
RFC1133 - Routing between the NSFNET and the DDN

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Network Working Group J. Yu

Request for Comments: 1133 H-W. Braun

Merit Computer Network

November 1989

Routing between the NSFNET and the DDN

Status of this Memo

This document is a case study of the implementation of routing

between the NSFNET and the DDN components (the MILNET and the

ARPANET). We hope that it can be used to eXPand towards

interconnection of other Administrative Domains. We would welcome

discussion and suggestions about the methods employed for the

interconnections. No standards are specified in this memo.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

1. Definitions for this document

The NSFNET is the backbone network of the National Science

Foundation's computer network infrastrUCture. It interconnects

multiple autonomously administered mid-level networks, which in turn

connect autonomously administered networks of campuses and research

centers. The NSFNET connects to multiple peer networks consisting of

national network infrastructures of other federal agencies. One of

these peer networks is the Defense Data Network (DDN) which, for the

sake of this discussion, should be viewed as the combination of the

DoD's MILNET and ARPANET component networks, both of which are

national in scope.

It should be pointed out that network announcements in one direction

result in traffic the other direction, e.g., a network announcement

via a specific interconnection between the NSFNET to the DDN results

in packet traffic via the same interconnection between the DDN to the


2. NSFNET/DDN routing until mid '89

Until mid-1989, the NSFNET and the DDN were connected via a few

intermediate routers which in turn were connected to the ARPANET.

These routers exchanged network reachability information via the

Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) with the NSFNET nodes as well as with

the DDN Mailbridges. In the context of network routing these

Mailbridges can be viewed as route servers, which exchange external

network reachability information via EGP while using a proprietary

protocol to exchange routing information among themselves.

Currently, there are three Mailbridges at east coast locations and

three Mailbridges at west coast locations. Besides functioning as

route servers the Mailbridges also provide for connectivity, i.e,

packet switching, between the ARPANET and the MILNET.

The intermediate systems between the NSFNET and the ARPANET were

under separate administrative control, typically by a NSFNET mid-

level network.

For a period of time, the traffic between the NSFNET and the DDN was

carried by three ARPANET gateways. These ARPANET gateways were under

the administrative control of a NSFNET mid-level network or local

site and had direct connections to both a NSFNET NSS and an ARPANET

PSN. These routers had simultaneous EGP sessions with a NSFNET NSS

as well as a DDN Mailbridge. This resulted in making them function

as packet switches between the two peer networks. As network routes

were established packets were switched between the NSFNET and the


The NSFNET used three NSFNET/ARPANET gateways which had been provided

by three different sites for redundancy purposes. Those three sites

were initially at Cornell University, the University of Illinois

(UC), and Merit. When the ARPANET connections at Cornell University

and the University of Illinois (UC) were terminated, a similar setup

was introduced at the Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center and at the John

von Neumann Supercomputer Center which, together with the Merit

connection, allowed for continued redundancy.

As described in RFC1092 and RFC1093, NSFNET routing is controlled by

a distributed policy routing database that controls the acceptance

and distribution of routing information. This control also extends

to the NSFNET/ARPANET gateways.

2.1 Inbound announcement -- Routes announced from the DDN to the


In the case of the three NSFNET/ARPANET gateways, each of the

associated NSSs accepted the DDN routes at a different metric. The

route with the lowest metric then was favored for the traffic towards

the specific DDN network, but had that specific gateway to the DDN

experienced problems with loss of routing information, one of the

redundant gateways would take over and carry the load as a fallback

path. Assuming consistent DDN routing information at any of the

three gateways, as received from the Mailbridges, only a single

NSFNET/ARPANET gateway was used at a given time for traffic from the

NSFNET towards the DDN, with two further gateways standing by as hot

backups. The metric for network announcements from the DDN to the

NSFNET was coordinated by the Merit/NSFNET project.

2.2 Outbound announcement -- Routes announced from the NSFNET to the


Each NSS involved with NSFNET/DDN routing had an EGP peer relation

with the NSFNET/ARPANET gateway. Via EGP it announced a certain set

of NSFNET connected networks, again, as controlled by the distributed

policy routing database, to its peer. The NSFNET/ARPANET gateway

then redistributed the networks it had learned from the NSS to the

DDN via a separate EGP session. Each of the NSFNET/ARPANET gateways

used a separate Autonomous System number to communicate EGP

information with the DDN. Also these Autonomous System numbers were

not the same as the NSFNET backbone uses to communicate with directly

attached client networks. The NSFNET/ARPANET gateways used the

Autonomous System number of the local network. The metrics for

announcing network numbers to the DDN Mailbridges were set according

to the requests of the mid-level network of which the specific

individual network was a client. Mid-level network also influenced

the specific NSFNET/ARPANET gateway used, including primary/secondary

selection. These primary/secondary selections among the

NSFNET/ARPANET gateways allowed for redundancy, while the preference

of network announcements was modulated by the metric used for the

announcements to the DDN from the NSFNET/ARPANET gateways. Some of

the selection decisions were based on reliability of a specific

gateway or congestion expected in a specific PSN that connected to

the NSFNET/ARPANET gateway.

2.3 Administrative ASPects

From an administrative point of view, the NSFNET/ARPANET gateways

were administered by the institution to which the gateway belonged.

This has never been a real problem due to the Excellent cooperation

received from all the involved sites.

3. NSFNET/DDN routing via attached Mailbridges

During the first half of 1989 a new means of interconnectivity

between the NSFNET and the DDN was designed and implemented.

Ethernet adapters were installed in two of the Mailbridges, which

previously just connected the MILNET and the ARPANET, allowing a

direct interface to NSFNET nodes. Of these two Mailbridges one is

located on the west coast at NASA-Ames located at Moffett Field, CA,

and the other one is located on the east coast at Mitre in Reston,

VA. With this direct interconnection it became possible for the

NSFNET to exchange routing information directly with the DDN route

servers, without a gateway operated by a mid-level network in the

middle. This also eliminated the need to traverse the ARPANET in

order to reach MILNET sites. It furthermore allows the Defense

Communication Agency as well as the National Science Foundation to

exercise control over the interconnection on a need basis, e.g., the

connectivity can now be easily disabled from either site at times of

tighter network security concerns.

3.1 Inbound announcement -- Routes announced from the DDN to the


The routing setup for the direct Mailbridge connections is somewhat

different, as compared to the previously used NSFNET/ARPANET

gateways. Instead of a single NSFNET/ARPANET gateway carrying all

the traffic from the DDN to the NSFNET at any moment, the

distribution of network numbers is now split between the two

Mailbridges. This results in a distributed load, with specific

network numbers always preferring a particular Mailbridge under

normal operating circumstances. In the case of an outage at one of

the Mailbridge connections, the other one fully takes over the load

for all the involved network numbers. For this setup, the two DDN

links are known as two different Autonomous System numbers by the

NSFNET. The routes learned via the NASA-Ames Mailbridges are part of

the Autonomous System 164 which is also the Autonomous System number

which the Mailbridges are using by themselves during the EGP session.

In the case of the EGP sessions with the Mitre Mailbridge, the DDN-

internal Autonomous System number of 164 is overwritten with a

different Autonomous System number (in this case 184) and the routes

learned via the Mitre Mailbridge will therefore become part of

Autonomous System 184 within the NSFNET.

The NSFNET-inbound routing is controlled by the distributed policy

routing database. In particular, the network number is verified

against a list of legitimate networks, and a metric is associated

with an authorized network number for a particular site. For

example, both NSSs in Palo Alto and College Park learn net 10 (the

ARPANET network number) from the Mailbridges they are connected to

and have EGP sessions. The Palo Alto NSS will accept Net 10 with a

metric of 10, while the College Park NSS will accept the same network

number with a metric of 12. Therefore, traffic destinated to net 10

will prefer the path via the Palo Alto NSS and the NASA-Ames

Mailbridge. If the connection via the NASA-Ames Mailbridge is not

functioning, the traffic will be re-routed via the Mailbridge link at

Mitre. Each of the two NSS accepts half of the network routes via

EGP from its co- located Mailbridge at a lower metric and the other

half at a higher metric. The half with the lower metric at the Palo

Alto NSS will be the same set which uses a higher metric at the

College Park NSS and vice versa.

There are at least three different possibilities about how the NSFNET

could select a path to a DDN network via a specific Mailbridge, i.e.,

the one at NASA-Ames versus the one at Mitre:

1. Assign a primary path for all DDN networks to a single

Mailbridge and use the other purely as a backup path.

2. Distribute the DDN networks randomly across the two


3. Let the DDN administration inform the NSFNET which networks

on the DDN are closer to a specific Mailbridge so that the

particular Mailbridge would accept these networks at a lower

metric. The second Mailbridge would then function as a backup

path. From a NSFNET point of view, this would mean treating the

DDN like other NSFNET peer networks such as the NASA Science

network (NSN) or DOE's Energy Science Network (ESNET).

We are currently using alternative (2) as an interim solution. At

this time, the DDN administration is having discussions with NSFNET

about moving to alternative (3), which would allow them control over

how the DDN networks would be treated in the NSFNET.

3.2 Outbound announcement -- Routes announced from the NSFNET to the


The selection of metrics for announcements of NSFNET networks to the

DDN is controlled by the NSFNET. The criteria for the metric

decisions is based on distances between the NSS, which introduces a

specific network into the NSFNET, and either one of the NSSs that has

a co-located Mailbridge. In this context, the distance translates

into the hop count between NSSs in the NSFNET backbone. For example,

the Princeton NSS is currently one hop away from the NSS co-located

with the Mitre Mailbridge, but is three hops away from the NSS with

the NASA-Ames Mailbridge. Therefore, in the case of networks with

primary paths via the Princeton NSS, the Mitre Mailbridge will

receive the announcements for those networks at a lower metric than

the NASA-Ames Mailbridge. This means that the traffic from the DDN

to networks connected to the Princeton NSS will be routed through the

Mailbridge at Mitre to the College Park NSS and then through the

Princeton NSS to its final destination. This will guarantee that

traffic entering the NSFNET from the DDN will take the shortest path

to its NSFNET destination under normal operating conditions.

3.3 Administrative aspects

Any of the networks connected via the NSFNET can be provided with the

connectivity to the DDN via the NSFNET upon request from the mid-

level network through which the specific network is connected.

For networks that do not have a DDN connection other than via NSFNET,

the NSFNET will announce the nets via one of the Mailbridges with a

low metric to create a primary path (e.g., metric "1") and via the

second Mailbridge as a secondary path (e.g., metric "3"). For

networks that have their own DDN connection and wish to use the

NSFNET as a backup connection to DDN, the NSFNET will announce those

networks via the two Mailbridges at higher metrics.

The mid-level networks need to make a specific request if they want

client networks to be announced to the DDN via the NSFNET. Those

requests need to state whether this would be a primary connection for

the specific networks. If the request is for a fallback connection,

it needs to state the existing metrics in use for announcements of

the network to the DDN.

4. Shortcomings of the current NSFNET/DDN interconnection routing

The current setup makes full use of the two Mailbridges that connect

to the NSFNET directly, with regard to redundancy and load sharing.

However, with regard to performance optimization, such as packet

propagation delay between source/destination pairs located on

disjoint peer networks, there are some shortcomings. These

shortcomings are not easy to overcome because of the limitations of

the current architecture. However, it is a worthwhile topic for

discussion to aid future improvements.

To make the discussion easier, the following assumptions and

terminology will be used:

The NSFNET is viewed as a cloud and so is the DDN. The two have

two connections, one at east coast and one at west coast.

mb-east -- the Mailbridge at Mitre

mb-west -- the Mailbridge at Ames

NSS-east -- the NSS egp peer with mb-east

NSS-west -- the NSS egp peer with mb-west

DDN.east-net -- networks connected to DDN and physically closer to


DDN.west-net -- networks connected to DDN and physically closer to


NSF.east-net -- networks connected to NSFNET and physically closer

to NSS-east

NSF.west-net -- networks connected to NSFNET and physically closer

to NSS-west

The traffic between NSFNET<->DDN will fall into the following


a) NSF.east-net <-> DDN.east-net or

NSF.west-net <-> DDN.west-net

b) NSF.east-net <-> DDN.west-net or

NSF.west-net <-> DDN.east-net

The ideal traffic path for a) and b) should be as follows:

For traffic pattern a)




For traffic pattern b)







-*-> is used to indicate traffic transcontinentally traversing

the NSFNET backbone

-**-> is used to indicate traffic transcontinentally traversing

the DDN backbone

The traffic for a) will transcontinentally traverse NEITHER the

NSFNET backbone, NOR the DDN backbone.

The traffic for b) will transcontinentally traverse NSFNET once

and DDN once and only once for each.

For the current set up,

The traffic path for pattern a) would have chances to

transcontinentally traverse both NSFNET and DDN.

The traffic path for pattern b) would have chances to

transcontinentally traverse the DDN in both directions.

To achieve the ideal traffic path it requires the NSFNET to implement

(3) as stated above, i.e., to treat the DDN like other NSFNET peer or

mid-level networks. As mentioned before, discussions between NSFNET

and DDN people are underway and the DDN is considering providing the

NSFNET with the required information to accomplish the outlined goals

in the near future.

At such time as this is accomplished, it will reduce the likelihood

of packet traffic unnecessarily traversing national backbones.

One of the best ways to optimize the traffic between two peer

networks, not necessary limited to the NSFNET and the DDN, is to try

to avoid letting traffic traverse a backbone with a comparatively

slower speed and/or a backbone with a significantly larger diameter

network. For example, in the case of traffic between the NSFNET and

the DDN, the NSFNET has a T1 backbone and a maximum diameter of three

hops, while the DDN is a relatively slow network running largely at

56Kbps. In this case the overall performance would be better if

traffic would traverse the DDN as little as possible, i.e., whenever

the traffic has to reach a destination network outside of the DDN, it

should find the closest Mailbridge to exit the DDN.

The current architecture employed for DDN routing is not able to

accomplish this. Firstly, the technology is designed based on a core

model. It does not expect a single network to be announced by

multiple places. An example for multiple announcements could be two

NSSs announcing a single network number to the two Mailbridges at

their different locations. Secondly, the way all the existing

Mailbridges exchange routing information among themselves is done via

a protocol similar to EGP, and the information is then distributed

via EGP to the DDN-external networks. In this case the physical

distance information and locations of network numbers is lost and

neither the Mailbridges nor the external gateways will be able to do

path optimization based on physical distance and/or propagation

delay. This is not easy to change, as in the DDN the link level

routing information is decoupled from the IP level routing, i.e., the

IP level routing has no information about topology of the physical

infrastructure. Thus, even if an external gateway to a DDN network

were to learn a particular network route from two Mailbridges, it

would not be able to favor one over the other DDN exit point based on

the distance to the respective Mailbridge.

5. Conclusions

While recent changes in the interconnection architecture between the

NSFNET and DDN peer networks have resulted in significant performance

and reliability improvements, there are still possibilities for

further improvements and rationalization of this inter-peer network

routing. However, to accomplish this it would most likely require

significant architectural changes within the DDN.

6. References

[1] Rekhter, Y., "EGP and Policy Based Routing in the New NSFNET

Backbone", RFC1092, IBM Research, February 1989.

[2] Braun, H-W., "The NSFNET Routing Architecture", RFC1093,

Merit/NSFNET Project, February 1989.

[3] Collins, M., and R. Nitzan, "ESNET Routing", DRAFT Version 1.0,

LLNL, May 1989.

[4] Braun, H-W., "Models of Policy Based Routing," RFC1104,

Merit/NSFNET Project, February 1989.

Security Considerations

Security issues are not addressed in this memo.

Authors' Addresses

Jessica (Jie Yun) Yu

Merit Computer Network

1075 Beal Avenue

Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

Telephone: 313 936-2655

Fax: 313 747-3745

EMail: jyy@merit.edu

Hans-Werner Braun

Merit Computer Network

1075 Beal Avenue

Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

Telephone: 313 763-4897

Fax: 313 747-3745

EMail: hwb@merit.edu

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