message) from the PSN. See

section 5.2 for a complete description of these messages' contents.

Using this information, the source host could make an informed decision

on which of the physical host ports corresponding to a logical name to

use and then send the messages to that port, rather than to the name.

The PSN also supports a different type of name service. A host needs to

issue a Name Declaration Message to the PSN in order to change its

effective names, but it may not wish to keep its names in some table or

file in the host. In this case, it can ask the PSN to tell it which

names it is authorized to use.

In this case, the host submits a type 12 (Port List Request) message to

the PSN, and the PSN replies with a type 12 (Port List Reply) message.

It contains, for the host port over which the PSN received the request

and sent the reply, the number of names that map to the port, the list

of names, and whether or not each name is effective. The host can then

use this information in order to issue the Name Declaration Message.

Section 5.2 contains a complete description of the reply's contents.


This section describes the enhancements to the AHIP protocol involving

type-of-service specification, subnet congestion feedback and network

precedence level feedback. Note that only version 2 hosts will receive

the congestion and precedence messages described in this section.

4.1 Type-of-Service Specification

Bits 9 and 10 of the AHIP leader, currently unused, will be used by the

host to specify desired delay and throughput characteristics to the PSN.

Bit 11, also currently unused, will be used to specify reliability. The

bits have the following meaning:

Bit 9: delay bit

0 -- normal delay

1 -- low delay

Bit 10: throughput bit

0 -- normal throughput

1 -- high throughput

Bit 11: reliability bit

0 -- normal reliability

1 -- high reliability

The values of these bits are consistent with those of IP, and bits 11,

12 and 13 of the IP header can be copied directly into bits 9, 10 and 11

of the AHIP leader.

The type-of-service bits should be considered as extensions of the

"Handling Type" field (bits 33-40 of the AHIP leader -- see 1822 (3.3)).

Messages from host A to host B using the same destination name and of

the same handling type and type-of- service will use the same

connection, while those that differ in either type-of-service,

destination name or handling type will use separate connections. In

other words, for a given source host and destination name pair, a new

connection will be established whenever a message with a new handling-

type/type-of- service combination is received.

4.2 Subnet Congestion Feedback

This section describes the new messages that are part of the mechanism

used by the PSN to communicate subnetwork congestion information to the

host. Note that a host will be blocked by the PSN when its share of

buffers in the PSN is used up. Thus, this information, which is

communicated on a connection basis, will give the host an opportunity to

selectively reduce its congesting flows, thus preventing all of its

flows from getting blocked. Currently, a host has no way of knowing

which of its flows is experiencing congestion; consequently, it is

possible that one congesting flow can result in the blocking of all the

host's flows.

Three new PSN-to-host messages have been created. These messages are:

1. STOP: Blocking Imminent -- Stop Sending on this

Connection (Message type 13)

2. SLOW: Subnet Congestion -- Send at Slow Rate on this

Connection (Message type 14) -- Maintain Window Size of

1, i.e., do not send a new message to this destination

host with this type-of-service and handling type until

all previous messages have been acknowledged by RFNMs.

3. GO: Congestion Subsided -- Send at Regular Rate on this

Connection (Message type 16) -- Maintain Window Size of


These messages may be sent in any order and correspond to states, not

transitions. A participating host should support three states with

effective windows of 8, 1 and 0. The format of these messages can be

found in section 5.2.

4.3 Precedence Level Information

Two new messages have been created:

1. Network Not Accepting Messages at this Precedence Level

(Message type 9, subtype 7).

2. Network Precedence Level Cutoff Change (Message type


The first message will be generated whenever the host attempts to send a

message at a precedence level lower than the cutoff. The cutoff

represents a precedence level below which no traffic may be submitted

into the subnetwork; note that a cutoff set to the lowest possible

precedence level implies that no precedence restrictions are in effect.

If the host has chosen not to receive the new AHIP-E messages, then the

PSN will send a type 7, sub-type 3 message (communication with the

destination host is administratively prohibited) instead. The second

message will be generated whenever the network precedence level cutoff

changes. Both messages contain the network precedence cutoff value.

The format of these messages can be found in section 5.2.


The following sections describe the formats of the leaders that precede

messages between an AHIP-E host and its PSN. The formats are almost

identical to those of AHIP (see 1822(3.3) and 1822(3.4)). New message

types are marked by margin bars (as shown here).

5.1 Host-to-PSN AHIP-E Leader Format

1 4 5 8 13 16 17 20 21 22 24 25 32




(15) LRLU C


33 40 41 64




65 76 77 80 81 96




Host-to-PSN AHIP-E Leader Format

Figure 5.1

Bits 1-4: Unused, must be set to zero.

Bits 5-8: Format Flag

This field is set to decimal 15 (1111 in binary).

Bits 9-11: Type-of-Service

Bit 9: Delay Bit:

0 -- normal delay

1 -- low delay

Bit 10: Throughput Bit:

0 -- normal throughput

1 -- high throughput

Bit 11: Reliability Bit:

0 -- normal reliability

1 -- high reliability

Bit 12: Unused, must be set to zero.

Bits 13-16: AHIP-E Version number

Ignored by the PSN except in the case of a NOP -- see

chapter 6.

Bits 17-20: Unused, must be set to zero.

Bit 21: Trace Bit:

If equal to one, this message is designated for tracing as

it proceeds through the network. See 1822(5.5).

Bits 22-24: Leader Flags:

Bit 22: A flag available for use by the destination host.

See AHIP(3.3) for a description of its use by the

PSN's TTY Fake Host.

Bits 23-24: Reserved for future use, must be zero.

Bits 25-32: Message Type:

Type 0: Regular Message - All host-to-host communication

occurs via regular messages, which have several sub-

types, found in bits 77-80. These sub-types are:

0: Standard - The PSN uses its full message and error

control facilities, and host blocking may occur.

3: Uncontrolled Packet - The PSN will perform no

message-control functions for this type of

message, and network flow and congestion control

may cause loss of the packet. Also see

1822(3.6). 1-2,4-15: Unassigned.

Type 1: Error Without Message ID - See 1822(3.3).

Type 2: Host Going Down - see 1822(3.3).

Type 3: Name Declaration Message (NDM) - This message is

used by the host to declare which of its logical names

is or is not effective (see section 3.2.1), or to make

all of its names non-effective. The first 16 bits of

the data portion of the NDM message, following the

leader and any leader padding, contains the number of

logical names contained in the message. This is

followed by the logical name entries, each 32 bits

long, of which the first 16 bits is a logical name and

the second 16 bits contains either of the integers

zero or one. Zero indicates that the name should not

be effective, and one indicates that the name should be

effective. Note that only the names explicitly in the

NDM will remain enabled after the NDM is processed

(assuming that they are authorized). The PSN will

reply with a NDM Reply message (see section 5.2)

indicating which of the names are now effective and

which are not. Pictorially, a NDM message has the

following format including the leader, which is printed

in hexadecimal, and without any leader padding):

1 16 17 32 33 48


0F00 0003 0000


49 64 65 80 81 96


0000 0000 0000


97 112 113 128 129 144


# of entries name #1 0 or 1


145 160 161 176


name #2 0 or 1 etc.


NDM Message Format

Figure 5.2

An NDM with zero entries will cause all current

effective names for the host to become non-effective.

Type 4: NOP -- see 1822(3.3). Bits 13-16 of the NOP leader

are used to determine the host's AHIP-E version -- see

chapter 6.

Type 8: Error with Message ID - see 1822(3.3).

Type 11: Name Server Request - This allows the host to use

the PSN's logical addressing tables as a name server.

The destination name in the AHIP-E leader is

translated, and the PSN replies with a Name Server

Reply message, which lists the physical host addresses

to which the destination name maps. The type-of-

service bits (bits 9-11) should be set correctly by

the host, as the Name Server Reply message contains

information about characteristics of the subnetwork

route(s) to that destination, which will depend on the


Type 12: Port List Request - This allows the physical host

to request the list of names that map to the host port

over which this request was received by the PSN. The

PSN replies with a Port List Reply message, which

lists the names that map to the port.

Types 5-7,9-10,13-255: Unassigned.

Bits 33-40: Handling Type:

The top two bits (33 and 34) specify the precedence of the

connection. There are 4 precedence levels, level 3 being

the highest and level 0 the lowest. Bits 35-40 are used to

specify up to 64 separate connections at a particular

precedence level and type-of-service.

Bits 41-64: Destination Host:

This field contains the name or address of the destination

host, as described in figures 3.3 and 3.2 respectively. If

it contains a name, the name will be checked for

effectiveness, with an error message returned to the source

host if the name is not effective.

Bits 65-76: Message ID:

This is a host-specified identification used in all type 0

and type 8 messages, and is also used in type 2 messages.

When used in type 0 messages, bits 65-72 are also known as

the Link Field, and should contain values specified in

Assigned Numbers [3] appropriate for the host-to-host

protocol being used.

Bits 77-80: Sub-type:

This field is used as a modifier by message types 0, 2, 4,

and 8.

Bits 81-96: Unused

5.2 PSN-to-Host AHIP-E Leader Format

1 4 5 8 12 16 17 20 21 22 24 25 32




(15) LRL C


33 40 41 64




65 76 77 80 81 96




PSN-to-Host AHIP-E Leader Format

Figure 5.3

Bits 1-4: Unused and set to zero.

Bits 5-8: Format Flag

This field is set to decimal 15 (1111 in binary).

Bits 9-11: Type-of-Service

Specified by the source host (see section 5.1).

Bits 12-20: Unused, must be set to zero.

Bit 21: Trace Bit:

If equal to one, the source host has designated this

message for tracing as it proceeds through the network.

See 1822(5.5).

Bits 22-24: Leader Flags:

Bit 22: Available as a destination host flag.

Bits 23-24: Reserved for future use, set to zero.

Bits 25-32: Message Type:

Type 0: Regular Message - All host-to-host communication

occurs via regular messages, which have several sub-

types. The sub-type field (bits 77-80) is the same as

that sent in the host-to-PSN leader (see section 5.1).

Type 1: Error in Leader - See 1822(3.4).

Type 2: PSN Going Down - See 1822(3.4).

Type 3: NDM Reply - This is a reply to the NDM host-to-PSN

message (see section 5.1). It has the same number of

entries as the NDM message to which it replies, and

each listed name is accompanied by a zero or a one

(see figure 5.2). A zero signifies that the name is

not effective, and a one means that the name is now


Type 4: NOP - The host should discard this message. It is

used during initialization of the PSN/host

communication. The Destination Host field will

contain the physical address of the host port over

which the NOP is being sent. All other fields are


Type 5: Ready for Next Message (RFNM) - See 1822(3.4).

Type 6: Dead Host Status - See 1822(3.4).

Type 7: Destination Host or PSN Dead (or unknown) - See


Type 8: Error in Data - See 1822(3.4).

Type 9: Incomplete Transmission - See 1822(3.4). In

addition to its already defined sub-types, this

message has two new sub-types:

6: Logically Addressed Host Went Down - A logically

addressed message was lost in the network because

the destination host to which it was being

delivered went down. The message should be

resubmitted by the source host, since there may

be another effective host port to which the

message could be delivered (see section 2.2.3).

7: Network Not Accepting Messages at this Precedence

Level - bits 33 and 34 encode the minimum

precedence level currently being accepted by the

network. See section 4.3.

Type 10: Interface Reset - See 1822(3.4).

Type 11: Name Server Reply - This reply to the Name Server

Request host-to-PSN message contains, following the

leader and any leader padding, a word with the

selection policy and the number of physical addresses

to which the destination name maps, followed by five

octets per physical address: the first three octets

contain an AHIP-E address, and the last two contain a

bit signifying whether or not that particular

translation is effective and the routing distance

(expected network transmission delay, in 6.4 ms units)

to the address's PSN for the type-of-service specified

in the Name Server Request being replied to. This

type-of-service will be included in the Name Server

Reply leader. In figure 5.4, which includes the

leader without any leader padding and has type-of

-service set to 000, EFF is 1 for effective and 0

for non-effective, the destination name is in the format

of figure 3.3, and POL is a two-bit number indicating

the selection policy for the name (see section 3.2.2):

0: First reachable.

1: Closest physical address.

2: Load leveling.

3: Unused.

1 16 17 32 33 40


0F00 000B 00


41 64 65 80


Destination name 0000


81 96 97 112



0000 O # of addrs



113 136 137 152



AHIP-E addr #1 F routing dist



153 176 177 192



AHIP-E addr #2 F routing dist etc.



Name Server Reply Format

Figure 5.4

Type 12: Port List Reply - This is the reply to the Port

List Request host-to-PSN message. It contains the

number of names that map to this physical host port,

followed by two words per name: the first word

contains a logical name that maps to this port, and

the second contains either a zero or a one,

signifying whether or not that particular translation

is effective. The format is identical to the type 3

NDM Reply message(see figure 5.2).

Type 13: STOP -- Stop Sending on this Connection. See

section 4.2.

Type 14: SLOW -- maintain window size of 1 on this

connection. See section 4.2.

Type 15: Name or Address Error - This message is sent in

response to a type 0 message from a host that

contained an erroneous Destination Host field. Its

sub-types are:

2: The Destination Host name is not authorized.

3: The physical host to which this singly-homed

Destination Host name translated is authorized

and up, but not effective. If the host was

actually down, a type 7 message would be

returned, not a type 15.

5: The multi-homed Destination Host name is

authorized but has no available effective


6: A logically-addressed uncontrolled packet was sent

to a dead or non-effective host port. However,

if it is resubmitted, there may be another

effective host port to which the PSN may be able

to attempt to send the packet.

7: Logical addressing is not in use.

The PSN has no table of mappings from logical

addresses to physical host ports.

0, 1, 4, 8-15: Unassigned

Type 16: GO -- maintain window size of 8 on this

connection. See section 4.2.

Type 17: Network Precedence Level Cutoff Change -- bits 33

and 34 encode the minimum precedence level currently

being accepted by the network. See section 4.3.

Types 18-255: Unassigned.

Bits 33-40: Handling Type:

This has the value assigned by the source host (see

1822(3.1)). This field is only used in message types 0, 5-

9, and 13-16.

Bits 41-64: Source Host:

See 1882(3.4). For type 0 messages this contains the

physical address of the source host, in the format detailed

in figure 3.2. For type 4 messages, this contains the

physical address of the local host. For messages of type

5-9, 11 and 13-16 which are responses to messages from the

local host, this contains the destination name as specified

in the message from the local host.

Bits 65-76: Message ID:

For message types 0, 5, 7-9, and 15, this is the value

assigned by the source host to identify the message (see

section 5.1). This field is also used by message types 2

and 6.

Bits 77-80: Sub-type:

This field is used as a modifier by message types 0-2, 5-7,

9, and 15.

Bits 81-96: Message Length:

This field is contained in type 0 messages only, and is the

actual length in bits of the message (exclusive of leader,

leader padding, and hardware padding) as computed by the



This specification provides three versions of AHIP-E and allows a host

to specify its version in bits 13-16 of the leader of the NOP. The PSN

will set the version of a host based on the value contained in the most

recent NOP that it has received from the host. Thus, a host can change

the PSN's idea of its version by issuing a NOP containing a different

version value. Note that the version field in all other host-to-PSN

messages will be ignored by the PSN.

Version 0:

A host that doesn't change its current AHIP implementation will

presumably have the version bits in the AHIP leader set to zero.

Version 0, thus, is nothing but current AHIP.

A version 0 host will not receive any of the new AHIP-E messages from

the PSN, nor will the PSN expect any of the new host-to-PSN message

types from the host. The type-of-service bits will always be set to

zero in the PSN-to-host leader.

Version 1:

A version 1 host will be able to use logical names to address other

hosts, will be able to use the 10-bit PSN field, will be able to specify

desired type-of-service to the PSN, but will not receive any of the new

AHIP-E messages from the PSN. The PSN will not expect any of the new

host-to-PSN message types from the host either.

To implement version 1, a host need only make the following changes to

its AHIP implementation:

1. Set the version number field to 1 when sending type 4

messages (NOPs).

2. When sending type 0 messages, copy IP address bits 8-31

into bits 41-64 of the AHIP leader.

3. When sending type 0 messages, copy IP header bits 11-13

to AHIP leader bits 9-11.

Version 2:

A version 2 host is one that is fully compliant with the AHIP-E protocol

as described in this document. In addition to being able to take

advantage of the features described under version 1 above, it should be

able to send and receive all the new AHIP-E messages described in this



[1] "Specifications for the Interconnection of a Host and an

PSN", BBN Report 1822, as found in "DDN Protocol Handbook",

December 1985, vol. 3, section 3.10.

[2] E. C. Rosen et. al., "ARPANET Routing Algorithm

Improvements", Internet Experimenter's Note 183 (also

published as BBN Report 4473, Vol. 1), August 1980, pp. 55-


[3] J. Reynolds and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", Request For

Comments 990, November 1986.

[4] J. Postel, ed., "Internet Protocol -- DARPA Internet

Program Protocol Specification", Request for Comments 791,

September 1981.

[5] J. Postel, "Address Mappings", Request for Comments 796,

September 1981, as found in "DDN Protocol Handbook", vol.

3, section 3.4.

[6] "Defense Data Network X.25 Host Interface Specification",

pp. 497-498, DDN protocol handbook, vol. 1, December 1985.

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