
RFC1105 - Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group K. Lougheed

Request for Comments: 1105 cisco Systems

Y. Rekhter

T.J. Watson Research Center, IBM Corp.

June 1989

A Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)

Status of this Memo

This RFCoutlines a specific approach for the exchange of network

reachability information between Autonomous Systems.

At the time of this writing, the Border Gateway Protocol

implementations exist for cisco routers as well as for the NSFNET

Nodal Switching Systems. A public domain version for "gated" is

currently being implemented.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

1. IntrodUCtion

The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is an inter-autonomous system

routing protocol. It is built on eXPerience gained with EGP as

defined in RFC904 [1] and EGP usage in the NSFNET Backbone as

described in RFC1092 [2] and RFC1093 [3].

The primary function of a BGP speaking system is to exchange network

reachability information with other BGP systems. This network

reachability information includes information on the autonomous

systems (AS's) that traffic must transit to reach these networks.

This information is sufficient to construct a graph of AS

connectivity from which routing loops may be pruned and policy

decisions at an AS level may be enforced.

BGP runs over a reliable transport level protocol. This eliminates

the need to implement explicit update fragmentation, retransmission,

acknowledgement, and sequencing. Any authentication scheme used by

the transport protocol may be used in addition to BGP's own

authentication mechanisms.

The initial BGP implementation is based on TCP [4], however any

reliable transport may be used. A message passing protocol such as

VMTP [5] might be more natural for BGP. TCP will be used, however,

since it is present in virtually all commercial routers and hosts.

In the following descriptions the phrase "transport protocol

connection" can be understood to refer to a TCP connection. BGP uses

TCP port 179 for establishing its connections.

2. Summary of Operation

Two hosts form a transport protocol connection between one another.

They exchange messages to open and confirm the connection parameters.

The initial data flow is the entire BGP routing table. Incremental

updates are sent as the routing tables change. Keepalive messages

are sent periodically to ensure the liveness of the connection.

Notification messages are sent in response to errors or special

conditions. If a connection encounters an error condition, a

notification message is sent and the connection is optionally closed.

The hosts executing the Border Gateway Protocol need not be routers.

A non-routing host could exchange routing information with routers

via EGP or even an interior routing protocol. That non-routing host

could then use BGP to exchange routing information with a border

gateway in another autonomous system. The implications and

applications of this architecture are for further study.

If a particular AS has more than one BGP gateway, then all these

gateways should have a consistent view of routing. A consistent view

of the interior routes of the autonomous system is provided by the

intra-AS routing protocol. A consistent view of the routes exterior

to the AS may be provided in a variety of ways. One way is to use

the BGP protocol to exchange routing information between the BGP

gateways within a single AS. In this case, in order to maintain

consist routing information, these gateways MUST have direct BGP

sessions with each other (the BGP sessions should form a complete

graph). Note that this requirement does not imply that all BGP

gateways within a single AS must have direct links to each other;

other methods may be used to ensure consistent routing information.

3. Message Formats

This section describes message formats and actions to be taken when

errors are detected while processing these messages.

Messages are sent over a reliable transport protocol connection. A

message is processed after it is entirely received. The maximum

message size is 1024 bytes. All implementations are required to

support this maximum message size. The smallest message that may be

sent consists of a BGP header without a data portion, or 8 bytes.

The phrase "the BGP connection is closed" means that the transport

protocol connection has been closed and that all resources for that

BGP connection have been deallocated. Routing table entries

associated with the remote peer are marked as invalid. This

information is passed to other BGP peers before being deleted from

the system.

3.1 Message Header Format

Each message has a fixed size header. There may or may not be a data

portion following the header, depending on the message type. The

layout of these fields is shown below.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Marker Length


Version Type Hold Time


Marker: 16 bits

The Marker field is 16 bits of all ones. This field is used to

mark the start of a message. If the first two bytes of a message

are not all ones then we have a synchronization error and the BGP

connection should be closed after sending a notification message

with opcode 5 (connection not synchronized). No notification data

is sent.

Length: 16 bits

The Length field is 16 bits. It is the total length of the

message, incluluding header, in bytes. If an illegal length is

encountered (more than 1024 bytes or less than 8 bytes), a

notification message with opcode 6 (bad message length) and two

data bytes of the bad length should be sent and the BGP connection


Version: 8 bits

The Version field is 8 bits of protocol version number. The

current BGP version number is 1. If a bad version number is

found, a notification message with opcode 8 (bad version number)

should be sent and the BGP connection closed. The bad version

number should be included in one byte of notification data.

Type: 8 bits

The Type field is 8 bits of message type code. The following type

codes are defined:

1 - OPEN





If an unrecognized type value is found, a notification message

with opcode 7 (bad type code) and data consisting of the byte of

type field in question should be sent and the BGP connection


Hold Timer: 16 bits.

This field contains the number of seconds that may elapse since

receiving a BGP KEEPALIVE or BGP UPDATE message from our BGP peer

before we declare an error and close the BGP connection.

3.2 OPEN Message Format

After a transport protocol connection is established, the first

message sent by either side is an OPEN message. If the OPEN message

is acceptable, an OPEN CONFIRM message confirming the OPEN is sent

back. Once the OPEN is confirmed, UPDATE, KEEPALIVE, and

NOTIFICATION messages may be exchanged.

In addition to the fixed size BGP header, the OPEN message contains

the following fields.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


My Autonomous System Link Type Auth. Code


Authentication Data


My Autonomous System: 16 bits

This field is our 16 bit autonomous system number. If there is a

problem with this field, a notification message with opcode 9

(invalid AS field) should be sent and the BGP connection closed.

No notification data is sent.

Link Type: 8 bits

The Link Type field is a single octet containing one of the

following codes defining our position in the AS graph relative to

our peer.


1 - UP

2 - DOWN

3 - H-LINK

UP indicates the peer is higher in the AS hierarchy, DOWN

indicates lower, and H-LINK indicates at the same level. INTERNAL

indicates that the peer is another BGP speaking host in our

autonomous system. INTERNAL links are used to keep AS routing

information consistent with an AS with multiple border gateways.

If the Link Type field is unacceptable, a notification message

with opcode 1 (link type error in open) and data consisting of the

expected link type should be sent and the BGP connection closed.

The acceptable values for the Link Type fields of two BGP peers

are discussed below.

Authentication Code: 8 bits

The Authentication Code field is an octet whose value describes

the authentication mechanism being used. A value of zero

indicates no BGP authentication. Note that a separate

authentication mechanism may be used in establishing the transport

level connection. If the authentication code is not recognized, a

notification message with opcode 2 (unknown authentication code)

and no data is sent and the BGP connection is closed.

Authentication Data: variable length

The Authentication Data field is a variable length field

containing authentication data. If the value of Authentication

Code field is zero, the Authentication Data field has zero length.

If authentication fails, a notification message with opcode 3

(authentication failure) and no data is sent and the BGP

connection is closed.

3.3 OPEN CONFIRM Message Format

An OPEN CONFIRM message is sent after receiving an OPEN message.

This completes the BGP connection setup. UPDATE, NOTIFICATION, and

KEEPALIVE messages may now be exchanged.

An OPEN CONFIRM message consists of a BGP header with an OPEN CONFIRM

type code. There is no data in an OPEN CONFIRM message.

3.4 UPDATE Message Format

UPDATE messages are used to transfer routing information between BGP

peers. The information in the UPDATE packet can be used to construct

a graph describing the relationships of the various autonomous

systems. By applying rules to be discussed, routing information

loops and some other anomalies may be detected and removed from the

inter-AS routing.

Whenever an error in a UPDATE message is detected, a notification

message is sent with opcode 4 (bad update), a two byte subcode

describing the nature of the problem, and a data field consisting of

as much of the UPDATE message data portion as possible. UPDATE

messages have the following format:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1




AS count Direction AS Number


repeat (Direction, AS Number) pairs AS count times

/ /

/ /


Net Count





+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +

repeat (Network, Metric) pairs Net Count times

/ /

/ /


Gateway: 32 bits.

The Gateway field is the address of a gateway that has routes to

the Internet networks listed in the rest of the UPDATE message.

This gateway MUST belong to the same AS as the BGP peer who

advertises it. If there is a problem with the gateway field, a

notification message with subcode 6 (invalid gateway field) is


AS count: 8 bits.

This field is the count of Direction and AS Number pairs in this

UPDATE message. If an incorrect AS count field is detected,

subcode 1 (invalid AS count) is specified in the notification


Direction: 8 bits

The Direction field is an octet containing the direction taken by

the routing information when exiting the AS defined by the

succeeding AS Number field. The following values are defined.

1 - UP (went up a link in the graph)

2 - DOWN (went down a link in the graph)

3 - H_LINK (horizontal link in the graph)

4 - EGP_LINK (EGP derived information)

5 - INCOMPLETE (incomplete information)

There is a special provision to pass exterior learned (non-BGP)

routes over BGP. If an EGP learned route is passed over BGP, then

the Direction field is set to EGP-LINK and the AS Number field is

set to the AS number of the EGP peer that advertised this route.

All other exterior-learned routes (non-BGP and non-EGP) may be

passed by setting AS Number field to zero and Direction field to

INCOMPLETE. If the direction code is not recognized, a

notification message with subcode 2 (invalid direction code) is


AS Number: 16 bits

This field is the AS number that transmitted the routing

information. If there is a problem with this AS number, a

notification message with subcode 3 (invalid autonomous system) is


Net Count: 16 bits.

The Net Count field is the number of Metric and Network field

pairs which follow this field. If there is a problem with this

field, a notification with subcode 7 (invalid net count field) is


Network: 32 bits

The Network field is four bytes of Internet network number. If

there is a problem with the network field, a notification message

with subcode 8 (invalid network field) is sent.

Metric: 16 bits

The Metric field is 16 bits of an unspecified metric. BGP metrics

are comparable ONLY if routes have exactly the same AS path. A

metric of all ones indicates the network is unreachable. In all

other cases the metric field is MEANINGLESS and MUST BE IGNORED.

There are no illegal metric values.

3.5 NOTIFICATION Message Format

NOTIFICATION messages are sent when an error condition is detected.

The BGP connection is closed shortly after sending the notification


0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Opcode Data

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +


Opcode: 16 bits

The Opcode field describes the type of NOTIFICATION. The

following opcodes have been defined.

1 (*) - link type error in open. Data is one byte of proper

link type.

2 (*) - unknown authentication code. No data.

3 (*) - authentication failure. No data.

4 - update error. See below for data description.

5 (*) - connection out of sync. No data.

6 (*) - invalid message length. Data is two bytes of

bad length.

7 (*) - invalid message type. Data is one byte of bad

message type.

8 (*) - invalid version number. Data is one byte of

bad version.

9 (*) - invalid AS field in OPEN. No data.

10 (*) - BGP Cease. No data.

The starred opcodes in the list above are considered fatal errors

and cause transport connection termination.

The update error (opcode 4) has as data 16 bits of subcode

followed by the last UPDATE message in question. After the

subcode comes as much of the data portion of the UPDATE in

question as possible. The following subcodes are defined:

1 - invalid AS count

2 - invalid direction code

3 - invalid autonomous system

4 - EGP_LINK or INCOMPLETE_LINK link type at other than

the end of the AS path list

5 - routing loop

6 - invalid gateway field

7 - invalid Net Count field

8 - invalid network field

Data: variable

The Data field contains zero or more bytes of data to be used in

diagnosing the reason for the NOTIFICATION. The contents of the

Data field depend upon the opcode. See the opcode descriptions

above for more details.

3.6 KEEPALIVE Message Format

BGP does not use any transport protocol based keepalive mechanism to

determine if peers are reachable. Instead KEEPALIVE messages are

exchanged between peers often enough as not to cause the hold time

(as advertised in the BGP header) to expire. A reasonable minimum

frequency of KEEPALIVE exchange would be one third of the Hold Time


As soon as the Hold Time associated with BGP peer has expired, the

BGP connection is closed and BGP deallocates all resources associated

with this peer.

The KEEPALIVE message is a BGP header without any data.

4. BGP Finite State machine.

This section specifies BGP operation in terms of a Finite State

Machine (FSM). Following is a brief summary and overview of BGP

operations by state as determined by this FSM. A condensed version

of the BGP FSM is found in Appendix 1.

Initially BGP is in the BGP_Idle state.

BGP_Idle state:

In this state BGP refuses all incoming BGP connections. No

resources are allocated to the BGP neighbor. In response to the

Start event (initiated by either system or operator) the local

system initializes all BGP resources and changes its state to


BGP_Active state:

In this state BGP is trying to acquire a BGP neighbor by opening a

transport protocol connection. If the transport protocol open

fails (for example, retransmission timeout), BGP stays in the

BGP_Active state.

Otherwise, the local system sends an OPEN message to its peer,

and changes its state to BGP_OpenSent. Since the hold time of the

peer is still undetermined, the hold time is initialized to some

large value.

In response to the Stop event (initiated by either system or

operator) the local system releases all BGP resources and changes

its state to BGP_Idle.

BGP_OpenSent state:

In this state BGP waits for an OPEN message from its peer. When

an OPEN message is received, all fields are checked for

correctness. If the initial BGP header checking detects an error,

BGP deallocates all resources associated with this peer and

returns to the BGP_Active state. Otherwise, the Link Type,

Authentication Code, and Authentication Data fields are checked

for correctness.

If the link type is incorrect, a NOTIFICATION message with opcode

1 (link type error in open) is sent. The following combination of

link type fields are correct; all other combinations are invalid.

Our view Peer view





If the link between two peers is INTERNAL, then AS number of both

peers must be the same. Otherwise, a NOTIFICATION message with

opcode 1 (link type error in open) is sent.

If both peers have the same AS number and the link type between

these peers is not INTERNAL, then a NOTIFICATION message with

opcode 1 (link type error in open) is sent.

If the value of the Authentication Code field is zero, any

information in the Authentication Data field (if present) is

ignored. If the Authentication Code field is non-zero it is

checked for known authentication codes. If authentication code is

unknown, then the BGP NOTIFICATION message with opcode 2 (unknown

authentication code) is sent.

If the Authentication Code value is non-zero, then the

corresponding authentication procedure is invoked. The default

values are a zero Authentication Code and no Authentication Data.

If any of the above tests detect an error, the local system closes

the BGP connection and changes its state to BGP_Idle.

If there are no errors in the BGP OPEN message, BGP sends an OPEN

CONFIRM message and goes into the BGP_OpenConfirm state. At this

point the hold timer which was originally set to some arbitrary

large value (see above) is replaced with the value indicated in

the OPEN message.

If disconnect notification is received from the underlying

transport protocol or if the hold time expires, the local system

closes the BGP connection and changes its state to BGP_Idle.

BGP_OpenConfirm state:

In this state BGP waits for an OPEN CONFIRM message. As soon as

this message is received, BGP changes its state to

BGP_Established. If the hold timer expires before an OPEN CONFIRM

message is received, the local system closes the BGP connection

and changes its state to BGP_Idle.

BGP_Established state:

In the BGP_Established state BGP can exchange UPDATE,

NOTIFICATION, and KEEPALIVE messages with its peer.

If disconnect notification is received from the underlying

transport protocol or if the hold time expires, the local system

closes the BGP connection and changes its state to BGP_Idle.

In response to the Stop event initiated by either the system or

operator, the local system sends a NOTIFICATION message with

opcode 10 (BGP Cease), closes the BGP connection, and changes its

state to BGP_Idle.

5. UPDATE Message Handling

A BGP UPDATE message may be received only in the BGP_Established

state. When a BGP UPDATE message is received, each field is checked

for validity. When a NOTIFICATION message is sent regarding an

UPDATE, the opcode is always 4 (update error), the subcode depends on

the type of error, and the rest of the data field is as much as

possible of the data portion of the UPDATE that caused the error.

If the Gateway field is incorrect, a BGP NOTIFICATION message is sent

with subcode 6 (invalid gateway field). All information in this

UPDATE message is discarded.

If the AS Count field is less than or equal to zero, a BGP

NOTIFICATION is sent with subcode 1 (invalid AS count). Otherwise,

the complete AS path is extracted and checked as described below.

If one of the Direction fields in the AS route list is not defined, a

BGP NOTIFICATION message is with subcode 2 (invalid direction code).

If one of the AS Number fields in the AS route list is incorrect, a

BGP NOTIFICATION message is sent with subcode 3 (invalid autonomous


If either a EGP_LINK or a INCOMPLETE_LINK link type occurs at other

than the end of the AS path, a BGP NOTIFICATION message is sent with

subcode 4 (EGP_LINK or INCOMPLETE_LINK link type at other than the

end of the AS path list).

If none of the above tests failed, the full AS route is checked for

AS loops.

AS loop detection is done by scanning the full AS route and checking

that each AS in this route occurs only once. If an AS loop is

detected, a BGP NOTIFICATION message is sent with subcode 5 (routing


If any of the above errors are detected, no further processing is

done. Otherwise, the complete AS path is correct and the rest of the

UPDATE message is processed.

If the Net Count field is incorrect, a BGP NOTIFICATION message is

sent with subcode 7 (invalid Net Count field).

Each network and metric pair listed in the BGP UPDATE message is

checked for a valid network number. If the Network field is

incorrect, a BGP Notification message is sent with subcode 8 (invalid

network field). No checking is done on the metric field. It is up

to a particular implementation to decide whether to continue

processing or terminate it upon the first incorrect network.

If the network, its complete AS path, and the gateway are correct,

then the route is compared with other routes to the same network. If

the new route is better than the current one, then it is flooded to

other BGP peers as follows:

- If the BGP UPDATE was received over the INTERNAL link, it is not

propagated over any other INTERNAL link. This restriction is

due to the fact that all BGP gateways within a single AS

form a completely connected graph (see above).

- Before sending a BGP UPDATE message over the non-INTERNAL links,

check the AS path to insure that doing so would not cause a

routing loop. The BGP UPDATE message is then propagated (subject

to the local policy restrictions) over any of the non-INTERNAL

link of a routing loop would not result.

- If the BGP UPDATE message is propagated over a non-INTERNAL link,

then the current AS number and link type of the link over which

it is going to be propagated is prepended to the full AS path

and the AS count field is incremented by 1. If the BGP UPDATE

message is propagated over an INTERNAL link, then the full AS

path passed unmodified and the AS count stays the same. The

Gateway field is replaced with the sender's own address.

6. Acknowledgements

We would like to express our thanks to Len Bosack (cisco Systems),

Jeff Honig (Cornell University) and all members of the IWG task force

for their contributions to this document.

Appendix 1

BGP FSM State Transitions and Actions.

This Appendix discusses the transitions between states in the BGP FSM

in response to BGP events. The following is the list of these states

and events.

BGP States:

1 - BGP_Idle

2 - BGP_Active

3 - BGP_OpenSent

4 - BGP_OpenConfirm

5 - BGP_Established

BGP Events:

1 - BGP Start

2 - BGP Transport connection open

3 - BGP Transport connection closed

4 - BGP Transport connection open failed

5 - Receive OPEN message

6 - Receive OPEN CONFIRM message

7 - Receive KEEPALIVE message

8 - Receive UPDATE messages

9 - Receive NOTIFICATION message

10 - Holdtime timer expired

11 - KeepAlive timer expired

12 - Receive CEASE message

13 - BGP Stop

The following table describes the state transitions of the BGP FSM

and the actions triggered by these transitions.

Event Actions Message Sent Next State


BGP_Idle (1)

1 Initialize resources none 2

BGP_Active (2)

2 Initialize resources OPEN 3

4 none none 2

13 Release resources none 1


3 none none 1


Process OPEN Message failed NOTIFICATION 1

11 Restart KeepAlive timer KEEPALIVE 3

13 Release resources none 1

BGP_OpenConfirm (4)

6 Complete initialization none 5

3 none none 1

10 Close transport connection none 1

11 Restart KeepAlive timer KEEPALIVE 4

13 Release resources none 1

BGP_Established (5)

7 Process KEEPALIVE none 5

8 Process UPDATE is OK UPDATE 5


9 Process NOTIFICATION none 5

10 Close transport connection none 1

11 Restart KeepAlive timer KEEPALIVE 5

12 Close transport connection NOTIFICATION 1

13 Release resources none 1


All other state-event combinations are considered fatal errors and

cause the termination of the BGP transport connection (if necessary)

and a transition to the BGP_Idle state.

The following is a condensed version of the above state transition


EventsBGP_Idle BGP_Active BGP_OpenSent BGP_OpenConfirm BGP_Estab

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


1 2

2 3

3 1 1

4 2

5 4 or 1

6 5

7 5

8 5

9 5

10 1 1

11 3 4 5

12 1

13 1 1 1 1



[1] Mills, D., "Exterior Gateway Protocol Formal Specification", RFC

904, BBN, April 1984.

[2] Rekhter, Y., "EGP and Policy Based Routing in the New NSFNET

Backbone", RFC1092, T. J. Watson Research Center, February 1989.

[3] Braun, H-W., "The NSFNET Routing Architecture", RFC1093,

MERIT/NSFNET Project, February 1989.

[4] Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol - DARPA Internet

Program Protocol Specification", RFC793, DARPA, September 1981.

[5] Cheriton, D., "VMTP: Versatile Message Transaction Protocol", RFC

1045, Stanford University, February 1988.

Authors' Addresses

Kirk Lougheed

cisco Systems, Inc.

1360 Willow Road, Suite 201

Menlo Park, CA 94025

Phone: (415) 326-1941


Jacob Rekhter

T.J. Watson Research Center

IBM Corporation

P.O. Box 218

Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

Phone: (914) 945-3896


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