
RFC687 - IMP/Host and Host/IMP Protocol changes

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group David C. Walden (WALDEN@BBN)

Request for Comments: 687 Jun 1975

NIC #32654

IMP/Host and Host/IMP Protocol Change

This note sketches the design of an eXPansion to the

IMP/host and host/IMP protocol which will include among other

things the possibility of addressing hosts on more than 63 IMPs.

Our intention in this expansion is to correct certain existing

limits without fundamental changes in the philosophy of the

IMP/host protocol; i.e., while many issues which would represent

fundamental changes to the IMP/host protocol are presently under

discussion in the world-wide packet-switching com unity, we are

not able to undertake massive fundamental changes on a time scale

compatible with the short term needs for network improvement

(e.g., already there are almost 60 IMPs).

The following paragraphs cover each of the major

characteristics of the expanded protocol. A knowledge of Section

3 of BBN Report 1822 is assumed. As is discussed below, the

expanded protocol is backwards compatible.

1. Expanded Leader Size. The leader will be expanded from two

to five 16-bit Words. This will provide space for necessary

field expansions and additions.

2. Expanded Address Field. The address field will be expanded

to 24 bits, 16 bits of IMP address and 8 bits of host address.

This expansion is more than adequate for any foreseeable ARPA

Network growth.

3. New Message Length Field. A new field will be added which

will allow the source host to optionally specify the message

length (in bits) to the IMP subnetwork. The IMP subnetwork may

be able to use this information (when available) to better

utilize network buffer storage. The destination host may also be

able to use this information to better utilize its buffer

storage. This field will be 13 bits wide.

4. Expanded Handling Type Field. The handling type field which

now is used to distinguish between priority and non-priority

message streams, etc., will be expanded to eight bits. This

expanded field will provide for the possibility of a number of

parallel message streams having different handling

characteristics between pairs of hosts; e.g., priority,

non-priority, varying numbers of packets per message (see below),

unordered messages (i.e., the present type-3 messages), a message

stream requiring guaranteed capacity, etc. Note that only some

of these facilities will be available in the near term.

5. Source Host Control of Packets per Message. The possibility

will exist for the source host to specify a message stream which


will use a given number of packets per multi-packet message (e.g,

two packets per message or five packets per message). Since the

IMP network will not have to use eight packet-buffers for

reassembly purposes, as at present, this may result in better

services for sUCh messages. This will help users who need both

low delay and high throughput.

6. Unordered (type-3) Message Change. Unordered messages will

be indicated by a handling type rather than by a message type as

at present. This is compatible with the need to check the host

Access control capabilities of all messages. This will provide a

slight backward incompatibility for the three or so hosts which

presently use type-3 messages in their research.

7. Change in Format of Fake Host Addresses. The For/From IMP

bit will be eliminated. The fake host addresses will be the four

highest host numbers (e.g., IMP Teletype will be host 252).

8. Addition of a Parameter to the IMP to Host NOP. The IMP to

host NOP will have added to it a parameter specifying the address

(IMP and host number) of the host.

9. Backward Compatibility. The old and new formats will be

supported in parallel in the IMPs for the foreseeable future to

allow gradual phaseover of host software. A host will be able to

specify to its IMP whether the old or new formats are to be used;

thus, it will be possible for the host to specify switching back

and forth between the two modes for debugging purposes. The

specification of the mode to be used will be possible via a

proper choice of format in the host to IMP NOP message; the IMP

will use the mode of the host to IMP NOP message the IMP has

received. Further, a host may select to use either the old or

new format without needing to know more about the other format

messages than to discard them should they arrive. The IMP will

initialize by sending several NOP messages of each type to give

the hosts its choice. Although a host not implementing the new

format will not be able to address hosts on IMPs with IMP-number

greater than 63, the IMPs will wherever possible do the

conversion necessary to permit hosts using the old format to

com unicate with hosts using the new format and the reverse.

Finally, it will be possible to convert the leader format from

old to new or the reverse without knowledge of the message type.

11. Non-blocking Host Interface. A mechanism will be provided

which allows the IMP to refuse a message from a host without

blocking the host interface. This mechanism will permit the IMP

to gather the necessary resources to send the refused message and

then ask the host to resend the message. Finally, the host will

be permitted to ask to be able to send a message and be notified

when it is possible without requiring the message to actually be

sent and refused.

12. Maximum Message Length. The maximum number of bits of data

in a message may be reduced by a few bits.


We are presently working out the details of an

implementation plan for making the above changes to the IMP

software. We will distribute an implementation schedule and

other necessary information (e.g., format details) in plenty of

time for hosts desiring to use the new protocol as soon as it is

available to implement in time.

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