
RFC1039 - DoD statement on Open Systems Interconnection protocols

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group D. Latham

Request for Comments: 1039 DoD

Obsoletes RFC-945 January 1988

A DoD Statement on Open Systems Interconnection Protocols

Status of this Memo

This RFCreprodUCes a memorandum issued on 2-JUL-87 from the

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications,

and Intelligence (ASDC31) to the Director of the Defense

Communications Agency (DCA). This memo is distributed for

information only. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


There has been recent rapid progress in the specification and

implementation of computer protocols based on the International

Organization for Standardization model for Open Systems

Interconnection (OSI). The Government OSI Profile (GOSIP), dated 22

April 1987, contains sufficient information to specify adequately and

acquire interoperable vendor implementations of OSI message handling

and file transfer capabilities. Therefore, the policy on

standardization of host-to-host protocols for data communications,

promulgated by USDR&E memo of 23 March 1982, is modified as follows.

The OSI message handling and file transfer protocols, together with

their underlying protocols as defined in GOSIP, are adopted as

eXPerimental co-standards to the DoD protocols which provide similar

services (MIL-STDs 1777, 1778, 1780, and 1781). These OSI protocols

may be specified in addition to, in lieu of, or as an optional

alternative to DoD protocols, in cases where the current DoD protocol

applicability statements apply. They are designated as experimental

because of the limited operational experience currently available

with the OSI protocols and the limited operational, testing, and

security environment currently defined in GOSIP. Services and

agencies choosing to implement OSI protocols at this time should

carefully evaluate these factors and be prepared to deal with the

complications which may accompany the introduction of new technology.

It is intended to adopt the OSI protocols as a full co-standard with

the DoD protocols when GOSIP is formally approved as a Federal

Information Processing Standard. Two years thereafter, the OSI

protocols would become the sole mandatory interoperable protocol

suite; however, a capability for interoperation with DoD protocols

would be provided for the expected life of systems supporting the DoD


In order to extend the OSI protocol capabilities and provide

interoperability between the DoD and OSI protocols as rapidly as

possible, the following actions are requested:

a. The Director, Defense Communications Agency, as the DoD

Executive Agent for Data Communications Protocol Standards,


* Publish by November 1987 the DoD-OSI Interoperability and

Transition Plan. The plan should provide for interoperation of

the DoD and OSI protocols at the application level. A capability

for experimental interoperability of DoD and OSI message handling

and file transfer capabilities should be provided by March 1988,

and a limit operational capability by January 1989.

* Join the Corporation for Open Systems (COS) as the Department of

Defense representative. COS is a non-profit consortium formed to

deal with testing and other operational issues relating to OSI

protocols. At the request of the Office of Management and Budget,

the Services and other defense agencies should not join COS

directly, but may participate as the agents of DCA on appropriate

COS committees.

* Coordinate Service and agency participation, in accordance with

existing directives, in groups developing OSI standards,

specifications and operating and management procedures. These

groups include the Government OSI User's Group, the National

Bureau of Standards OSI Implementor's Workshop, the Corporation

for Open Systems, the Manufacturing and Automation Protocol (MAP)

and Technical and Office Protocol (TOP) user's groups, the

American National Standards Institute X3S3 and X3T5 committees,

and the NATO Tri-Service Group on Communications and Electronic

Equipment, Sub-Group 9 (Data Processing and Distribution).

b. The Director, National Security Agency should assure that the

efforts of the ongoing Secure Data Network Systems program can be

used to provide the security extensions defined as future work

items in GOSIP.

c. The Services and defense agencies should share the results and

experience of early implementations under the experimental

coexistence policy by actively participating in the groups

indicated above, under DCA coordination. This experience should

be particularly valuable in assuring that military requirements

can be satisfied by the developing OSI standards, specifications,

and procedures.

This guidance provides for the interim steps necessary to continue

progress toward implementation of OSI standards. As the technology

matures and DoD gains additional experience, the final implementation

details will be provided in a DoD Directive.


[1] Dinneen, Memorandum of Dec 78, IEN-152.

[2] Dinneen, Memorandum of Apr 80, IEN-152.

[3] DeLauer, Memorandum of Mar 82, IEN-207.

[4] Latham, Memorandum of Apr 85, RFC-945.

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