
RFC1193 - Client requirements for real-time communication services

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Network Working Group D. Ferrari

Request for Comments: 1193 UC Berkeley

November 1990


Status of this Memo

This memo describes client requirements for real-time communication

services. This memo provides information for the Internet community,

and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. It does

not specify any standard. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


A real-time communication service provides its clients with the

ability to specify their performance requirements and to oBTain

guarantees about the satisfaction of those requirements. In this

paper, we propose a set of performance specifications that seem

appropriate for such services; they include various types of delay

bounds, throughput bounds, and reliability bounds. We also describe

other requirements and desirable properties from a client's

viewpoint, and the ways in which each requirement is to be translated

to make it suitable for lower levels in the protocol hierarchy.

Finally, we present some examples of requirements specification, and

discuss some of the possible objections to our approach.

This research has been supported in part by AT&T Bell Laboratories,

the University of California under a MICRO grant, and the

International Computer Science Institute. The views and conclusions

in this document are those of the author and should not be

interpreted as representing official policies, either eXPressed or

implied, of any of the sponsoring organizations.

1. Introduction

We call real-time a computer communication service whose clients are

allowed to specify their performance requirements and to obtain

guarantees about the fulfillment of those requirements.

Three terms in this definition need further discussion and

clarification: clients, performance, and guarantees.

Network architecture usually consists, at least from a logical

viewpoint, of a stack of protocol layers. In the context of such an

architecture, the notions of client and server apply to a number of

different pairs of entities: every layer (with the support of the

underlying layers) provides a service to the layer immediately above

it and is a client of its underlying layers. In this paper, our

considerations generally apply to any client-server pair. However,

most of them particularly refer to human clients (users, programmers)

and to the ways in which such clients express their communication and

processing needs to the system (e.g., interactive commands,

application programs). This type of client is especially important,

since client needs at lower layers can be regarded as translations of

the needs expressed by human clients at the top of the hierarchy.

When the client is human, the server consists of the entire

(distributed) system, including the hosts, their operating systems,

and the networks interconnecting them.

As for the generic term, performance, we will give it a fairly broad

meaning. It will include not only delay and throughput, the two main

network performance indices, but also reliability of message

delivery. Real-time communication is concerned with those ASPects of

quality of service that have to do with performance in this broad


The term guarantee in this paper has a rather strong legal flavor.

When a server guarantees a given level of performance for the

communications of a client, it commits itself to providing that

performance and to paying appropriate penalties if the actual

performance turns out to be insufficient. On the other hand, the

client will have to obey certain rules, and will not be entitled to

the requested performance guarantees unless those rules are

scrupulously obeyed. In other Words, client and server have to enter

into a contract specifying their respective rights and duties, the

benefits that will accrue, the conditions under which those benefits

will materialize, and the penalties they will incur for not keeping

their mutual promises. We believe that a legal viewpoint is to be

adopted if serious progress in the delivery of communication services

(not only the real-time ones) is desired. Utility services, as well

as other kinds of service, are provided under legally binding

contracts, and a mature computer communication utility cannot fail to

do the same. In the field of real-time communication, such a

contract will by definition include performance guarantees.

Real-time services may be offered in any kind of network or

internetwork. Some of their predictable applications are:

(a) digital continuous-media (motion video, audio)

communication: lower bounds on throughput and upper bounds

on delay or delay variability or both are needed to ensure

any desired level of output quality; in the interactive case,

both the values of delay and delay variabilities have to be

bounded; some limited message losses are often tolerable in

the cases of video and voice (whenever very high quality is

not required), but usually not in the case of sound;

(b) transmission of urgent messages in real-time distributed

systems: delay bounds are the important guarantees to be

provided in these applications; losses should ideally be


(c) urgent electronic-mail messages and, more in general,

urgent datagrams: again, delay is the obvious index to be

bounded in this case, but small probabilities of losses can

often be tolerated;

(d) transfers of large files: minimum throughput bounds are

usually more important than delay bounds in this

application; also, all pieces of a file must be delivered

with probability 1;

(e) fast request-reply communication: e.g., data base queries,

information retrieval requests, remote procedure calls; this

is another case in which delay (more precisely, round-trip

delay) is the index of primary interest; reliability

requirements are generally not very stringent.

We conjecture that, when networks start offering well-designed and

reasonably-priced real-time services, the use of such services will

grow beyond the expectations of most observers. This will occur

primarily because new performance needs will be induced by the

availability of guaranteed-performance options. As the history of

transportation and communication has repeatedly shown, faster

services bring about major increases of the shipments that are

perceived as urgent. The phenomenon will be more conspicuous

whenever the quality of service provided to non-real-time clients

will deteriorate. It is clear from this comment that we assume that

real-time services will coexist within the same networks and

internetworks with non-real-time communications. Indeed, postulating

a world in which the two types of service are segregated rather than

integrated would be unrealistic, as it would go against the clear

trend towards the eventual integration of all information services.

For the same reason, the traffic in the network is assumed to be

heterogeneous, i.e., to consist of a variety of types of messages,

representing a variety of information media and their combinations,

with a wide spectrum of burstiness values (from uncompressed

continuous fixed-rate streams to very short and erratic bursts of


This paper discusses the client requirements and characteristics of a

real-time communication service. Server requirements and design

principles will be the subject of a subsequent paper. Section 2

contains some considerations about the ways in which the clients

specify their requirements, and those in which a server should reply

to requests for real-time services. Performance requirements are

presented in Section 3; other properties that clients may need or

desire are described in Section 4. Section 5 deals with the problem

of translating the requirements of a human client or an application

for the equivalent lower-level ones. In Section 6, we briefly

present four examples of client requirement specifications, and in

Section 7 we discuss some of the objections that can be raised

against our approach.

2. Client Requests and Server Replies

No real-time service can be provided if the client does not specify,

together with the requirements, the characteristics of the expected

input traffic. Describing input traffic and all the various

requirements entails much work on the part of a client. Gathering

the necessary information and inputting it may be very time-

consuming. A well-designed real-time communication service will

minimize the effort to be spent by a client.

Sensible default values, the possibility of partial or incremental

specifications (e.g., by editing preexisting specifications), and a

number of standard descriptions should be provided. These

descriptions will include characterizations of inputs (e.g., those of

a video stream for multimedia conferencing, an HDTV stream, a hi-fi

audio stream, a file transfer stream, and so on) and standard sets of

requirements. With these aids, it might be possible for a human

client to specify his or her request by a short phrase, perhaps

followed by a few characters representing options or changes to the

standard or default values.

Since requests for real-time services may be denied because of a

mismatch between the client's demands and the resources available to

the server, the client will appreciate being informed about the

reasons for any rejection, so that the request can be modified and

resubmitted, or postponed, or cancelled altogether [Herr89]. The

information provided by the server to a human client should be

meaningful, useful, and non-redundant. The reason for rejection

should be understandable by the client (who should be assumed not to

know any of the details of the operating system, of the protocols or

of the network) and should be accompanied by data that will be useful

to the client in deciding what to do as well as how the request ought

to be modified to make it successful. If, for example, a bound

specified by the client cannot be guaranteed by the server under its

current load, the information returned to the client should include

the minimum or maximum value of the bound that the server could

guarantee; the client will thus be able to decide whether that bound

would be acceptable (possibly with some other modifications as well)

or not, and act accordingly.

When the client is not a human being but an application or a process,

the type of a server's replies should be very different from that

just described [Herr89]; another standard interface, the one between

an application and a real-time service, must therefore be defined,

possibly in multiple, application-specific versions.

Clients will also be interested in the pricing policies implemented

by the server: these should be fair (or at least perceived to be

fair) and easy to understand. The client should be able easily to

estimate charges for given performance guarantees as a function of

distance, time of day, and other variables, or to obtain these

estimates from the server as a free off-line service.

3. Performance Requirements

A client can specify a service requirement using the general form

pred = TRUE,

where some of the variables in predicate pred can be controlled or

influenced by the server.

A simple and popular form of performance requirement is that

involving a bound. A deterministic bound can be specified as

(var <= bound) = TRUE, or var <= bound,

where variable var is server-controlled, while bound is client-

specified. The bounds in these expressions are upper bounds; if <

is replaced by > , they become lower bounds.

When the variable in the latter expression above is a probability, we

have a statistical bound, and bound in that case is a probability

bound; if the predicate is a deterministic bound, we have:

Prob (var <= bound) >= probability-bound.

In this requirement, the variable has an upper bound, and the

probability a lower bound. Note that deterministic bounds can be

viewed as statistical bounds that are satisfied with probability 1.

A form of bound very similar to the statistical one is the fractional


Ca (var <= bound) >= b,

where variable var has a value for each message in a stream, and Ca

is a function that counts the number of times var satisfies the bound

for any a consecutive messages in the stream; this number Ca must

satisfy bound b. Obviously, a fractional bound is realizable only if

b <= a . Fractional bounds will not be explicitly mentioned in the

sequel, but they can be used in lieu of statistical bounds, and have

over these bounds the avantages of easy verifiability and higher

practical interest.

In this section, we restrict our attention to those requirements that

are likely to be the most useful to real-time clients.

3.1 Delay requirements

Depending on the application, clients may wish to specify their delay

requirements in different ways [Gait90]. The delays involved will

usually be those of the application-oriented messages known to the

client; for instance, the delay between the beginning of the client-

level transmission of a video frame, file, or urgent datagram and the

end of the client-level reception of the same frame, file, or urgent

datagram. (In those cases, e.g., in some distributed real-time

systems, where message deadlines are assigned instead of message

delays, we can always compute the latter from knowledge of the former

and of the sending times, thereby reducing ourselves again to a delay

bound requirement.) Also, they will be the delays of those messages

that are successfully delivered to the destination; the fraction of

messages that are not, to which the delay bounds will not apply, will

be bounded by reliability specifications. Note that clients will

express delay bounds by making implicit reference to their own

clocks; the design of a real-time service for a large network will

have to consider the impact on bounds enforcement of non-synchronized

clocks [Verm90]. Some of the forms in which a delay requirement may

be specified are

(i) deterministic delay bound:

Di <= Dmax for all i,

the client is delivered to the destination client-level entity, and

Dmax is the delay upper bound specified by the client. In our

descriptions we assume, without loss of generality, that the client

requesting a real-time service is the sending client, and that the

destination (which could be a remote agent of the client or another

user) is a third party with respect to the establishment of the

particular communication being considered (In our descriptions we

assume, without loss of generality, that the client requesting a

real-time service is the sending client, and that the destination

(which could be a remote agent of the client or another user) is a

third party with respect to the establishment of the particular

communication being considered.);

(ii) statistical delay bound:

Prob ( Di <= Dmax ) >= Zmin,

where Di and Dmax are defined as above, and Zmin is the lower

bound of the probability of successful and timely delivery;

(iii) deterministic delay-jitter bound:

Ji = Di - D <= Jmax for all i,

where D is the ideal, or target delay, Ji is the delay jitter of

the i-th message delivered to the destination, and Jmax is the

upper jitter bound to be specified by the client together with D;

note that an equivalent form of this requirement consists of

assigning a deterministic upper bound D + Jmax and a deterministic

lower bound D - Jmax to the delays Di [Herr90];

(iv) statistical delay-jitter bound:

Prob (Ji <= Jmax) >= Umin, for all i,

where Umin is the lower bound of the probability that Ji be

within its limits.

Other forms of delay bound include bounds on average delay, delay

variance, and functions of the sequence number of each message, for

example, Dmax(i) for the deterministic case. There may be

applications in which one of these will be the preferred form, but,

since we have not found any so far, we believe that the four types of

bounds listed as (i)-(iv) above will cover the great majority of the

practical cases.

3.2 Throughput requirements

The actual throughput of an information transfer from a source to a

destination is bounded above by the rate at which the source sends

messages into the system. Throughput may be lower than this rate

because of the possibility of unsuccessful delivery or message loss.

It is also bounded above by the maximum throughput, which is a

function of, among other things, network load. As the source

increases its input rate, the actual throughput will grow up to a

limit and then stop. Clients concerned with the throughput of their

transfers will want to make sure that saturation is never reached, or

is reached only with a suitably small probability and for acceptably

short intervals. Also, if the bandwidth allocated to a transfer is

not constant, but varies dynamically on demand to accommodate, at

least to some extent, peak requests, clients will be interested in

adding an average throughput requirement, which should include

information about the length of the interval over which the average

must be computed [Ferr89a].

Thus, reasonable forms for throughput requirements appear to be the


(i) deterministic throughput bound:

Ti >= Tmin, for all i,

where Ti is the throughput actually provided by the server, and

Tmin is the lower bound of throughput specified by the client,

that is, the minimum throughput the server must offer to the


(ii) statistical throughput bound:

Prob (Ti >= Tmin) >= Vmin,

where Ti and Tmin are defined as above, and Vmin is the lower

bound of the probability that the server will provide a throughput

greater than the lower bound;

(iii) average throughput bound:

T >= Tave,

where T is the average throughput provided by the server, Tave is

its lower bound specified by the client, and both variables are

averaged over an interval of duration I specified by the client;

the above inequality must obviously hold for all intervals of

duration I, i.e., even for that over which T is minimum.

One clear difference between delay bounds and throughput bounds is

that, while the server is responsible for delays, the actual

throughputs of a non-saturated system are dictated by the input

rates, which are determined primarily by the clients (though they may

be influenced by the server through flow-control mechanisms).

3.3 Reliability requirements

The usefulness of error control via acknowledgments and

retransmission in real-time applications is doubtful, especially in

those environments where message losses are usually higher, i.e., in

wide-area networks: the additional delays caused by acknowledgment

and retransmission, and out-of-sequence delivery are likely to be

intolerable in applications with stringent delay bounds, such as

those having to do with continuous media. Fortunately, the loss of

some of the messages (e.g., video frames, voice packets) is often

tolerable in these applications, but that of sound packets is

generally intolerable. In other cases, however, completeness of

information delivery is essential (e.g., in file transfer

applications), and traditional retransmission schemes will probably

have to be employed.

A message may be incorrect when delivered or may be lost in the

network, i.e., not delivered at all. Network unreliability (due, for

example, to noise) is usually the cause of the former problem; buffer

overflow (due to congestion) or node or link failure are those of the

latter. The client is not interested in this distinction: for the

client, the message is lost in both cases. Thus, the simplest form

in which a reliability bound may be expressed and also, we believe,

the one that will be most popular, is

Prob (message is correctly delivered) >= Wmin,

where Wmin is the lower bound of the probability of correct delivery,

to be specified by the client. The probability of message loss will

obviously be bounded above by 1 - Wmin. This is a statistical bound,

but, as noted in Section 3, a deterministic reliability bound results

if we set Wmin = 1.

In those applications in which any message delivered with a delay

greater than Dmax must be discarded, the fraction of messages usable

by the destination will be bounded below by Wmin Zmin. The client

may actually specify the value of this product, and let the server

decide the individual values of the two bounds, possibly subject to a

client-assigned constraint, e.g., that the price of the service to

the client be minimum.

If the value of Wmin is greater than the system's reliability (the

probability that a delivered message is correct), then there is no

buffer space allocation in the hosts, interfaces, switches and

routers or gateways that will allow the client-specified Wmin to be

guaranteed. In this case, the server uses error correcting codes, or

(if the application permits) retransmission, or duplicate messages,

or (if the sequencing problem discussed in Section 4.1 can be solved

satisfactorily or is not a problem) multiple physical channels for

the same logical channel, or has to refuse the request.

4. Other Required or Desirable Properties

In this section, we briefly describe client requirements that cannot

be easily expressed as bounds on, but are related to, communication

performance. These include sequencing, absence of duplications,

failure recovery, and service setup time. We are not concerned here

with features that may be very important but have a functionality

(e.g., multicast capabilities) or security (e.g., client

authentication) rather than a performance flavor. Requirements in

these areas will generally have appreciable effects also on

performance; we do not discuss them only because of space


For a given application, some of these properties may be required,

some others only desirable. Also, some may be best represented as

Boolean variables (present or absent), some others as continuous or

multi-valued discrete variables, others yet as partially qualitative


4.1 Sequencing

For applications involving message streams (rather than single

datagrams), it may be necessary or desirable that messages be

delivered in sequence, even though the sequence may not be complete.

If the lower-level servers are not all capable of delivering messages

sequentially, a resequencing operation may have to be performed at

some higher level in the hierarchy. In those cases in which

reliability requirements make retransmission necessary, resequencing

may delay delivery of a large number of messages by relatively long

times. An adequate amount of buffer space will have to be provided

for this purpose at the level of the resequencer in the protocol


If sequencing is not guaranteed by all servers at all levels, the

application may be able to tolerate out-of-sequence messages as long

as their number is small, or if the delay bound is so large that very

few out-of-sequence messages have to be discarded because they are

too late. The client could be allowed to specify a bound on the

probability that a message be delivered out of sequence, or to bundle

out-of-sequence losses with the other types of message loss described

by Wmin. The client would specify the value of Wmin (or Wmin Zmin),

and the server would have to decide how much probability to allow for

buffer overflow, how much for network error, and how much for

imperfect sequencing, taking into account the stringency of the delay


On the other hand, with fixed-route connections and appropriate

queueing and scheduling in the hosts and in the network, it is often

not too hard to ensure sequenced delivery at the various layers,

hence also at the top.

4.2 Absence of duplications

Most of the discussion of sequencing applies also to duplication of

messages. It is, however, easier and faster to eliminate

duplications than to resequence, as long as some layer keeps track of

the sequence numbers of the messages already received. The

specification of a bound may be needed only if duplications become

very frequent, but this would be a symptom of serious network

malfunction, and should not be dealt with in the same way as we

handle delays or message losses. These observations do not apply, of

course, to the case of intentional duplication for higher


4.3 Failure recovery

The contract between client and server of a real-time service will

have to specify what will happen in the event of a server failure.

Ideally, from the client's viewpoint, failures should be perfectly

masked, and service should be completely fault-tolerant. As we have

already mentioned, however, it is usually unrealistic to expect that

performance guarantees can be honored even in presence of failures.

A little less unrealistic is to assume that service can resume a

short time after a failure has disrupted it. In general, clients may

not only wish to know what will happen if a failure occurs, but also

have a guaranteed upper bound on the likelihood of such an


Prob (failure) <= Fmax.

Different applications have different failure recovery requirements.

Urgent datagrams or urgent message streams in most real-time

distributed systems will probably not benefit much from recovery,

unless it can be made so fast that hard deadlines may still be

satisfied, at least in some cases. In the case of video or audio

transmission, timely resumption of service will normally be very

useful or even necessary; thus, clients may need to be given

guarantees about the upper bounds of mean or maximum time to repair;

this may also be the case of other applications in which the

deadlines are not so stringent, or where the main emphasis is on

throughput and/or reliability rather than on delay.

In communications over multi-node routes and/or long distances, the

network itself may contain several messages for each source-

destination pair at the time a failure occurs. The recovery scheme

will have to solve the problems of failure notification (to all the

system's components involved, and possibly also to the clients) and

disposition of messages in transit. The solutions adopted may make

duplicate elimination necessary even in contexts in which no

duplicates are ever created in the absence of failures.

4.4 Service setup time

Real-time services must be requested before they can be used to

communicate [Ferr89b]. Some clients may be interested in long-term

arrangements which are set up soon after the signing of a contract

and are kept in existence for long times (days, months, years).

Others, typically for economical reasons, may wish to be allowed to

request services dynamically and to avoid paying for them even when

not in use. The extreme case of short-term service is that in which

the client wants to send one urgent datagram, but this is probably

best handled by a service broker ("the datagraph Office") using a

permanent setup shared by many (or all) urgent datagrams. In most

other cases, a request for a short-term or medium-term service must

be processed by the server before the client is allowed to receive

that service (i.e., to send messages). Certain applications will

need the setup time to be short or, in any case, bounded: the maximum

time the client will have to wait for a (positive or negative) reply

to a request may have to be guaranteed by the server in the contract.

5. Translating Requirements

Performance specifications and other requirements are assigned at the

top level, that of the human client or application, either explicitly

or implicitly (see Section 2). To be satisfied, these specifications

need the support of all the underlying layers: we believe that a

real-time service cannot be implemented on top of a server at some

level that is unable to guarantee performance. (Some of the other

requirements can be satisfied even without this condition: for

example, reliable delivery (when retransmission is acceptable) and

sequencing.) Upper-level requirements must be translated into

lower-level ones, so that the implementation of the former will be

adequately supported. How should this be done?

5.1 Delay requirements

The method for translating delay bounds macroscopically depends on

the type of bound to be translated. All methods have to deal with

two problems: the effects of delays in the individual layers, and the

effects of message fragmentation on the requirements.

(i) Deterministic delay bound. A deterministic bound on the delay

encountered by a message in each layer (or group of layers) in

the hosts will have to be estimated and enforced.

The delay bound for a server at a given level will be obtained

by subtracting the delay bounds of the layers above it in both

the sending and the receiving host from the original global


Dmax' = Dmax - SUMi {d(max,i)}.

Message fragmentation can be handled by recalling that delay is

defined as the difference between the instant of completion of the

reception of a message and the instant when its shipment began.

If x is the interfragment time (assumed constant for simplicity

here) and f is the number of fragments in a message, we have

Dmax' = Dmax - x(f-1),

where Dmax' is the fragment delay bound corresponding to the

message delay bound Dmax, i.e., the delay of the first fragment.

(ii) Statistical delay bound. The statistical case is more

complicated. If the bounds on the delay in each layer

(or group of layers) are statistical, we may approach the

problem of the messages delayed beyond the bound

pessimistically, in which case we shall write

Zmin' = Zmin / (PRODi {z(min,i)}),

where the index i spans the layers (or group of layers) above the

given lower-level server, Zmin' is the probability bound to be

enforced by that lower-level server, and d(max,i) and z(min,i) are

the bounds for layer i. (A layer has a sender side and a receiver

side at the same level in the hierarchy.) The expression for

Zmin' is pessimistic because it assumes that a message delayed

beyond its bound in a layer will not be able to meet the global

bound Dmax. (The expression above and the next one assume that

the delays of a message in the layers are statistically

independent of each other. This assumption is usually not valid,

but, in the light of the observations that follow the next

expression, the error should be tolerable.)

At the other extreme, we have the optimistic approach, which

assumes that a message will not satisfy the global bound only if

it is delayed beyond its local bound in each layer:

Zmin' = 1 - (1 - Zmin)/(PRODi {1 - z(min,i)}).

The correct assumption will be somewhere in between the

pessimistic and the optimistic ones. However, in order to be able

to guarantee the global bound, the system will have to choose the

pessimistic approach, unless a better approximation to reality can

be found. An alternative that may turn out to be more convenient

is the one of considering the bounds in the layers as

deterministic, in which case Zmin' will equal Zmin, and the global

bound will be statistical only because the network will guarantee

a statistical bound.

When estimating the effects of message fragmentation, the new

bounds must refer to the fragment stream as though its components

were independent of each other. Assuming sequential delivery of

fragments, a message is delayed beyond its bound if its last

fragment is delayed beyond the fragment bound. Our goal can be

achieved by imposing the same probability bound on fragments as on

messages [Verm90]. Thus,

Zmin' = Zmin.

Note that both expressions for D prime sub max given in (i) above

apply to the statistical delay bound case as well.

(iii) Deterministic delay-jitter bound. For the case of layer to

layer translation, the discussion above yields:

Jmax' = Jmax - SUMi {j(max,i)} ,

where j(max,i) is the deterministic jitter bound of the i-th layer

above the given lower-level server. When messages are fragmented,

the delay jitter bound can be left unchanged:

Jmax' = Jmax .

There would be reasons to reduce it in the case of message

fragmentation only if the underlying server did not guarantee

sequenced delivery, and if no resequencing of fragments were

provided by the corresponding reassembly layer on the receiving


(iv) Statistical delay-jitter bound. The interested reader will

be able with little effort to derive the translation formulas

for this case from the definition in Section 3.1 (iv)

and from the discussion in (ii) and (iii) above.

5.2 Throughput requirements

Since all layers are in cascade, the throughput bounds would be the

same for all of them if headers and sometimes trailers were not added

at each layer for encapsulation or fragmentation. Thus, throughput

bounds have to be increased as the request travels downward through

the protocol hierarchy, and the server at each layer knows by how

much, since it is responsible for these additions.

5.3 Reliability requirements

If we assume, quite realistically, that the probability of message

loss in a host is extremely small, then we do not have to change the

value of Wmin when we change layers.

The effects of message fragmentation are similar to those on

statistical delay bounds, but in a given application a message may be

lost even if only one of its fragments is lost. Thus, we have

Wmin' = 1 - (1 - Wmin)/f ,

where Wmin' is the lower bound of the correct delivery probability

for the fragment stream, and f is the number of fragments per

message. The optimistic viewpoint, which is the one we adopted in

Section 5.1 (ii), yields Wmin' = Wmin, and the observations made in

that section about the true bound and about providing guarantees


5.4 Other requirements

Of the requirements and desiderata discussed in Section 4, those that

are specified as a Boolean value or a qualitative attribute do not

have to be modified for lower-level servers unless they are satisfied

in some layer above those servers (e.g., no sequencing is to be

required below the level where a resequencer operates). When they

are represented by a bound (e.g., one on the setup time, as described

in Section 4.4), then bounds for the layers above a lower-level

server will have to be chosen to calculate the corresponding bound

for that server. The above discussions of the translation of

performance requirements will, in most cases, provide the necessary

techniques for doing these calculations.

The requirement that the server give clear and useful replies to

client requests (see Section 2) raises the interesting problem of

reverse translation, that from lower-level to upper-level

specifications. However, at least in most cases, this does not seem

to be a difficult problem: all the translation formulas we have

written above are very easily invertible (in other words, it is

straightforward to express Dmax as a function of Dmax', Zmin as a

function of Zmin', and so on).

6. Examples

In this section we describe some examples of client requirements for

real-time services. Simplifying assumptions are introduced to

decrease the amount of detail and increase clarity. Our intent is to

determine the usefulness of the set of requirements proposed above,

and to investigate some of the problems that may arise in practical

cases. An assumption underlying all examples is that the network's

transmission rate is 45 Mbits/s, and that the hosts can keep up with

this rate when processing messages.

6.1 Interactive voice

Let us assume that human clients are to specify the requirements for

voice that is already digitized (at a 64 kbits/s rate) and packetized

(packet size: 48 bytes, coinciding with the size of an ATM cell;

packet transmission time: 8.53 microseconds ; packet interarrival

time: 6 ms). Since the communication is interactive, deterministic

(and statistical) delay bounds play a very important role. Jitter is

also important, but does not dominate the other requirements as in

non-interactive audio or video communication (see Section 6.2). The

minimum throughput offered by the system must correspond to the

maximum input rate, i.e., 64 kbits/s; in fact, because of header

overhead (5 control bytes for every 48 data bytes), total guaranteed

throughput should be greater than 70.66 kbits/s, i.e., 8,834 bytes/s.

(Since the client may not know the overhead introduced by the system,

the system may have to compute this value from the one given by the

client, which in this case would be 8 kbytes/s.) The minimum average

throughput over an interval as long as 100 s is 44% of Tmin, due to

the silence periods [Brad64].

Voice transmission can tolerate limited packet losses without making

the speech unintelligible at the receiving end. We assume that a

maximum loss of two packets out of 100 (each packet corresponding to

6 ms of speech) can be tolerated even in the worst case, i.e., when

the two packets are consecutive. Since packets arriving after their

absolute deadline are discarded if the delay bound is to be

statistical, then this maximum loss rate must include losses due to

lateness, i.e., 0.98 will have to be the value of Zmin Wmin rather

than just that of Wmin.

This is illustrated in the first column of Table Ia, which consists

of two subcolumns: one is for the choice of a deterministic delay

bound, the other one for that of a statistical delay bound and a

combined bound on the probability of lateness or loss. If in a row

there is a single entry, that entry is the same for both subcolumns.

Note that the maximum setup time could be made much longer if

connections had to be reserved in advance.

Since voice is packetized at the client's level, we will not have to

worry about the effects of fragmentation while translating the

requirements into their lower-level correspondents.

6.2 Non-interactive video

At the level of the client, the video message stream consists of 1

Mbit frames, to be transmitted at the rate of 30 frames per second.

Thus, the throughput bounds (both deterministic and average) are,

taking into account the overhead of ATM cell headers, 4.14 Mbytes/s.

As in the case of interactive voice, we have two alternatives for the

specification of delay bounds: the first subcolumn is for the

deterministic bound case, the second for that of a statistical bound

on delays and a combined probability bound on lateness or loss; the

latter bound is set to at most 10 frames out of 100, i.e., three out

of 30. However, the really important bound in this case is the one

on delay jitter, set at 5 ms, which is roughly equal to half of the

interval between two successive frames, and between 1/4 and 1/5 of

the transmission time. This dominance of the jitter bound is the

reason why the other delay bounds are in parentheses.

If we assume that video frames will have to be fragmented into cells

at some lower level in the protocol hierarchy, then these

requirements must be translated at that level into those shown in the

first column of Table II. The values of Dmax' have been calculated

with x = 12.8 microseconds and f = 2605 fragments/frame. The range

of Wmin' and of (Zmin Wmin)' is quite wide, and achieving its higher

value (a probability of 1) may turn out to be either very expensive

or impossible. We observe, however, that a frame in which a packet

or more are missing or have been incorrectly received does not have

to be discarded but can be played with gaps or patched with the old

packets in lieu of the missing or corrupted ones. Thus, it may be

possible to consider an optimistic approach (e.g., Zmin' = Zmin,

Wmin' = Wmin, (Zmin Wmin)' = Zmin Wmin ) as sufficiently safe.

6.3 Real-time datagram

A real-time datagram is, for instance, an alarm condition to be

transmitted in an emergency from one machine to another (or a group

of others) in a distributed real-time system. The client

requirements in this case are very simple: a deterministic bound is

needed (we are assuming that this is a hard-real-time context), the

reliability of delivery must be very high, and the service setup time

should be very small. The value of 0.98 for Wmin in Table Ib tries

to account for the inevitable network errors and to suggest that

retransmission should not be used as might be necessary if we wanted

to have Wmin = 1, because it would be too slow. To increase

reliability in this case, error correcting codes or spatial

redundancy will have to be resorted to instead.

Note that one method for obtaining a very small setup time consists

of shipping such urgent datagrams on long-lasting connections

previously created between the hosts involved and with the

appropriate characteristics. Note also that throughput requirements

cannot be defined, since we are dealing with one small message only,

which may not even have to be fragmented. Guarantees on the other

bounds will fully satisfy the needs of the client in this case.

6.4 File transfer

Large files are to be copied from a disk to a remote disk. We assume

that the receiving disk's speed is greater than or equal to the

sending disk's, and that the transfer could therefore proceed, in the

absence of congestion, at the speed of the sending disk. The message

size equals the size of one track (11 Kbytes, including disk surface

overhead such as intersector gaps), and the maximum input rate is

5.28 Mbits/s. Taking into account the ATM cell headers, this rate

becomes 728 kbytes/s; this is the minimum peak throughput to be

guaranteed by the system. The minimum average throughput to be

provided is smaller, due to head switching times and setup delays

(seek times are even longer, hence need not be considered here): we

set its value at 700 kbytes/s.

Delay bounds are much less important in this example than in the

previous ones; in Table Ib, we show deterministic and statistical

bounds in parentheses. Reliability must be eventually 1 to ensure

the integrity of the file's copy. This result will have to be

obtained by error correction (which will increase the throughput

requirements) or retransmission (which would break most delay bounds

if they were selected on the basis of the first shipment only instead

of the last one).

The second column in Table II shows the results of translating these

requirements to account for message fragmentation. The values x =

78.3 microseconds and f = 230 have been used to compute those of


7. Discussion

In this section, we briefly discuss some of the objections that can

be raised concerning our approach to real-time service requirements.

Some of the objections are fundamental ones: they are at least as

related to the basic decisions to be made in the design of the server

as they are to client requirements.

Objection 1: Guarantees are not necessary.

This is the most radical objection, as it stems from a basic

disagreement with our definition of real-time service. The problem,

however, is not with definitions or terminologies: the really

important question is whether a type of service such as the one we

call "real-time" will be necessary or at least useful in future

networks. This objection is raised by the optimists, those who

believe that network bandwidth will be so abundant that congestion

will become a disease of the past, and that delays will therefore be

small enough that the enforcement of legalistic guarantees will not

be necessary. The history of computers and communications, however,

does not unfortunately support these arguments, while it supports

those of the pessimists. In a situation of limited resources

(limited with respect to the existing demand for them), we believe

that there is no serious solution of the real-time communication

problem other than one based on a policy for the allocation of

resources that rigorously guarantees the satisfaction of performance

needs. Even if the approaches to be adopted in practical networks

will provide only approximate guarantees, it is important to devise

methods that offer without exceptions precisely defined bounds.

These methods can at the very least be used as reference approaches

for comparison and evaluation.

Objection 2: Real-time services are too expensive because reservation

of resources is very wasteful.

This may be true if resources are exclusively reserved; for example,

physical circuits used for bursty traffic in a circuit-switched

network. There are, however, other ways of building real-time

services, based on priority mechanisms and preemption rather than

exclusive reservation of resources. With these schemes, the real-

time traffic always finds the resources it needs by preempting non-

real-time traffic, as long as the real-time load is kept below a

threshold. The threshold corresponds to the point where the demand

by real-time traffic for the bottleneck resource equals the amount of

that resource in the system. With this scheme, all resources not

used by real-time traffic can be used at any time by local tasks and

non-real-time traffic. Congestion may affect the latter, but not

real-time traffic. Thus, the only limitation is that a network

cannot carry unbounded amounts of real-time traffic, and must refuse

any further requests when it has reached the saturation point.

Objection 3: Real-time services can be built on top of non-real-time


If one accepts our interpretation of the term "guarantee," one can

easily see that performance guarantees cannot be provided by a

higher-level server unless it can rely on real-time support by its

underlying server. Since this is true at all levels, we conclude

that a real-time network service and similar services at all

intermediate levels are needed to provide guaranteed performance to

human clients and applications.

Objection 4: Delay bounds are not necessary, throughput requirements


Guaranteeing minimum throughput bounds does not automatically and in

general result in any stringent upper bound on delay. Delays in the

hosts and nodes of a packet-switching network fluctuate because of

bursty real-time message streams, starting and ending of traffic on

individual connections (even those with continuous, constant-rate

traffic), and the behavior of scheduling algorithms. Even if delays

did not fluctuate, but had a constant value, it would be possible for

a given throughput bound to be satisfied with many different constant

values for the delay of each message. If delay bounds are wanted,

they must be explicitly guaranteed and enforced. (In a circuit-

switching network, the circuit assigned to a connection has its own

throughput and its own delay. These values may be considered as

explicitly guaranteed and enforced.)

But are delay bounds wanted? We believe they are in digital video

and audio communication, especially in the form of delay jitter

bounds, and they will be in other contexts as soon as a service which

can bound delays is offered.

Objection 5: Satisfaction of statistical bounds is impossible to


Strictly speaking, this objection is valid. No matter how many

packets on a connection have been delayed beyond their bound (or lost

or delivered with errors), it is always in principle possible for the

server to redress the situation in the future and meet the given

statistical requirements. A more sensible and verifiable bound would

be a fractional one (see Section 3). For instance, such a bound

could be specified as follows: out of 100 consecutive packets, no

less than 97 shall not be late. In this case, the bound is no longer

Zmin, a probability of 0.97, but is given by the two values B = 97

and A = 100; it is not only their ratio that counts but also their

individual values.

8. Conclusion

This paper has presented a specification of some of the requirements

that human clients and applications may wish to impose on real-time

communications. Though those listed seem to be among the most useful

and natural ones, no attempt has been made to be exhaustive and


We have investigated delay bounds, throughput bounds, reliability

bounds, and other requirements. We have studied how the requirements

should be translated from the client's level into forms suitable (and

correct) for lower levels, described some examples of requirement

specification, and discussed some of the objections that may be


The material in this paper covers only part of the first phase in the

design of a real-time service: that during which the various

requirements are assembled and examined to extract useful suggestions

for the design of the server. Server needs and design principles

will be the subject of the subsequent paper mentioned several times



Ralf Herrtwich and Dinesh Verma contributed ideas to, and corrected

mistakes in, a previous version of the manuscript. The author is

deeply indebted to them for their help and for the many discussions

he had with them on the topics dealt with in this paper. The

comments of Ramesh Govindan and Riccardo Gusella are also gratefully



[Brad64] Brady, P., "A Technique for Investigating On-Off Patterns

of Speech", Bell Systems Technical Journal, Vol. 44,

Pgs. 1-22, 1964.

[Ferr89a] Ferrari, D., "Real-Time Communication in

Packet-Switching Wide-Area Networks", Technical Report

TR-89-022, International Computer Science Institute,

Berkeley, May 1989.

[Ferr89b] Ferrari D., and D. Verma, "A Scheme for Real-Time Channel

Establishment in Wide-Area Networks", IEEE J. Selected

Areas Communications SAC-8, April 1990.

[Gait90] Gaitonde, S., D. Jacobson, and A. Pohm, "Bounding Delay on

a Multifarious Token Ring Network", Communications of the

ACM, Vol. 33, No. 1, Pgs. 20-28, January 1990.

[Herr89] Herrtwich R., and U. Brandenburg, "Accessing and

Customizing Services in Distributed Systems", Technical

Report TR-89-059, International Computer Science Institute,

Berkeley, October 1989.

[Herr90] Herrtwich, R, personal communication, February 1990.

[Verm90] Verma, D., personal communication, February 1990.

Table Ia

Examples of Client Requirements

Interactive Non-Interactive

Voice Video

Delay Bounds

deterministic:Dmax [ms] 200 - (1000) -

statistical:Dmax [ms] - 200 - (1000)

Zmin - (*) - (*)

jitter:Jmax [ms] 1 5

Throughput Bounds

deterministic:Tmin [kby/s] 8.834 4140

average:Tave [kby/s] 3.933 4140

I [s] 100 100

Reliability Bound:Wmin 0.98 (*) (0.90) (*)

Delay&Reliability:ZminWmin - 0.98 - 0.90

Sequencing yes yes

Absence of Duplications yes yes

Failure Recovery:

max.repair time [s] 10 100

Max.Setup Time [s] 0.8 (o) 15 (o)


(*) To be chosen by the server

(o) Could be much longer if advance reservations were required

(+) Could be achieved by using a preexisting connection

Table Ib

Examples of Client Requirements

Real-Time File

Datagram Transfer

Delay Bounds

deterministic:Dmax [ms] 50 - (1500)

statistical:Dmax [ms] - (1000) -

Zmin - (0.95) -

jitter:Jmax [ms] - -

Throughput Bounds

deterministic:Tmin [kby/s] - 728

average:Tave [kby/s] - 700

I [s] - 100

Reliability Bound:Wmin 0.98 1

Delay&Reliability:ZminWmin - -

Sequencing - yes

Absence of Duplications yes yes

Failure Recovery:

max.repair time [s] - 100

Max.Setup Time [s] 0 (+) 5 (o)


(*) To be chosen by the server

(o) Could be much longer if advance reservations were required

(+) Could be achieved by using a preexisting connection

Table II

Translation of the Requirements in Table I

Non-Interactive File

Video Transfer

Delay Bounds

deterministic:Dmax' [ms] (966) - - (1482)

statistical:Dmax' [ms] - (966) (982) -

Zmin' - (*) (0.95) -

jitter:Jmax' [ms] 5 -

Reliability Bound:Wmin' 0.90-1 (*) 1

Delay&Reliability:(ZminWmin)' - 0.90-1 -


(*) To be chosen by the server

Security Considerations

Security considerations are not discussed in this memo.

Author's Address

Domenico Ferrari

University of California

Computer Science Division

EECS Department

Berkeley, CA 94720

Phone: (415) 642-3806


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