
RFC1108 - U.S

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group S. Kent

Request for Comments: 1108 BBN Communications

Obsoletes: RFC1038 November 1991

U.S. Department of Defense

Security Options for the Internet Protocol

Status of this Memo

This RFCspecifies an IAB standards track protocol for the Internet

community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.

Please refer to the current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol

Standards" for the standardization state and status of this protocol.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


This RFCspecifies the U.S. Department of Defense Basic Security

Option and the top-level description of the Extended Security Option

for use with the Internet Protocol. This RFCobsoletes RFC1038

"Revised IP Security Option", dated January 1988.

1. DoD Security Options Defined

The following two internet protocol options are defined for use on

Department of Defense (DoD) common user data networks:


1 0 2 130 var. DoD Basic Security: Used to carry the

classification level and protection

authority flags.

1 0 5 133 var. DoD Extended Security: Used to carry

additional security information as

required by registered authorities.

CF = Copy on Fragmentation

2. DoD Basic Security Option

This option identifies the U.S. classification level at which the

datagram is to be protected and the authorities whose protection

rules apply to each datagram.

This option is used by end systems and intermediate systems of an

internet to:

a. Transmit from source to destination in a network standard

representation the common security labels required by computer

security models,

b. Validate the datagram as appropriate for transmission from

the source and delivery to the destination,

c. Ensure that the route taken by the datagram is protected to

the level required by all protection authorities indicated on

the datagram. In order to provide this facility in a general

Internet environment, interior and exterior gateway protocols

must be augmented to include security label information in

support of routing control.

The DoD Basic Security option must be copied on fragmentation. This

option appears at most once in a datagram. Some security systems

require this to be the first option if more than one option is

carried in the IP header, but this is not a generic requirement

levied by this specification.

The format of the DoD Basic Security option is as follows:









2.1. Type

The value 130 identifies this as the DoD Basic Security Option.

2.2. Length

The length of the option is variable. The minimum length of the

option is 3 octets, including the Type and Length fields (the

Protection Authority field may be absent). A length indication of

less than 3 octets should result in error processing as described in

Section 2.8.1.

2.3. Classification Level

Field Length: One Octet

This field specifies the (U.S.) classification level at which the

datagram must be protected. The information in the datagram must be

protected at this level. The field is encoded as shown in Table 1

and the order of values in this table defines the ordering for

comparison purposes. The bit string values in this table were chosen

to achieve a minimum Hamming distance of four (4) between any two

valid values. This specific assignment of classification level names

to values has been defined for compatibility with security devices

which have already been developed and deployed.

"Reserved" values in the table must be treated as invalid until sUCh

time they are assigned to named classification levels in a successor

to this document. A datagram containing a value for this field which

is either not in this table or which is listed as "reserved" is in

error and must be processed according to the "out-of-range"

procedures defined in section 2.8.1.

A classification level value from the Basic Security Option in a

datagram may be checked for equality against any of the (assigned)

values in Table 1 by performing a simple bit string comparison.

However, because of the sparseness of the classification level

encodings, range checks involving a value from this field must not be

performed based solely using arithmetic comparisons (as such

comparisons would encompass invalid and or unassigned values within

the range). The details of how ordered comparisons are performed for

this field within a system is a local matter, subject to the

requirements set forth in this paragraph.

Table 1. Classification Level Encodings

Value Name

00000001 - (Reserved 4)

00111101 - Top Secret

01011010 - Secret

10010110 - Confidential

01100110 - (Reserved 3)

11001100 - (Reserved 2)

10101011 - Unclassified

11110001 - (Reserved 1)

2.4. Protection Authority Flags

Field Length: Variable

This field identifies the National Access Programs or Special Access

Programs which specify protection rules for transmission and

processing of the information contained in the datagram. Note that

protection authority flags do NOT represent accreditation

authorities, though the semantics are superficially similar. In

order to maintain architectural consistency and interoperability

throughout DoD common user data networks, users of these networks

should submit requirements for additional Protection Authority Flags

to DISA DISDB, Washington, D.C. 20305-2000, for review and approval.

Such review and approval should be sought prior to design,

development or deployment of any system which would make use of

additional facilities based on assignment of new protection authority

flags. As additional flags are approved and assigned, they will be

published, along with the values defined above, in the Assigned

Numbers RFCedited by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

a. Field Length: This field is variable in length. The low-

order bit (Bit 7) of each octet is encoded as "0" if it is the

final octet in the field or as "1" if there are additional

octets. Initially, only one octet is required for this field

(because there are fewer than seven authorities defined), thus

the final bit of the first octet is encoded as "0". However,

minimally compliant implementations must be capable of

processing a protection authority field consisting of at least 2

octets (representing up to 14 protection authorities).

Implementations existing prior to the issuance of this RFC, and

which process fewer protection authority than specified here,

will be considered minimally compliant so long as such

implementations process the flags in accordance with the RFC.

This field must be a minimally encoded representation, i.e., no

trailing all-zero octets should be emitted. If the length of

this field as indicated by this extensible encoding is not

consistent with the length field for the option, the datagram is

in error and the procedure described in Section 2.8.1 must be

followed. (Figure 2 illustrates the relative significance of

the bits within an octet).

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


High-order Low-order


Figure 2. Significance of Bits

b. Source Flags: The first seven bits (Bits 0 through 6) in

each octet are flags. Each flag is associated with an

authority. Protection Authority flags currently assigned are

indicated in Table 2. The bit corresponding to an authority is

"1" if the datagram is to be protected in accordance with the

rules of that authority. More than one flag may be present in a

single instance of this option if the data contained in the

datagram should be protected according to rules established by

multiple authorities. Table 3 identifies a point of contact for

each of the authorities listed in Table 2. No "unassigned" bits

in this or other octets in the Protection Authority Field shall

be considered valid Protection Authority flags until such time

as such bits are assigned and the assignments are published in

the Assigned Numbers RFC. Thus a datagram containing flags for

unassigned bits in this field for this option is in error and

must be processed according to the "out-of-range" procedures

defined in section 2.8.1.

Two protection authority flag fields can be compared for

equality (=) via simple bit string matching. No relative

ordering between two protection authority flag fields is

defined. Because these flags represent protection authorities,

security models such as Bell-LaPadula do not apply to

interpretation of this field. However, the symbol "=<" refers

to set inclusion when comparing a protection authority flag

field to a set of such fields. Means for effecting these tests

within a system are a local matter, subject to the requirements

set forth in this paragraph.

Table 2 - Protection Authority Bit Assignments








5, 6 Unassigned

7 Field Termination Indicator

Table 3 - Protection Authority Points of Contact


GENSER Designated Approving Authority

per DOD 5200.28

SIOP-ESI Department of Defense

Organization of the

Joint Chiefs of Staff

Attn: J6

Washington, DC 20318-6000

SCI Director of Central Intelligence

Attn: Chairman, Information

Handling Committee, Intelligence

Community Staff

Washington, D.C. 20505

NSA National Security Agency

9800 Savage Road

Attn: T03

Ft. Meade, MD 20755-6000

DOE Department of Energy

Attn: DP343.2

Washington, DC 20545

2.5. System Security Configuration Parameters

Use of the Basic Security Option (BSO) by an end or intermediate

system requires that the system configuration include the parameters

described below. These parameters are critical to secure processing

of the BSO, and thus must be protected from unauthorized

modification. Note that compliant implementations must allow a

minimum of 14 distinct Protection Authority flags (consistent with

the Protection Authority field size defined in Section 2.4) to be set

independently in any parameter involving Protection Authority flag


a. SYSTEM-LEVEL-MAX: This parameter specifies the highest

Classification Level (see Table 1) which may be present in the

classification level field of the Basic Security Option in any

datagram transmitted or received by the system.

b. SYSTEM-LEVEL-MIN: This parameter specifies the lowest

Classification Level (see Table 1) which may be present in the

classification level field of the Basic Security Option in any

datagram transmitted by the system.

c. SYSTEM-AUTHORITY-IN: This parameter is a set, each member of

which is a Protection Authority flag field. The set enumerates

all of the Protection Authority flag fields which may be present

in the Protection Authority field of the Basic Security Option

in any datagram received by this system. A compliant

implementation must be capable of representing at least 256

distinct Protection Authority flag fields (each field must be

capable of representing 14 distinct Protection Authority flags)

in this set. Each element of the enumerated set may be a

combination of multiple protection authority flags.

Set elements representing multiple Protection Authorities are

formed by ORing together the flags that represent each

authority. Thus, for example, a set element representing

datagrams to be protected according to NSA and SCI rules might

be represented as "00110000" while an element representing

protection mandated by NSA, DOE and SIOP-ESI might be

represented as "01011000". (These examples illustrate 8-bit set

elements apropos the minimal encodings for currently defined

Protection Authority flags. If additional flags are defined

beyond the first byte of the Protection Authority Field, longer

encodings for set elements may be required.)

It is essential that implementations of the Internet Protocol

Basic Security Option provide a convenient and compact way for

system security managers to eXPress which combinations of flags

are allowed. The details of such an interface are outside the

scope of this RFC, however, enumeration of bit patterns is NOT a

recommended interface. As an alternative, one might consider a


in which "COMB" means ANY combination of the flags referenced as

parameters of the COMB function are allowed and "+" means "or".

d. SYSTEM-AUTHORITY-OUT: This parameter is a set, each member

of which is a Protection Authority flag field. The set

enumerates all of the Protection Authority flag fields which may

be present in the Protection Authority field of the Basic

Security Option in any datagram transmitted by this system. A

compliant implementation must be capable of representing at

least 256 distinct Protection Authority flag fields in this set.

Explicit enumeration of all authorized Protection Authority

field flags permits great flexibility, and in particular does

not impose set inclusion restrictions on this parameter.

The following configuration parameters are defined for each network

port present on the system. The term "port" is used here to refer

either to a physical device interface (which may represent multiple

IP addresses) or to a single IP address (which may be served via

multiple physical interfaces). In general the former interpretation

will apply and is consistent with the Trusted Network Interpretation

of the Trusted Computer Systems Evaluation Criteria (TNI) concept of

a "communications channel" or "I/O device." However, the latter

interpretation also may be valid depending on local system security

capabilities. Note that some combinations of port parameter values

are appropriate only if the port is "single level," i.e., all data

transmitted or received via the port is accurately characterized by

exactly one Classification Level and Protection Authority Flag field.

e. PORT-LEVEL-MAX: This parameter specifies the highest

Classification Level (see Table 1) which may be present in the

classification level field of the Basic Security Option in any

datagram transmitted or received by the system via this network


f. PORT-LEVEL-MIN: This parameter specifies the lowest

Classification Level (see Table 1) which may be present in the

classification level field of the Basic Security Option in any

datagram transmitted by the system via this network port.

g. PORT-AUTHORITY-IN: This parameter is a set each member of

which is a Protection Authority flag field. The set enumerates

all of the Protection Authority flag fields which may be present

in the Protection Authority field of the Basic Security Option

in any datagram received via this port. A compliant

implementation must be capable of representing at least 256

distinct Protection Authority flag fields in this set.

h. PORT-AUTHORITY-OUT: This parameter is a set each member of

which is a Protection Authority flag field. The set enumerates

all of the Protection Authority flag fields which may be present

in the Protection Authority field of the Basic Security Option

in any datagram transmitted via this port. A compliant

implementation must be capable of representing at least 256

distinct Protection Authority flag fields in this set.

i. PORT-AUTHORITY-ERROR: This parameter is a single Protection

Authority flag field assigned to transmitted ICMP error messages

(see Section 2.8). The PORT-AUTHORITY-ERROR value is selected

from the set of values which constitute PORT-AUTHORITY-OUT.

Means for selecting the PORT-AUTHORITY-ERROR value within a

system are a local matter subject to local security policies.

j. PORT-IMPLICIT-LABEL: This parameter specifies a single

Classification Level and a Protection Authority flag field

(which may be null) to be associated with all unlabelled

datagrams received via the port. This parameter is meaningful

only if PORT-BSO-REQUIRED-RECEIVE = FALSE, otherwise receipt of

an unlabelled datagram results in an error response.

k. PORT-BSO-REQUIRED-RECEIVE: This parameter is a boolean which

indicates whether all datagrams received via this network port

must contain a Basic Security Option.

l. PORT-BSO-REQUIRED-TRANSMIT: This parameter is a boolean

which indicates whether all datagrams transmitted via this

network port must contain a Basic Security Option. If this

parameter is set to FALSE, then PORT-BSO-REQUIRED-RECEIVE should

also be set to FALSE (to avoid communication failures resulting

from asymmetric labelling constraints).

In every intermediate or end system, the following relationship must

hold for these parameters for all network interfaces. The symbol

">=" is interpreted relative to the linear ordering defined for

security levels specified in Section 2.3 for the "LEVEL" parameters,

and as set inclusion for the "AUTHORITY" parameters.






2.6. Configuration Considerations

Systems which do not maintain separation for different security

classification levels of data should have only trivial ranges for the



Systems which do maintain separation for different security

classification levels of data may have non-trivial ranges for the



2.7. Processing the Basic Security Option

For systems implementing the Basic Security Option, the parameters


specify the local security policy with regard to requiring the

presence of this option on transmitted and received datagrams,

respectively, on a per-port basis. Each datagram transmitted or

received by the system must be processed in accordance with the per-

port and system-wide security parameters configured for the system.

Systems which process only Unclassified data may or may not be

configured to generate the BSO on transmitted datagrams. Such

systems also may or may not require a BSO to be present on received

datagrams. However, all systems must be capable of accepting

datagrams containing this option, irrespective of whether the option

is processed or not.

In general, systems which process classified data must generate this

option for transmitted datagrams. The only exception to this rule

arises in (dedicated or system high [DoD 5200.28]) networks where

traffic may be implicitly labelled rather than requiring each

attached system to generate explicit labels. If the local security

policy permits receipt of datagrams without the option, each such

datagram is presumed to be implicitly labelled based on the port via

which the datagram is received. A per-port parameter (PORT-

IMPLICIT-LABEL) specifies the label to be associated with such

datagrams upon receipt. Note that a datagram transmitted in response

to receipt of an implicitly labelled datagram, may, based on local

policy, require an explicit Basic Security Option.

2.7.1. Handling Unclassified Datagrams

If an unmarked datagram is received via a network port for which


FLAGS), the datagram shall be processed as though no Protection

Authority Flags were set. Thus there are two distinct, valid

representations for Unclassified datagrams to which no Protection

Authority rules apply (an unmarked datagram as described here and a

datagram containing an explicit BSO with Classification Level set to

Unclassified and with no Protection Authority flags set). Note that

a datagram also may contain a Basic Security Option in which the

Classification Level is Unclassified and one or more Protection

Authority Field Flags are set. Such datagrams are explicitly

distinct from the equivalence class noted above (datagrams marked

Unclassified with no Protection Authority field flags set and

datagrams not containing a Basic Security Option).

2.7.2. Input Processing

Upon receipt of any datagram a system compliant with this RFCmust

perform the following actions. First, if PORT-BSO-REQUIRED-RECEIVE =

TRUE for this port, then any received datagram must contain a Basic

Security Option and a missing BSO results in an ICMP error response

as specified in Section 2.8.1. A received datagram which contains a

Basic Security Option must be processed as described below. This

algorithm assumes that the IP header checksum has already been

verified and that, in the course of processing IP options, this

option has been encountered. The value of the Classification Level

field from the option will be designated "DG-LEVEL" and the value of

the Protection Authority Flags field will be designated "DG-


Step 1. Check that DG-LEVEL is a valid security classification level,

i.e., it must be one of the (non-reserved) values from Table

1. If this test fails execute the out-of-range procedure in

Section 2.8.1.

Step 2. Check that PORT-LEVEL-MAX >= DG-LEVEL. If this test fails,

execute out-of-range procedure specified in Section 2.8.2.

Step 3. Check that DG-AUTHORITY =< PORT-AUTHORITY-IN. If this test

fails, execute out-of-range procedure specified in Section


2.7.3. Output Processing

Any system which implements the Basic Security Option must adhere to

a fundamental rule with regard to transmission of datagrams, i.e., no

datagram shall be transmitted with a Basic Security Option the value

of which is outside of the range for which the system is configured.

Thus for every datagram transmitted by a system the following must


=< PORT-AUTHORITY-OUT. It is a local matter as to what procedures

are followed by a system which detects at attempt to transmit a

datagram for which these relationships do not hold.

If a port is configured to allow both labelled and unlabelled

datagrams (PORT-BSO-REQUIRED-TRANSMIT = FALSE) to be transmitted, the

question arises as to whether a label should be affixed. In

recognition of the lack of widespread implementation or use of this

option, especially in unclassified networks, this RFCrecommends that

the default be transmission of unlabelled datagrams. If the

destination requires all datagrams to be labelled on input, then it

will respond with an ICMP error message (see Section 2.8.1) and the

originator can respond by labelling successive packets transmitted to

this destination.

To support this mode of operation, a system which allows transmission

of both labelled and unlabelled datagrams must maintain state

information (a cache) so that the system can associate the use of

labels with specific destinations, e.g., in response to receipt of an

ICMP error message as specified in Section 2.8.1. This requirement

for maintaining a per-destination cache is very much analogous to

that imposed for processing the IP source route option or for

maintaining first hop routing information (RFC1122). This RFCdoes

not specify which protocol module must maintain the per-destination

cache (e.g., IP vs. TCP or UDP) but security engineering constraints

may dictate an IP implementation in trusted systems. This RFCalso

does not specify a cache maintenance algorithm, though use of a timer

and activity flag may be appropriate.

2.8. Error Procedures

Datagrams received with errors in the Basic Security Option or which

are out of range for the network port via which they are received,

should not be delivered to user processes. Local policy will specify

whether logging and/or notification of a system security Officer is

required in response to receipt of such datagrams. The following are

the least restrictive actions permitted by this protocol. Individual

end or intermediate systems, system administrators, or protection

authorities may impose more stringent restrictions on responses and

in some instances may not permit any response at all to a datagram

which is outside the security range of a host or system.

In all cases, if the error is triggered by receipt of an ICMP, the

ICMP is discarded and no response is permitted (consistent with

general ICMP processing rules).

2.8.1.Parameter Problem Response

If a datagram is received with no Basic Security Option and the

system security configuration parameters require the option on the

network port via which the datagram was received, an ICMP Parameter

Problem Missing Option (Type = 12, Code = 1) message is transmitted

in response. The Pointer field of the ICMP should be set to the

value "130" to indicate the type of option missing. A Basic Security

Option is included in the response datagram with Clearance Level set

to PORT-LEVEL-MIN and Protection Authority Flags set to PORT-


If a datagram is received in which the Basic Security Option is

malformed (e.g., an invalid Classification Level Protection Authority

Flag field), an ICMP Parameter Problem (Type = 12, Code = 0) message

is transmitted in response. The pointer field is set to the

malformed Basic Security Option. The Basic Security Option is

included in the response datagram with Clearance Level set to PORT-

LEVEL-MIN and Protection Authority Flags set to PORT-AUTHORITY-ERROR.

2.8.2. Out-Of-Range Response

If a datagram is received which is out of range for the network port

on which it was received, an ICMP Destination Unreachable

Communication Administratively Prohibited (Type = 3, Code = 9 for net

or Code = 10 for host) message is transmitted in response. A Basic

Security Option is included in the response datagram with Clearance

Level set to PORT-LEVEL-MIN and Protection Authority Flags set to


2.9. Trusted Intermediary Procedure

Certain devices in an internet may act as intermediaries to validate

that communications between two hosts are authorized. This decision

is based on the knowledge of the accredited security levels of the

hosts and the values in the DoD Basic Security Option. These devices

may receive IP datagrams which are in range for the intermediate

device, but are not within the accredited range either for the source

or for the destination. In the former case, the datagram should be

treated as described above for an out-of-range option. In the latter

case, an ICMP Destination Unreachable Communication Administratively

Prohibited (Type = 3, Code = 9 for net or Code = 10 for host)

response should be transmitted. The security range of the network

interface on which the reply will be sent determines whether a reply

is allowed and at what level it will be sent.

3. DoD Extended Security Option

This option permits additional security labelling information, beyond

that present in the Basic Security Option, to be supplied in an IP

datagram to meet the needs of registered authorities. Note that

information which is not labelling data or which is meaningful only

to the end systems (not intermediate systems) is not appropriate for

transmission in the IP layer and thus should not be transported using

this option. This option must be copied on fragmentation. Unlike

the Basic Option, this option may appear multiple times within a

datagram, subject to overall IP header size constraints.

This option may be present only in conjunction with the Basic

Security Option, thus all systems which support Extended Security

Options must also support the Basic Security Option. However, not

all systems which support the Basic Security Option need to support

Extended Security Options and support for these options may be

selective, i.e., a system need not support all Extended Security


The top-level format for this option is as follows:


10000101 000LLLLL AAAAAAAA add sec info






3.1. Type

The value 133 identifies this as the DoD Extended Security Option.

3.2. Length.

The length of the option, which includes the "Type" and "Length"

fields, is variable. The minimum length of the option is 3 octets.

3.3. Additional Security Info Format Code

Length: 1 Octet

The value of the Additional Security Info Format Code identifies the

syntax and semantics for a specific "Additional Security Information"

field. For each Additional Security Info Format Code, an RFCwill be

published to specify the syntax and to provide an algorithmic

description of the processing required to determine whether a

datagram carrying a label specified by this Format Code should be

accepted or rejected. This specification must be sufficiently

detailed to permit vendors to produce interoperable implementations,

e.g., it should be comparable to the specification of the Basic

Security Option provided in this RFC. However, the specification

need not include a mapping from the syntax of the option to human

labels if such mapping would cause distribution of the specification

to be restricted.

In order to maintain the architectural consistency of DoD common user

data networks, and to maximize interoperability, each activity should

submit its plans for the definition and use of an Additional Security

Info Format Code to DISA DISDB, Washington, D.C. 20305-2000 for

review and approval. DISA DISDB will forward plans to the Internet

Activities Board for architectural review and, if required, a cleared

committee formed by the IAB will be constituted for the review

process. Once approved, the Internet Assigned Number authority will

assign an Additional Security Info Format Code to the requesting

activity, concurrent with publication of the corresponding RFC.

Note: The bit assignments for the Protection Authority flags of the

Basic Security Option have no relationship to the "Additional

Security Info Format Code" of this option.

3.4. Additional Security Information.

Length: Variable

The Additional Security Info field contains the additional security

labelling information specified by the "Additional Security Info

Format Code" of the Extended Security Option. The syntax and

processing requirements for this field are specified by the

associated RFCas noted above. The minimum length of this field is


3.5. System Security Configuration Parameters

Use of the Extended Security Option requires that the intermediate or

end system configuration accurately reflect the security parameters

associated with communication via each network port (see Section 2.5

as a guide). Internal representation of the security parameters

implementation dependent. The set of parameters required to support

processing of the Extended Security Option is a function of the set

of Additional Security Info Format Codes supported by the system.

The RFCwhich specifies syntax and processing rules for a registered

Additional Security Info Format Code will specify the additional

system security parameters required for processing an Extended

Security Option relative to that Code.

3.6. Processing Rules

Any datagram containing an Extended Security Option must also contain

a Basic Security Option and receipt of a datagram containing the

former absent the latter constitutes an error. If the length

specified by the Length field is inconsistent with the length

specified by the variable length encoding for the Additional Security

Info field, the datagram is in error. If the datagram is received in

which the Additional Security Info Format Code contains a non-

registered value, the datagram is in error. Finally, if the

Additional Security Info field contains data inconsistent with the

defining RFCfor the Additional Security Info Format Code, the

datagram is in error. In any of these cases, an ICMP Parameter

Problem response should be sent as per Section 2.8.1. Any additional

error processing rules will be specified in the defining RFCfor this

Additional Security Info Format Code.

If the additional security information contained in the Extended

Security Option indicates that the datagram is within range according

to the security policy of the system, then the datagram should be

accepted for further processing. Otherwise, the datagram should be

rejected and the procedure specified in Section 2.8.2 should be

followed (with the Extended Security Option values set apropos the

Additional Security Info Format Code port security parameters).

As with the Basic Security Option, it will not be possible in a

general internet environment for intermediate systems to provide

routing control for datagrams based on the labels contained in the

Extended Security Option until such time as interior and exterior

gateway routing protocols are enhanced to process such labels.


[DoD 5200.28] Department of Defense Directive 5200.28, "Security

Requirements for Automated Information Systems," 21

March 1988.

Security Considerations

The focus of this RFCis the definition of formats and processing

conventions to support security labels for data contained in IP

datagrams, thus a variety of security issues must be considered

carefully when making use of these options. It is not possible to

address all of the security considerations which affect correct

implementation and use of these options, however the following

paragraph highglights some of these issues.

Correct implementation and operation of the software and hardware

which processes these options is essential to their effective use.

Means for achieving confidence in such correct implementation and

operation are outside of the scope of this RFC. The options

themselves incorporate no facilities to ensure the integrity of the

security labels in transit (other than the IP checksum mechanism),

thus appropriate technology must be employed whenever datagrams

containing these options transit "hostile" communication

environments. Careful, secure management of the configuration

variables associated with each system making use of these options is

essential if the options are to provide the intended security


Author's Address

Stephen Kent

BBN Communications

150 CambridgePark Drive

Cambridge, MA 02140

Phone: (617) 873-3988

Email: kent@bbn.com

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