
RFC718 - Comments on RCTE from the Tenex Implementation Experience

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group Jon Postel (SRI-ARC)

Request For Comments: 718 Jun 1976

NIC #35874

The following memo was a page of a document describing changes in

version 1.34 of the Tenex system. I believe that the author is Ray

Tomlinson or someone else in the BBN-RCC Tenex group. In any case Ray

has agreed that these comments should be circulated to the to the

network community, rather than to only the Tenex community.

Comments on RCTE from the TENEX Implementation EXPerience

The code to implement the RCTE option of the new TELNET protocol for

TENEX has been completed. The RCTE option permits a redUCtion in network

traffic by deferring the transmission of characters which will not cause

the receiving user program to be activated until a character which will

cause the user program to be activated. A further reduction is achieved

by minimizing the flow of echo characters back to the user TELNET

program. This is done by having the server instruct the user TELNET to

echo the group of characters up through the next wakeup character. By

sending this command as the user program is about to read the first

character of that group, the echo is guaranteed to follow any response

to the preceding group of characters.

Significant problems with the RCTE protocol were encountered. The

handling of spontaneous output was specified in a way that made the

implementation extremely difficult to do correctly (if, indeed, a

correct implementation is possible). The solution here was to completely

isolate the control of input transmission and echoing from the

characters flowing in the output stream. Synchronization of input and

output then occurs directly by virtue of the embedding of control

information in the output stream. This approach permits a simplified

coding of both the user TELNET and server TELNET.

A second problem was the handling of interrupt characters. The RCTE

protocol fails to provide an explicit mechanism for interrupt characters

thus necessitating the handling of interrupt characters as program

wakeup characters. Since the interrupt characters are not actually

handled as program wakeup characters and, in fact, bypass the terminal

input buffer, a special provision had to be made to get the command sent

back to the user TELNET to indicate that the character stream should be

echoed beyond the point where the interrupt character was typed. The

transmission must be synchronized with the processing of the terminal

input buffer so that it will be sent at the proper time. This was

achieved by putting a marker in the input buffer at the point where the

interrupt character was. This marker is never given to the user's

program and must not be counted as an input character. A new counter was

installed indicating the number of such markers in the input buffer and

the SIBE JSYS modified to indicate "empty" only if the difference of the

total characters in the buffer and the number of markers in the buffer

is greater than 0.


A third problem is handling the case where the input buffer is cleared.

Since the buffer may contain various wakeup characters and special

markers, when the buffer is cleared, the user TELNET and SERVER may get

out of sync. It is infeasible to scan the buffer and send a RCTE

command for each such wakeup character or special marker. instead, a

command is sent to the user TELNET meaning "clear your input buffer and

reset your counters". This command is implemented by sending "WILL

RCTE". This is the reverse case from a normal RCTE (i.e. DO RCTE) and

thus cannot be confused with the normal use of the RCTE option. This

saves adding a new option.

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