
RFC1199 - Request for Comments Summary Notes: 1100-1199

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Network Working Group J. Reynolds

Request for Comments: 1199 ISI

December 1991

Request for Comments Summary

RFCNumbers 1100-1199

Status of This Memo

This RFCis a slightly annotated list of the 100 RFCs from RFC1100

through RFCs 1199. This is a status report on these RFCs. This memo

provides information for the Internet community. It does not specify

an Internet standard. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


Many RFCs, but not all, are Proposed Standards, Draft Standards, or

Standards. Since the status of these RFCs may change during the

standards processing, we note here only that they are on the

standards track. Please see the latest edition of "IAB Official

Protocol Standards" for the current state and status of these RFCs.

In the following, RFCs on the standards track are marked [STANDARDS-


RFCAuthor Date Title

--- ------ ---- -----

1199 Reynolds Dec 91 Requests For Comments Summary

This memo.

1198 Scheifler Jan 91 FYI on the X Window System

This FYI RFCprovides pointers to the published standards of the MIT X

Consortium. This memo provides information for the Internet community.

It does not specify any Internet standard.

1197 Sherman Dec 90 Using ODA for Translating Multimedia


The purpose of this RFCis to inform implementors of multimedia systems

about our eXPeriences using ISO 8613: Office Document Architecture

(ODA). Because ODA is being proposed as an encoding format for use in

multimedia mail and file exchange, implementors wishing to use ODA in an

open systems environment may profit from our experiences. This memo

provides information for the Internet community. It does not specify

any standard.

1196 Zimmerman Dec 90 The Finger User Information Protocol

This memo describes the Finger User Information Protocol. This is a

simple protocol which provides an interface to a remote user information

program. Based on RFC742, a description of the original Finger

protocol, this memo attempts to clarify the expected communication

between the two ends of a Finger connection. It also tries not to

invalidate the many existing implementations or add unnecessary

restrictions to the original protocol definition. This edition corrects

and clarifies in a minor way, RFC1194. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

1195 Callon Dec 90 Use of OSI IS-IS for Routing in TCP/IP

and Dual Environments

This memo specifies an integrated routing protocol, based on the OSI

Intra-Domain IS-IS Routing Protocol, which may be used as an interior

gateway protocol (IGP) to support TCP/IP as well as OSI. This allows a

single routing protocol to be used to support pure IP environments, pure

OSI environments, and dual environments. This specification was

developed by the IS-IS working group of the Internet Engineering Task


1194 Zimmerman Nov 90 The Finger User Information Protocol

This memo describes the Finger User Information Protocol. This is a

simple protocol which provides an interface to a remote user information

program. Based on RFC742, a description of the original Finger

protocol, this memo attempts to clarify the expected communication

between the two ends of a Finger connection. It also tries not to

invalidate the many existing implementations or add unnecessary

restrictions to the original protocol definition. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

1193 Ferrari Nov 90 Client Requirements for Real-Time

Communication Services

This memo describes client requirements for real-time communication

services. This memo provides information for the Internet community,

and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. It does not

specify any standard.

1192 Kahin Nov 90 Commercialization of the Internet

Summary Repor

This memo is based on a workshop held by the Science, Technology and

Public Policy Program of the John F. Kennedy School of Government,

Harvard University, March 1-3, 1990. This memo provides information for

the Internet community. It does not specify any standard.

1191 Mogul Nov 90 Path MTU Discovery

This memo describes a technique for dynamically discovering the maximum

transmission unit (MTU) of an arbitrary internet path. It specifies a

small change to the way routers generate one type of ICMP message. For

a path that passes through a router that has not been so changed, this

technique might not discover the correct Path MTU, but it will always

choose a Path MTU as accurate as, and in many cases more accurate than,

the Path MTU that would be chosen by current practice. [STANDARDS-


1190 Topolcic Oct 90 Experimental Internet Stream Protocol,

Version 2 (ST-II)

This memo defines a revised version of the Internet Stream Protocol,

originally defined in IEN-119 [8], based on results from experiments

with the original version, and subsequent requests, discussion, and

suggestions for improvements. This is a Limited-Use Experimental

Protocol. Please refer to the current edition of the "IAB Official

Protocol Standards" for the standardization state and status of this


1189 Warrier Oct 90 The Common Management Information

Services and Protocols for the Internet

This memo defines a network management architecture that uses the

International Organization for Standardization's (ISO) Common Management

Information Services/Common Management Information Protocol (CMIS/CMIP)

in the Internet. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

1188 Katz Oct 90 A Proposed Standard for the

Transmission of IP Datagrams over

FDDI Networks

This memo defines a method of encapsulating the Internet Protocol (IP)

datagrams and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) requests and replies on

Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) Networks. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

1187 Rose Oct 90 Bulk Table Retrieval with the SNMP

This memo reports an interesting family of algorithms for bulk table

retrieval using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). This

memo describes an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community, and

requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. This memo does

not specify a standard for the Internet community. Please refer to the

current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol Standards" for the

standardization state and status of this protocol.

1186 Rivest Oct 90 The MD4 Message Digest Algorithm

This RFCis the specification of the MD4 Digest Algorithm. If you are

going to implement MD4, it is suggested you do it this way. This memo

is for informational use and does not constitute a standard.

1185 Jacobson Oct 90 TCP Extension for High-Speed Paths

This memo describes an Experimental Protocol extension to TCP for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "IAB Official

Protocol Standards" for the standardization state and status of this


1184 Borman Oct 90 Telnet Linemode Option

This RFCspecifies a procedure for line at a time terminal interaction

based on the Telnet Protocol. It obsoletes RFC1116. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

1183 Everhart Oct 90 New DNS RR Definitions

This memo defines five new DNS types for experimental purposes. This

RFCdescribes an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community, and

requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.

1182 Never issued.

1181 Blokzijl Sep 90 RIPE Terms of Reference

This RFCdescribes the Terms of Reference of RIPE (Reseaux IP

Europeens), the cooperation of European IP networks. This memo provides

information for the Internet community. It does not specify any


1180 Socolofsky Jan 91 A TCP/IP Tutorial

This RFCis a tutorial on the TCP-IP protocol suite, focusing

particularly on the steps in forwarding an IP datagram from source host

to destination host through a router. It does not specify an Internet


1179 McLaughlin Aug 90 Line Printer Daemon Protocol

This RFCdescribes an existing print server protocol widely used on the

Internet for communicating between line printer daemons (both clients

and servers). This memo is for informational purposes only, and does

not specify an Internet standard. Please refer to the current edition

of the "IAB Official Protocol Standards" for the standardization state

and status of this protocol.

1178 Libes Aug 90 Choosing a Name for Your Computer

This FYI RFCis a republication of a Communications of the ACM article

on guidelines on what to do and what not to do when naming your

computer. This memo provides information for the Internet community.

It does not specify any standard. [Also FYI 5.]

1177 Malkin Aug 90 FYI on Questions and Answers

Answers to Commonly asked "New

Internet User" Questions

This FYI RFCis one of three FYI's called, "Questions and Answers"

(Q/A), prodUCed by the User Services Working Group (USWG) of the

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The goal is to document the

most commonly asked questions and answers in the Internet. This memo

provides information for the Internet community. It does not specify

any standard. [Also FYI 4.]

1176 Crispin Aug 90 Interactive Mail Access Protocol -

Version 2

This RFCsuggests a method for personal computers and workstations to

dynamically access mail from a mailbox server ("repository"). It

obosoletes RFC1064. This RFCspecifies an Experimental Protocol for

the Internet community. Discussion and suggestions for improvement are

requested. Please refer to the current edition of the "IAB Official

Protocol Standards" for the standardization state and status of this


1175 Bowers Aug 90 FYI on Where to Start - A Bibliography

of Internetworking Information

This FYI RFCis a bibliography of information about TCP/IP

internetworking, prepared by the User Services Working Group (USWG) of

the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). This memo provides

information for the Internet community. It does not specify any

standard. [Also FYI 3.]

1174 Cerf Aug 90 IAB Recommended Policy on Distributing

Internet Identifier Assignment and

IAB Recommended Policy

Change to Internet "Connected" Status

This informational RFCrepresents the official view of the Internet

Activities Board (IAB), and describes the recommended policies and

procedures on distributing Internet identifier assignments and dropping

the connected status requirement. This RFCdoes not specify a standard.

1173 Van Bokkelen Aug 90 Responsibilities of Host and Network

Managers: A Summary of the "Oral

Tradition" of the Internet

This informational RFCdescribes the conventions to be followed by those

in charge of networks and hosts in the Internet. It is a summary of the

"oral tradition" of the Internet on this subject. [RFCEditor's note:

This memo is a contribution by the author of his view of these

conventions. It is expected that this RFCwill provide a basis for the

development of official policies in the future.] These conventions may

be supplemented or amended by the policies of specific local and

regional components of the Internet. This RFCdoes not specify a

standard, or a policy of the IAB.

1172 Perkins Jul 90 The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)

Initial Configuration Options

This memo specifies the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Initial

Configuration Options as a Proposed Standard Protocol for the Internet

community. When it becomes a full Standard, this protocol will be

recommended for all TCP/IP implementations that communicate over serial


1171 Perkins Jul 90 The Point-to-Point Protocol for the

Transmission of Multi-Protocol Datagrams

Over Point-to-Point Links

This memo specifies the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) as a Draft

Standard Protocol for the Internet community. When it becomes a full

Standard, this protocol will be recommended for all TCP/IP

implementations that communicate over serial links.

1170 Fougner Jan 91 Public Key Standards and Licenses

This RFCis a public statement by Public Key Partners regarding Public

Key Standards and Licenses. This memo is for informational use only,

and does not constitute an Internet standard.

1169 Cerf Aug 90 Explaining the Role of GOSIP

This informational RFCrepresents the official view of the Internet

Activities Board (IAB), after coordination with the Federal Networking

Council (FNC). This RFCdoes not specify a standard.

1168 Westine Jul 90 Intermail and Commercial Mail

Relay Services

This RFCdiscusses the history and evolution of the Intermail and

Commercial mail systems. The problems encountered in operating a

store-and-forward mail relay between commercial systems such as

Telemail, MCI Mail and Dialcom are also discussed. This RFCprovides

information for the Internet community, and does not specify any


1167 Cerf Jul 90 Thoughts on the National Research and

Education Network

The memo provides a brief outline of a National Research and Education

Network (NREN). This memo provides information for the Internet

community. It does not specify any standard. It is not a statement of

IAB policy or recommendations.

1166 Kirkpatrick Jul 90 Internet Numbers

This memo is a status report on the network numbers and autonomous

system numbers used in the Internet community.

1165 Crowcrowft Jun 90 Network Time Protocol (NTP)

over the OSI Remote Operations Service

This memo suggests an Experimental Protocol for the OSI and Internet

communities. Hosts in either community, and in particular those on both

are encouraged to experiment with this mechanism.

1164 Honig Jun 90 Application of the Border Gateway

Protocol in the Internet

This RFC, together with its companion RFC-1163, "A Border Gateway

Protocol (BGP)", specify an inter-autonomous system routing protocol for

the Internet. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

1163 Lougheed Jun 90 A Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)

This RFC, together with its companion RFC-1164, "Application of the

Border Gateway Protocol in the Internet", specify an inter-autonomous

system routing protocol for the Internet. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

1162 Satz Jun 90 Connectionless Network Protocol

(ISO 8473) and End System to

Intermediate System (ISO 9542)

Management Information Base

This memo defines an experimental portion of the Management Information

Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in TCP/IP-based

internets. This memo does not specify a standard for the Internet


1161 Rose Jun 90 SNMP over OSI

This memo defines an experimental means for running the Simple Network

Management Protocol (SNMP) over OSI transports. This memo does not

specify a standard for the Internet community,

1160 Cerf May 90 The Internet Activities Board

This RFCprovides a history and description of the Internet Activities

Board (IAB) and its subsidiary organizations. This memo is for

informational use and does not constitute a standard. This is a

revision of RFC1120.

1159 Nelson Jun 90 Message Send Protocol

This RFCsuggests an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.

Hosts on the Internet that choose to implement a Message Send Protocol

may experiment with this protocol.

1158 Rose May 90 Management Information Base for

Network Management of TCP/IP-based

internets: MIB-II

This memo defines the second version of the Management Information Base

(MIB-II) for use with network management protocols in TCP/IP- based

internets. In particular, together with its companion memos which

describe the structure of management information (RFC1155) along with

the network management protocol (RFC1157) for TCP/IP- based internets,

these documents provide a simple, workable architecture and system for

managing TCP/IP-based internets and in particular the Internet


This document on MIB-II incorporates all of the technical content of RFC

1156 on MIB-I and extends it, without loss of compatibilty.


1157 Case May 90 A Simple Network Management

Protocol (SNMP)

This RFCis a re-release of RFC1098, with a changed "Status of this

Memo" section plus a few minor typographical corrections. This memo

defines a simple protocol by which management information for a network

element may be inspected or altered by logically remote users.


1156 McCloghrie May 90 Management Information Base for

Network Management of

TCP/IP-based internets

This RFCis a re-release of RFC1066, with a changed "Status of this

Memo", "IAB Policy Statement", and "Introduction" sections plus a few

minor typographical corrections. The technical content of the document

is unchanged from RFC1066. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

1155 Rose May 90 Structure and Identification of

Management Information for

TCP/IP-based Internets

This RFCis a re-release of RFC1065, with a changed "Status of this

Memo", plus a few minor typographical corrections. The technical

content of the document is unchanged from RFC1065. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

1154 Robinson Apr 90 Encoding Header Field for

Internet Messages

This RFCproposes an elective experimental Encoding header field to

permit the mailing of multi-part, multi-structured messages.

The use of Encoding updates RFC1049 (Content-Type), and is a suggested

update to RFCs 1113, 1114, and 1115 (Privacy Enhancement).

1153 Wancho Apr 90 Digest Message Format

This memo describes the de facto standard Digest Message Format. This

is an elective experimental protocol.

1152 Partridge Apr 90 Workshop Report: Internet Research

Steering GroupWorkshop on

Very-High-Speed Networks

This memo is a report on a workshop sponsored by the Internet Research

Steering Group. This memo is for information only. This RFCdoes not

specify an Internet standard.

1151 Partridge Apr 90 Version 2 of the Reliable Data

Protocol (RDP)

This RFCsuggests several updates to the specification of the Reliable

Data Protocol (RDP) in RFC-908 based on experience with the protocol.

This revised version of the protocol is experimental.

1150 Malkin Mar 90 F.Y.I on F.Y.I:

Introduction to the F.Y.I. Notes

This memo is the first in a new sub-series of RFCs called FYIs (For Your

Information). This memo provides information for the Internet

community. It does not specify any standard. [Also FYI 1.]

1149 Waitzman Apr 90 A Standard for the Transmission of

IP Datagrams on Avian Carriers

This memo describes an experimental method for the encapsulation of IP

datagrams in avian carriers. This specification is primarily useful in

Metropolitan Area Networks. This is an experimental, not recommended


1148 Kille Mar 90 Mapping between X.400(1988) /

ISO 10021 and RFC822

This RFCsuggests an electronic mail protocol mapping for the Internet

community and UK Academic Community, and requests discussion and

suggestions for improvements. This memo does not specify an Internet

standard. This edition includes material lost in editing.

1147 Stine Apr 90 FYI on a Network Management Tool

Catalog: Tools for Monitoring and

Debugging TCP/IP Internets

and Interconnected Devices

The goal of this FYI memo is to provide practical information to site

administrators and network managers. This memo provides information for

the Internet community. It does not specify any standard. It is not a

statement of IAB policy or recommendations. [Also FYI 2.] This catalog

contains descriptions of several tools available to assist network

managers in debugging and maintaining TCP/IP internets and

interconnected communications resources. Entries in the catalog tell

what a tool does, how it works, and how it can be oBTained.

1146 Zweig Mar 90 TCP Alternate Checksum Options

This memo is suggests a pair of TCP options to allow use of alternate

data checksum algorithms in the TCP header. The use of these options is

experimental, and not recommended for production use. Note: This RFC

corrects errors introduced in the editing process in RFC1145.

1145 Zweig Feb 90 TCP Alternate Checksum Options

This memo is suggests a pair of TCP options to allow use of alternate

data checksum algorithms in the TCP header. The use of these options is

experimental, and not recommended for production use.

1144 Jacobson Feb 90 Compressing TCP/IP Headers for

Low-Speed Serial Links

This RFCdescribes a method for compressing the headers of TCP/IP

datagrams to improve performance over low speed serial links. The

motivation, implementation and performance of the method are described.

C code for a sample implementation is given for reference. [STANDARDS-


1143 Bernstein Feb 90 The Q Method of Implementing TELNET

Option Negotiation

This is RFCdiscusses an implementation approach to option negotiation

in the Telnet protocol (RFC854). It does not propose any changes to

the TELNET protocol. Rather, it discusses the implementation of the

protocol of one feature, only. This is not a protocol specification.

This is an experimental method of implementing a protocol.

1142 Oran Feb 90 OSI IS-IS Intra-domain Routing Protocol

This RFCis a republication of ISO DP 10589 as a service to the

Internet community. This is not an Internet standard.

1141 Mallory Jan 90 Incremental Updating of the

Internet Checksum

This memo correctly describes the incremental update procedure for use

with the standard Internet checksum. It is intended to replace the

description of Incremental Update in RFC1071. This is not a standard

but rather, an implementation technique.

1140 Postel May 90 IAB Official Protocol Standards

This memo describes the state of standardization of protocols used in

the Internet as determined by the Internet Activities Board (IAB).

This memo is issued quarterly, please be sure the copy you are reading

is dated within the last three months. Current copies may be obtained

from the Network Information Center or from the Internet Assigned

Numbers Authority. Do not use this edition after 31-Aug-90.

1139 Hagens Jan 90 An Echo Function for ISO 8473

This memo defines an echo function for the connection-less network layer

protocol. Two mechanisms are introduced that may be used to implement

the echo function. The first mechanism is recommended as an interim

solution for the Internet community. The second mechanism will be

progressed to the ANSI X3S3.3 working group for consideration as a work


When an ISO standard is adopted that provides functionality similar to

that described by this memo, then this memo will become obsolete and

superceded by the ISO standard. This memo is not intended to compete

with an ISO standard. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

1138 Kille Dec 89 Mapping between X.400(1988) / ISO 10021

and RFC822

Ths RFCsuggests an electronic mail protocol mapping for the Internet

community and UK Academic Community, and requests discussion and

suggestions for improvements. This memo does not specify an Internet

standard. This memo updates RFCs 822, 987, and 1026.

1137 Kille Dec 89 Mapping Between Full RFC822 and

RFC822 with Restricted Encoding

This RFCsuggests an electronic mail protocol mapping for the Internet

community and UK Academic Community, and requests discussion and

suggestions for improvements. This memo does not specify an Internet


1136 Hares Dec 89 Administrative Domains and Routing Domains

A Model for Routing in the Internet

This RFCproposes a model for describing routing within the Internet.

The model is an adaptation of the "OSI Routeing Framework". This memo

does not specify an Internet standard.

1135 Reynolds Dec 89 The Helminthiasis of the Internet

This memo takes a look back at the helminthiasis (infestation with, or

disease caused by parasitic worms) of the Internet that was unleashed

the evening of 2 November 1988. This RFCprovides information about an

event that occurred in the life of the Internet. This memo does not

specify any standard.

This document provides a glimpse at the infection, its festering, and

cure. The impact of the worm on the Internet community, ethics

statements, the role of the news media, crime in the computer world, and

future prevention is discussed. A documentation review presents four

publications that describe in detail this particular parasitic computer

program. Reference and bibliography sections are also included.

1134 Perkins Nov 89 The Point-to-Point Protocol: A Proposal

for Multi-Protocol Transmission of

Datagrams Over Point-to-Point Links

This proposal is the product of the Point-to-Point Protocol Working

Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Comments on this

memo should be submitted to the IETF Point-to-Point Protocol Working

Group chair by January 15, 1990. Comments will be reviewed at the

February 1990 IETF meeting, with the goal of advancing PPP to draft

standard status. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

1133 Yu Nov 89 Routing between the NSFNET and the DDN

This document is a case study of the implementation of routing between

the NSFNET and the DDN components (the MILNET and the ARPANET). We hope

that it can be used to expand towards interconnection of other

Administrative Domains. We would welcome discussion and suggestions

about the methods employed for the interconnections. No standards are

specified in this memo.

1132 McLaughlin Nov 89 A Standard for the Transmission of

802.2 Packets over IPX Networks

This document specifies a standard method of encapsulating 802.2 packets

on networks supporting Novell's Internet Packet Exchange Protocol (IPX).

It obsoletes earlier documents detailing the transmission of Internet

packets over IPX networks. It differs from these earlier documents in

that it allows for the transmission of multiple network protocols over

IPX and for the transmission of packets through IPX bridges.

1131 Moy Oct 89 The OSPF Specification

This RFCis the specification of the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)

Internet routing protocol. OSPF is in the class of Internal Gateway

Protocols (IGPs) for distributing routing information between gateways

of a single Autonomous System. This routing protocol is based on the

link-state approach (in contrast to the distance-vector approach). This

specification was developed by the OSPF Working Group of the Internet

Engineering Task Force. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

1130 Postel Oct 89 IAB Official Protocol Standards

This memo describes the state of standardization of protocols used in

the Internet as determined by the Internet Activities Board (IAB).

1129 Mills Oct 89 Internet Time Synchronization:

the Network Time Protocol

This memo describes the Network Time Protocol (NTP) designed to

distribute time information in a large, diverse internet system

operating at speeds from mundane to lightwave. It uses a returnable-

time architecture in which a distributed subnet of time servers

operating in a self-organizing, hierarchical, master-slave configuration

synchronizes local clocks within the subnet and to national time

standards via wire or radio. The servers can also redistribute time

information within a network via local routing algorithms and time


The architectures, algorithms and protocols which have evolved to NTP

over several years of implementation and refinement are described in

this paper. The synchronization subnet which has been in regular

operation in the Internet for the last several years is described along

with performance data which shows that timekeeping accuracy throughout

most portions of the Internet can be ordinarily maintained to within a

few tens of milliseconds, even in cases of failure or disruption of

clocks, time servers or networks.

This memo describes the Network Time Protocol in RFC-1119.

1128 Mills Oct 89 Measured Performance of the Network Time

Protocol in the Internet System

This paper describes a series of experiments involving over 100,000

hosts of the Internet system and located in the U.S., Europe and the

Pacific. The experiments are designed to evaluate the availability,

accuracy and reliability of international standard time distribution

using the DARPA/NSF Internet and the Network Time Protocol (NTP), which

is specified in RFC-1119. NTP is designed specifically for use in a

large, diverse internet system operating at speeds from mundane to

lightwave. In NTP a distributed subnet of time servers operating in a

self-organizing, hierarchical, master-slave configuration exchange

precision timestamps in order to synchronize subnet clocks to each other

and national time standards via wire or radio.

The experiments are designed to locate Internet hosts and gateways that

provide time by one of three time distribution protocols and evaluate

the accuracy of their indications. For those hosts that support NTP,

the experiments determine the distribution of errors and other

statistics over paths spanning major portions of the globe. Finally,

the experiments evaluate the accuracy and reliability of precision

timekeeping using NTP and typical Internet paths involving DARPA, NSFNET

and other agency networks. The experiments demonstrate that timekeeping

accuracy throughout most portions of the Internet can be ordinarily

maintained to within a few tens of milliseconds, even in cases of

failure or disruption of clocks, time servers or networks.

This memo does not specify a standard.

1127 Braden Oct 89 Perspective on Host Requirements

This RFCis for information only; it does not constitute a standard,

draft standard, or proposed standard, and it does not define a protocol.

1126 Little Oct 89 Goals and Functional Requirements for

Inter-Autonomous System Routing

This document describes the functional requirements for a routing

protocol to be used between autonomous systems. This document is

intended as a necessary precursor to the design of a new inter-

autonomous system routing protocol and specifies requirements for the

Internet applicable for use with the current DoD IP, the ISO IP, and

future Internet Protocols. It is intended that these requirements will

form the basis for the future development of a new inter-autonomous

systems routing architecture and protocol. This memo does not specify a


1125 Estrin Nov 89 Policy Requirements for Inter

Administrative Domain Routing

The purpose of this memo is to focus discussion on particular problems

in the Internet and possible methods of solution. No proposed solutions

in this document are intended as standards for the Internet. Rather, it

is hoped that a general consensus will emerge as to the appropriate

solution to such problems, leading eventually to the development and

adoption of standards.

1124 Leiner Sep 89 Policy Issues in Interconnecting Networks

To support the activities of the Federal Research Internet Coordinating

Committee (FRICC) in creating an interconnected set of networks to serve

the research community, two workshops were held to address the technical

support of policy issues that arise when interconnecting such networks.

Held under the suspices of the Internet Activities Board at the request

of the FRICC, and sponsored by NASA through RIACS, the workshops

addressed the required and feasible technologies and architectures that

could be used to satisfy the desired policies for interconnection. The

purpose of this RFCis to report the results of these workshops.

1123 Braden Oct 89 Requirements for Internet Hosts --

Application and Support

This RFCis an official specification for the Internet community. It

incorporates by reference, amends, corrects, and supplements the primary

protocol standards documents relating to hosts. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

1122 Braden Oct 89 Requirements for Internet Hosts --

Communication Layers

This RFCis an official specification for the Internet community. It

incorporates by reference, amends, corrects, and supplements the primary

protocol standards documents relating to hosts. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

1121 Postel Sep 89 Act One - The Poems

This RFCpresents a collection of poems that were presented at "Act

One", a symposium held partially in celebration of the 20th anniversary

of the ARPANET.

1120 Cerf Sep 89 The Internet Activities Board

This RFCprovides a history and description of the Internet Activities

Board (IAB) and its subsidiary organizations. This memo is for

informational use and does not constitute a standard.

1119 Mills Sep 89 Network Time Protocol (Version 2)

Specification and Implementation

This document describes the Network Time Protocol (NTP), specifies its

formal structure and summarizes information useful for its

implementation. NTP provides the mechanisms to synchronize time and

coordinate time distribution in a large, diverse internet operating at

rates from mundane to lightwave. It uses a returnable-time design in

which a distributed subnet of time servers operating in a self-

organizing, hierarchical-master-slave configuration synchronizes local

clocks within the subnet and to national time standards via wire or

radio. The servers can also redistribute reference time via local

routing algorithms and time daemons. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

1118 Krol Sep 89 The Hitchhikers Guide to the Internet

This RFCis being distributed to members of the Internet community in

order to make available some "hints" which will allow new network

participants to understand how the direction of the Internet is set, how

to acquire online information and how to be a good Internet neighbor.

While the information discussed may not be relevant to the research

problems of the Internet, it may be interesting to a number of

researchers and implementors. No standards are defined or specified in

this memo.

1117 Romano Aug 89 Internet Numbers

This memo is an official status report on the network numbers and the

autonomous system numbers used in the Internet community.

1116 Borman Aug 89 Telnet Linemode Option

Hosts on the Internet that support Linemode within the Telnet protocol

are expected to adopt and implement this protocol. Obsoleted by RFC


1115 Linn Aug 89 Privacy Enhancement for Internet

Electronic Mail: Part III --

Algorithms, Modes, and Identifiers

This RFCprovides definitions, references, and citations for

algorithms, usage modes, and associated identifiers used in RFC-1113

and RFC-1114 in support of privacy-enhanced electronic mail.


1114 Kent Aug 89 Privacy Enhancement for Internet

Electronic Mail: Part II --

Certificate-Based Key Management

This RFCspecifies the key management ASPects of Privacy Enhanced Mail.


1113 Linn Aug 89 Privacy Enhancement for Internet

Electronic Mail: Part I -- Message

Encipherment and Authentication


This RFCspecifies features for private electronic mail based on

encryption technology. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

1112 Deering Aug 89 Host Extensions for IP Multicasting

This memo specifies the extensions required of a host implementation of

the Internet Protocol (IP) to support multicasting. Recommended

procedure for IP multicasting in the Internet. This RFCobsoletes RFCs

998 and 1054. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

1111 Postel Aug 89 Request for Comments on Request for

Comments - Instructions to


This RFCspecifies a standard for the Internet community. Authors of

RFCs are expected to adopt and implement this standard.

1110 McKenzie Aug 89 A Problem with the TCP Big Window


This memo comments on the TCP Big Window option described in RFC1106.

1109 Cerf Aug 89 Report of the Second Ad Hoc

Network Management Review Group

This RFCreports an official Internet Activities Board (IAB) policy

position on the treatment of Network Management in the Internet. This

RFCpresents the results and recommendations of the second Ad Hoc

Network Management Review on June 12, 1989. The results of the first

such meeting were reported in RFC1052.

1108 Kent Nov 91 U.S. Department of Defense Security

Options for the Internet Protocol

This RFCspecifies the U.S. Department of Defense Basic Security

Option and the top-level description of the Extended Security Option

for use with the Internet Protocol. This RFCobsoletes RFC1038,

"Revised IP Security Option", dated January 1988. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

1107 Sollins Jul 89 A Plan for Internet Directory Services

This memo proposes a program to develop a directory service for the

Internet. It reports the results of a meeting held in February 1989,

which was convened to review requirements and options for such a

service. This proposal is offered for comment, and does not represent a

committed research activity of the Internet community.

1106 Fox Jun 89 TCP Big Window and Nak Options

This memo discusses two extensions to the TCP protocol to provide a more

efficient operation over a network with a high bandwidth*delay product.

The extensions described in this document have been implemented and

shown to work using resources at NASA. This memo describes an

Experimental Protocol, these extensions are not proposed as an Internet

standard, but as a starting point for further research.

1105 Lougheed Jun 89 A Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)

This RFCoutlines a specific approach for the exchange of network

reachability information between Autonomous Systems. Updated by RFCs

1163 and 1164. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

1104 Braun Jun 89 Models of Policy Based Routing

The purpose of this RFCis to outline a variety of models for policy

based routing. The relative benefits of the different approaches are

reviewed. Discussions and comments are explicitly encouraged to move

toward the best policy based routing model that scales well within a

large internetworking environment.

1103 Katz Jun 89 A Proposed Standard for the Transmission

of IP Datagrams over FDDI Networks

This RFCspecifies a method of encapsulating the Internet Protocol (IP)

datagrams and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) requests and replies on

Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) Networks. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

1102 Clark May 89 Policy Routing in Internet Protocols

The purpose of this RFCis to focus discussion on particular problems in

the Internet and possible methods of solution. No proposed solutions in

this document are intended as standards for the Internet.

1101 Mockapetris Apr 89 DNS Encoding of Network Names and

Other Types

This RFCproposes two extensions to the Domain Name System:

- A specific method for entering and retrieving RRs which map

between network names and numbers.

- Ideas for a general method for describing mappings between

arbitrary identifiers and numbers.

The method for mapping between network names and addresses is a proposed

standard, the ideas for a general method are experimental.

1100 IAB Apr 89 IAB Official Protocol Standards

This memo describes the state of standardization of protocols used in

the Internet as determined by the Internet Activities Board (IAB). An

overview of the standards procedures is presented first, followed by

discussions of the standardization process and the RFCdocument series,

then the explanation of the terms is presented, the lists of protocols

in each stage of standardization follows, and finally pointers to

references and contacts for further information.

This memo is issued quarterly, please be sure the copy you are reading

is dated within the last three months. Current copies may be obtained

from the Network Information Center or from the Internet Assigned

Numbers Authority (see the contact information at the end of this memo).

Do not use this memo after 31-July-89.

Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Author's Address

Joyce K. Reynolds

University of Southern California

Information Sciences Institute

4676 Admiralty Way

Marina del Rey, CA 90292

Phone: (310) 822-1511


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