
RFC644 - On the problem of signature authentication for network mail

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group Bob Thomas

Request for Comments: 644 BBN-TENEX

Jul 1974

On the Problem of Signature Authentication for Network Mail

This note describes the problem of signature authentication for network

mail, presents a general approach to the problem and proposes a specific

implementation of that approach.

1. The Problem

The problem we wish to consider is:

How can the recipient of a network mail message be "certain"

that the signature (e.g., the name in the "FROM" field) is

authentic; that is, that the message is really from whom it

claims to be?

We are interested in the problem of signature authenticity in the network

context. For purposes of this note we shall assume a solution to the

signature authentication problem for local mail (i.e., messages from one

user to another within a single host). That is, we assume that for any

host, either the host regards the problem as important and has a mechanism

for guaranteeing signatures on local mail or that the host does not regard the

problem as important and does not guarantee signature authentication. It

should become clear how this assumption relates to our approach to the network

signature problem.

We shall discuss our approach using the following simple model for network


To send net mail a user invokes a mail sending process (SP) on

his local host (SH). The process SP acts on behalf of the user

to deliver the message to an appropriate mailbox at the

receiving host (RH). It does that by interacting with a

receiving process (RP) that runs on host RH. RP accepts the

message from SP and deposits it in the appropriate mailbox.

In the current implementation of network mail, the receiving process RP is

typically an FTP server process. For the current TENEX implementation the

mail sending process SP is either a process running SNDMSG or a "background"

MAILER process which sends "queued" (previously posted but undelivered) mail.

2. An Approach

We seek a solution which will allow RP, the receiving process, to mark

the signature on messages it receives as authenticated or not with

respect to SH, the sending host. If RP can so mark incoming messages,

a user reading his mail at RH would be able to see the signature on each

message as authenticated or not with respect to the host of origin. The

authenticity of the signature on a piece of mail is understood to be

responsibility of the originating host. The credibility a user gives a

particular message which is marked as authentic can be based on the user's

own estimate of the source host's user authentication and Access control



The sUCcess of this approach depends upon two things:

a. Users develop estimates of the security of various host user

authentication and access control mechanisms. We have seen that

users who are concerned about data privacy and security are

already doing this within the ARPANET.

b. The existence of a mechanism which RP, the receiving process,

can use to distinguish mail authenticated with respect to the

sending host from mail that has not been authenticated by the

sending host. That is, a mechanism is required which will allow a

properly authorized (by the sending host) mail sending process to

identify itself as such to the mail receiving process. The

receiving process can then mark mail from such an authenticated

process as authentic. Nonauthorized processes (e.g., a user

process attempting to pose as an authorized mail sending process)

may try to send mail to mailboxes at RH; in such a case the

receiving process has the option of refusing to accept the message

or accepting them marking them as unauthenticated.

3. Proposed Implementation of Approach

The use of passWords is one possible way to accomplish sending process

authentication. Only an authorized sending process would know the password

and thus be able to properly identify itself to a mail receiving process.

We reject the password mechanism as operationally impractical for the following


a. Use of a password requires that the password be stored in

the sending program or be accessible to it in some way thereby

increasing the likelihood that the privacy of such a password will

be compromised.

b. If a password is compromised, it must be changed at both

sending and receiving hosts; a synchronization problem.

c. Truly secure mail would probably require passwords for each

pair of hosts; this requires N*N passwords for an N host network.

As an alternative to the use of passwords as a means for process

authentication, we propose that authentication be based on the

communication path itself between the sending and receiving process.

In the ARPANET, a communication path is uniquely identified by its two

ends: the send host-socket pair and the receive host-socket pair. A

process can accurately determine the host-socket pair at the remote end

of a communication path. We propose that the receiving process

consider the sending process to be a properly authorized (by the

sending host) sender of mail only if the sending end of the

communication path is (one of) the socket(s) reserved for transmission

of authenticated mail. The mail sending socket(s) would be reserved

by prior host agreement.


The responsibility of the sending host is to allow only authorized

mail sending processes to access the mail sending socket(s). The

responsibility of the user concerned about the authenticity of his

mail is to understand that mail marked as authentic means that the

sending host has determined the identity of the sender and that the

signature on such mail is only as good or bad as the user authentication

and access control procedures of the sending host.

4. Additional Remarks

a. The use of sockets for process authentication is not a new concept

within the ARPANET. By host agreement, the TELNET logger process

responds to connections to socket #1, the FTP logger process to socket

#3, etc. In fact, the privacy of net mail depends upon how well the

host controls access to the FTP logger socket; that is, the

authenticity of the mail receiving process is based upon that fact

that it is the process reached by ICP'ing to socket #3. This note

proposes that the same mechanism be used to provide authentication of

mail sending processes.

b. Planned TENEX EXPeriment

A set of sockets has been assigned for mail transmission. They are

(all numbers are decimal)

ICP "from" socket - 232

FTP user command sockets: receive, send = 234, 235

Default data transfer (user, send) socket = 237

We intend to modify the TENEX mail sending, receiving and reading

software as suggested above. Mail sent by TENEX to remote hosts

which is authentic (with respect to TENEX) will be sent by initiating

the ICP to the remote FTP server socket 232. Mail received from

remote hosts will be marked as authentic only if the ICP to the TENEX

FTP server was initiated from remote socket 232. The TENEX mail

reading software will indicate for each message whether or not the

signature on the message was source authenticated.

c. Contention for the Mail Sending Socket

Depending upon the implementation of the sending host's NCP and

its mail net sending software, it may be the case that several users

concurrently sending network mail may be competing for the single

ICP "from" socket. If socket contention turns out to be a serious

problem in practice, a set of ICP "from" sockets could be reserved

for authenticated network mail.

d. The local mail signature authentication problem is nearly independent

of the network mail signature authentication problem as we have

discussed it. For example, the following observations can be made:


1. The local users of a host which does not authenticate local mail

probably should not expect the host to reliably deliver

authenticated network mail to them. Because local mail is not

authenticated, it is likely that a malicious local user could

add to other users' mail boxes forged messages which are formatted

identically to net mail and are marked as authentic in the way

the host's mail receiving process marks mail.

2. A host that has strong user authentication procedures and

authenticates local mail is not necessarily a reliable source

of authenticated network mail. In order to be a reliable source,

it must limit access to the net mail transmission socket(s) to

authorized mail sending processes.

3. A host which does not support local authentic mail could be a

reliable source of authentic net mail.

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