
RFC1201 - Transmitting IP traffic over ARCNET networks

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group D. Provan

Request for Comments: 1201 Novell, Inc.

Obsoletes: RFC1051 February 1991

Transmitting IP Traffic over ARCNET Networks

Status of this Memo

This memo defines a protocol for the transmission of IP and ARP

packets over the ARCnet Local Area Network. This RFCspecifies an

IAB standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests

discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the

current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol Standards" for the

standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.

1. IntrodUCtion

This memo specifies a method of encapsulating Internet Protocol (IP)

[1] and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) [2] datagrams for

transmission across ARCNET [3] using the "ARCNET Packet Header

Definition Standard" [4]. This memo offers a replacement for RFC

1051. RFC1051 uses an ARCNET framing protocol which limits

unfragmented IP packets to 508 octets [5].

2. ARCNET Packet Format

In 1989, Apple Computers, Novell, ACTINET Systems, Standard

Microsystems, and Pure Data Research agreed to use the ARCNET

datalink protocol defined in "ARCNET Packet Header Definition

Standard" [4]. We'll begin with a brief description of that


2.1. ARCNET Framing

ARCNET hardware supports two types of frames: short frames, which are

always 256 octets long, and long frames, which are always 512 octets

long. All frames begin with a hardware header and end with the

client's data preceded by a software header. Software places padding

in the middle of the packet between the hardware header and the

software header to make the frame the appropriate fixed length.

Unbeknown to the software, the hardware removes this padding during


Short frames can hold from 0 to 249 octets of client data. Long

frames can hold from 253 to 504 octets of client data. To handle

frames with 250, 251, or 252 octets of data, the datalink protocol

introduces a third frame type: the exception frame.

These three frame formats are shown here. Except as noted, each

block represents one octet.

Short Frame Long Frame Exception Frame

+---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+

source source source

+---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+

destination destination destination

+---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+

offset 0 0

+---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+

. unused . offset offset

. (offset - 3 . +---------------+ +---------------+

. octets) . . unused . . unused .

+---------------+ . (offset - 4 . . (offset - 4 .

protocol ID . octets) . . octets) .

+---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+

split flag protocol ID protocol ID

+---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+

sequence split flag flag: FF hex

+ number + +---------------+ +---------------+

(2 octets) sequence padding: 0xFF

+---------------+ + number + +---------------+

. . (2 octets) padding: 0xFF

. client data . +---------------+ +---------------+

. (256 - offset . . . (protocol ID)

. - 4 octets) . . . +---------------+

. . . . split flag

+---------------+ . . +---------------+

. . sequence

. client data . + number +

. (512 - offset . (2 octets)

. - 4 octets) . +---------------+

. . . .

. . . client data .

. . . (512 - offset .

. . . - 8 octets) .

. . . .

+---------------+ +---------------+

These packet formats are presented as software would see them

through ARCNET hardware. [3] refers to this as the "buffer

format". The actual format of packets on the wire is a little

different: the destination ID is duplicated, the padding between

the offset field and the protocol ID field is not transmitted, and

there's some hardware framing information. In addition, the

hardware transmits special packets for buffer allocation and

reception acknowledgement which are not described here [3].

2.2. Datalink Layer Fragmentation

ARCNET hardware limits individual frames to 512 octets, which allows

504 octets of client data. This ARCNET datalink protocol allows the

datalink layer to break packets into as many as 120 fragments for

transmission. This allows ARCNET clients to transmit up to 60,480

octets in each packet.

The "split flag" describes datalink layer packet fragments. There

are three cases: an unfragmented packet, the first fragment of a

fragmented packet, and any other fragment of a fragmented packet.

Unfragmented packets always have a split flag of zero.

The first fragment of a fragmented packet has a split flag equal to

((T-2)*2)+1, where T is the total number of fragments to eXPect for

the packet.

Subsequent fragments of a fragmented packet have a split flag equal

to ((N-1)*2), where N is the number of this fragment. For example,

the fourth fragment of a packet will always have the split flag value

of six ( (4-1)*2 ).

The receiving station can identify the last fragment of a packet

because the value of its 8-bit split flag will be one greater than

the split flag of the first fragment of the packet.

A previous version of this ARCNET datalink protocol definition

only allowed packets which could be contained in two fragments.

In this older standard, the only legal split flags were 0, 1, and

2. Compatibility with this older standard can be maintained by

configuring the maximum client data length to 1008 octets.

No more that 120 fragments are allowed. The highest legal split flag

value is EE hex. (Notice that the split flag value FF hex is used to

flag exception packets in what would otherwise be a long packet's

split flag field.)

All fragments of a single packet carry the same sequence number.

2.3. Datalink Layer Reassembly

The previous section provides enough information to implement

datalink reassembly. To avoid buffer allocation problems during

reassembly, we recommend allocating enough space for the entire

reassembled packet when the first fragment arrives.

Since fragments are sent in order, the reassembly procedure can give

up on a packet if it receives a fragment out of order. There is one

exception, however. It is possible for successfully received

fragments to be retransmitted. Reassembly software should ignore

repetitious fragments without giving up on the packet.

Since fragments will be sent briskly, the reassembly procedure can

give up on a partially reassembled packet if no additional fragments

for it arrive within a few seconds.

2.4. Datalink Layer Retransmission

For each unicast ARCNET packet, the hardware indicates to the sender

whether or not the receiver acknowledged the packet. To improve

reliability, datalink implementations are encouraged to retransmit

unacknowledged packets or packet fragments. Several retransmissions

may be necessary. Broadcast packets, however, are never acknowledged

and, therefore, they should never be retransmitted.

Packets which are successfully received may not be successfully

acknowledged. Consequently, retransmission by the datalink

implementation can cause duplicate packets or duplicate fragments.

Duplicate packets are not a problem for IP or ARP. As mentioned in

the previous section, ARCNET reassembly support should ignore any

redundant fragments.

3. Transmitting IP and ARP Datagrams

IP and ARP datagrams are carried in the client data area of ARCNET

packets. Datalink support places each datagram in an appropriate

size ARCNET frame, fragmenting IP datagrams larger than 504 octets

into multiple frames as described in the previous section.

4. IP Address Mappings

This section explains how each of the three basic 32-bit internet

address types are mapped to 8-bit ARCNET addresses.

4.1. Unicast Addresses

A unicast IP address is mapped to an 8-bit ARCNET address using ARP

as specified in [2]. A later section covers the specific values

which should be used in ARP packets sent on ARCNET networks.

It is possible to assign IP addresses such that the last eight

bits are the same as the 8-bit ARCNET address. This would allow

direct mapping of IP address to ARCNET address without using a

discovery protocol. Some implementations might provide this as an

option, but it is not recommended practice. Although such hard-

wired mapping is initially appealing, experience shows that ARP is

a much more flexible and convenient approach which has a very

small cost.

4.2. Broadcast Addresses

All IP broadcast addresses must be mapped to the ARCNET broadcast

address of 0.

Unlike unicast packets, ARCNET does not attempt to insure delivery

of broadcast packets, so they may be lost. This will not have a

major impact on IP since neither IP nor ARP expect all packets to

be delivered.

4.3. Multicast Addresses

Since ARCNET provides no support for multicasts, all IP multicast

addresses must be mapped to the ARCNET broadcast address of 0.

5. ARP

The hardware address length is 1 octet for ARP packets sent over

ARCNET networks. The ARP hardware type for ARCNET is 7. ARP request

packets are broadcast by directing them to ARCNET broadcast address,

which is 0.


Reverse Address Resolution Protocol [6] packets can also be

transmitted over ARCNET. For the purposes of datalink transmission

and reception, RARP is identical to ARP and can be handled the same

way. There are a few differences to notice, however, between RARP

when running over ARCNET, which has a one octet hardware address, and

Ethernet, which has a six octet hardware address.

First, there are only 255 different hardware addresses for any given

ARCNET while there's an very large number of possible Ethernet

addresses. Second, ARCNET hardware addresses are more likely to be

duplicated on different ARCNET networks; Ethernet hardware addresses

will normally be globally unique. Third, an ARCNET hardware address

is not as constant as an Ethernet address: ARCNET hardware addresses

are set by switches, not fixed in ROM as they are on Ethernet.

7. Maximum Transmission Unit

The maximum IP packet length possible using this encapsulation method

is 60,480 octets. Since this length is impractical, all ARCNET

implementations on a given ARCNET network will need to agree on a

smaller value. Therefore, the maximum packet size MUST be

configurable in implementations of this specification.

In any case, implementations must be able to send and receive IP

datagrams up to 576 octets in length, and are strongly encouraged to

handle IP datagrams up to 1500 octets in length.

Implementations may accept arriving IP datagrams which are larger

than their configured maximum transmission unit. They are not

required to discard such datagrams.

To minimize the amount of ARCNET fragmentation, implementations may

want to aim at an optimum IP packet size of 504 bytes. This avoids

the overhead of datalink fragmentation, but at the expense of

increasing the number of IP packets which must be handled by each

node in the path. In addition to encouraging local applications to

generate smaller packets, an implementation might also use the TCP

maximum segment size option to indicate a desire for 464 octet TCP

segments [7], or it might announce an IP MTU of 504 octets through

an MTU discovery mechanism such as [8]. These would inform non-

ARCNET nodes of the smaller optimum packet size.

8. Assigned Numbers

Datapoint Corporation assigns ARCNET protocol IDs to identify

different protocols running on the same ARCNET medium. For

implementations of this specification, Datapoint has assigned 212

decimal to IP, 213 decimal to ARP, and 214 decimal to RARP. These

are not the numbers assigned to the IP encapsulation defined by RFC

1051 [5]. Implementations of RFC1051 can exist on the same ARCNET

as implementations of this specification, although the two would not

be able to communicate with each other.

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) assigns ARP hardware

type values. It has assigned ARCNET the ARP hardware type of 7 [9].


Several people have reviewed this specification and provided useful

input. I'd like to thank Wesley Hardell at Datapoint and Troy Thomas

at Novell's Provo Office for helping me figure out ARCNET. In

addition, I particularly appreciate the effort by James VanBokkelen

at FTP Software who picked on me until all the fuzzy edges were

smoothed out.

The pioneering work in transmitting IP traffic on ARCNET networks was

done by Philippe Prindeville.


[1] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", RFC791, DARPA, September 1981.

[2] Plummer, D., "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", RFC826,

MIT, November 1982.

[3] Datapoint, Corp., "ARCNET Designer's Handbook", Document Number

61610, 2nd Edition, Datapoint Corporation, 1988.

[4] Novell, Inc., "ARCNET Packet Header Definition Standard", Novell,

Inc., November 1989.

[5] Prindeville, P., "A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams

and ARP Packets over ARCNET Networks", RFC1051, McGill

University, March 1988.

[6] Finlayson, R., Mann, T., Mogul, J., and M. Theimer, "A Reverse

Address Resolution Protocol", RFC903, Stanford, June 1984.

[7] Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol", RFC793, DARPA,

September 1981.

[8] Mogul, J., Kent, C., Partridge, C., and K. McCloghrie, "IP MTU

Discovery Options", RFC1063, DEC, BBN, TWG, July 1988.

[9] Reynolds, J., and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", RFC1060,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, March 1990.

Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Author's Address

Don Provan

Novell, Inc.

2180 Fortune Drive

San Jose, California, 95131

Phone: (408) 473-8440

EMail: donp@Novell.Com

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