
RFC1112 - Host extensions for IP multicasting

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group S. Deering

Request for Comments: 1112 Stanford University

Obsoletes: RFCs 988, 1054 August 1989

Host Extensions for IP Multicasting


This memo specifies the extensions required of a host implementation

of the Internet Protocol (IP) to support multicasting. It is the

recommended standard for IP multicasting in the Internet.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


IP multicasting is the transmission of an IP datagram to a "host

group", a set of zero or more hosts identified by a single IP

destination address. A multicast datagram is delivered to all

members of its destination host group with the same "best-efforts"

reliability as regular unicast IP datagrams, i.e., the datagram is

not guaranteed to arrive intact at all members of the destination

group or in the same order relative to other datagrams.

The membership of a host group is dynamic; that is, hosts may join

and leave groups at any time. There is no restriction on the

location or number of members in a host group. A host may be a

member of more than one group at a time. A host need not be a member

of a group to send datagrams to it.

A host group may be permanent or transient. A permanent group has a

well-known, administratively assigned IP address. It is the address,

not the membership of the group, that is permanent; at any time a

permanent group may have any number of members, even zero. Those IP

multicast addresses that are not reserved for permanent groups are

available for dynamic assignment to transient groups which exist only

as long as they have members.

Internetwork forwarding of IP multicast datagrams is handled by

"multicast routers" which may be co-resident with, or separate from,

internet gateways. A host transmits an IP multicast datagram as a

local network multicast which reaches all immediately-neighboring

members of the destination host group. If the datagram has an IP

time-to-live greater than 1, the multicast router(s) attached to the

local network take responsibility for forwarding it towards all other

networks that have members of the destination group. On those other

member networks that are reachable within the IP time-to-live, an

attached multicast router completes delivery by transmitting the

datagram as a local multicast.

This memo specifies the extensions required of a host IP

implementation to support IP multicasting, where a "host" is any

internet host or gateway other than those acting as multicast

routers. The algorithms and protocols used within and between

multicast routers are transparent to hosts and will be specified in

separate documents. This memo also does not specify how local

network multicasting is accomplished for all types of network,

although it does specify the required service interface to an

arbitrary local network and gives an Ethernet specification as an

example. Specifications for other types of network will be the

subject of future memos.


There are three levels of conformance to this specification:

Level 0: no support for IP multicasting.

There is, at this time, no requirement that all IP implementations

support IP multicasting. Level 0 hosts will, in general, be

unaffected by multicast activity. The only exception arises on some

types of local network, where the presence of level 1 or 2 hosts may

cause misdelivery of multicast IP datagrams to level 0 hosts. Such

datagrams can easily be identified by the presence of a class D IP

address in their destination address field; they should be quietly

discarded by hosts that do not support IP multicasting. Class D

addresses are described in section 4 of this memo.

Level 1: support for sending but not receiving multicast IP


Level 1 allows a host to partake of some multicast-based services,

such as resource location or status reporting, but it does not allow

a host to join any host groups. An IP implementation may be upgraded

from level 0 to level 1 very easily and with little new code. Only

sections 4, 5, and 6 of this memo are applicable to level 1


Level 2: full support for IP multicasting.

Level 2 allows a host to join and leave host groups, as well as send

IP datagrams to host groups. It requires implementation of the

Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) and extension of the IP and

local network service interfaces within the host. All of the

following sections of this memo are applicable to level 2



Host groups are identified by class D IP addresses, i.e., those with

"1110" as their high-order four bits. Class E IP addresses, i.e.,

those with "1111" as their high-order four bits, are reserved for

future addressing modes.

In Internet standard "dotted decimal" notation, host group addresses

range from to The address is

guaranteed not to be assigned to any group, and is assigned

to the permanent group of all IP hosts (including gateways). This is

used to address all multicast hosts on the directly connected

network. There is no multicast address (or any other IP address) for

all hosts on the total Internet. The addresses of other well-known,

permanent groups are to be published in "Assigned Numbers".

Appendix II contains some background discussion of several issues

related to host group addresses.


The multicast extensions to a host IP implementation are specified in

terms of the layered model illustrated below. In this model, ICMP

and (for level 2 hosts) IGMP are considered to be implemented within

the IP module, and the mapping of IP addresses to local network

addresses is considered to be the responsibility of local network

modules. This model is for eXPository purposes only, and should not

be construed as constraining an actual implementation.

Upper-Layer Protocol Modules


--------------------- IP Service Interface -----------------------



IP ____________________________



---------------- Local Network Service Interface -----------------


Local IP-to-local address mapping

Network (e.g., ARP)

Modules _____________________________

(e.g., Ethernet)

To provide level 1 multicasting, a host IP implementation must

support the transmission of multicast IP datagrams. To provide level

2 multicasting, a host must also support the reception of multicast

IP datagrams. Each of these two new services is described in a

separate section, below. For each service, extensions are specified

for the IP service interface, the IP module, the local network

service interface, and an Ethernet local network module. Extensions

to local network modules other than Ethernet are mentioned briefly,

but are not specified in detail.


6.1. Extensions to the IP Service Interface

Multicast IP datagrams are sent using the same "Send IP" operation

used to send unicast IP datagrams; an upper-layer protocol module

merely specifies an IP host group address, rather than an individual

IP address, as the destination. However, a number of extensions may

be necessary or desirable.

First, the service interface should provide a way for the upper-layer

protocol to specify the IP time-to-live of an outgoing multicast

datagram, if such a capability does not already exist. If the

upper-layer protocol chooses not to specify a time-to-live, it should

default to 1 for all multicast IP datagrams, so that an explicit

choice is required to multicast beyond a single network.

Second, for hosts that may be attached to more than one network, the

service interface should provide a way for the upper-layer protocol

to identify which network interface is be used for the multicast

transmission. Only one interface is used for the initial

transmission; multicast routers are responsible for forwarding to any

other networks, if necessary. If the upper-layer protocol chooses

not to identify an outgoing interface, a default interface should be

used, preferably under the control of system management.

Third (level 2 implementations only), for the case in which the host

is itself a member of a group to which a datagram is being sent, the

service interface should provide a way for the upper-layer protocol

to inhibit local delivery of the datagram; by default, a copy of the

datagram is looped back. This is a performance optimization for

upper-layer protocols that restrict the membership of a group to one

process per host (such as a routing protocol), or that handle

loopback of group communication at a higher layer (such as a

multicast transport protocol).

6.2. Extensions to the IP Module

To support the sending of multicast IP datagrams, the IP module must

be extended to recognize IP host group addresses when routing

outgoing datagrams. Most IP implementations include the following


if IP-destination is on the same local network,

send datagram locally to IP-destination


send datagram locally to GatewayTo( IP-destination )

To allow multicast transmissions, the routing logic must be changed


if IP-destination is on the same local network

or IP-destination is a host group,

send datagram locally to IP-destination


send datagram locally to GatewayTo( IP-destination )

If the sending host is itself a member of the destination group on

the outgoing interface, a copy of the outgoing datagram must be

looped-back for local delivery, unless inhibited by the sender.

(Level 2 implementations only.)

The IP source address of the outgoing datagram must be one of the

individual addresses corresponding to the outgoing interface.

A host group address must never be placed in the source address field

or anywhere in a source route or record route option of an outgoing

IP datagram.

6.3. Extensions to the Local Network Service Interface

No change to the local network service interface is required to

support the sending of multicast IP datagrams. The IP module merely

specifies an IP host group destination, rather than an individual IP

destination, when it invokes the existing "Send Local" operation.

6.4. Extensions to an Ethernet Local Network Module

The Ethernet directly supports the sending of local multicast packets

by allowing multicast addresses in the destination field of Ethernet

packets. All that is needed to support the sending of multicast IP

datagrams is a procedure for mapping IP host group addresses to

Ethernet multicast addresses.

An IP host group address is mapped to an Ethernet multicast address

by placing the low-order 23-bits of the IP address into the low-order

23 bits of the Ethernet multicast address 01-00-5E-00-00-00 (hex).

Because there are 28 significant bits in an IP host group address,

more than one host group address may map to the same Ethernet

multicast address.

6.5. Extensions to Local Network Modules other than Ethernet

Other networks that directly support multicasting, such as rings or

buses conforming to the IEEE 802.2 standard, may be handled the same

way as Ethernet for the purpose of sending multicast IP datagrams.

For a network that supports broadcast but not multicast, such as the

Experimental Ethernet, all IP host group addresses may be mapped to a

single local broadcast address (at the cost of increased overhead on

all local hosts). For a point-to-point link joining two hosts (or a

host and a multicast router), multicasts should be transmitted

exactly like unicasts. For a store-and-forward network like the

ARPANET or a public X.25 network, all IP host group addresses might

be mapped to the well-known local address of an IP multicast router;

a router on such a network would take responsibility for completing

multicast delivery within the network as well as among networks.


7.1. Extensions to the IP Service Interface

Incoming multicast IP datagrams are received by upper-layer protocol

modules using the same "Receive IP" operation as normal, unicast

datagrams. Selection of a destination upper-layer protocol is based

on the protocol field in the IP header, regardless of the destination

IP address. However, before any datagrams destined to a particular

group can be received, an upper-layer protocol must ask the IP module

to join that group. Thus, the IP service interface must be extended

to provide two new operations:

JoinHostGroup ( group-address, interface )

LeaveHostGroup ( group-address, interface )

The JoinHostGroup operation requests that this host become a member

of the host group identified by "group-address" on the given network

interface. The LeaveGroup operation requests that this host give up

its membership in the host group identified by "group-address" on the

given network interface. The interface argument may be omitted on

hosts that support only one interface. For hosts that may be

attached to more than one network, the upper-layer protocol may

choose to leave the interface unspecified, in which case the request

will apply to the default interface for sending multicast datagrams

(see section 6.1).

It is permissible to join the same group on more than one interface,

in which case duplicate multicast datagrams may be received. It is

also permissible for more than one upper-layer protocol to request

membership in the same group.

Both operations should return immediately (i.e., they are non-

blocking operations), indicating success or failure. Either

operation may fail due to an invalid group address or interface

identifier. JoinHostGroup may fail due to lack of local resources.

LeaveHostGroup may fail because the host does not belong to the given

group on the given interface. LeaveHostGroup may succeed, but the

membership persist, if more than one upper-layer protocol has

requested membership in the same group.

7.2. Extensions to the IP Module

To support the reception of multicast IP datagrams, the IP module

must be extended to maintain a list of host group memberships

associated with each network interface. An incoming datagram

destined to one of those groups is processed exactly the same way as

datagrams destined to one of the host's individual addresses.

Incoming datagrams destined to groups to which the host does not

belong are discarded without generating any error report or log

entry. On hosts with more than one network interface, if a datagram

arrives via one interface, destined for a group to which the host

belongs only on a different interface, the datagram is quietly

discarded. (These cases should occur only as a result of inadequate

multicast address filtering in a local network module.)

An incoming datagram is not rejected for having an IP time-to-live of

1 (i.e., the time-to-live should not automatically be decremented on

arriving datagrams that are not being forwarded). An incoming

datagram with an IP host group address in its source address field is

quietly discarded. An ICMP error message (Destination Unreachable,

Time Exceeded, Parameter Problem, Source Quench, or Redirect) is

never generated in response to a datagram destined to an IP host


The list of host group memberships is updated in response to

JoinHostGroup and LeaveHostGroup requests from upper-layer protocols.

Each membership should have an associated reference count or similar

mechanism to handle multiple requests to join and leave the same

group. On the first request to join and the last request to leave a

group on a given interface, the local network module for that

interface is notified, so that it may update its multicast reception

filter (see section 7.3).

The IP module must also be extended to implement the IGMP protocol,

specified in Appendix I. IGMP is used to keep neighboring multicast

routers informed of the host group memberships present on a

particular local network. To support IGMP, every level 2 host must

join the "all-hosts" group (address on each network

interface at initialization time and must remain a member for as long

as the host is active.

(Datagrams addressed to the all-hosts group are recognized as a

special case by the multicast routers and are never forwarded beyond

a single network, regardless of their time-to-live. Thus, the all-

hosts address may not be used as an internet-wide broadcast address.

For the purpose of IGMP, membership in the all-hosts group is really

necessary only while the host belongs to at least one other group.

However, it is specified that the host shall remain a member of the

all-hosts group at all times because (1) it is simpler, (2) the

frequency of reception of unnecessary IGMP queries should be low

enough that overhead is negligible, and (3) the all-hosts address may

serve other routing-oriented purposes, such as advertising the

presence of gateways or resolving local addresses.)

7.3. Extensions to the Local Network Service Interface

Incoming local network multicast packets are delivered to the IP

module using the same "Receive Local" operation as local network

unicast packets. To allow the IP module to tell the local network

module which multicast packets to accept, the local network service

interface is extended to provide two new operations:

JoinLocalGroup ( group-address )

LeaveLocalGroup ( group-address )

where "group-address" is an IP host group address. The

JoinLocalGroup operation requests the local network module to accept

and deliver up subsequently arriving packets destined to the given IP

host group address. The LeaveLocalGroup operation requests the local

network module to stop delivering up packets destined to the given IP

host group address. The local network module is expected to map the

IP host group addresses to local network addresses as required to

update its multicast reception filter. Any local network module is

free to ignore LeaveLocalGroup requests, and may deliver up packets

destined to more addresses than just those specified in

JoinLocalGroup requests, if it is unable to filter incoming packets


The local network module must not deliver up any multicast packets

that were transmitted from that module; loopback of multicasts is

handled at the IP layer or higher.

7.4. Extensions to an Ethernet Local Network Module

To support the reception of multicast IP datagrams, an Ethernet

module must be able to receive packets addressed to the Ethernet

multicast addresses that correspond to the host's IP host group

addresses. It is highly desirable to take advantage of any address

filtering capabilities that the Ethernet hardware interface may have,

so that the host receives only those packets that are destined to it.

Unfortunately, many current Ethernet interfaces have a small limit on

the number of addresses that the hardware can be configured to

recognize. Nevertheless, an implementation must be capable of

listening on an arbitrary number of Ethernet multicast addresses,

which may mean "opening up" the address filter to accept all

multicast packets during those periods when the number of addresses

exceeds the limit of the filter.

For interfaces with inadequate hardware address filtering, it may be

desirable (for performance reasons) to perform Ethernet address

filtering within the software of the Ethernet module. This is not

mandatory, however, because the IP module performs its own filtering

based on IP destination addresses.

7.5. Extensions to Local Network Modules other than Ethernet

Other multicast networks, such as IEEE 802.2 networks, can be handled

the same way as Ethernet for the purpose of receiving multicast IP

datagrams. For pure broadcast networks, such as the Experimental

Ethernet, all incoming broadcast packets can be accepted and passed

to the IP module for IP-level filtering. On point-to-point or

store-and-forward networks, multicast IP datagrams will arrive as

local network unicasts, so no change to the local network module

should be necessary.


The Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is used by IP hosts to

report their host group memberships to any immediately-neighboring

multicast routers. IGMP is an asymmetric protocol and is specified

here from the point of view of a host, rather than a multicast

router. (IGMP may also be used, symmetrically or asymmetrically,

between multicast routers. Such use is not specified here.)

Like ICMP, IGMP is a integral part of IP. It is required to be

implemented by all hosts conforming to level 2 of the IP multicasting

specification. IGMP messages are encapsulated in IP datagrams, with

an IP protocol number of 2. All IGMP messages of concern to hosts

have the following format:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Version Type Unused Checksum


Group Address



This memo specifies version 1 of IGMP. Version 0 is specified

in RFC-988 and is now obsolete.


There are two types of IGMP message of concern to hosts:

1 = Host Membership Query

2 = Host Membership Report


Unused field, zeroed when sent, ignored when received.


The checksum is the 16-bit one's complement of the one's

complement sum of the 8-octet IGMP message. For computing

the checksum, the checksum field is zeroed.

Group Address

In a Host Membership Query message, the group address field

is zeroed when sent, ignored when received.

In a Host Membership Report message, the group address field

holds the IP host group address of the group being reported.

Informal Protocol Description

Multicast routers send Host Membership Query messages (hereinafter

called Queries) to discover which host groups have members on their

attached local networks. Queries are addressed to the all-hosts

group (address, and carry an IP time-to-live of 1.

Hosts respond to a Query by generating Host Membership Reports

(hereinafter called Reports), reporting each host group to which they

belong on the network interface from which the Query was received.

In order to avoid an "implosion" of concurrent Reports and to reduce

the total number of Reports transmitted, two techniques are used:

1. When a host receives a Query, rather than sending Reports

immediately, it starts a report delay timer for each of its

group memberships on the network interface of the incoming

Query. Each timer is set to a different, randomly-chosen

value between zero and D seconds. When a timer expires, a

Report is generated for the corresponding host group. Thus,

Reports are spread out over a D second interval instead of

all occurring at once.

2. A Report is sent with an IP destination address equal to the

host group address being reported, and with an IP

time-to-live of 1, so that other members of the same group on

the same network can overhear the Report. If a host hears a

Report for a group to which it belongs on that network, the

host stops its own timer for that group and does not generate

a Report for that group. Thus, in the normal case, only one

Report will be generated for each group present on the

network, by the member host whose delay timer expires first.

Note that the multicast routers receive all IP multicast

datagrams, and therefore need not be addressed explicitly.

Further note that the routers need not know which hosts

belong to a group, only that at least one host belongs to a

group on a particular network.

There are two exceptions to the behavior described above. First, if

a report delay timer is already running for a group membership when a

Query is received, that timer is not reset to a new random value, but

rather allowed to continue running with its current value. Second, a

report delay timer is never set for a host's membership in the all-

hosts group (, and that membership is never reported.

If a host uses a pseudo-random number generator to compute the

reporting delays, one of the host's own individual IP address should

be used as part of the seed for the generator, to reduce the chance

of multiple hosts generating the same sequence of delays.

A host should confirm that a received Report has the same IP host

group address in its IP destination field and its IGMP group address

field, to ensure that the host's own Report is not cancelled by an

erroneous received Report. A host should quietly discard any IGMP

message of type other than Host Membership Query or Host Membership


Multicast routers send Queries periodically to refresh their

knowledge of memberships present on a particular network. If no

Reports are received for a particular group after some number of

Queries, the routers assume that that group has no local members and

that they need not forward remotely-originated multicasts for that

group onto the local network. Queries are normally sent infrequently

(no more than once a minute) so as to keep the IGMP overhead on hosts

and networks very low. However, when a multicast router starts up,

it may issue several closely-spaced Queries in order to build up its

knowledge of local memberships quickly.

When a host joins a new group, it should immediately transmit a

Report for that group, rather than waiting for a Query, in case it is

the first member of that group on the network. To cover the

possibility of the initial Report being lost or damaged, it is

recommended that it be repeated once or twice after short delays. (A

simple way to accomplish this is to act as if a Query had been

received for that group only, setting the group's random report delay

timer. The state transition diagram below illustrates this


Note that, on a network with no multicast routers present, the only

IGMP traffic is the one or more Reports sent whenever a host joins a

new group.

State Transition Diagram

IGMP behavior is more formally specified by the state transition

diagram below. A host may be in one of three possible states, with

respect to any single IP host group on any single network interface:

- Non-Member state, when the host does not belong to the group

on the interface. This is the initial state for all

memberships on all network interfaces; it requires no storage

in the host.

- Delaying Member state, when the host belongs to the group on

the interface and has a report delay timer running for that


- Idle Member state, when the host belongs to the group on the

interface and does not have a report delay timer running for

that membership.

There are five significant events that can cause IGMP state


- "join group" occurs when the host decides to join the group on

the interface. It may occur only in the Non-Member state.

- "leave group" occurs when the host decides to leave the group

on the interface. It may occur only in the Delaying Member

and Idle Member states.

- "query received" occurs when the host receives a valid IGMP

Host Membership Query message. To be valid, the Query message

must be at least 8 octets long, have a correct IGMP

checksum and have an IP destination address of

A single Query applies to all memberships on the

interface from which the Query is received. It is ignored for

memberships in the Non-Member or Delaying Member state.

- "report received" occurs when the host receives a valid IGMP

Host Membership Report message. To be valid, the Report

message must be at least 8 octets long, have a correct IGMP

checksum, and contain the same IP host group address in its IP

destination field and its IGMP group address field. A Report

applies only to the membership in the group identified by the

Report, on the interface from which the Report is received.

It is ignored for memberships in the Non-Member or Idle Member


- "timer expired" occurs when the report delay timer for the

group on the interface expires. It may occur only in the

Delaying Member state.

All other events, such as receiving invalid IGMP messages, or IGMP

messages other than Query or Report, are ignored in all states.

There are three possible actions that may be taken in response to the

above events:

- "send report" for the group on the interface.

- "start timer" for the group on the interface, using a random

delay value between 0 and D seconds.

- "stop timer" for the group on the interface.

In the following diagram, each state transition arc is labelled with

the event that causes the transition, and, in parentheses, any

actions taken during the transition.


---------> Non-Member <---------


leave group join group leave group

(stop timer) (send report,

start timer)

________________ ________________



query received

Delaying Member (start timer) Idle Member


report received

(stop timer)


timer expired

(send report)

The all-hosts group (address is handled as a special case.

The host starts in Idle Member state for that group on every

interface, never transitions to another state, and never sends a

report for that group.

Protocol Parameters

The maximum report delay, D, is 10 seconds.


This appendix is not part of the IP multicasting specification, but

provides background discussion of several issues related to IP host

group addresses.

Group Address Binding

The binding of IP host group addresses to physical hosts may be

considered a generalization of the binding of IP unicast addresses.

An IP unicast address is statically bound to a single local network

interface on a single IP network. An IP host group address is

dynamically bound to a set of local network interfaces on a set of IP


It is important to understand that an IP host group address is NOT

bound to a set of IP unicast addresses. The multicast routers do not

need to maintain a list of individual members of each host group.

For example, a multicast router attached to an Ethernet need

associate only a single Ethernet multicast address with each host

group having local members, rather than a list of the members'

individual IP or Ethernet addresses.

Allocation of Transient Host Group Addresses

This memo does not specify how transient group address are allocated.

It is anticipated that different portions of the IP transient host

group address space will be allocated using different techniques.

For example, there may be a number of servers that can be contacted

to acquire a new transient group address. Some higher-level

protocols (such as VMTP, specified in RFC-1045) may generate higher-

level transient "process group" or "entity group" addresses which are

then algorithmically mapped to a subset of the IP transient host

group addresses, similarly to the way that IP host group addresses

are mapped to Ethernet multicast addresses. A portion of the IP

group address space may be set aside for random allocation by

applications that can tolerate occasional collisions with other

multicast users, perhaps generating new addresses until a suitably

"quiet" one is found.

In general, a host cannot assume that datagrams sent to any host

group address will reach only the intended hosts, or that datagrams

received as a member of a transient host group are intended for the

recipient. Misdelivery must be detected at a level above IP, using

higher-level identifiers or authentication tokens. Information

transmitted to a host group address should be encrypted or governed

by administrative routing controls if the sender is concerned about

unwanted listeners.

Author's Address

Steve Deering

Stanford University

Computer Science Department

Stanford, CA 94305-2140

Phone: (415) 723-9427


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