
RFC1077 - Critical issues in high bandwidth networking

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Network Working Group Gigabit Working Group

Request for Comments: 1077 B. Leiner, Editor

November 1988

Critical Issues in High Bandwidth Networking

Status of this Memo

This memo presents the results of a working group on High Bandwidth

Networking. This RFCis for your information and you are encouraged

to comment on the issues presented. Distribution of this memo is



At the request of Maj. Mark Pullen and Maj. Brian Boesch of DARPA, an

ad-hoc working group was assembled to develop a set of

recommendations on the research required to achieve a ubiquitous

high-bandwidth network as discussed in the FCCSET recommendations for

Phase III.

This report outlines a set of research topics aimed at providing the

technology base for an interconnected set of networks that can

provide highbandwidth capabilities. The suggested research focus

draws upon ongoing research and augments it with basic and applied

components. The major activities are the development and

demonstration of a gigabit backbone network, the development and

demonstration of an interconnected set of networks with gigabit

throughput and appropriate management techniques, and the development

and demonstration of the required overall architecture that allows

users to gain Access to sUCh high bandwidth.

1. Introduction and Summary

1.1. Background

The computer communications world is evolving toward both high-

bandwidth capability and high-bandwidth requirements. The recent

workshop conducted under the auspices of the FCCSET Committee on High

Performance Computing [1] identified a number of areas where

extremely high-bandwidth networking is required to support the

scientific research community. These areas range from remote

graphical visualization of supercomputer results through the movement

of high rate sensor data from space to the ground-based scientific

investigator. Similar requirements exist for other applications,

such as military command and control (C2) where there is a need to

quickly access and act on data oBTained from real-time sensors. The

workshop identified requirements for switched high-bandwidth service

in excess of 300 Mbit/s to a single user, and the need to support

service in the range of a Mbit/s on a low-duty-cycle basis to

millions of researchers. When added to the needs of the military and

commercial users, the aggregate requirement for communications

service adds up to many billions of bits per second. The results of

this workshop were incorporated into a report by the FCCSET [2].

Fortunately, technology is also moving rapidly. Even today, the

installed base of fiber optics communications allows us to consider

aggregate bandwidths in the range of Gbit/s and beyond to limited

geographical regions. Estimates arrived at in the workshop lead one

to believe that there will be available raw bandwidth approaching

terabits per second.

The critical question to be addressed is how this raw bandwidth can

be used to satisfy the requirements identified in the workshop: 1)

provide bandwidth on the order of several Gbit/s to individual users,

and 2) provide modest bandwidth on the order of several Mbit/s to a

large number of users in a cost-effective manner through the

aggregation of their traffic.

Through its research funding, the Defense Advanced Research Projects

Agency (DARPA) has played a central role in the development of

packet-oriented communications, which has been of tremendous benefit

to the U.S. military in terms of survivability and interoperability.

DARPA-funded research has resulted in the ARPANET, the first packet-

switched network; the SATNET, MATNET and Wideband Network, which

demonstrated the efficient utilization of shared-access satellite

channels for communications between geographically diverse sites;

packet radio networks for mobile tactical environments; the Internet

and TCP/IP protocols for interconnection and interoperability between

heterogeneous networks and computer systems; the development of

electronic mail; and many advances in the areas of network security,

privacy, authentication and access control for distributed computing

environments. Recognizing DARPA's past accomplishments and its

desire to continue to take a leading role in addressing these issues,

this document provides a recommendation for research topics in

gigabit networking. It is meant to be an organized compendium of the

critical research issues to be addressed in developing the technology

base needed for such a high bandwidth ubiquitous network.

1.2. Ongoing Activities

The OSTP report referred to above recommended a three-phase approach

to achieving the required high-bandwidth networking for the

scientific and research community. Some of this work is now well

underway. An ad-hoc committee, the Federal Research Internet

Coordinating Committee (FRICC) is coordinating the interconnection of

the current wide area networking systems in the government; notably

those of DARPA, Department of Energy (DoE), National Science

Foundation (NSF), National Aeronautics and Space Administration

(NASA), and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). In

accordance with Phases I and II of the OSTP report, this activity

will provide for an interconnected set of networks to support

research and other scholarly pursuits, and provide a basis for future

networking for this community. The networking is being upgraded

through shared increased bandwidth (current plans are to share a 45

Mbit/s backbone) and coordinated interconnection with the rest of the

world. In particular, the FRICC is working with the European

networking community under the auspices of another ad-hoc group, the

Coordinating Committee for Intercontinental Research Networks

(CCIRN), to establish effective US-Europe networking.

However, as the OSTP recommendations note, the required bandwidth for

the future is well beyond currently planned public, private, and

government networks. Achieving the required gigabit networking

capabilities will require a strong research activity. There is

considerable ongoing research in relevant areas that can be drawn

upon; particularly in the areas of high-bandwidth communication

links, high-speed computer switching, and high-bandwidth local area

networks. Appendix A provides some pointers to current research


1.3. Document Overview

This report outlines a set of research topics aimed at providing the

technology base for an interconnected set of networks that can

provide the required high-bandwidth capabilities discussed above.

The suggested research focus draws upon ongoing research and augments

it with basic and applied components. The major activities are the

development and demonstration of a Gigabit Backbone network (GB) [3],

the development and demonstration of an interconnected set of

networks with gigabit throughput and appropriate management

techniques, and the development and demonstration of the required

overall architecture that allows users to gain access to such high

bandwidth. Section 2 discusses functional and performance goals

along with the anticipated benefits to the ultimate users of such a

system. Section 3 provides the discussion of the critical research

issues needed to achieve these goals. It is organized into the major

areas of technology that need to be addressed: general architectural

issues, high-bandwidth switching, high-bandwidth host interfaces,

network management algorithms, and network services. The discussion

in some cases contains examples of ongoing relevant research or

potential approaches. These examples are intended to clarify the

issues and not to propose that particular approach. A discussion of

the relationship of the suggested research to other ongoing

activities and optimal methods for pursuing this research is provided

in Section 4.

2. Functional and Performance Goals

In this section, we provide an assessment of the types of services a

GN (four or five orders of magnitude faster than the current

networks) should provide to its users. In instances where we felt

there would be a significant impact on performance, we have provided

an estimate of the amount of bandwidth needed and delay allowable to

provide these services.

2.1. Networking Application Support

It is envisioned that the GN will be capable of supporting all of the

following types of networking applications.

Currently Provided Packet Services

It is important that the network provide the users with the

equivalent of services that are already available in packet-

switched networks, such as interactive data exchange, mail

service, file transfer, on-line access to remote computing

resources, etc., and allow them to eXPand to other more advanced

services to meet their needs as they become available.

Multi-Media Mail

This capability will allow users to take advantage of different

media types (e.g., graphics, images, voice, and video as well as

text and computer data) in the transfer of messages, thereby

increasing the effectiveness of message exchange.

Multi-Media Conferencing

Such conferencing requires the exchange of large amounts of

information in short periods of time. Hence the requirement for

high bandwidth at low delay. We estimate that the bandwidth would

range from 1.5 to 100 Mbit/s, with an end-to-end delay of no more

than a few hundred msec.

Computer-Generated Real-time Graphics

Visualizing computer results in the modern world of supercomputers

requires large amounts of real time graphics. This in turn will

require about 1.5 Mbit/s of bandwidth and no more than several

hundred msec. delay.

High-Speed Transaction Processing

One of the most important reasons for having an ultra-high-speed

network is to take advantage of supercomputing capability. There

are several scenarios in which this capability could be utilized.

For example, there could be instances where a non-supercomputer

may require a supercomputer to perform some processing and provide

some intermediate results that will be used to perform still

further processing, or the exchange may be between several

supercomputers operating in tandem and periodically exchanging

results, such as in a battle management, war gaming, or process

control applications. In such cases, extremely short response

times are necessary to accomplish as many as hundreds of

interactions in real time. This requires very high bandwidth, on

the order of 100 Mbit/s, and minimum delay, on the order of

hundreds of msec.

Wide-Area Distributed Data/Knowledge Base Management Systems

Computer-stored data, information, and knowledge is distributed

around the country for a variety of reasons. The ability to

perform complex queries, updates, and report generation as though

many large databases are one system would be extremely powerful,

yet requires low-delay, high-bandwidth communication for

interactive use. The Corporation for National Research

Initiatives (NRI) has promoted the notion of a National Knowledge

base with these characteristics. In particular, an attractive

approach is to cache views at the user sites, or close by to allow

efficient repeated queries and multi-relation processing for

relations on different nodes. However, with caching, a processing

activity may incur a miss in the midst of a query or update,

causing it to be delayed by the time required to retrieve the

missing relation or portion of relation. To minimize the overhead

for cache Directories, both at the server and client sites, the

unit of caching should be large---say a megabyte or more. In

addition, to maintain consistency at the caching client sites,

server sites need to multicast invalidations and/or updates.

Communication requirements are further increased by replication of

the data. The critical parameter is latency for cache misses and

consistency operations. Taking the distance between sites to be

on average 1/4 the diameter of the country, a one Gbit/s data rate

is required to reduce the transmission time to be roughly the same

as the propagation delay, namely around 8 milliseconds for this

size of unit. Note that this application is supporting far more

sophisticated queries and updates than normally associated with

transaction processing, thus requiring larger amount of data to be


2.2. Types of Traffic and Communications Modes

Different types of traffic may impose different constraints in terms

of throughput, delay, delay dispersion, reliability and sequenced

delivery. Table 1 summarizes some of the main characteristics of

several different types of traffic.

Table 1: Communication Traffic Requirements



Traffic Delay Throughput Sequenced

Type Requirement Requirement Delivery


Interactive Simulation Low Moderate-High No


Network Monitoring Moderate Low No


Virtual Terminal Low Low Yes


Bulk Transfer High High Yes


Message Moderate Moderate Yes


Voice Low, constant Moderate No


Video Low, constant High No


Facsimile Moderate High No


Image Transfer Variable High No


Distributed Computing Low Variable Yes


Network Control Moderate Low Yes


The topology among users can be of three types: point-to-point (one-

to-one connectivity), multicast (one sender and multiple receivers),

and conferencing (multiple senders and multiple receivers). There

are three types of transfers that can take place among users. They

are connection-oriented network service, connectionless network

service, and stream or synchronous traffic. Connection and

connectionless services are asynchronous. A connection-oriented

service assumes and provides for relationships among the multiple

packets sent over the connection (e.g., to a common destination)

while connectionless service assumes each packet is a complete and

separate entity unto itself. For stream or synchronous service a

reservation scheme is used to set up and guarantee a constant and

steady amount of bandwidth between any two subscribers.

2.3. Network Backbone

The GB needs to be of high bandwidth to support a large population of

users, and additionally to provide high-speed connectivity among

certain subscribers who may need such capability (e.g., between two

supercomputers). These users may access the GN from local area

networks (LANs) directly connected to the backbone or via high-speed

intermediate regional networks. The backbone must also minimize

end-to-end delay to support highly interactive high-speed

(supercomputer) activities.

It is important that the LANs that will be connected to the GN be

permitted data rates independent of the data rates of the GB. LAN

speeds should be allowed to change without affecting the GB, and the

GB speeds should be allowed to change without affecting the LANs. In

this way, development of the technology for LANs and the GB can

proceed independently.

Access rate requirements to the GB and the GN will vary depending on

user requirements and local environments. The users may require

access rates ranging from multi-kbit/s in the case of terminals or

personal computers connected by modems up to multi-Mbit/s and beyond

for powerful workstations up to the Gbit/s range for high-speed

computing and data resources.

2.4. Directory Services

Directory services similar to those found in CCITT X.500/ISO DIS 9594

need to be provided. These include mapping user names to electronic

mail addresses, distribution lists, support for authorization

checking, access control, and public key encryption schemes,

multimedia mail capabilities, and the ability to keep track of mobile

users (those who move from place to place and host computer to host

computer). The directory services may also list facilities available

to users via the network. Some examples are databases,

supercomputing or other special-purpose applications, and on-line

help or telephone hotlines.

The services provided by X.500 may require some extension for GN.

For example, there is no provision for multilevel security, and the

approach taken to authentication must be studied to ensure that it

meets the requirements of GN and its user community.

2.5. Network Management and Routing

The objective of network management is to ensure that the network

functions smoothly and efficiently, and consists of the following:

accounting, security, performance monitoring, fault isolation and

configuration control.

Accounting ensures that users are properly billed for the services

that the network provides. Accounting enforces a tariff; a tariff

expresses a usage policy. The network need only keep track of those

items addressed by the tariff, such as allocated bandwidth, number of

packets sent, number of ports used, etc. Another type of accounting

may need to be supported by the network to support resource sharing,

namely accounting analogous to telephone "900" numbers. This

accounting performed by the network on behalf of resource providers

and consumers is a pragmatic solution to the problem of getting the

users and consumers into a financial relationship with each other

which has stymied previous attempts to achieve widespread use of

specialized resources.

Performance monitoring is needed so that the managers can tell how

the network is performing and take the necessary actions to keep its

performance at a level that will provide users with satisfactory

service. Fault isolation using technical control mechanisms is

needed for network maintenance. Configuration management allows the

network to function efficiently.

Several new types of routing will be required by GN. In addition to

true type-of-service, needed to support diverse distributed

applications, real-time applications, interactive applications, and

bulk data transfer, there will be need for traffic controls to

enforce various routing policies. For example, policy may dictate

that traffic from certain users, applications, or hosts may not be

permitted to traverse certain segments of the network.

Alternatively, traffic controls may be used to promote fairness; that

is, to make sure that busy link or network segment isn't dominated by

a particular source or destination. The ability of applications to

reserve network bandwidth in advance of its use, and the use of

strategies such as soft connections, will also require development of

new routing algorithms.

2.6. Network Security Requirements

Security is a critical factor within the GN and one of those features

that are difficult to provide. It is envisioned that both

unclassified and classified traffic will utilize the GN, so

protection mechanisms must be an integral part of the network access

strategy. Features such as authentication, integrity,

confidentiality, access control, and nonrepudiation are essential to

provide trusted and secure communication services for network users.

A subscriber must have assurance that the person or system he is

exchanging information with is indeed who he says he is.

Authentication provides this assurance by verifying that the claimed

source of a query request, control command, response, etc., is the

actual source. Integrity assures that the subscriber's information

(such as requests, commands, data, responses, etc.) is not changed,

intentionally or unintentionally, while in transit or by replays of

earlier traffic. Unauthorized users (e.g., intruders or network

viruses) would be denied use of GN assets through access control

mechanisms which verify that the authenticated source is authorized

to receive the requested information or to initiate the specified

command. In addition, nonrepudiation services can be offered to

assure a third party that the transmitted information has not been

altered. And finally, confidentiality will ensure that the contents

of a message are not divulged to unauthorized individuals.

Subscribers can decide, based upon their own security needs and

particular activities, which of these services are necessary at a

given time.

3. Critical Research Issues

In the section above, we discussed the goals of a research program in

gigabit networking; namely to provide the technology base for a

network that will allow gigabit service to be provided in an

effective way. In this section, we discuss those issues which we

feel are critical to address in a research program to achieve such


3.1. General Architectural Issues

In the last generation of networks, it was assumed that bandwidth was

the scarce resource and the design of the switch was dictated by the

need to manage and allocate the bandwidth effectively. The most

basic change in the next generation network is that the speeds of the

trunks are rising faster than the speeds of the switching elements.

This change in the balance of speeds has manifested itself in several

ways. In most current designs for local area networks, where

bandwidth is not expensive, the design decision was to trade off

effective use of the bandwidth for a simplified switching technique.

In particular, networks such as Ethernet use broadcast as the normal

distribution method, which essentially eliminates the need for a

switching element.

As we look at still higher speed networks, and in particular networks

in which the bandwidth is still the expensive component, we must

design new options for switching which will permit effective use of

bandwidth without the switch itself becoming the bottleneck.

The central thrust of new research must thus be to explore new

network architectures that are consistent with these very different

speed assumptions.

The development of computer communications has been tremendously

distorted by the characteristics of wide-area networking: normally

high cost, low speed, high error rate, large delay. The time is ripe

for a revolution in thinking, technology, and approaches, analogous

to the revolution caused by VCR technology over 8 and 16 mm. film


Fiber optics is clearly the enabling technology for high-speed

transmission, in fact, so much so that there is an expectation that

the switching elements will now hold down the data rates. Both

conventional circuit switching and packet switching have significant

problems at higher data rates. For instance, circuit switching

requires increasing delays for FTDM synchronization to handle skew.

In the case of packet switching, traditional approaches require too

much processing per packet to handle the tremendous data flow. The

problem for both switching regimes is the "intelligence" in the

switches, which in turn requires electronics technology.

Besides intelligence, another problem for wide-area networks is

storage, both because it ties us to electronics (for the foreseeable

future) and because it produces instabilities in a large-scale

system. (See, for instance, the work by Van Jacobson on self-

organizing phenomena for self-destruction in the Internet.)

Techniques are required to eliminate dependence on storage, such as

cut-through routing.

Overall, high-speed WANs are the greatest agents of change, the

greatest catalyst both commercially and militarily, and the area ripe

for revolution. Judging by the attributes of current high-speed

network research prototypes, WANs of the future will be photonic,

multi-gigabit networks with enormous throughput, low delay, and low

error rate.

A zero-based budgeting approach is required to develop the new high-

speed internetwork architecture. That is, the time is ripe to

significantly rethink the Internet, building on experience with this

system. Issues of concern are manageability, understanding

evolvability and support for the new communication requirements,

including remote procedure call, real-time, security and fault-


The GN must be able to deal with two sources of high-bandwidth

requirements. There will be some end devices (computers) connected

more or less directly to the GN because of their individual

requirements for high bandwidth (e.g., supercomputers needing to

drive remote high-bandwidth graphics devices). In addition, the

aggregate traffic due to large numbers of moderate rate users

(estimates are roughly up to a million potential users needing up to

1 Mbit/s at any given time) results in a high-bandwidth requirement

in total on the GN. The statistics of such traffic are different and

there are different possible technical approaches for dealing with

them. Thus, an architectural approach for dealing with both must be


Overall, the next-generation architecture has to be, first and

foremost, a management architecture. The directions in link speeds,

processor speeds and memory solve the performance problems for many

communication situations so well that manageability becomes the

predominant concern. (In fact, fast communication makes large

systems more prone to performance, reliability, and security

problems.) In many ways, the management system of the internetwork

is the ultimate distributed system. The solution to this tough

problem may well require the best talents from the communications,

operating systems and distributed systems communities, perhaps even

drawing on database and parallelism research.

3.1.1. High-Speed Internet using High-Speed Networks

The GN will need to take advantage of a multitude of different and

heterogeneous networks, all of high speed. In addition to networks

based on the technology of the GB, there will be high-speed LANs. A

key issue in the development of the GN will be the development of a

strategy for interconnecting such networks to provide gigabit service

on an end to end basis. This will involve techniques for switching,

interfacing, and management (as discussed in the sections below)

coupled with an architecture that allows the GN to take full

advantage of the performance of the various high-speed networks.

3.1.2. Network Organization

The GN will need an architecture that supports the need to manage the

system as well as obtain high performance. We note that almost all

human-engineered systems are hierarchically structured from the

standpoint of control, monitoring, and information flow. A

hierarchical design may be the key to manageability in the next-

generation architecture.

One approach is to use a general three-level structure, corresponding

to interadministrational, intraadministrational, and cluster

networks. The first level interconnects communication facilities of

truly separate administrations where there is significant separation

of security, accounting, and goals. The second level interconnects

subadministrations which exist for management convenience in large

organizations. For example, a research group within a university may

function as a subadministration. The cluster level consists of

networks configured to provides maximal performance among hosts which

are in frequent communication, such as a set of diskless workstations

and their common file server. These hosts are typically, but not

necessarily, geographically collocated. For example, two remote

networks may be tightly coupled by a fiber optic link that bridges

between the two physical networks, making them function as one.

Research along these lines should study the interorganizational

characteristics of communications, such as those being investigated

by the IAB Task Force on Autonomous Networks. Based on current

results, we expect that such work would clearly demonstrate that

considerable communication takes place between particular

subadministrations in different administrations; communication

patterns are not strictly hierarchical. For example, there might be

intense direct communication between the experimental physics

departments of two independent universities, or between the computer

support group of one company and the operating system development

group of another. In addition, (sub)administrations may well also

require divisions into public information and private information.

3.1.3. Fault-Tolerant System

Although the GN will be developed as part of an experimental research

program, it will also serve as part of the infrastructure for

researchers who are experimenting with applications which will use

such a network. The GN must have reasonably high availability to

support these research activities. In addition to facilitate the

transfer of this technology to future operational military and

commercial users, it will need to be designed to become highly

reliable. This can be accomplished through diversity of transmission

paths, the development of fault-tolerant switches, use of a

distributed control structure with self-correcting algorithms, and

the protection of network control traffic. The architecture of a GN

should support and allow for all of these things.

3.1.4. Functional Division of Control Between Network Elements

Current protocol architectures use the layered model of functional

decomposition first developed in the early work on ARPANET protocols.

The concept of layering has been a powerful concept which has allowed

dramatic variation in network technologies without requiring the

complete reimplementation of applications. The concept of layering

has had a first-order impact on the development of international

standards for data communication---witness the ISO "Reference Model

for Open Systems Interconnection."

Unfortunately, however, the powerful concept of layering has been

paired, both in the DoD Internet work and the ISO work, with an

extremely weak concept of the interface between layers. The

interface designs are all organized around the idea of commands and

responses plus an error indicator. For example, the TCP service

interface provides the user with commands to set up or close a TCP

connection and commands to send and receive datagrams. The user may

well "know" whether they are using a file transfer service or a

character-at-a- time virtual terminal, but can't tell the TCP. The

underlying network may "know" that failures have reduced the path to

the user's destination to a single 9.6 kbit/s link, but it also can't

tell the TCP implementation.

All of the information that an analyst would consider crucial in

diagnosing system performance is carefully hidden from adjacent

layers. One "solution" often discussed (but rarely implemented) is

to condense all of this information into a few bits of "Type of

Service" or "Quality of Service" request flowing in one direction

only---from application to network. It seems likely that this

approach cannot succeed, both because it applies too much compression

to the knowledge available and because it does not provide two-way


We believe it to be likely that the next-generation network will

require a much richer interface between every pair of adjacent layers

if adequate performance is to be achieved. Research is needed into

the conceptual mechanisms, both indicators and controls, that can be

implemented at these interfaces and that, when used, will result in

better performance. If real differences in performance can be

observed, then the implementors of every layer will have a strong

incentive to make use of the mechanisms.

We can observe the first glimmers of this sort of coordination

between layers in current work. For example, in the ISO work there

are 5 classes of transport protocol which are supposed to provide a

range of possible matches between application needs and network

capabilities. Unfortunately, it is the case today that the class of

transport protocol is chosen statically, by the implementer, rather

than dynamically. The DARPA Wideband net offers a choice of stream

or datagram service, but typically a given host uses all one or all

the other---again, a static rather than a dynamic choice. The

research that we believe is needed, therefore, is not how to provide

alternatives, but how to provide them and choose among them on a

dynamic, real-time basis.

3.1.5. Different Switch Technologies

One approach to high-performance networking is to design a technology

that is expected to work as a stand-alone demonstration, without

addressing the need for interconnection to other networks. Such an

experiment may be very valuable for rapid exploration of the design

space. However, our experience with the Internet project suggests

that a primary research goal should be the development of a network

architecture that permits the interconnection of a number of

different switching technologies.

The Internet project was successful to a large extent because it

could incorporate a number of new and preexisting network

technologies: various local area networks, store and forward

switching networks, broadcast satellite nets, packet radio networks,

and so on. In this way, it decoupled the use of the protocols from a

particular technology base. In fact, the technology base evolved

rapidly, but the Internet protocols themselves provided a stability

that led to their success.

The next-generation architecture must similarly deal with a diverse

and evolving technology base. We see "fast-packet" switching now

being developed (for example in B-ISDN); we see photonic switching

and wavelength division multiplexing as more advanced technologies.

We must divorce our architecture from dependence on any one of these.

At the host interface, we must divorce the multiplexing of the medium

from the form of data that the host sees. Today the packet is used

both as multiplexing and interface element. In the future, the host

may see the network as a message-passing system, or as memory. At

the same time, the network may use classic packets, wavelength

division, or space division switching.

A number of basic functions must be rethought to provide an

architecture that is not dependent on the underlying switching model.

For example, our transport protocols assume that data will be lost in

units of a packet. If part of a packet is lost, we discard the whole

thing. And if several packets are systematically lost in sequence,

we may not recover effectively. There must be a host-level unit of

error recovery that is independent of the network. This sort of

abstraction must be applied to all the ASPects of service

specification: error recovery, flow control, addressing, and so on.

3.1.6. Network Operations, Monitoring, and Control

There is a hierarchy of progressively more effective and

sophisticated techniques for network management that applies

regardless of network bandwidth and application considerations:

1. Reactive problem management

2. Reactive resource management

3. Proactive problem management

4. Proactive resource management.

Today's network management strategies are primarily reactive rather

than proactive: Problem management is initiated in response to user

complaints about service outages; resource allocation decisions are

made when users complain about deterioration of quality of service.

Today's network management systems are stuck at step 1 or perhaps

step 2 of the hierarchy.

Future network management systems will provide proactive problem

management---problem diagnosis and restoral of service before users

become aware that there was a problem; and proactive resource

management---dynamic allocation of network bandwidth and switching

resources to ensure that an acceptable level of service is

continuously maintained.

The GN management system should be expected to provide proactive

problem and resource management capabilities. It will have to do so

while contending with three important changes in the managed network


1. More complicated devices under management

2. More diverse types of devices

3. More variety of application protocols.

Performance under these conditions will require that we seriously

re-think how a network management system handles the expected high

volumes of raw management-related data. It will become especially

important for the system to provide thresholding, filtering, and

alerting mechanisms that can save the human operator from drowning in

data, while still permitting access to details when diagnostic or

fault isolation modes are invoked.

The presence of expert assistant capabilities for early fault

detection, diagnosis, and problem resolution will be mandatory.

These capabilities are highly desirable today, but they will be

essential to contend with the complexity and diversity of devices and

applications in the Gigabit Network.

In addition to its role in dealing with complexity, automation

provides the only hope of controlling and reducing the high costs of

daily management and operation of a GN.

Proactive resource management in GNs must be better understood and

practiced, initially as an effort requiring human intervention and

direction. Once this is achieved, it too must become automated to a

high degree in the GN.

3.1.7. Naming and Addressing Strategies

Current networks, both voice (telephone) and data, use addressing

structures which closely tie the address to the physical location on

the network. That is, the address identifies a physical access

point, rather than the higher-level entity (computer, process, human)

attached to that access point. In future networks, this physical

aspect of addressing must be removed.

Consider, for example, finding the desired party in the telephone

network of today. For a person not at his listed number, finding the

number of the correct telephone may require preliminary calls, in

which advice is given to the person placing the call. This works

well when a human is placing the call, since humans are well equipped

to cope with arbitrary conversations. But if a computer is placing

the call, the process of obtaining the correct address will have to

be incorporated in the architecture as a core service of the network.

Since it is reasonable to expect mobile hosts, hosts that are

connected to multiple networks, and replicated hosts, the issue of

mapping to the physical address must be properly resolved.

To permit the network to maintain the dynamic mapping to current

physical address, it is necessary that high-level entities have a

name (or logical address) that identifies them independently of

location. The name is maintained by the network, and mapped to the

current physical location as a core network service. For example,

mobile hosts, hosts that are connected to multiple networks, and

replicated hosts would have static names whose mapping to physical

addresses (many-to-one, in some cases) would change with time.

Hosts are not the only entities whose physical location varies.

Users' electronic mail addresses change. Within distributed systems,

processes and files migrate from host to host. In a computing

environment where robustness and survivability are important, entire

applications may move about, or they may be redundant.

The needed function must be considered in the context of the mobility

and address resolution rates if all addresses in a global data

network were of this sort. The distributed network directory

discussed elsewhere in this report should be designed to provide the

necessary flexibility, and responsiveness. The nature and

administration of names must also be considered.

Names that are arbitrary or unwieldy would be barely better than the

addresses used now. The name space should be designed so that it can

easily be partitioned among the agencies that will assign names. The

structure of names should facilitate, rather than hinder, the mapping

function. For example, it would be hard to optimize the mapping

function if names were flat and unstructured.

3.2. High-Speed Switching

The term "high-speed switching" refers to changing the switching at a

high rate, rather than switching high-speed links, because the latter

is not difficult at low speeds. (Consider, for example, manual

switching of fiber connections). The switching regime chosen for the

network determines various aspects of its performance, its charging

policies, and even its effective capabilities. As an example of the

latter, it is difficult to expect a circuit-switched network to

provide strong multicast support.

A major area of debate lies in the choice between packet switching

and circuit switching. This is a key research issue for the GN,

considering also the possibility of there being combinations of the

two approaches that are feasible.

3.2.1. Unit of Management vs. Multiplexing

With very high data rates, either the unit of management and

switching must be larger or the speed of the processor elements for

management and switching must be faster. For example, at a gigabit,

a 576 byte packet takes roughly 5 microseconds to be received so a

packet switch must act extremely fast to avoid being the dominant

delay in packet times. Moreover, the storage time for the packet in

a conventional store and forward implementation also becomes a

significant component of the delay. Thus, for packet switching to

remain attractive in this environment, it appears necessary to

increase the size of packets (or switch on packet groups), do so-

called virtual cut-through and use high-speed routing techniques,

such as high-speed route caches and source routing.

Alternatively, for circuit switching to be attractive, it must

provide very fast circuit setup and tear-down to support the bursty

nature of most computer communication. This problem is rendered

difficult (and perhaps impossible for certain traffic loads) because

the delay across the country is so large relative to the data rate.

That is, even with techniques such as so-called fast select,

bandwidth is reserved by the circuit along the path for almost twice

the propagation time before being used.

With gigabit circuit switching, because it is not feasible to

physically switch channels, the low-level switching is likely doing

FTDM on micro-packets, as is currently done in telephony. Performing

FTDM at gigabit data rates is a challenging research problem if the

skew introduced by wide-area communication is to be handled with

reasonable overhead for spacing of this micro-packets. Given the

lead and resources of the telephone companies, this area of

investigation should, if pursued, be pursued cooperatively.

3.2.2. Bandwidth Reservation Algorithms

Some applications, such as real-time video, require sustained high

data rate streams over a significant period of time, such as minutes

if not hours. Intuitively, it is appealing for such applications to

pre-allocate the bandwidth they require to minimize the switching

load on the network and guarantee that the required bandwidth is

available. Research is required to determine the merits of bandwidth

reservation, particular in conjunction with the different switching

technologies. There is some concern to raise that bandwidth

reservation may require excessive intelligence in the network,

reducing the performance and reliability of the network. In

addition, bandwidth reservation opens a new option for denial of

service by an intruder or malicious user. Thus, investigations in

this area need to proceed in concert with work on switching

technologies and capabilities and security and reliability


3.2.3. Multicast Capabilities

It is now widely accepted that multicast should be provided as a

user-level service, as described in RFC1054 for IP, for example.

However, further research is required to determine the best way to

support this facility at the network layer and lower. It is fairly

clear that the GN will be built from point-to-point fiber links that

do not provide multicast/broadcast for free. At the most

conservative extreme, one could provide no support and require that

each host or gateway simulate multicast by sending multiple,

individually addressed packets. However, there are significant

advantages to providing very low level multicast support (besides the

obvious performance advantages). For example, multicast routing in a

flooding form provides the most fault-tolerant, lowest-delay form of

delivery which, if reserved for very high priority messages, provides

a good emergency facility for high-stress network applications.

Multicast may also be useful as an approach to defeat traffic


Another key issue arises with the distinction between so-called open

group multicast and closed group multicast. In the former, any host

can multicast to the group, whereas in the latter, only members of

the group can multicast to it. The latter is easier to support and

adequate for conferencing, for example. However, for more client-

server structured applications, such as using file/database server,

computation servers, etc. as groups, open multicast is required.

Research is needed to address both forms of multicast. In addition,

security issues arise in controlling the membership of multicast

groups. This issue should be addressed in concert with work on

secure forms of routing in general.

3.2.4. Gateway Technologies

With the wide-area interconnection of local networks by the GN,

gateways are expected to become a significant performance bottleneck

unless significant advances are made in gateway performance. In

addition, many network management concerns suggest putting more

functionality (such as access control) in the gateways, further

increasing their load and the need for greater capacity. This would

then raise the issue of the trade-off between general-purpose

hardware and special-purpose hardware.

On the general-purpose side, it may be feasible to use a general-

purpose multiprocessor based on high-end microprocessors (perhaps as

exotic as the GaAs MIPS) in conjunction with a high-speed block

transfer bus, as proposed as part of the FutureBus standard (which is

extendible to higher speeds than currently commercially planned) and

intelligent high-speed network adaptors. This would also allow the

direct use of hardware, operating systems, and software tools

developed as part of other DARPA programs, such as Strategic

Computing. It also appears to make this gateway software more

portable to commercial machines as they become available in this

performance range.

The specialized hardware approach is based on the assumption that

general-purpose hardware, particularly the interconnection bus,

cannot be fast enough to support the level of performance required.

The expected emphasis is on various interconnection network

techniques. These approaches appear to require greater expense, less

commercial availability and more specialized software. They need to

be critically evaluated with respect to the general-purpose gateway

hardware approach, especially if the latter is using multiple buses

for fault-tolerance as well as capacity extension (in the absence of


The same general-purpose vs. special-purpose contention is an issue

with operating system software. Conventionally, gateways run

specialized run-time executives that are designed specifically for

the gateway and gateway functions. However, the growing

sophistication of the gateway makes this approach less feasible. It

appears important to investigate the feasibility of using a standard

operating system foundation on the gateways that is known to provide

the required security and reliability properties (as well as real-

time performance properties).

3.2.5. VLSI and Optronics Implementations

It appears fairly clear that gigabit communication will use fiber

optics for at least the near future. Without major advances in

optronics to allow effectively for optical computers, communication

must cross the optical-electronic boundary two or more times. There

are significant cost, performance, reliability, and security benefits

for minimizing the number of such crossings. (As an example of a

security benefit, optics is not prone to electronic surveillance or

jamming while electronics clearly is, so replacing an optic-

electronic-optic node with a pure optic node eliminates that

vulnerability point.)

The benefits of improved technology in optronics is so great that its

application here is purely another motivation for an already active

research area (that deserves strong continued support). Therefore,

we focus here in the issue of matching current (and near-term

expected) optronics capabilities with network requirements.

The first and perhaps greatest area of opportunity is to achieve

totally (or largely) photonic switches in the network switching

nodes. That is, most packets would be switched without crossing the

optics-electronics boundary at all. For this to be feasible, the

switch must use very simple switching logic, require very little

storage and operate on packets of a significant size. The source-

routed packet switches with loopback on blockage of Blazenet

illustrate the type of techniques that appear required to achieve

this goal.

Research is required to investigate the feasibility of optronic

implementation of switches. It appears highly likely that networks

will at some point in the future be totally photonically switched,

having the impact on networking comparable to the effect of

integrated circuits on processors and memories.

A next level of focus is to achieve optical switching in the common

case in gateways. One model is a multiprocessor with an optical

interconnect. Packets associated with established paths through the

gateway are optically switched and processed through the

interconnect. Other packets are routed to the multiprocessor,

crossing into the electronics domain. Research is required to marry

the networking requirements and technology with optronics technology,

pushing the state of the art in both areas in the process.

Given the long-term presence of the optic-electronic boundary,

improvements in technology in this area are also important. However,

it appears that there is already enormous commercial research

activity in this area, particularly within the telephone companies.

This is another area in which collaborative investigation appears far

better than an new independent research effort.

VLSI technology is an established technology with active research

support. The GN effort does not appear to require major new

initiatives in the VLSI area, yet one should be open to significant

novel opportunities not identified here.

3.2.6. High-Speed Transfer Protocols

To achieve the desired speeds, it will be necessary to rethink the

form of protocols.

1. The simple idea of a stateless gateway must be replaced by a

more complex model in which the gateway understands the

desired function of the end point and applies suitable

optimizations to the flow.

2. If multiplexing is done in the time domain, the elements of

multiplexing are probably so small that no significant

processing can be performed on each individually. They must

be processed as an aggregate. This implies that the unit of

multiplexing is not the same as the unit of processing.

3. The interfaces between the structural layers of the

communication system must change from a simple

command/response style to a richer system which includes

indications and controls.

4. An approach must be developed that couples the memory

management in the host and the structure of the transmitted

data, to allow efficient transfers into host memory.

The result of rethinking these problems will be a new style of

communications and protocols, in which there is a much higher degree

of shared responsibility among the components (hosts, switches,

gateways). This may have little resemblance to previous work either

in the DARPA or commercial communities.

3.3. High-Speed Host Interfaces

As networks get faster, the most significant bottleneck will turn out

to be the packet processing overhead in the host. While this does

not restrict the aggregate rates we can achieve over trunks, it

prevents delivery of high data rate flows to the host-based

applications, which will prevent the development of new applications

needing high bandwidth. The host bottleneck is thus a serious

impediment to networked use of supercomputers.

To build a GN we need to create new ways for hosts and their high

bandwidth peripherals to connect to networks. We believe that

pursuing research in the ways to most effectively isolate host and

LAN development paths from the GN is the most productive way to

proceed. By decoupling the development paths, neither is restricted

by the momentary performance of capability bottlenecks of the other.

The best context in which to view this separation is with the notion

of a network front end (NFE). The NFE can take the electronic input

data at many data rates and transform it into gigabit light data

appropriately packetized to traverse the GN. The NFE can accept

inputs from many types of gateways, hosts, host peripherals, and LANS

and provide arbitration and path set-up facilities as needed. Most

importantly, the NFE can perform protocol arbitration to retain

upward compatibility with the existing Internet protocols while

enabling those sophisticated network input sources to execute GN

specific high-throughput protocols. Of course, this introduces the

need for research into high-speed NFEs to avoid the NFE becoming a


3.3.1. VLSI and Optronics Implementations

In a host interface, unless the host is optical (an unlikely prospect

in the near-term), the opportunities for optronic support are

limited. In fact, with a serial-to-parallel conversion on reception

stepping the clock rate down by a factor of 32 (assuming a 32-bit

data path on the host interface), optronic speeds are not required in

the immediate future.

One exception may be for encryption. Current VLSI implementations of

standard encryption algorithms run in the 10 Mbit/s range. Optronic

implementation of these encryption techniques and encryption

techniques specifically oriented to, or taking advantage of, optronic

capabilities appears to be an area of some potential (and enormous

benefit if achieved).

The potential of targeted VLSI research in this area appears limited

for similar reasons discussed above with its application in high-

speed switching. The major benefits will arise from work that is

well-motivated by other research (such as high-performance

parallelism) and by strong commercial interest. Again, we need to be

open to imaginative opportunities not foreseen here while keeping

ourselves from being diverted into low-impact research without

further insights being put forward.

3.3.2. High-Performance Transport Protocols

Current transport protocols exhibit some severe problems for maximal

performance, especially for using hardware support. For example, TCP

places the checksum in the packet header, forcing the packet to be

formed and read fully before transmission begins. ISO TP4 is even

worse, locating the checksum in a variable portion of the header at

an indeterminate offset, making hardware implementation extremely


The current Internet has thrived and grown due to the existence of

TCP implementations for a wide variety of classes of host computers.

These various TCP implementations achieve robust interoperability by

a "least common denominator" approach to features and options. Some

applications have arisen in the current Internet, and analogs can be

envisioned for the GN environment, which need qualities of service

not generally supported by the ubiquitous generic TCP, and therefore

special purpose transport protocols have been developed. Examples

include special purpose transport protocols such as UDP (user

datagram protocol), RDP (reliable datagram protocol), LDP

(loader/debugger protocol), NETBLT (high-speed block transfer

protocol), NVP (network voice protocol) and PVP (packet video

protocol). Efforts are also under way to develop a new generic

transport protocol VMTP (versatile message transaction protocol)

which will remedy some of deficiencies of TCP, without the need to

resort to special purpose protocols for some applications. Research

is needed in this area to understand how transport level protocols

should be constructed for a GN which provide adequate qualities of

service and ease of implementation.

A new transport protocol of reasonable success can be expected to

last for ten years more. Therefore, a new protocol should not be

over optimized for current networks and must not ignore the

functional deficiencies of current protocols. These deficiencies are

essential to remedy before it is feasible to deploy even current

distributed systems technology for military and commercial


Forward Error Correction (FEC) is a useful approach when the

bandwidth/delay ratio of the physical medium is high, as can be

expected in transcontinental photonic links. A degenerate form of

FEC is to simply transmit multiple copies of the data; this allows

one to trade bandwidth for delay and reliability, without requiring

much intelligence. In fact, it is generally true that reliability,

bandwidth, and delay are interrelated and an improvement in one

generally comes at the expense of the others for a given technology.

Research is required to find appropriate operating points in networks

using transmission components which offer extremely high bandwidth

with very good bit-error-rate performance.

3.3.3. Network Adaptors

With the promised speed of networks, the future network adaptor must

be viewed as a memory interconnect, tying the memory in one host to

another, at least if the data rate and the low latency made possible

by the network is to be realized at the host-to-host or process-to-

process level. The challenge is too great to be met by just

implementing protocols in custom VLSI.

Research is required to investigate the impact of network

interconnection on a machine architecture and to define and evaluate

new network adaptor architectures. Of key importance is integration

of network adaptor into the operating system so that process-to-

process communications performance matches that offered by the

network. In particular, we conjecture that the transport level will

be implemented largely, if not entirely, in the network adaptor,

providing the host with reliable memory-to-memory transfer at memory

speeds with a minimum of interrupt processing bus overhead and packet


Drawing an analogy to RISC technology again, maximal performance

requires a well-designed and coordinated protocol, software, and

hardware (network adaptor) design. Current standard protocols are

significantly flawed for hardware compatibility, suggesting a need

for considerable further research on high-performance protocol


3.3.4. Host Operating System Software

Conventionally, communication has been an add-on to an operating

system. With the GN, the network may well become the fastest

"peripheral" connected to most nodes. High-performance process-to-

process (or application to application) communication will not be

achieved until the operating system is well designed for fast access

to and from the network. For example, incorporating templates of the

network packet header directly in the process descriptor may allow a

process to initiate communications with minimal overhead. Similarly,

memory mapping can be used to eliminate copies between data arriving

from the network and it being delivered to the applications. With a

GN, an extra copy forced by the operating system may easily double

the perceived transfer time for a packet between applications.

Besides matching data transfer mechanisms, operating systems must be

well-matched in security design to that supported by the host

interface and network as well. Otherwise, all but the most trivial

additional security actions by the operating system in common case

communication can easily eliminate the performance benefits of the

GN. For example, if the host has to do further encryption or

decryption, the throughput is likely to be at least halved and the

latency doubled.

Research effort is required to further refine operating systems for

the level of performance offered by the GN. This effort may well be

best realized with coupling existing efforts in distributed systems

with the GN activities, as opposed to starting new separate efforts.

3.4. Advanced Network Management Algorithms

An important emphasis for research into network management should be

on decentralized approaches. The ratio of propagation delay across

the country to data rates in a GN appear to be too great to deal

effectively with resource management centrally when traffic load is

bursty and unstable (and if it is not, one might argue there is no

problem). In addition, important principles of fault containment and

minimal privilege for reliability and security suggest that a

centralized management approach is infeasible. In particular,

compromising the security of one portion of the network should not

compromise the security of the whole network. Similarly, a failure

or fault should affect at most a local region of the network.

The challenge is clearly to provide decentralized management

techniques that lead to good global behavior in the normal case and

acceptable behavior in expected worst-case failures, traffic

variations and security intrusions.

3.4.1. Control Flow vs. Data Flow

Network operational communications can be separated into flow of user

data and flow of management/control data. However, the user data

must contain some amount of control data. One question that needs to

be explored in light of changes in communications and computing costs

and performance is the trade-off between these two flows. An example

of a potential approach is to use data units which contain predefined

path indicators. The switch can perform a simple table look-up which

maps the path indicator onto the preferred outbound link and

transmits the packet immediately. There is a path set-up packet

which fills in the appropriate tables. Path set-up occurs before the

first data packet flows and then, while data is flowing, to improve

the routes during the lifetime of the connection. This concept has

been discussed in the Internet engineering group under the name of

soft connections.

We note that separating the data flow from the control flow in the GN

has security and reliability advantages as well. We could encrypt

most of the packet header to provide confidentiality within the GN

and to limit the ability of intruders to perform traffic analysis.

And, by separating the control flow, we can encrypt all the control

exchanges between switches and the host front ends thereby offering

confidentiality and integrity. No unauthorized entity will be able

to alter or examine the control traffic. By employing a path set-up

procedure, we can assure that the GN NFE-to-NFE path is functioning

and also include user-specific requirements in the route. For

example, we could request a certain bandwidth allocation and simplify

the job of the switches in handling flow control. We could also set

up backup paths in case the output link will be busy for so many

microseconds that the packet cannot be stored until the link is


3.4.2. Resource Management Algorithms

Most current networks deliver one quality of service. X.25 networks

deliver a reliable byte-stream. Most LANs deliver a best-effort

unreliable service. There are few networks today that can support

multiple types of service, and allocate their resources among them.

Indeed, for many networks, such as best-effort unreliable service,

there is little management of resources at all. The next generation

of network will require a much more controlled allocation of


There will be a much wider range of desired types of service, with

current services such as remote procedure call mixing with new

services such as video streams. Unless these are separately

recognized and controlled, there is little reason to believe that

effective service can be delivered unless the network is very lightly


In order to support multiple types of service, two things must

happen, both a change from current practice. First, the application

must describe to the network what type of service is required.

Second, the network must use this information to make resource

allocation decisions. Both of these practices present difficulties.

Past experience suggests that application code is not prepared to

know or specify what service it needs. By custom, operating systems

provide a virtual world, and the applications in this world are

unaware of the relation between this and the reality of time and

space. Resource requests must be in real terms. Allocation of

resources in the network is difficult, because it requires that

decisions be made in the network, but as network packet throughput

increases, there is less time for decisions.

The resolution of this latter conflict is to observe that decisions

must be made on larger units than the unit of multiplexing such as

the packet. This in turn implies that packets must be visible to the

network as being part of a sequence, as opposed to the pure datagram

model previously exploited. As suggested earlier in this report,

research is required to support this more complex form of switch

without compromising robustness.

To permit the application to specify the service it needs, it will be

necessary to propose some abstraction of service class. By clever

design of this abstraction, it should be possible to allow the

application to describe its needs effectively. For example, an

application such as file transfer or mail has two modes of operation;

bulk data transfer and remote procedure call. The application may

not be able to predict when it will be in which mode, but if it just

describes both of them, the system may be able to adapt by observing

its current operation.

Experimentation needs to be done to determine a suitable service

specification interface. This experimentation could be done in the

context of the current protocols, and could thus be undertaken at


3.4.3. Adaptive Protocols

Network operating conditions can vary quickly and over a wide range.

This is true of the current Internet, and is likely to affect the GN

too. Protocols that can adapt to changing circumstances would

provide more even and robust service than is currently possible. For

example, when error rates increased, a protocol implementation might

decide to use smaller packets, thus reducing the burden caused by


The environment in which a protocol operates can be described in

terms of the service it is getting from the next lower layer. A

protocol implementation can adapt to changes in that service by

tuning its internal mechanisms (time-outs, retransmission strategies,

etc.). Therefore, to design adaptive protocols, we must understand

the interaction between protocol layers and the mechanisms used

within them. There has been some work done in this area. For

example, the SATNET measurement task force has looked at the

interactions between the protocol used by the SIMP, IP, and TCP.

What is needed is a more complete characterization of the

interactions at various layer boundaries, and the development of

appropriate protocol designs and mechanisms to provide for necessary

adaptations and renegotiations.

3.4.4. Error Recovery Mechanisms

Being large and complex, GNs will experience a variety of faults such

as link or nodal failure, excessive buffer overflow due to faulty

flow and congestion control, and partial failure of switching fabric.

These failures, which also exist in today's networks, will have a

stronger effect in GNs where a large amount of data will be "stored"

in transit and, to expedite the switching, nodes will apply only

minimal processing to the packets traversing them. In source

routing, for example, a link failure may cause the loss of all

packets sent until the source is notified about the change in

topology. The longer is the delay in recovering from failures, the

higher is the degradation in performance observed by the users.

To minimize the effects of failures, GNs will need to employ error

recovery mechanisms whereby the network detects failures and error

conditions, reconfigures itself to adapt to the new network state,

and notifies peripheral devices of the new configuration. Such

protocols, which have to be developed, will respond quickly, will be

decentralized or distributed to minimize the possibility of fatal

failures, and will complement, rather than replicate, the error

correction mechanisms of the end-to-end protocols, and the two must

operate in coordinated manner. To this end, the peripheral devices

will have to be knowledgeable about the intranet recovery mechanisms

and interact continuously with them to minimize the effect on the

connections they manage.

3.4.5. Flow Control

As networks become faster, two related problems arise. First,

existing flow control mechanisms such as windows do not work well,

because the window must be opened to such an extent to achieve

desired bandwidth that effective flow control cannot be achieved.

Second, especially for long-haul networks, the larger number of bits

in transit at one time becomes so large that most computer messages

will fit into one window. This means that traditional congestion

control schemes will cease to work well.

What is needed is a combination of two approaches, both new. First,

for messages that are small (most messages generated by computers

today will be small, since they will fit into one round-trip time of

future networks), open-loop controls on flow and congestion are

needed. For longer messages (voice or video streams, for example),

some explicit resource commitment will be required.

3.4.6. Latency Control and Real-Time Operations

Currently, there are several distinct approaches to latency control.

First, there are some networks which are physically short, more like

multiprocessor buses. Applications in these networks are built

assuming that delays will be short.

Second, there are networks where the physical length is not

constrained by the design and may differ by orders of magnitude,

depending on the scope of the network. Most general purpose networks

fall in this category. In these networks, one of two things happens.

Either the application takes special steps to deal with variable

latency, such as echo suppression in voice networks, or these

applications are not supported.

For most applications today, the latency in the network is not an

obvious issue so long as the network is not overloaded (which leads

to losses and long queues), because the protocol overhead masks the

variation in the network latency. This balance will change. The

latency due to the speed of light will obviously remain the same, but

the overhead will drop (of necessity if we are to achieve high

performance) which will leave speed of light and queueing as the most

critical sources of delay.

This conclusion implies that if queueing delay can be controlled, it

will be possible to build networks with stable and controlled

latency. If applications exist that require this class of service,

it can be supported. Either the network must be underloaded, so that

queues do not develop at all, or a specific class of service must be

supported in which resources are allocated to stabilize the delay.

If this service is provided, it will still leave the application with

delays that can vary by several orders of magnitude, depending on the

physical size of the network. Research at the application level will

be required to see how applications can be designed to cope with this


3.4.7. High-Speed Internetworking and Administrational Domains

Internetworking recognized that the value of communication services

increases significantly with wider interconnection but ignored

management and the role of administrations. As a consequence we see


1. The Internet is more or less unmanageable, as evidenced by

performance, reliability, and security problems.

2. The Internet is being stressed by administrators that are

building networks to match their organization rather than the

geography. An example is a set of Ethernets at different

company locations operating as a single Internet network but

geographically dispersed and connected by satellite or leased


The next generation of internetworking must focus on administration

and management. Internetworking must support cohesion within an

administration and a healthy separation between administrations. To

illustrate by analogy, the American and Soviet embassies in Mexico

City are geographically closer to each other than to their respective

home countries but further in administrational distance, including

security, accounting, etc. The emerging revolution in WANs makes

this issue that much more critical. The amount of communication to

exchange the state of systems is bound to increase enormously. The

potential cost of failures and security violations is frightening.

A promising approach appears to be high-level gateways that guard

between administrations and require negotiations to set up access

paths between administrations. These paths are set up, and labeled

with agreements on authorization, security, accounting, and possible

resource limits. These administrative virtual circuits provide

transparency to the physical and geographical interconnection, but

need not support more than datagram packet delivery. One view is

that of communication contracts with high-level gateways acting as

contract monitors at each end. The key is the focus on controlled

interadministrational connectivity, not the conventional protocol


Focus is required on developing an (inter)network management

architecture and the specifics of high-level gateways. The

structures of such gateways will have to take advantage of advances

in multi-processor architectures to handle the processing load.

Moreover, a key issue is being able to optimize communication between

administrations once the contract is in place, but without losing

control. Related is the issue of allowing high-speed interconnection

within a single administration, although geographical dispersed.

Another issue is fault-tolerance. High-level gateways contain state

information whose loss typically disrupts communication. How does

one minimize this problem?

A key goal of these administrational gateways has to be failure

containment: How to protect against external (to administration)

problems and how to prevent local problems imposing liability on

others. A particular area of concern is the self-organizing problems

of large-scale systems, observed by Van Jacobson in the Internet.

Gateways must serve to damp out oscillations and control wide load

swings. Rate control appears to be a key area to investigate as a

basis for buffer management and for congestion control, as well as to

control offered load.

Given the speed of new networks, and the sophistication of the

gateways suggested above, another key area to investigate is the

provision of high-speed network interface adaptors.

3.4.8. Policy-Based Algorithms

Networks of today generally select routes based on minimizing some

measure such as delay. However, in the real world, route selection

will commonly be constrained at the global level by policy issues,

such as access rights to resources and accounting and billing for


It is difficult for connectionless protocols such as Internet to deal

with policy controls, because a lack of state in the gateway implies

that a separate policy decision must be made for each packet in

isolation. As networks get faster, the cost of this processing will

be intolerable. One possible approach, discussed above, is to move

to a more sophisticated model in which there is knowledge in the

gateways of the ongoing flows. Alternatively, it may be possible to

design gateways that simply cache recent policy evaluations and apply

them to successive packets.

Routing based on policy is particularly difficult because a route

must be globally consistent to be useful; otherwise it may loop.

This implies that the every policy decision must be propagated

globally. Since there can be expected to be a large number of

policies, this global passing of information might easily lead to an

information explosion.

There are at least two solutions. One is to restrict the possible

classes of policy. Another is to use some form of source route, so

that the route consistent with some set of policies is computed at

one point only, and then attached to the packet. Both of these

approaches have problems. A two-pronged research program is needed,

in which mechanisms are proposed, and at the same time the needed

policies are defined.

The same trade-off can be seen for accounting and billing. A single

accounting metric, such as "bytes times distance", could be proposed.

This might be somewhat simple to implement, but would not permit the

definition of individual billing policies, as is now done in the

parts of the telephone system. The current connectionless transport

architectures such as TCP/IP or the connectionless ISO configuration

using TP4 do not have good tools for accounting for traffic, or for

restricting traffic from certain resources. Building these tools is

difficult in a connectionless environment, because an accounting or

control facility must deal with each packet in isolation, which

implies a significant processing burden as part of packet forwarding.

This burden is an increasing problem as switches are expected to

operate faster.

The lack of these tools is proving a significant problem for network

design. Not only are accounting and control needed to support

management requirements, they are needed as a building block to

support enforcement of such things as multiple qualities of service,

as discussed above.

Network accounting is generally considered to be simply a step that

leads to billing, and thus is often evaluated in terms of how simple

or difficult it will be to implement. Yet an accounting and billing

procedure is a mechanism for implementing a policy considered to be

desirable for reasons beyond the scope of accounting per se. For

example, a policy might be established either to encourage or

discourage network use, while fully recovering operational cost. A

policy of encouraging use could be implemented by a relatively high

monthly attachment charge and a relatively low per-packet charge. A

policy of discouraging use could be implemented by a low monthly

charge and a high per-packet charge.

Network administrators have a relatively small number of variables

with which to implement policy objectives. Nevertheless, these

variables can be combined in a number of innovative ways. Some of

the possibilities include:

1. Classes of users (e.g., large or small institutions, for-

profit or non-profit).

2. Classes of service.

3. Time varying (e.g., peak and off-peak).

4. Volume (e.g., volume discounts, or volume surcharges).

5. Access charges (e.g., per port, or port * [bandwidth of


6. Distance (e.g., circuit-miles, airline miles, number of hops).

Generally, an accounting procedure can be developed to support

voluntary user cooperation with almost any single policy objective.

Difficulties most often arise when there are multiple competing

policy objectives, or when there is no clear policy at all.

Another aspect of accounting and billing procedures which must be

carefully considered is the cost of accumulating and processing the

data on which billing is based. Of particular concern is collection

of detailed data on a per-packet basis. As network circuit data

rates increase, the number of instructions which must be executed on

a per-packet basis can become the limiting factor in system

throughput. Thus, it may be appropriate to prefer accounting and

billing policies and procedures which minimize the difficulty of

collecting data, even if this approach requires a compromise of other

objectives. Similarly, node memory required for data collection and

any network bandwidth required for transmission of the data to

administrative headquarters are factors which must be traded off

against the need to process user packets.

3.4.9. Priority and Preemption

The GN should support multiple levels of priority for traffic and the

preemption of network resources for higher priority use. Network

control traffic should be given the highest priority to ensure that

it is able to pass through the network unimpeded by congestion caused

by user-level traffic. There may be additional military uses for

multiple levels of priority which correspond to rank or level of

importance of a user or the mission criticality of some particular


The use of and existence of priority levels may be different for

different types of traffic. For example, datagram traffic may not

have multiple priority levels. Because the network's transmission

speed is so high and traffic bursts may be short, it may not make

sense to do any processing in the switches to deal with different

priority levels. Priority will be more important for flow- (or

soft-connection-) oriented data or hard connections in terms of

permitting higher priority connections to be set up ahead of lower

priority connections. Preemption will permit requests for high

priority connections to reclaim network resources currently in use by

lower priority traffic.

Networks such as the Wideband Satellite Network, which supports

datagram and stream traffic, implement four priority levels for

traffic with the highest reserved for network control functions and

the other three for user traffic. The Wideband Network supports

preemption of lower priority stream allocations by higher priority

requests. An important component of the use of priority and

preemption is the ability to notify users when requests for service

have been denied, or allocations have been modified or disrupted.

Such mechanisms have been implemented in the Wideband Network for

streams and dynamic multicast groups.

Priority and preemption mechanisms for a GN will have to be

implemented in an extremely simple way so that they can take effect

very quickly. It is likely that they will have to built into the

hardware of the switch fabric.

3.5. User and Network Services

As discussed in Section 2 above, there will need to be certain

services provided as part of the network operation to the users

(people) themselves and to the machines that connect to the network.

These services, which include such capabilities as white and yellow

pages (allowing users to determine what the appropriate network

identification is for other users and for network-available computing

resources) and distributed fault identification and isolation, are

needed in current networks and will continue to be required in the

networks of the future. The speed of the GN will serve to accentuate

this requirement, but at the same time will allow for new

architectures to be put in place for such services. For example,

Ethernet speeds in the local environment have allowed for more usable

services to be provided.

3.5.1. Impact of High Bandwidth

One issue that will need to be addressed is the impact on the user of

such high-bandwidth capabilities. Users are already becoming

saturated by information in the modern information-rich environment.

(Many of us receive more than 50 electronic mail messages each day,

each requiring some degree of human attention.) Methods will be

needed to allow users to cope with this ever-expanding access to

data, or we will run the risk of users turning back to the relative

peace and quiet of the isolated Office.

3.5.2. Distributed Network Directory

A distributed network directory can support the user-level directory

services and the lower-level name-to-address mapping services

described elsewhere in this report. It can also support distributed

systems and network management facilities by storing additional

information about named objects. For example, the network directory

might store node configurations or security levels.

Distributing the directory eases and decentralizes the administrative

burdens and provides a more robust and survivable implementation.

One approach toward implementing a distributed network directory

would be to base it upon the CCITT X.500/ISO DIS 9594 standard. This

avoids starting from ground zero and has the advantage of

facilitating interoperability with other communications networks.

However, research and development will be required even if this path

is chosen.

One area in which research and development are required is in the

services supplied by the distributed network directory. The X.500

standard is very general and powerful, but so far specific provisions

have been made only for storing information about network users and

applications. As mentioned elsewhere, multilevel security is not

addressed by X.500, and the approach taken toward authentication must

be carefully considered in view of DoD requirements. Also, X.500

assumes that administration of the directory will be done locally and

without the need for standardization; this may not be true of GN or

the larger national research network.

The model and algorithms used by a distributed network directory

constitute a second area of research. The model specified by X.500

must be extended into a framework that provides the necessary

flexibility in terms of services, responsiveness, data management

policies, and protocol layer utilization. Furthermore, the internal

algorithms and mechanisms of X.500 must be extended in a number of

areas; for example, to support redundancy of the X.500 database,

internal consistency checking, fuller sharing of information about

the distribution of data, and defined access-control mechanisms.

4. Avenues of Approach

Ongoing research and commercial activities provide an opportunity for

more rapidly attacking some of the above research issues. At the

same time, there needs to be attention paid to the overall technical

approach used to allow multiple potential solutions to be explored

and allow issues to be attacked in parallel.

4.1. Small Prototype vs. Nationwide Network

The central question is how far to jump, and how far can the current

approaches get. That is, how far will connectionless network service

get us, how far will packet switching get us, and how far do we want

to go. If our goal is a Gbit/s net, then that is what we should

build. Building a 100 Mbit/s network to achieve a GN is analogous to

climbing a tree to get to the moon. It may get you closer, but it

will never get you there.

There are currently some network designs which can serve as the basis

for a GN prototype. The next step is some work by experts in

photonics and possibly high-speed electronics to explore ease of

implementation. Developing a prototype 3-5 node network at a Gbit/s

data rate is realistic at this point and would demonstrate wide-area

(40 km or more) Gbit/s networking.

DARPA should consider installing a Gbit/s cross-country set of

connected links analogous to the NSF backbone in 2 years. A Gbit/s

link between the east and west coasts would open up a whole new

generation of (C3I), distributed computing, and parallel computing

research possibilities and would reestablish DARPA as the premier

network research funding agency in the country. This will require

getting "dark" fiber from one or more of the common carriers and some

collaboration with these organizations on repeaters, etc. With this

collaboration, the time to a commercial network in the Gbit/s range

would be substantially reduced, and the resulting nationwide GN would

give the United States an enormous technical and economic advantage

over countries without it.

Demonstrating a high-bandwidth WAN is not enough, however. As one

can see from the many research issues identified above, it will be

necessary to pursue via study and experiment the issues involved in

interconnecting high-bandwidth networks into a high-bandwidth

internet. These experiments can be done through use of a new

generation of internet, even if it requires starting at lower speeds

(e.g., T1 through 100 Mbit/s). Appropriate care must be given,

however, to assure that the capabilities that are demonstrated are

applicable to the higher bandwidths (Gbit/s) as they emerge.

4.2. Need for Parallel Efforts/Approaches

Parallel efforts will therefore be required for two major reasons.

First is the need to pursue alternative approaches (e.g., different

strategies for high-bandwidth switching, different addressing

techniques, etc). This is the case for most research programs, but

it is made more difficult here by the costs of prototyping. Thus, it

is necessary that appropriate review take place in the decisions as

to which efforts are supported through prototyping.

In addition, it will be necessary to pursue the different aspects of

the program in parallel. It will not be possible to wait until the

high-bandwidth network is available before starting on prototyping

the high-bandwidth internet. Thus, a phased and evolutionary

approach will be needed.

4.3. Collaboration with Common Carriers

Computer communication networks in the United States today

practically ignore the STN (the Switched Telephone Network), except

for buying raw bandwidth through it. However, advances in network

performance are based on improvements in the underlying communication

media, including satellite communication, fiber optics, and photonic


In the past we used "their" transmission under "our" switching. An

alternative approach is to utilize the common-carrier switching

capabilities as an integral part of the networking architecture. We

must take an objective scientific and economic look and reevaluate

this question.

Another place for cooperation with the common carriers is in the area

of network addressing. Their addressing scheme ("numbering plan")

has a few advantages such as proven service to 300 million users [4].

On the other hand, the common carriers have far fewer administrative

domains (area codes) than the current plethora of locally

administered local area networks in the internet system.

It is likely that future networks will eventually be managed and

operated by commercial communications providers. A way to maximize

technology transfer from the research discussed here to the

marketplace is to involve the potential carriers from the start.

However, it is not clear that the goals of commercial communications

providers, who have typically been most interested in meeting the

needs of 90+ percent of the user base, will be compatible with the

goals of the research described here. Thus, while we recommend that

the research program involve an appropriate amalgam of academia and

industry, paying particular attention to involvement of the potential

system developers and operators, we also caution that the specific

and unique goals of the DARPA program must be retained.

4.4. Technology Transfer

As we said above, it is our belief that future networks will

ultimately be managed and operated by commercial communications

providers. (Note that this may not be the common carriers as we know

them today, but may be value-added networks using common carrier

facilities.) The way to assure technology transfer, in our belief, is

to involve the potential system developers from the start. We

therefore believe that the research program would benefit from an

appropriate amalgam of university and industry, with provision for

close involvement of the potential system developers and operators.

4.5. Standards

The Internet program was a tremendous success in influencing national

and international standards. While there were changes to the

protocols, the underlying technology and approaches used by CCITT and

ISO in the standardization of packet-switched networks clearly had

its roots in the DARPA internet. Nevertheless, this has had some

negative impact on the research program, as the evolution of the

standards led to pressure to adopt them in the research environment.

Thus, it appears that there is a "catch-22" here. It is desirable

for the technology base developed in the research program to have

maximal impact on the standards activities. This is expedited by

doing the research in the context of the standards environment.

However, standards by their very nature will always lag behind the

research environment.

The only reasonable approach, therefore, appears to be an occasional

"checkpointing" of the research environment, where the required

conversions take place to allow a new plateau of standards to be used

for future evolution and research. A good example is conducting

future research in mail using X.400 and X.500 where possible.

5. Conclusions

We hope that this document has provided a useful compendium of those

research issues critical to achieving the FCCSET phase III

recommendations. These problems interact in a complex way. If the

only goal of a new network architecture was high speed, reasonable

solutions would not be difficult to propose. But if one must achieve

higher speeds while supporting multiple services, and at the same

time support the establishment of these services across

administrative boundaries, so that policy concerns (e.g., access

control) must be enforced, the interactions become complex.


A. Current R and D Activities

In this appendix, we provide pointers to some ongoing activities in

the research and development community of which the group was aware

relevant to the goal of achieving the GN. In some cases, a short

abstract is provided of the research. Neither the order of the

listing (which is random) nor the amount of detail provided is meant

to indicate in any way the significance of the activity. We hope

that this set of pointers will be useful to anyone who chooses to

pursue the research issues discussed in this report.

1. Grumman (at Bethpage) is working on a three-year DARPA

contract, started in January 1988 to develop a 1.6 Gbit/s LAN,

for use on a plane or ship, or as a "building block". It is

really raw transport capacity running on two fibers in a

token-ring like mode. First milestone (after one year?) is to

be a 100 Mbit/s demonstration.

2. BBN Laboratories, as part of its current three-year DARPA

Network-Oriented Systems contract, has proposed design

concepts for a 10-100 Gbit/s wide area network. Work under

this effort will include wavelength division multiplexing,

photonic switching, self-routing packets, and protocol design.

3. Cheriton (Stanford) research on Blazenet, a high-bandwidth

network using photonic switching.

4. Acampora (Bell Labs) research on the use of wavelength

division multiplexing for building a shared optical network.

5. Yeh is reserching a VLSI approach to building high-bandwidth

parallel processing packet switch.

6. Bell Labs is working on a Metropolitan Area Network called

"Manhattan Street Net." This work, under Dr. Maxemchuck, is

similar to Blazenet. It is in the prototype stage for a small

number of street intersections; ultimately it is meant to be

city-wide. Like Blazenet, is uses photonic switching 2 x 2

lithium niobate block switches.

7. Ultra Network Technologies is a Silicon Valley company which

has a (prototype) Gbit/s fiber link which connects backplanes.

This is based on the ISO-TP4 transport protocol.

8. Jonathan Turner, Washington University, is working on a

Batcher-Banyan Multicast Net, based on the "SONET" concept,

which provides 150 Mbit/s per pipe.

9. David Sincowskie, Bellcore, is working with Batcher-Banyan

design and has working 32x32 switches.

10. Stratacom has a commercial product which is really a T1 voice

switch implemented internally by a packet switch, where the

packet is 192 bits (T1 frame). This switch can pass 10,000

packets per second.

11. Stanford NAB provides 30-50 Mbit/s throughput on 100 Mbit/s

connection using Versatile Message Transaction Protocol (VMTP)

[see RFC1045]

12. The December issue of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in

Communications, provides much detail concerning interconnects.

13. Ultranet Technology has a 480 Mbit/s connection using modified


14. At MIT, Dave Clark has an architecture proposal of interest.

15. At CMU, the work of Eric Cooper is relevant.

16. At Protocol Engines, Inc., Greg Chesson is working on an XTP-

based system.

17. Larry Landweber at Wisconsin University is doing relevant


18. Honeywell is doing relevant work for NASA.

19. Kung at CMU is working on a system called "Nectar" based on a

STARLAN on fiber connecting dissimilar processors.

20. Burroughs (now Unisys) has some relevant work within the IEEE

802.6 committee.

21. Bellcore work in "Switched Multimedia Datanet Service" (SMDS)

is relevant (see paper supplied by Dave Clark).

22. FDDI-2, a scheme for making TDMA channel allocations at 200


23. NRI, Kahn-Farber Proposal to NSF, is a paper design for high-

bandwidth network.

24. Barry Goldstein work, IBM-Yorktown.

25. Bell Labs S-Net, 1280 Mbit/s prototype.

26. Fiber-LAN owned by Bell South and SECOR, a pre-prototype 575

Mbit/s Metro Area Net.

27. Bellcore chip implementation of FASTNET (1.2 Gbit/s).

28. Scientific Computer Systems, San Diego, 1.4 Gbit/s prototype.

29. BBN Monarch Switch, Space Division pre-prototype, chips being

fabricated, 64 Mbit/s per path.

30. Proteon, 80 Mbit/s token ring.

31. Toronto University, 150 Mbit/s "tree"--- really a LAN.

32. NSC Hyperchannel II, reputedly available at 250 Mbit/s.

33. Tobagi at Stanford working on EXPRESSNET; not commercially


34. Columbia MAGNET-- 150 Mbit/s.

35. Versatile Message Transaction Protocol (VMTP).

36. ST integrated with IP.

37. XTP (Chesson).

38. Stanford Transport Gateway.

39. X.25/X.75.

40. Work of the Internet Activities Board.

B. Gigabit Working Group Members

Member Affiliation

Gordon Bell Ardent Computers

Steve Blumenthal BBN Laboratories

Vint Cerf Corporation for National Research Initiatives

David Cheriton Stanford University

David Clark Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Barry Leiner (Chairman) Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science

Robert Lyons Defense Communication Agency

Richard Metzger Rome Air Development Center

David Mills University of Delaware

Kevin Mills National Bureau of Standards

Chris Perry MITRE

Jon Postel USC Information Sciences Institute

Nachum Shacham SRI International

Fouad Tobagi Stanford University

End Notes

[1] Workshop on Computer Networks, 17-19 February 1987, San Diego,


[2] "A Report to the Congress on Computer Networks to Support

Research in the United States: A Study of Critical Problems and

Future Options", White House Office of Scientific and Technical

Policy (OSTP), November 1987.

[3] We distinguish in the report between development of a backbone

network providing gigabit capacity, the GB, and an

interconnected set of high-speed networks providing high-

bandwidth service to the user, the Gigabit Network (GN).

[4] Incidentally, they already manage to serve 150 million

subscribers in an 11-digit address-space (about 1:600 ratio).

We have a 9.6-digit address-space and are running into troubles

with much less than 100,000 users (less than 1:30,000 ratio).

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