
RFC1092 - EGP and policy based routing in the new NSFNET backbone

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Network Working Group J. Rekhter

Request for Comments: 1092 T. J. Watson Research Center

February 1989

EGP and Policy Based Routing in the New NSFNET Backbone

Status of this Memo

This memo discusses implementation decisions for routing issues in

the NSFNET, especially in the NSFNET Backbone. Of special concern is

the restriction of routing information to advertize the best route as

established by a policy decision. Distribution of this memo is



The NSFNET backbone routes packets between the Regionals Networks to

which it is connected, (i.e., the packets arriving at a backbone

entry node are routed to an exit node). How they travel through the

network is determined by two components:

the NSFNET backbone routing protocol/algorithm, and

additional information about the externally connected networks.

This paper is concerned with how reachability information between the

external networks and the NSFNET backbone is exchanged so that

packets can be routed to the correct destination by using a

reasonable path.

EGP as reachability protocol

The EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol) routing method will be used to

exchange reachability information between the NSFNET backbone and the

regional networks.

There are several problems with using EGP as a reachability protocol

for routing in a meshed environment. Some EGP components require

further definitions for the NSFNET backbone - regional network

interactions. It should be noted that the use of EGP is only viewed

as an interim measure until better inter autonomous system protocols

are defined and widely deployed for gateways used by regional


The following is a list of some EGP problems and issues:

The EGP model assumes an engineered spanning tree topology,

however, the NSFNET (due to the presence of backdoor routes) does

not fit into this model. In the NSFNET the same network may be

advertized as reachable by more than one regional network.

Besides the fact that the overall NSFNET does not fit into a

spanning tree model there are serious concerns with the concept

of the "core" (central to the EGP) and its obvious deficiencies.

While EGP is going to isolate intra-Regional routing from the

intra-NSFNET-Backbone routing, it does not address the issue of

false information which may be supplied by regional networks.

EGP by itself does not protect a particular network from unwanted

and unsolicited representation by some regional network. As an

example, if network N1 is reachable through regional network R1

as well as through regional network R2, EGP has no provisions to

specify one of these paths as a primary and one as a secondary,

since there is not generally accepted interpretation of EGP

metrics today. Also, there is nothing in EGP which can prevent one

or more regional networks from advertizing other networks (in

particular, networks which belong to other regional networks) as

reachable with zero distance. This could result in the creation

of a "black hole" or at least in suboptimal IP routing.

EGP by itself has no provisions to guarantee that routes through

the NSFNET Backbone will be preferred over routes through the

backdoor routers or vice versa.

Policy Based Routing

Looking at the problems listed above the appearance of the new

factors like autonomy and mutual trust becomes obvious. While trying

to achieve the routing functionality required for the new NSFNET

backbone we should realize that one of our primary concerns has to be

the accommodation of those new factors.

This means that some kind of a rudimentary Policy Based Routing

method becomes imperative. We would like to emphasize, however, that

we are not talking about complete Policy Based Routing, but that we

are rather concerned about supporting a minimum subset of a policy

functionality to be an initial solution to the above mentioned

problems. This requires support and cooperation between the

management of each of the networks connected to the NSFNET backbone.

We need to support the ability of a particular network N, which

belongs to one of the regional networks, to establish a bilateral

agreement with one or more regional networks of the type "network N

can be reached via one or more regional networks (RN1, RN2, ...

RNx)". This allows each network to select one or more

representatives at the regional network level. Once this agreement

is established the information will be available to:

The network which initiated the agreement.

The management of the regional network(s) with whom this

agreement has been established.

The NSFNET backbone Network Operation Center where it will be

entered into the Routing Policy Data Base which will be available

through the NSFNET information services.

Supporting multiple routes to the NSFNET core requires the guarantee

that for a certain network N, no regional network other than the

one(s) selected by N, will advertize N as reachable, which

necessitates that the NSFNET core will ignore unauthorized

advertisements for network N.

EGP and Rudimentary Policy Based Routing

Each network which belongs to the NSFNET will select a specific

regional network as its primary representative to the NSFNET core by

bilateral agreement with the management of same regional network as

well as the NSFNET backbone management. The same network can

furthermore select an arbitrary number of other regional networks as

their secondary, tertiary, etc., representative by establishing

bilateral agreements with the management of the corresponding

regional networks as well as the NSFNET backbone management.

Reachability information supplied by each regional network will be

distributed to all other NSS nodes of the NSFNET Backbone. We would

like to emphasize that we are not going to flood EGP packets

internally within the backbone, but to rather use the learned

information for the interior gateway protocol, which uses the ANSI

IS-IS protocol.

The implementation allows for a defined regional network to advertize

a particular leaf network in the EGP NR packets with a distance of

zero. Secondary representatives may advertize the same network with

distance one or higher. If the path through the primary regional

representative is available all secondary paths will be ignored. If

the path through the primary regional representative goes down (which

will be discovered via the EGP NR information), the next path with

the lowest available EGP metric will be used.

We will also be able to detect and report unsolicited

representations. This will be done by examining (on a periodic

basis) all reachability information oBTained via EGP. The result

will be compared against the Routing Policy Data Base which will hold

information about all bilateral agreements between networks and their

regional representatives. Any mismatch will cause an alarm to the

Network Operations Center. For example, network N established a

bilateral agreement with the regional network R1 electing it as its

primary representative. The EGP NR record received from the regional

network R5 advertizes the network N as reachable with distance zero.

By comparing the Routing Policy Data Base entry for the network N

with the EGP NR record a mismatch will be detected and an alarm is

forwarded to the Network Operation Center.

Since the whole scheme is based on a combination of the network

number and the autonomous system number, to allow for further

verification, it is also important to insure the correctness of the

autonomous system numbers as advertized by the regionals networks to

the NSFNET core.

The autonomous system number validation for each regional network

will be performed at the NSS which connects the particular leaf

network to the NSFNET backbone. All discrepancies wil be reported to

the Network Operations Center.

The NSFNET backbone will be considered as a separate Autonomous

System with its own autonomous system number.

Backbone versus Backdoor Routes

There are instances where regional networks prefer paths through some

backdoor route over paths through the NSFNET backbone. Therefore,

the reachability information advertized by the NSFNET core to the

regional networks (via EGP NR records) will always use a fixed metric

of 128 for all routes. This may aid to encourage traffic to flow

through backdoors, if desired and available.

The regional networks can use a variety of techniques to determine

how they route traffic for any particular network at their own


What do we eXPect from the Regional Networks

Each regional network should get its own Autonomous System number.

The connection between regional networks to NSFNET backbone will be

done via EGP. It is the responsibility of the regional backbone to

provide an EGP functionality via the attachment to the E-PSP

dedicated to the regional network.

The EGP functionality may require a translation of network numbers in

and out of the regional network. In any case, the NSFNET backbone

expects individual network numbers of the leaf networks of the

regional network, as long as they should be advertised, and will

announce individual networks known to the NSFNET core to the regional


The EGP support should includes the ability to configure EGP metrics

from some statically definable configuration table. If the EGP

metrics cannot be defined or if they are not fixed the metric

determination will be done by the NSFNET backbone routers, as taken

from their databases, themselves. In that case, it is the

responsibility of the regional network to provide the NSFNET backbone

management with the metric data to allow for proper use of metrics.

We also expect each regional network to handle all bilateral

agreements with its leaf networks regarding Policy Based Routing and

supply a copy of those agreements to the NSFNET backbone management.


I would like to express my thanks to Barry Appelman (T.J. Watson

Research Center, IBM Corp.) and Hans-Werner Braun (Merit) for their

contributions to this document.

Author's Address

Jacob Rekhter

T.J. Watson Research Center

IBM Corporation

P.O. Box 218

Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

Phone: (914) 945-3896


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