
RFC1254 - Gateway Congestion Control Survey

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Network Working Group A. Mankin

Request for Comments: 1254 MITRE

K. Ramakrishnan

Digital Equipment Corporation


August 1991

Gateway Congestion Control Survey

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It is a

survey of some of the major directions and issues. It does not

specify an Internet standard. Distribution of this memo is



The growth of network intensive Internet applications has made

gateway congestion control a high priority. The IETF Performance and

Congestion Control Working Group surveyed and reviewed gateway

congestion control and avoidance approaches. The purpose of this

paper is to present our review of the congestion control approaches,

as a way of encouraging new discussion and eXPerimentation. Included

in the survey are Source Quench, Random Drop, Congestion Indication

(DEC Bit), and Fair Queueing. The task remains for Internet

implementors to determine and agree on the most effective mechanisms

for controlling gateway congestion.

1. IntrodUCtion

Internet users regularly encounter congestion, often in mild forms.

However, severe congestion episodes have been reported also; and

gateway congestion remains an obstacle for Internet applications such

as scientific supercomputing data transfer. The need for Internet

congestion control originally became apparent during several periods

of 1986 and 1987, when the Internet experienced the "congestion

collapse" condition predicted by Nagle [Nag84]. A large number of

widely dispersed Internet sites experienced simultaneous slowdown or

cessation of networking services for prolonged periods. BBN, the

firm responsible for maintaining the then backbone of the Internet,

the ARPANET, responded to the collapse by adding link capacity


Much of the Internet now uses as a transmission backbone the National

Science Foundation Network (NSFNET). Extensive monitoring and

capacity planning are being done for the NSFNET backbone; still, as

the demand for this capacity grows, and as resource-intensive

applications such as wide-area file system management [Sp89]

increasingly use the backbone, effective congestion control policies

will be a critical requirement.

Only a few mechanisms currently exist in Internet hosts and gateways

to avoid or control congestion. The mechanisms for handling

congestion set forth in the specifications for the DoD Internet

protocols are limited to:

Window flow control in TCP [Pos81b], intended primarily for

controlling the demand on the receiver's capacity, both in terms

of processing and buffers.

Source quench in ICMP, the message sent by IP to request that a

sender throttle back [Pos81a].

One approach to enhancing Internet congestion control has been to

overlay the simple existing mechanisms in TCP and ICMP with more

powerful ones. Since 1987, the TCP congestion control policy, Slow-

start, a collection of several algorithms developed by Van Jacobson

and Mike Karels [Jac88], has been widely adopted. Successful Internet

experiences with Slow-start led to the Host Requirements RFC[HREQ89]

classifying the algorithms as mandatory for TCP. Slow-start modifies

the user's demand when congestion reaches such a point that packets

are dropped at the gateway. By the time such overflows occur, the

gateway is congested. Jacobson writes that the Slow-start policy is

intended to function best with a complementary gateway policy


1.1 Definitions

The characteristics of the Internet that we are interested in include

that it is, in general, an arbitrary mesh-connected network. The

internetwork protocol is connectionless. The number of users that

place demands on the network is not limited by any explicit

mechanism; no reservation of resources occurs and transport layer

set-ups are not disallowed due to lack of resources. A path from a

source to destination host may have multiple hops, through several

gateways and links. Paths through the Internet may be heterogeneous

(though homogeneous paths also exist and experience congestion).

That is, links may be of different speeds. Also, the gateways and

hosts may be of different speeds or may be providing only a part of

their processing power to communication-related activity. The

buffers for storing information flowing through Internet gateways are

finite. The nature of the internet protocol is to drop packets when

these buffers overflow.

Gateway congestion arises when the demand for one or more of the

resources of the gateway exceeds the capacity of that resource. The

resources include transmission links, processing, and space used for

buffering. Operationally, uncongested gateways operate with little

queueing on average, where the queue is the waiting line for a

particular resource of the gateway. One commonly used quantitative

definition [Kle79] for when a resource is congested is when the

operating point is greater than the point at which resource power is

maximum, where resource power is defined as the ratio of throughput

to delay (See Section 2.2). At this operating point, the average

queue size is close to one, including the packet in service. Note

that this is a long-term average queue size. Several definitions

exist for the timescale of averaging for congestion detection and

control, such as dominant round-trip time and queue regeneration

cycle (see Section 2.1).

Mechanisms for handling congestion may be divided into two

categories, congestion recovery and congestion avoidance. Congestion

recovery tries to restore an operating state, when demand has already

exceeded capacity. Congestion avoidance is preventive in nature. It

tries to keep the demand on the network at or near the point of

maximum power, so that congestion never occurs. Without congestion

recovery, the network may cease to operate entirely (zero

throughput), whereas the Internet has been operating without

congestion avoidance for a long time. Overall performance may

improve with an effective congestion avoidance mechanism. Even if

effective congestion avoidance was in place, congestion recovery

schemes would still be required, to retain throughput in the face of

sudden changes (increase of demand, loss of resources) that can lead

to congestion.

In this paper, the term "user" refers to each individual transport

(TCP or another transport protocol) entity. For example, a TCP

connection is a "user" in this terminology. The terms "flow" and

"stream" are used by some authors in the same sense. Some of the

congestion control policies discussed in this paper, such as

Selective Feedback Congestion Indication and Fair Queueing aggregate

multiple TCP connections from a single host (or between a source

host-destination host pair) as a virtual user.

The term "cooperating transport entities" will be defined as a set of

TCP connections (for example) which follow an effective method of

adjusting their demand on the Internet in response to congestion.

The most restrictive interpretation of this term is that the

transport entities follow identical algorithms for congestion control

and avoidance. However, there may be some variation in these

algorithms. The extent to which heterogeneous end-system congestion

control and avoidance may be accommodated by gateway policies should

be a subject of future research. The role played in Internet

performance of non-cooperating transport entities is discussed in

Section 5.

1.2 Goals and Scope of This Paper

The task remains for Internet implementors to determine effective

mechanisms for controlling gateway congestion. There has been

minimal common practice on which to base recommendations for Internet

gateway congestion control. In this survey, we describe the

characteristics of one experimental gateway congestion management

policy, Random Drop, and several that are better-known: Source

Quench, Congestion Indication, Selective Feedback Congestion

Indication, and Fair Queueing, both Bit-Round and Stochastic. A

motivation for documenting Random Drop is that it has as primary

goals low overhead and suitability for scaling up for Internets with

higher speed links. Both of these are important goals for future

gateway implementations that will have fast links, fast processors,

and will have to serve large numbers of interconnected hosts.

The structure of this paper is as follows. First, we discuss

performance goals, including timescale and fairness considerations.

Second, we discuss the gateway congestion control policies. Random

Drop is sketched out, with a recommendation for using it for

congestion recovery and a separate section on its use as congestion

avoidance. Third, since gateway congestion control in itself does

not change the end-systems' demand, we briefly present the effective

responses to these policies by two end-system congestion control

schemes, Slow-start and End-System Congestion Indication. Among our

conclusions, we address the issues of transport entities that do not

cooperate with gateway congestion control. As an appendix, because

of the potential interactions with gateway congestion policies, we

report on a scheme to help in controlling the performance of Internet

gateways to connection-oriented subnets (in particular, X.25).

Resources in the current Internet are not charged to users of them.

Congestion avoidance techniques cannot be expected to help when users

increase beyond the capacity of the underlying facilities. There are

two possible solutions for this, increase the facilities and

available bandwidth, or forcibly reduce the demand. When congestion

is persistent despite implemented congestion control mechanisms,

administrative responses are needed. These are naturally not within

the scope of this paper. Also outside the scope of this paper are

routing techniques that may be used to relocate demand away from

congested individual resources (e.g., path-splitting and load-


2. Performance Goals

To be able to discuss design and use of various mechanisms for

improving Internetwork performance, we need to have clear performance

goals for the operation of gateways and sets of end-systems.

Internet experience shows that congestion control should be based on

adaptive principles; this requires efficient computation of metrics

by algorithms for congestion control. The first issue is that of the

interval over which these metrics are estimated and/or measured.

2.1 Interval for Measurement/Estimation of Performance Metrics

Network performance metrics may be distorted if they are computed

over intervals that are too short or too long relative to the dynamic

characteristics of the network. For instance, within a small

interval, two FTP users with equal paths may appear to have sharply

different demands, as an effect of brief, transient fluctuations in

their respective processing. An overly long averaging interval

results in distortions because of the changing number of users

sharing the resource measured during the time. It is similarly

important for congestion control mechanisms exerted at end systems to

find an appropriate interval for control.

The first approach to the monitoring, or averaging, interval for

congestion control is one based on round-trip times. The rationale

for it is as follows: control mechanisms must adapt to changes in

Internet congestion as quickly as possible. Even on an uncongested

path, changed conditions will not be detected by the sender faster

than a round-trip time. The effect of a sending end-system's control

will also not be seen in less than a round-trip time in the entire

path as well as at the end systems. For the control mechanism to be

adaptive, new information on the path is needed before making a

modification to the control exerted. The statistics and metrics used

in congestion control must be able to provide information to the

control mechanism so that it can make an informed decision.

Transient information which may be obsolete before a change is made

by the end-system should be avoided. This implies the

monitoring/estimating interval is one lasting one or more round

trips. The requirements described here give bounds on:

How short an interval: not small enough that obsolete information

is used for control;

How long: not more than the period at which the end-system makes


But, from the point of view of the gateway congestion control policy,

what is a round-trip time? If all the users of a given gateway have

the same path through the Internet, they also have the same round-

trip time through the gateway. But this is rarely the case.

A meaningful interval must be found for users with both short and

long paths. Two approaches have been suggested for estimating this

dynamically, queue regeneration cycle and frequency analysis.

Use of the queue regeneration cycle has been described as part of the

Congestion Indication policy. The time period used for averaging

here begins when a resource goes from the idle to busy state. The

basic interval for averaging is a "regeneration cycle" which is in

the form of busy and idle intervals. Because an average based on a

single previous regeneration may become old information, the

recommendation in [JRC87] is to average over the sum of two

intervals, that is, the previous (busy and idle) period, and the time

since the beginning of the current busy period.

If the gateway users are window-based transport entities, it is

possible to see how the regeneration interval responds to their

round-trip times. If a user with a long round-trip time has the

dominant traffic, the queue length may be zero only when that user is

awaiting acknowledgements. Then the users with short paths will

receive gateway congestion information that is averaged over several

of their round-trip times. If the short path traffic dominates the

activity in the gateway, i.e., the connections with shorter round-

trip times are the dominant users of the gateway resources, then the

regeneration interval is shorter and the information communicated to

them can be more timely. In this case, users with longer paths

receive, in one of their round-trip times, multiple samples of the

dominant traffic; the end system averaging is based on individual

user's intervals, so that these multiple samples are integrated

appropriately for these connections with longer paths.

The use of frequency analysis has been described by [Jac89]. In this

approach, the gateway congestion control is done at intervals based

on spectral analysis of the traffic arrivals. It is possible for

users to have round-trip times close to each other, but be out of

phase from each other. A spectral analysis algorithm detects this.

Otherwise, if multiple round-trip times are significant, multiple

intervals will be identified. Either one of these will be

predominant, or several will be comparable. An as yet difficult

problem for the design of algorithms accomplishing this technique is

the likelihood of "locking" to the frequency of periodic traffic of

low intensity, such as routing updates.

2.2 Power and its Relationship to the Operating Point

Performance goals for a congestion control/avoidance strategy embody

a conflict in that they call for as high a throughput as possible,

with as little delay as possible. A measure that is often used to

reflect the tradeoff between these goals is power, the ratio of

throughput to delay. We would like to maximize the value of power

for a given resource. In the standard expression for power,

Power = (Throughput^alpha)/Delay

the exponent alpha is chosen for throughput, based on the relative

emphasis placed on throughput versus delay: if throughput is more

important, then a value of A alpha greater than one is chosen. If

throughput and delay are equally important (e.g., both bulk transfer

traffic and interactive traffic are equally important), then alpha

equal to one is chosen. The operating point where power is maximized

is the "knee" in the throughput and delay curves. It is desirable

that the operating point of the resource be driven towards the knee,

where power is maximized. A useful property of power is that it is

decreasing whether the resource is under- or over-utilized relative

to the knee.

In an internetwork comprising nodes and links of diverse speeds and

utilization, bottlenecks or concentrations of demand may form. Any

particular user can see a single bottleneck, which is the slowest or

busiest link or gateway in the path (or possibly identical "balanced"

bottlenecks). The throughput that the path can sustain is limited by

the bottleneck. The delay for packets through a particular path is

determined by the service times and queueing at each individual hop.

The queueing delay is dominated by the queueing at the bottleneck

resource(s). The contribution to the delay over other hops is

primarily the service time, although the propagation delay over

certain hops, such as a satellite link, can be significant. We would

like to operate all shared resources at their knee and maximize the

power of every user's bottleneck.

The above goal underscores the significance of gateway congestion

control. If techniques can be found to operate gateways at their

resource knee, it can improve Internet performance broadly.

2.3 Fairness

We would like gateways to allocate resources fairly to users. A

concept of fairness is only relevant when multiple users share a

gateway and their total demand is greater than its capacity. If

demands were equal, a fair allocation of the resource would be to

provide an equal share to each user. But even over short intervals,

demands are not equal. Identifying the fair share of the resource

for the user becomes hard. Having identified it, it is desirable to

allocate at least this fair share to each user. However, not all

users may take advantage of this allocation. The unused capacity can

be given to other users. The resulting final allocation is termed a

maximally fair allocation. [RJC87] gives a quantitative method for

comparing the allocation by a given policy to the maximally fair


It is known that the Internet environment has heterogeneous transport

entities, which do not follow the same congestion control policies

(our definition of cooperating transports). Then, the controls given

by a gateway may not affect all users and the congestion control

policy may have unequal effects. Is "fairness" oBTainable in such a

heterogeneous community? In Fair Queueing, transport entities with

differing congestion control policies can be insulated from each

other and each given a set share of gateway bandwidth.

It is important to realize that since Internet gateways cannot refuse

new users, fairness in gateway congestion control can lead to all

users receiving small (sub-divided) amounts of the gateway resources

inadequate to meet their performance requirements. None of the

policies described in this paper currently addresses this. Then,

there may be policy reasons for unequal allocation of the gateway

resources. This has been addressed by Bit-Round Fair Queueing.

2.4 Network Management

Network performance goals may be assessed by measurements in either

the end-system or gateway frame of reference. Performance goals are

often resource-centered and the measurement of the global performance

of "the network," is not only difficult to measure but is also

difficult to define. Resource-centered metrics are more easily

obtained, and do not require synchronization. That resource-centered

metrics are appropriate ones for use in optimization of power is

shown by [Jaf81].

It would be valuable for the goal of developing effective gateway

congestion handling if Management Information Base (MIB) objects

useful for evaluating gateway congestion were developed. The

reflections on the control interval described above should be applied

when network management applications are designed for this purpose.

In particular, obtaining an instantaneous queue length from the

managed gateway is not meaningful for the purposes of congestion


3. Gateway Congestion Control Policies

There have been proposed a handful of approaches to dealing with

congestion in the gateway. Some of these are Source Quench, Random

Drop, Congestion Indication, Selective Feedback Congestion

Indication, Fair Queueing, and Bit-Round Fair Queueing. They differ

in whether they use a control message, and indeed, whether they view

control of the end-systems as necessary, but none of them in itself

lowers the demand of users and consequent load on the network. End-

system policies that reduce demand in conjunction with gateway

congestion control are described in Section 4.

3.1 Source Quench

The method of gateway congestion control currently used in the

Internet is the Source Quench message of the RFC-792 [Pos81a]

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP). When a gateway responds to

congestion by dropping datagrams, it may send an ICMP Source Quench

message to the source of the dropped datagram. This is a congestion

recovery policy.

The Gateway Requirements RFC, RFC-1009 [GREQ87], specifies that

gateways should only send Source Quench messages with a limited

frequency, to conserve CPU resources during the time of heavy load.

We note that operating the gateway for long periods under such loaded

conditions should be averted by a gateway congestion control policy.

A revised Gateway Requirements RFCis being prepared by the IETF.

Another significant drawback of the Source Quench policy is that its

details are discretionary, or, alternatively, that the policy is

really a family of varied policies. Major Internet gateway

manufacturers have implemented a variety of source quench

frequencies. It is impossible for the end-system user on receiving a

Source Quench to be certain of the circumstances in which it was

issued. This makes the needed end-system response problematic: is

the Source Quench an indication of heavy congestion, approaching

congestion, a burst causing massive overload, or a burst slightly

exceeding reasonable load?

To the extent that gateways drop the last arrived datagram on

overload, Source Quench messages may be distributed unfairly. This

is because the position at the end of the queue may be unfairly often

occupied by the packets of low demand, intermittent users, since

these do not send regular bursts of packets that can preempt most of

the queue space.

[Fin89] developed algorithms for when to issue Source Quench and for

responding to it with a rate-reduction in the IP layer on the sending

host. The system controls end-to-end performance of connections in a

manner similar to the congestion avoidance portion of Slow-start TCP


3.2 Random Drop

Random Drop is a gateway congestion control policy intended to give

feedback to users whose traffic congests the gateway by dropping

packets on a statistical basis. The key to this policy is the

hypothesis that a packet randomly selected from all incoming traffic

will belong to a particular user with a probability proportional to

the average rate of transmission of that user. Dropping a randomly

selected packet results in users which generate much traffic having

a greater number of packets dropped compared with those generating

little traffic. The selection of packets to be dropped is completely

uniform. Therefore, a user who generates traffic of an amount below

the "fair share" (as defined in Section 2.3) may also experience a

small amount of packet loss at a congested gateway. This character of

uniformity is in fact a primary goal that Random Drop attempts to


The other primary goal that Random Drop attempts to achieve is a

theoretical overhead which is scaled to the number of shared

resources in the gateway rather than the number of its users. If a

gateway congestion algorithm has more computation the more users

there are, this can lead to processing demands that are higher as

congestion increases. Also the low-overhead goal of Random Drop

addresses concerns about the scale of gateway processing that will be

required in the mid-term Internet as gateways with fast processors

and links are shared by very large active sets of users.

3.2.1 For Congestion Recovery

Random Drop has been proposed as an improvement to packet dropping at

the operating point where the gateway's packet buffers overflow.

This is using Random Drop strictly as a congestion recovery


In Random Drop congestion recovery, instead of dropping the last

packet to arrive at the queue, a packet is selected randomly from the

queue. Measurements of an implementation of Random Drop Congestion

Recovery [Man90] showed that a user with a low demand, due to a

longer round-trip time path than other users of the gateway, had a

higher drop rate with RDCR than without. The throughput accorded to

users with the same round-trip time paths was nearly equal with RDCR

as compared to without it. These results suggest that RDCR should be

avoided unless it is used within a scheme that groups traffic more or

less by round-trip time.

3.2.2 For Congestion Avoidance

Random Drop is also proposed as a congestion avoidance policy

[Jac89]. The intent is to initiate dropping packets when the gateway

is anticipated to become congested and remain so unless there is some

control exercised. This implies selection of incoming packets to

be randomly dropped at a rate derived from identifying the level of

congestion at the gateway. The rate is the number of arrivals

allowed between drops. It depends on the current operating point and

the prediction of congestion.

A part of the policy is to determine that congestion will soon occur

and that the gateway is beginning to operate beyond the knee of the

power curve. With a suitably chosen interval (Section 2.1), the

number of packets from each individual user in a sample over that

interval is proportional to each user's demand on the gateway. Then,

dropping one or more random packets indicates to some user(s) the

need to reduce the level of demand that is driving the gateway beyond

the desired operating point. This is the goal that a policy of

Random Drop for congestion avoidance attempts to achieve.

There are several parameters to be determined for a Random Drop

congestion avoidance policy. The first is an interval, in terms of

number of packet arrivals, over which packets are dropped with

uniform probability. For instance, in a sample implementation, if

this interval spanned 2000 packet arrivals, and a suitable

probability of drop was 0.001, then two random variables would be

drawn in a uniform distribution in the range of 1 to 2,000. The

values drawn would be used by counting to select the packets dropped

at arrival. The second parameter is the value for the probability of

drop. This parameter would be a function of an estimate of the

number of users, their appropriate control intervals, and possibly

the length of time that congestion has persisted. [Jac89] has

suggested successively increasing the probability of drop when

congestion persists over multiple control intervals. The motivation

for increasing the packet drop probability is that the implicit

estimate of the number of users and random selection of their packets

to drop does not guarantee that all users have received enough

signals to decrease demand. Increasing the probability of drop

increases the probability that enough feedback is provided.

Congestion detection is also needed in Random Drop congestion

avoidance, and could be implemented in a variety of ways. The

simplest is a static threshold, but dynamically averaged measures of

demand or utilization are suggested.

The packets dropped in Random Drop congestion avoidance would not be

from the initial inputs to the gateway. We suggest that they would

be selected only from packets destined for the resource which is

predicted to be approaching congestion. For example, in the case of

a gateway with multiple outbound links, Access to each individual

link is treated as a separate resource, the Random Drop policy is

applied at each link independently. Random Drop congestion avoidance

would provide uniform treatment of all cooperating transport users,

even over individual patterns of traffic multiplexed within one

user's stream. There is no aggregation of users.

Simulation studies [Zha89], [Has90] have presented evidence that

Random Drop is not fair across cooperating and non-cooperating

transport users. A transport user whose sending policies included

Go-Back-N retransmissions and did not include Slow-start received an

excessive share of bandwidth from a simple implementation of Random

Drop. The simultaneously active Slow-start users received unfairly

low shares. Considering this, it can be seen that when users do not

respond to control, over a prolonged period, the Random Drop

congestion avoidance mechanism would have an increased probability of

penalizing users with lower demand. Their packets dropped, these

users exert the controls leading to their giving up bandwidth.

Another problem can be seen to arise in Random Drop [She89] across

users whose communication paths are of different lengths. If the

path spans congested resources at multiple gateways, then the user's

probability of receiving an unfair drop and subsequent control (if

cooperating) is exponentially increased. This is a significant

scaling problem.

Unequal paths cause problems for other congestion avoidance policies

as well. Selective Feedback Congestion Indication was devised to

enhance Congestion Indication specifically because of the problem of

unequal paths. In Fair Queueing by source-destination pairs, each

path gets its own queue in all the gateways.

3.3 Congestion Indication

The Congestion Indication policy is often referred to as the DEC Bit

policy. It was developed at DEC [JRC87], originally for the Digital

Network Architecture (DNA). It has also been specified for the

congestion avoidance of the ISO protocols TP4 and CLNP [NIST88].

Like Source Quench, it uses explicit communications from the

congested gateway to the user. However, to use the lowest possible

network resources for indicating congestion, the information is

communicated in a single bit, the Congestion Experienced Bit, set in

the network header of the packets already being forwarded by a

gateway. Based on the condition of this bit, the end-system user

makes an adjustment to the sending window. In the NSP transport

protocol of DECNET, the source makes an adjustment to its window; in

the ISO transport protocol, TP4, the destination makes this

adjustment in the window offered to the sender.

This policy attempts to avoid congestion by setting the bit whenever

the average queue length over the previous queue regeneration cycle

plus part of the current cycle is one or more. The feedback is

determined independently at each resource.

3.4 Selective Feedback Congestion Indication

The simple Congestion Indication policy works based upon the total

demand on the gateway. The total number of users or the fact that

only a few of the users might be causing congestion is not

considered. For fairness, only those users who are sending more than

their fair share should be asked to reduce their load, while others

could attempt to increase where possible. In Selective Feedback

Congestion Indication, the Congestion Experienced Bit is used to

carry out this goal.

Selective Feedback works by keeping a count of the number of packets

sent by different users since the beginning of the queue averaging

interval. This is equivalent to monitoring their throughputs. Based

on the total throughput, a fair share for each user is determined and

the congestion bit is set, when congestion approaches, for the users

whose demand is higher than their fair share. If the gateway is

operating below the throughput-delay knee, congestion indications are

not set.

A min-max algorithm used to determine the fair share of capacity and

other details of this policy are described in [RJC87]. One parameter

to be computed is the capacity of each resource to be divided among

the users. This metric depends on the distribution of inter-arrival

times and packet sizes of the users. Attempting to determine these

in real time in the gateway is unacceptable. The capacity is instead

estimated from on the throughput seen when the gateway is operating

in congestion, as indicated by the average queue length. In

congestion (above the knee), the service rate of the gateway limits

its throughput. Multiplying the throughput obtained at this

operating point by a capacity factor (between 0.5 and 0.9) to adjust

for the distributions yields an acceptable capacity estimate in


Selective Feedback Congestion Indication takes as input a vector of

the number of packets sent by each source-destination pair of end-

systems. Other alternatives include 1) destination address, 2)

input/output link, and 3) transport connection (source/destination

addresses and ports).

These alternatives give different granularities for fairness. In the

case where paths are the same or round-trip times of users are close

together, throughputs are equalized similarly by basing the selective

feedback on source or destination address. In fact, if the RTTs are

close enough, the simple congestion indication policy would result in

a fair allocation. Counts based on source/destination pairs ensure

that paths with different lengths and network conditions get a fair

throughput at the individual gateways. Counting packets based on

link pairs has a low overhead, but may result in unfairness to users

whose demand is below the fair share and are using a long path.

Counts based on transport layer connection identifiers, if this

information was available to Internet gateways, would make good

distinctions, since the differences of demand of different

applications and instances of applications would be separately


Problems with Selective Feedback Congestion Indication include that

the gateway has significant processing to do. With the feasible

choice of aggregation at the gateway, unfairness across users within

the group is likely. For example, an interactive connection

aggregated with one or more bulk transfer connections will receive

congestion indications though its own use of the gateway resources is

very low.

3.5 Fair Queueing

Fair Queueing is the policy of maintaining separate gateway output

queues for individual end-systems by source-destination pair. In the

policy as proposed by [Nag85], the gateway's processing and link

resources are distributed to the end-systems on a round-robin basis.

On congestion, packets are dropped from the longest queue. This

policy leads to equal allocations of resources to each source-

destination pair. A source-destination pair that demands more than a

fair share simply increases its own queueing delay and congestion


3.5.1 Bit-Round Fair Queueing

An enhancement of Nagle Fair Queueing, the Bit-Round Fair Queuing

algorithm described and simulated by [DKS89] addresses several

shortcomings of Nagle's scheme. It computes the order of service to

packets using their lengths, with a technique that emulates a bit-

by-bit round-robin discipline, so that long packets do not get an

advantage over short ones. Otherwise the round-robin would be

unfair, for example, giving more bandwidth to hosts whose traffic is

mainly long packets than to hosts sourcing short packets.

The aggregation of users of a source-destination pair by Fair

Queueing has the property of grouping the users whose round-trips are

similar. This may be one reason that the combination of Bit-Round

Fair Queueing with Congestion Indication had particularly good

simulated performance in [DKS89].

The aggregation of users has the expected drawbacks, as well. A

TELNET user in a queue with an FTP user does not get delay benefits;

and host pairs with high volume of connections get treated the same

as a host pair with small number of connections and as a result gets

unfair services.

A problem can be mentioned about Fair Queueing, though it is related

to implementation, and perhaps not properly part of a policy

discussion. This is a concern that the resources (processing) used

for determining where to queue incoming packets would themselves be

subject to congestion, but not to the benefits of the Fair Queuing

discipline. In a situation where the gateway processor was not

adequate to the demands on it, the gateway would need an alternative

policy for congestion control of the queue awaiting processing.

Clever implementation can probably find an efficient way to route

packets to the queues they belong in before other input processing is

done, so that processing resources can be controlled, too. There is

in addition, the concern that bit-by-bit round FQ requires non-FCFS

queueing even within the same source destination pairs to allow for

fairness to different connections between these end systems.

Another potential concern about Fair Queueing is whether it can scale

up to gateways with very large source-destination populations. For

example, the state in a Fair Queueing implementation scales with the

number of active end-to-end paths, which will be high in backbone


3.5.2 Stochastic Fairness Queuing

Stochastic Fairness Queueing (SFQ) has been suggested as a technique

[McK90] to address the implementation issues relating to Fair

Queueing. The first overhead that is reduced is that of looking up

the source-destination address pair in an incoming packet and

determining which queue that packet will have to be placed in. SFQ

does not require as many memory accesses as Fair Queueing to place

the packet in the appropriate queue. SFQ is thus claimed to be more

amenable to implementation for high-speed networks [McK90].

SFQ uses a simple hash function to map from the source-destination

address pair to a fixed set of queues. Since the assignment of an

address pair to a queue is probabilistic, there is the likelihood of

multiple address pairs colliding and mapping to the same queue. This

would potentially degrade the additional fairness that is gained with

Fairness Queueing. If two or more address pairs collide, they would

continue to do so. To deal with the situation when such a collision

occurs, SFQ periodically perturbs the hash function so that these

address pairs will be unlikely to collide subsequently.

The price paid for achieving this implementation efficiency is that

SFQ requires a potentially large number of queues (we must note

however, that these queues may be organized orthogonally from the

buffers in which packets are stored. The buffers themselves may be

drawn from a common pool, and buffers in each queue organized as a

linked list pointed to from each queue header). For example, [McK90]

indicates that to get good, consistent performance, we may need to

have up to 5 to 10 times the number of active source-destination

pairs. In a typical gateway, this may require around 1000 to 2000


[McK90] reports simulation results with SFQ. The particular hash

function that is studied is using the HDLC's cyclic redundancy check

(CRC). The hash function is perturbed by multiplying each byte by a

sequence number in the range 1 to 255 before applying the CRC. The

metric considered is the standard deviation of the number of packets

output per source-destination pair. A perfectly fair policy would

have a standard deviation of zero and an unfair policy would have a

large standard deviation. In the example studied (which has up to 20

source-destination (s-d) pairs going through a single overloaded

gateway), SFQ with 1280 queues (i.e., 64 times the number of source-

destination pairs), approaches about 3 times the standard deviation

of Fairness Queueing. This must be compared to a FCFS queueing

discipline having a standard deviation which is almost 175 times the

standard deviation of Fairness Queueing.

It is conjectured in [McK90] that a good value for the interval in

between perturbations of the hash function appears to be in the area

between twice the queue flush time of the stochastic fairness queue

and one-tenth the average conversation time between a source-

destination pair.

SFQ also may alleviate the anticipated scaling problems that may be

an issue with Fair Queueing by not strictly requiring the number of

queues equal to the possible source-destination pairs that may be

presenting a load on a particular gateway. However, SFQ achieves this

property by trading off some of the fairness for implementation


[McK90] examines alternative strategies for implementation of Fair

Queueing and SFQ and estimates their complexity on common hardware

platforms (e.g., a Motorola 68020). It is suggested that mapping an

IP address pair may require around 24 instructions per packet for

Fair Queueing in the best case; in contrast SFQ requires 10

instructions in the worst case. The primary source of this gain is

that SFQ avoids a comparison of the s-d address pair on the packet to

the identity of the queue header. The relative benefit of SFQ over

Fair Queueing is anticipated to be greater when the addresses are


SFQ offers promising implemenatation benefits. However, the price to

be paid in terms of having a significantly larger number of queues

(and the consequent data structures and their management) than the

number of s-d pairs placing a load on the gateway is a concern. SFQ

is also attractive in that it may be used in concert with the DEC-bit

scheme for Selective Feedback Congestion Indication to provide

fairness as well as congestion avoidance.


Ideally in gateway congestion control, the end-system transport

entities adjust (decrease) their demand in response to control

exerted by the gateway. Schemes have been put in practice for

transport entities to adjust their demand dynamically in response to

congestion feedback. To accomplish this, in general, they call for

the user to gradually increase demand until information is received

that the load on the gateway is too high. In response to this

information, the user decreases load, then begins an exploratory

increases again. This cycle is repeated continuously, with the goal

that the total demand will oscillate around the optimal level.

We have already noted that a Slow-start connection may give up

considerable bandwidth when sharing a gateway with aggressive

transport entities. There is currently no way to enforce that end-

systems use a congestion avoidance policy, though the Host

Requirements RFC[HR89] has defined Slow-start as mandatory for TCP.

This adverse effect on Slow-start connections is mitigated by the

Fair Queueing policy. Our conclusions discuss further the

coexistence of different end-system strategies.

This section briefly presents two fielded transport congestion

control and avoidance schemes, Slow-start and End-System Congestion

Indication, and the responses by means of which they cooperate with

gateway policies. They both use the control paradigm described

above. Slow-start, as mentioned in Section 1, was developed by

[Jac88], and widely fielded in the BSD TCP implementation. End-

system Congestion Indication was developed by [JRC87]. It is fielded

in DEC's Digital Network Architecture, and has been specified as well

for ISO TP4 [NIST88].

Both Slow-start and End-system Congestion Indication view the

relationship between users and gateways as a control system. They

have feedback and control components, the latter further broken down

into a procedure bringing a new connection to equilibrium, and a

procedure to maintain demand at the proper level. They make use of

policies for increasing and decreasing the transport sender's window

size. These require the sender to follow a set of self-restraining

rules which dynamically adjust the send window whenever congestion is


A predecessor of these, CUTE, developed by [Jai86], introduced the

use of retransmission timeouts as congestion feedback. The Slow-

start scheme was also designed to use timeouts in the same way. The

End-System policies for Congestion Indication use the Congestion

Experienced Bit delivered in the network header as the primary

feedback, but retransmission timeouts also provoke an end-system

congestion response.

In reliable transport protocols like TCP and TP4, the retransmission

timer must do its best to satisfy two conflicting goals. On one hand,

the timer must rapidly detect lost packets. And, on the other hand,

the timer must minimize false alarms. Since the retransmit timer is

used as a congestion signal in these end-system policies, it is all

the more important that timeouts reliably correspond to packet drops.

One important rule for retransmission is to avoid bad sampling in the

measurements that will be used in estimating the round-trip delay.

[KP87] describes techniques to ensure accurate sampling. The Host

Requirements RFC[HR89] makes these techniques mandatory for TCP.

The utilization of a resource can be defined as the ratio of its

average arrival rate to its mean service rate. This metric varies

between 0 and 1.0. In a state of congestion, one or more resources

(link, gateway buffer, gateway CPU) has a utilization approaching

1.0. The average delay (round trip time) and its variance approach

infinity. Therefore, as the utilization of a network increases, it

becomes increasingly important to take into account the variance of

the round trip time in estimating it for the retransmission timeout.

The TCP retransmission timer is based on an estimate of the round

trip time. [Jac88] calls the round trip time estimator the single

most important feature of any protocol implementation that expects to

survive a heavy load. The retransmit timeout procedure in RFC-793

[Pos81b] includes a fixed parameter, beta, to account for the

variance in the delay. An estimate of round trip time using the

suggested values for beta is valid for a network which is at most 30%

utilized. Thus, the RFC-793 retransmission timeout estimator will

fail under heavy congestion, causing unnecessary retransmissions that

add to the load, and making congestive loss detection impossible.

Slow-start TCP uses the mean deviation as an estimate of the variance

to improve the estimate. As a rough view of what happens with the

Slow-start retransmission calculation, delays can change by

approximately two standard deviations without the timer going off in

a false alarm. The same method of estimation may be applicable to

TP4. The procedure is:

Error = Measured - Estimated

Estimated = Estimated + Gain_1 * Error

Deviation = Deviation + Gain_2 * (Error - Deviation)

Timeout = Estimated + 2 * Deviation

Where: Gain_1, Gain_2 are gain factors.

4.1 Response to No Policy in Gateway

Since packets must be dropped during congestion because of the finite

buffer space, feedback of congestion to the users exists even when

there is no gateway congestion policy. Dropping the packets is an

attempt to recover from congestion, though it needs to be noted that

congestion collapse is not prevented by packet drops if end-systems

accelerate their sending rate in these conditions. The accurate

detection of congestive loss by all retransmission timers in the

end-systems is extremely important for gateway congestion recovery.

4.2 Response to Source Quench

Given that a Source Quench message has ambiguous meaning, but usually

is issued for congestion recovery, the response of Slow-start to a

Source Quench is to return to the beginning of the cycle of increase.

This is an early response, since the Source Quench on overflow will

also lead to a retransmission timeout later.

4.3 Response to Random Drop

The end-system's view of Random Drop is the same as its view of loss

caused by overflow at the gateway. This is a drawback of the use of

packet drops as congestion feedback for congestion avoidance: the

decrease policy on congestion feedback cannot be made more drastic

for overflows than for the drops the gateway does for congestion

avoidance. Slow-start responds rapidly to gateway feedback. In a

case where the users are cooperating (all Slow-start), a desired

outcome would be that this responsiveness would lead quickly to a

decreased probability of drop. There would be, as an ideal, a self-

adjusting overall amount of control.

4.4 Response to Congestion Indication

Since the Congestion Indication mechanism attempts to keep gateways

uncongested, cooperating end-system congestion control policies need

not reduce demand as much as with other gateway policies. The

difference between the Slow-start response to packet drops and the

End-System Congestion Indication response to Congestion Experienced

Bits is primarily in the decrease policy. Slow-start decreases the

window to one packet on a retransmission timeout. End-System

Congestion Indication decreases the window by a fraction (for

instance, to 7/8 of the original value), when the Congestion

Experienced Bit is set in half of the packets in a sample spanning

two round-trip times (two windows full).

4.5 Response to Fair Queuing

A Fair Queueing policy may issue control indications, as in the

simulated Bit-Round Fair Queueing with DEC Bit, or it may depend only

on the passive effects of the queueing. When the passive control is

the main effect (perhaps because most users are not responsive to

control indications), the behavior of retransmission timers will be

very important. If retransmitting users send more packets in

response to increases in their delay and drops, Fair Queueing will be

prone to degraded performance, though collapse (zero throughput for

all users) may be prevented for a longer period of time.

5. Conclusions

The impact of users with excessive demand is a driving force as

proposed gateway policies come closer to implementation. Random Drop

and Congestion Indication can be fair only if the transport entities

sharing the gateway are all cooperative and reduce demand as needed.

Within some portions of the Internet, good behavior of end-systems

eventually may be enforced through administration. But for various

reasons, we can expect non-cooperating transports to be a persistent

population in the Internet. Congestion avoidance mechanisms will not

be deployed all at once, even if they are adopted as standards.

Without enforcement, or even with penalties for excessive demand,

some end-systems will never implement congestion avoidance


Since it is outside the context of any of the gateway policies, we

will mention here a suggestion for a relatively small-scale response

to users which implement especially aggressive policies. This has

been made experimentally by [Jac89]. It would implement a low

priority queue, to which the majority of traffic is not routed. The

candidate traffic to be queued there would be identified by a cache

of recent recipients of whatever control indications the gateway

policy makes. Remaining in the cache over multiple control intervals

is the criterion for being routed to the low priority queue. In

approaching or established congestion, the bandwidth given to the

low-service queue is decreased.

The goal of end-system cooperation itself has been questioned. As

[She89] points out, it is difficult to define. A TCP implementation

that retransmits before it determines that has been loss indicated

and in a Go-Back-N manner is clearly non-cooperating. On the other

hand, a transport entity with selective acknowledgement may demand

more from the gateways than TCP, even while responding to congestion

in a cooperative way.

Fair Queueing maintains its control of allocations regardless of the

end-system congestion avoidance policies. [Nag85] and [DKS89] argue

that the extra delays and congestion drops that result from

misbehavior could work to enforce good end-system policies. Are the

rewards and penalties less sharply defined when one or more

misbehaving systems cause the whole gateway's performance to be less?

While the tax on all users imposed by the "over-users" is much less

than in gateways with other policies, how can it be made sufficiently


In the sections on Selective Feedback Congestion Indication and Bit-

Round Fair Queueing we have pointed out that more needs to be done on

two particular fronts:

How can increased computational overhead be avoided?

The allocation of resources to source-destination pairs is, in

many scenarios, unfair to individual users. Bit-Round Fair

Queueing offers a potential administrative remedy, but even if it

is applied, how should the unequal allocations be propagated

through multiple gateways?

The first question has been taken up by [McK90].

Since Selective Feedback Congestion Indication (or Congestion

Indication used with Fair Queueing) uses a network bit, its use in

the Internet requires protocol support; the transition of some

portions of the Internet to OSI protocols may make such a change

attractive in the future. The interactions between heterogeneous

congestion control policies in the Internet will need to be explored.

The goals of Random Drop Congestion Avoidance are presented in this

survey, but without any claim that the problems of this policy can be

solved. These goals themselves, of uniform, dynamic treatment of

users (streams/flows), of low overhead, and of good scaling

characteristics in large and loaded networks, are significant.

Appendix: Congestion and Connection-oriented Subnets

This section presents a recommendation for gateway implementation in

an areas that unavoidably interacts with gateway congestion control,

the impact of connection-oriented subnets, such as those based on


The need to manage a connection oriented service (X.25) in order to

transport datagram traffic (IP) can cause problems for gateway

congestion control. Being a pure datagram protocol, IP provides no

information delimiting when a pair of IP entities need to establish a

session between themselves. The solution involves compromise among

delay, cost, and resources. Delay is introduced by call

establishment when a new X.25 SVC (Switched Virtual Circuit) needs to

be established, and also by queueing delays for the physical line.

Cost includes any charges by the X.25 network service provider.

Besides the resources most gateways have (CPU, memory, links), a

maximum supported or permitted number of virtual circuits may be in


SVCs are established on demand when an IP packet needs to be sent and

there is no SVC established or pending establishment to the

destination IP entity. Optionally, when cost considerations, and

sufficient numbers of unused virtual circuits allow, redundant SVCs

may be established between the same pair of IP entities. Redundant

SVCs can have the effect of improving performance when coping with

large end-to-end delay, small maximum packet sizes and small maximum

packet windows. It is generally preferred though, to negotiate large

packet sizes and packet windows on a single SVC. Redundant SVCs must

especially be discouraged when virtual circuit resources are small

compared with the number of destination IP entities among the active

users of the gateway.

SVCs are closed after some period of inactivity indicates that

communication may have been suspended between the IP entities. This

timeout is significant in the operation of the interface. Setting

the value too low can result in closing of the SVC even though the

traffic has not stopped. This results in potentially large delays

for the packets which reopen the SVC and may also incur charges

associated with SVC calls. Also, clearing of SVCs is, by definition,

nongraceful. If an SVC is closed before the last packets are

acknowledged, there is no guarantee of delivery. Packet losses are

introduced by this destructive close independent of gateway traffic

and congestion.

When a new circuit is needed and all available circuits are currently

in use, there is a temptation to pick one to close (possibly using

some Least Recently Used criterion). But if connectivity demands are

larger than available circuit resources, this strategy can lead to a

type of thrashing where circuits are constantly being closed and

reopened. In the worst case, a circuit is opened, a single packet

sent and the circuit closed (without a guarantee of packet delivery).

To counteract this, each circuit should be allowed to remain open a

minimum amount of time.

One possible SVC strategy is to dynamically change the time a circuit

will be allowed to remain open based on the number of circuits in

use. Three administratively controlled variables are used, a minimum

time, a maximum time and an adaptation factor in seconds per

available circuit. In this scheme, a circuit is closed after it has

been idle for a time period equal to the minimum plus the adaptation

factor times the number of available circuits, limited by the maximum

time. By administratively adjusting these variables, one has

considerable flexibility in adjusting the SVC utilization to meet the

needs of a specific gateway.


This paper is the outcome of discussions in the Performance and

Congestion Control Working Group between April 1988 and July 1989.

Both PCC WG and plenary IETF members gave us helpful reviews of

earlier drafts. Several of the ideas described here were contributed

by the members of the PCC WG. The Appendix was written by Art

Berggreen. We are particularly thankful also to Van Jacobson, Scott

Shenker, Bruce Schofield, Paul McKenney, Matt Mathis, Geof Stone, and

Lixia Zhang for participation and reviews.


[DKS89] Demers, A., Keshav, S., and S. Shenker, "Analysis and

Simulation of a Fair Queueing Algorithm", Proceedings of SIGCOMM '89.

[Fin89] Finn, G., "A Connectionless Congestion Control Algorithm",

Computer Communications Review, Vol. 19, No. 5, October 1989.

[Gar87] Gardner, M., "BBN Report on the ARPANET", Proceedings of the

McLean IETF, SRI-NIC IETF-87/3P, July 1987.

[GREQ87] Braden R., and J. Postel, "Requirements for Internet

Gateways", RFC1009, USC/Information Sciences Institute, June 1987.

[HREQ89] Braden R., Editor, "Requirements for Internet Hosts --

Communications Layers", RFC1122, Internet Engineering Task Force,

October 1989.

[Has90] Hashem, E., "Random Drop Congestion Control", M.S. Thesis,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Computer

Science, 1990.

[Jac88] Jacobson, V., "Congestion Avoidance and Control", Proceedings

of SIGCOMM '88.

[Jac89] Jacobson, V., "Presentations to the IETF Performance and

Congestion Control Working Group".

[Jaf81] Jaffe, J., "Bottleneck Flow Control", IEEE Transactions on

Communications, COM-29(7), July, 1981.

[Jai86] Jain, R., "A Timeout-based Congestion Control Scheme for

Window Flow-controlled Networks", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in

Communications, SAC-4(7), October 1986.

[JRC87] Jain, R., Ramakrishnan, K., and D. Chiu, "Congestion

Avoidance in Computer Networks With a Connectionless Network Layer",

Technical Report DEC-TR-506, Digital Equipment Corporation.

[Kle79] Kleinrock, L., "Power and Deterministic Rules of Thumb for

Probabilistic Problems in Computer Communications", Proceedings of

the ICC '79.

[KP87] Karn, P., and C. Partridge, "Improving Round Trip Estimates in

Reliable Transport Protocols", Proceedings of SIGCOMM '87.

[Man90] Mankin, A., "Random Drop Congestion Control", Proceedings of


[McK90] McKenney, P., "Stochastic Fairness Queueing", Proceedings of


[Nag84] Nagle, J., "Congestion Control in IP/TCP Internetworks", RFC

896, FACC Palo Alto, 6 January 1984.

[Nag85] Nagle, J., "On Packet Switches With Infinite Storage", RFC

970, FACC Palo Alto, December 1985.

[NIST88] NIST, "Stable Implementation Agreements for OSI Protocols,

Version 2, Edition 1", National Institute of Standards and Technology

Special Publication 500-162, December 1988.

[Pos81a] Postel, J., "Internet Control Message Protocol - DARPA

Internet Program Protocol Specification", RFC-792, USC/Information

Sciences Institute, September 1981.

[Pos81b] Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol - DARPA Internet

Program Protocol Specification", RFC-793, DARPA, September 1981.

[RJC87] Ramakrishnan, K., Jain, R., and D. Chiu, "A Selective Binary

Feedback Scheme for General Topologies", Technical Report DEC-TR-510,

Digital Equipment Corporation.

[She89] Shenker, S., "Correspondence with the IETF Performance and

Congestion Control Working Group".

[Sp89] Spector, A., and M. Kazar, "Uniting File Systems", Unix

Review, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1989.

[Zha89] Zhang, L., "A New Architecture for Packet Switching Network

Protocols", Ph.D Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

Department of Computer Science, 1989.

Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Authors' Addresses

Allison Mankin

The MITRE Corporation

M/S W425

7525 Colshire Drive

McLean, VA 22102

Email: mankin@gateway.mitre.org

K.K. Ramakrishnan

Digital Equipment Corporation

M/S LKG1-2/A19

550 King Street

Littleton, MA 01754

Email: rama@kalvi.enet.dec.com

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