
RFC764 - Telnet Protocol specification

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IEN 148 J. Postel


June 1980



The purpose of the TELNET Protocol is to provide a fairly general,

bi-directional, eight-bit byte oriented communications facility. Its

primary goal is to allow a standard method of interfacing terminal

devices and terminal-oriented processes to each other. It is

envisioned that the protocol may also be used for terminal-terminal

communication ("linking") and process-process communication

(distributed computation).


A TELNET connection is a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

connection used to transmit data with interspersed TELNET control

information. TCP and the connection establishment procedure are

documentented in the ARPA Internet Protocol Handbook.

The TELNET Protocol is built upon three main ideas: first, the

concept of a "Network Virtual Terminal"; second, the principle of

negotiated options; and third, a symmetric view of terminals and


1. When a TELNET connection is first established, each end is

assumed to originate and terminate at a "Network Virtual Terminal",

or NVT. An NVT is an imaginary device which provides a standard,

network-wide, intermediate representation of a canonical terminal.

This eliminates the need for "server" and "user" Hosts* to keep

information about the characteristics of each other's terminals and

terminal handling conventions. All Hosts, both user and server, map

their local device characteristics and conventions so as to appear to

be dealing with an NVT over the network, and each can assume a

similar mapping by the other party. The NVT is intended to strike a

balance between being overly restricted (not providing Hosts a rich

enough vocabulary for mapping into their local character sets), and

being overly inclusive (penalizing users with modest terminals).

*NOTE: The "user" Host is the Host to which the physical terminal

is normally attached, and the "server" host is the Host which is

normally providing some service. As an alternate point of view,

applicable even in terminal-to-terminal or process-to-process

communications, the "user" Host is the Host which initiated the


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2. The principle of negotiated options takes cognizance of the fact

that many sites will wish to provide additional services over and

above those available within an NVT, and many users will have

sophisticated terminals and would like to have elegant, rather than

minimal, services. Independent of, but structured within, the TELNET

Protocol various "options" will be sanctioned which can be used with

the "DO, DON'T, WILL, WON'T" structure (discussed below) to allow a

user and server to agree to use a more elaborate (or perhaps just

different) set of conventions for their TELNET connection. Such

options could include changing the character set, the echo mode, the

line width, the page length, etc.

The basic strategy for setting up the use of options is to have

either party (or both) initiate a request that some option take

effect. The other party may then either accept or reject the

request. If the request is accepted the option immediately takes

effect; if it is rejected the associated ASPect of the connection

remains as specified for an NVT. Clearly, a party may always refuse

a request to enable, and must never refuse a request to disable, some

option since all parties must be prepared to support the NVT.

The syntax of option negotiation has been set up so that if both

parties request an option simultaneously, each will see the other's

request as the positive acknowledgment of its own.

3. The symmetry of the negotiation syntax can potentially lead to

nonterminating acknowledgment loops -- each party seeing the incoming

commands not as acknowledgments but as new requests which must be

acknowledged. To prevent such loops, the following rules prevail:

a. Parties may only request a change in option status; i.e., a

party may not send out a "request" merely to announce what

mode it is in.

b. If a party receives what appears to be a request to enter some

mode it is already in, the request should not be acknowledged.

c. Whenever one party sends an option command to a second party,

whether as a request or an acknowledgment, and use of the

option will have any effect on the processing of the data

being sent from the first party to the second, then the

command must be inserted in the data stream at the point where

it is desired that it take effect. (It should be noted that

some time will elapse between the transmission of a request

and the receipt of an acknowledgment, which may be negative.

Thus, a site may wish to buffer data, after requesting an

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option, until it learns whether the request is accepted or

rejected, in order to hide the "uncertainty period" from the


Option requests are likely to flurry back and forth when a TELNET

connection is first established, as each party attempts to get the

best possible service from the other party. Beyond that, however,

options can be used to dynamically modify the characteristics of the

connection to suit changing local conditions. For example, the NVT,

as will be eXPlained later, uses a transmission discipline well

suited to the many "line at a time" applications such as BASIC, but

poorly suited to the many "character at a time" applications such as

NLS. A server might elect to devote the extra processor overhead

required for a "character at a time" discipline when it was suitable

for the local process and would negotiate an appropriate option.

However, rather than then being permanently burdened with the extra

processing overhead, it could switch (i.e., negotiate) back to NVT

when the more "taut" control was no longer necessary.

It is possible for requests initiated by processes to stimulate a

nonterminating request loop if the process responds to a rejection by

merely re-requesting the option. To prevent such loops from

occurring, rejected requests should not be repeated until something

changes. Operationally, this can mean the process is running a

different program, or the user has given another command, or whatever

makes sense in the context of the given process and the given option.

A good rule of thumb is that a re-request should only occur as a

result of subsequent information from the other end of the connection

or when demanded by local human intervention.

Option designers should not feel constrained by the somewhat limited

syntax available for option negotiation. The intent of the simple

syntax is to make it easy to have options--since it is

correspondingly easy to profess ignorance about them. If some

particular option requires a richer negotiation structure than

possible within "DO, DON'T, WILL, WON'T", the proper tack is to use

"DO, DON'T, WILL, WON'T" to establish that both parties understand

the option, and once this is accomplished a more exotic syntax can be

used freely. For example, a party might send a request to alter

(establish) line length. If it is accepted, then a different syntax

can be used for actually negotiating the line length--such a

"sub-negotiation" perhaps including fields for minimum allowable,

maximum allowable and desired line lengths. The important concept is

that such expanded negotiations should never begin until some prior

(standard) negotiation has established that both parties are capable

of parsing the expanded syntax.

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In summary, WILL XXX is sent, by either party, to indicate that

party's desire (offer) to begin performing option XXX, DO XXX and

DON'T XXX being its positive and negative acknowledgments; similarly,

DO XXX is sent to indicate a desire (request) that the other party

(i.e., the recipient of the DO) begin performing option XXX, WILL XXX

and WON'T XXX being the positive and negative acknowledgments. Since

the NVT is what is left when no options are enabled, the DON'T and

WON'T responses are guaranteed to leave the connection in a state

which both ends can handle. Thus, all Hosts may implement their

TELNET processes to be totally unaware of options that are not

supported, simply returning a rejection to (i.e., refusing) any

option request that cannot be understood.

As much as possible, the TELNET protocol has been made server-user

symmetrical so that it easily and naturally covers the user-user

(linking) and server-server (cooperating processes) cases. It is

hoped, but not absolutely required, that options will further this

intent. In any case, it is explicitly acknowledged that symmetry is

an operating principle rather than an ironclad rule.

A companion document, "TELNET Option Specifications," should be

consulted for information about the procedure for establishing new

options. That document, as well as descriptions of all currently

defined options, is contained in the TELNET section of the ARPA

Internet Protocol Handbook.


The Network Virtual Terminal (NVT) is a bi-directional character

device. The NVT has a printer and a keyboard. The printer responds

to incoming data and the keyboard produces outgoing data which is

sent over the TELNET connection and, if "echoes" are desired, to the

NVT's printer as well. "Echoes" will not be expected to traverse the

network (although options exist to enable a "remote" echoing mode of

operation, no Host is required to implement this option). The code

set is seven-bit USASCII in an eight-bit field, except as modified

herein. Any code conversion and timing considerations are local

problems and do not affect the NVT.


Although a TELNET connection through the network is intrinsically

full duplex, the NVT is to be viewed as a half-duplex device

operating in a line-buffered mode. That is, unless and until

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options are negotiated to the contrary, the following default

conditions pertain to the transmission of data over the TELNET


1) Insofar as the availability of local buffer space permits,

data should be accumulated in the Host where it is generated

until a complete line of data is ready for transmission, or

until some locally-defined explicit signal to transmit occurs.

This signal could be generated either by a process or by a

human user.

The motivation for this rule is the high cost, to some Hosts,

of processing network input interrupts, coupled with the

default NVT specification that "echoes" do not traverse the

network. Thus, it is reasonable to buffer some amount of data

at its source. Many systems take some processing action at the

end of each input line (even line printers or card punches

frequently tend to work this way), so the transmission should

be triggered at the end of a line. On the other hand, a user

or process may sometimes find it necessary or desirable to

provide data which does not terminate at the end of a line;

therefore implementers are cautioned to provide methods of

locally signaling that all buffered data should be transmitted


2) When a process has completed sending data to an NVT printer

and has no queued input from the NVT keyboard for further

processing (i.e., when a process at one end of a TELNET

connection cannot proceed without input from the other end),

the process must transmit the TELNET Go Ahead (GA) command.

This rule is not intended to require that the TELNET GA command

be sent from a terminal at the end of each line, since server

Hosts do not normally require a special signal (in addition to

end-of-line or other locally-defined characters) in order to

commence processing. Rather, the TELNET GA is designed to help

a user's local Host operate a physically half duplex terminal

which has a "lockable" keyboard such as the IBM 2741. A

description of this type of terminal may help to explain the

proper use of the GA command.

The terminal-computer connection is always under control of

either the user or the computer. Neither can unilaterally

seize control from the other; rather the controlling end must

relinguish its control explicitly. At the terminal end, the

hardware is constructed so as to relinquish control each time

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that a "line" is terminated (i.e., when the "New Line" key is

typed by the user). When this occurs, the attached (local)

computer processes the input data, decides if output should be

generated, and if not returns control to the terminal. If

output should be generated, control is retained by the computer

until all output has been transmitted.

The difficulties of using this type of terminal through the

network should be obvious. The "local" computer is no longer

able to decide whether to retain control after seeing an

end-of-line signal or not; this decision can only be made by

the "remote" computer which is processing the data. Therefore,

the TELNET GA command provides a mechanism whereby the "remote"

(server) computer can signal the "local" (user) computer that

it is time to pass control to the user of the terminal. It

should be transmitted at those times, and only at those times,

when the user should be given control of the terminal. Note

that premature transmission of the GA command may result in the

blocking of output, since the user is likely to assume that the

transmitting system has paused, and therefore he will fail to

turn the line around manually.

The foregoing, of course, does not apply to the user-to-server

direction of communication. In this direction, GAs may be sent at

any time, but need not ever be sent. Also, if the TELNET

connection is being used for process-to-process communication, GAs

need not be sent in either direction. Finally, for

terminal-to-terminal communication, GAs may be required in

neither, one, or both directions. If a Host plans to support

terminal-to-terminal communication it is suggested that the Host

provide the user with a means of manually signaling that it is

time for a GA to be sent over the TELNET connection; this,

however, is not a requirement on the implementer of a TELNET



As stated in the Introduction to this document, the primary goal

of the TELNET protocol is the provision of a standard interfacing

of terminal devices and terminal-oriented processes through the

network. Early experiences with this type of interconnection have

shown that certain functions are implemented by most servers, but

that the methods of invoking these functions differ widely. For a

human user who interacts with several server systems, these

differences are highly frustrating. TELNET, therefore, defines a

standard representation for five of these functions, as described

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below. These standard representations have standard, but not

required, meanings (with the exception that the IP function may be

required by other protocols which use TELNET); that is, a system

which does not provide the function to local users need not

provide it to network users and may treat the standard

representation for the function as a No-operation. On the other

hand, a system which does provide the function to local is obliged

to provide the same function as a network user who transmits the

standard representation for the function.

Interrupt Process (IP)

Many systems provide a function which suspends, interrupts,

aborts, or terminates the operation of a user process. This

function is frequently used when a user believes his process is

in an unending loop, or when an unwanted process has been

inadvertently activated. IP is the standard representation for

invoking this function. It should be noted by implementers

that IP may be required by other protocols which use TELNET,

and therefore should be implemented if these other protocols

are to be supported.

Abort Output (AO)

Many systems provide a function which allows a process, which

is generating output, to run to completion (or to reach the

same stopping point it would reach if running to completion)

but without sending the output to the user's terminal.

Further, this function typically clears any output already

produced but not yet actually printed (or displayed) on the

user's terminal. AO is the standard representation for

invoking this function. For example, some subsystem might

normally accept a user's command, send a long text string to

the user's terminal in response, and finally signal readiness

to accept the next command by sending a "prompt" character

(preceded by <CR><LF>) to the user's terminal. If the AO were

received during the transmission of the text string, a

reasonable implementation would be to suppress the remainder of

the text string, but transmit the prompt character and the

preceding <CR><LF>. (This is possibly in distinction to the

action which might be taken if an IP were received; the IP

might cause suppression of the text string and an exit from the


It should be noted, by systems which provide this function,

that there may be buffers external to the system (in the

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network and the user's "local" Host) which should be cleared;

the appropriate way to do this is to transmit the "Synch"

signal described below.

Are You There (AYT)

Many systems provide a function which provides the user with

some visible (e.g., printable) evidence that the system is

still up and running. This function may be invoked by the user

when the system is unexpectedly "silent" for a long time,

because of the unanticipated (by the user) length of a

computation, an unusually heavy system load, etc. AYT is the

standard representation for invoking this function.

Erase Character (EC)

Many systems provide a function which deletes the last

preceding undeleted character or "print position"* from the

stream of data being supplied by the user. This function is

typically used to edit keyboard input when typing mistakes are

made. EC is the standard representation for invoking this


*NOTE: A "print position" may contain several characters

which are the result of overstrikes, or of sequences such as

<char1> BS <char2>...

Erase Line (EL)

Many systems provide a function which deletes all the data in

the current "line" of input. This function is typically used

to edit keyboard input. EL is the standard representation for

invoking this function.


Most time-sharing systems provide mechanisms which allow a

terminal user to regain control of a "runaway" process; the IP and

AO functions described above are examples of these mechanisms.

Such systems, when used locally, have Access to all of the signals

supplied by the user, whether these are normal characters or

special "out of band" signals such as those supplied by the

teletype "BREAK" key or the IBM 2741 "ATTN" key. This is not

necessarily true when terminals are connected to the system

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through the network; the network's flow control mechanisms may

cause such a signal to be buffered elsewhere, for example in the

user's Host.

To counter this problem, the TELNET "Synch" mechanism is

introduced. A Synch signal consists of a TCP Urgent notification,

coupled with the TELNET command DATA MARK. The Urgent

notification, which is not subject to the flow control pertaining

to the TELNET connection, is used to invoke special handling of

the data stream by the process which receives it. In this mode,

the data stream is immediately scanned for "interesting" signals

as defined below, discarding intervening data. The TELNET command

DATA MARK (DM) is the synchronizing mark in the data stream which

indicates that any special signal has already occurred and the

recipient can return to normal processing of the data stream.

The Synch is sent via the TCP send operation with the Urgent

flag set and the DM as the last (or only) data octet.

When several Synchs are sent in rapid succession, the Urgent

notifications may be merged. It is not possible to count Urgents

since the number received will be less than or equal the number

sent. When in normal mode a DM is a no operation, when in urgent

mode it signals the end of the urgent processing (this should

correspond with the end of Urgent pointer indicated by TCP).

If TCP indicates the end of Urgent data before the DM is found,

TELNET should continue the special handling of the data stream

until the DM is found.

"Interesting" signals are defined to be: the TELNET standard

representations of IP, AO, and AYT (but not EC or EL); the local

analogs of these standard representations (if any); all other

TELNET commands; other site-defined signals which can be acted on

without delaying the scan of the data stream.

Since one effect of the SYNCH mechanism is the discarding of

essentially all characters (except TELNET commands) between the

sender of the Synch and its recipient, this mechanism is specified

as the standard way to clear the data path when that is desired.

For example, if a user at a terminal causes an AO to be

transmitted, the server which receives the AO (if it provides that

function at all) should return a Synch to the user.

Finally, just as the TCP Urgent notification is needed at the

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TELNET level as an out-of-band signal, so other protocols which

make use of TELNET may require a TELNET command which can be

viewed as an out-of-band signal at a different level.

By convention the sequence [IP, Synch] is to be used as such a

signal. For example, suppose that some other protocol, which uses

TELNET, defines the character string STOP analogously to the

TELNET command AO. Imagine that a user of this protocol wishes a

server to process the STOP string, but the connection is blocked

because the server is processing other commands. The user should

instruct his system to:

1. Send the TELNET IP character;

2. Send the TELNET SYNC sequence, that is:

Send the Data Mark (DM) as the only character

in a TCP urgent mode send operation.

3. Send the character string STOP; and

4. Send the other protocol's analog of the TELNET DM, if any.

The user (or process acting on his behalf) must transmit the

TELNET SYNCH sequence of step 2 above to ensure that the TELNET IP

gets through to the server's TELNET interpreter.

The Urgent should wake up the TELNET process, the IP should

wake up the next higher level process.


The NVT printer has an unspecified carriage width and page length

and can produce representations of all 95 USASCII graphics (codes

32 through 126). Of the 33 USASCII control codes (0 through 31

and 127), and the 128 uncovered codes (128 through 255), the

following have specified meaning to the NVT printer:


NULL (NUL) 0 A no operation

Line Feed (LF) 10 Moves the printer to the

next print line, keeping the

same horizontal position

Carriage Return (CR) 13 Moves the printer to the left

margin of the current line.

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In addition, the following codes shall have defined, but not

required, effects on the NVT printer. Neither end of a TELNET

connection may assume that the other party will take, or will

have taken, any particular action upon receipt or transmission

of these:

BELL (BEL) 7 Produces an audible or

visible signal (which does

NOT move the print head)

Back Space (BS) 8 Moves the print head one

character position towards

the left margin.

Horizontal Tab (HT) 9 Moves the printer to the

next horizontal tab stop.

It remains unspecified how

either party determines or

establishes where such tab

stops are located.

Vertical Tab (VT) 11 Moves the printer to the

next horizontal tab stop.It

remains unspecified how

either party determines or

establishes where such tab

stops are located.

Form Feed (FF) 12 Moves the printer to the top

of the next page, keeping

the same horizontal position

All remaining codes do not cause the NVT printer to take any


The sequence "CR LF", as defined, will cause the NVT to be

positioned at the left margin of the next print line (as would,

for example, the sequence "LF CR"). However, many systems and

terminals do not treat CR and LF independently, and will have to

go to some effort to simulate their effect. (For example, some

terminals do not have a CR independent of the LF, but on such

terminals it may be possible to simulate a CR by backspacing.)

Therefore, the sequence "CR LF" must be treated as a single "new

line" character and used whenever their combined action is

intended; the sequence "CR NUL" must be used where a carriage

return alone is actually desired; and the CR character must be

avoided in other contexts. This rule gives assurance to systems

which must decide whether to perform a "new line" function or a

multiple-backspace that the TELNET stream contains a character

following a CR that will allow a rational decision.

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Note that "CR LF" or "CR NUL" is required in both directions

(in the default ASCII mode), to preserve the symmetry of the

NVT model. Even though it may be known in some situations

(e.g., with remote echo and suppress go ahead options in

effect) that characters are not being sent to an actual

printer, none the less, for the sake of consistency, the

protocol requires that a NUL be inserted following a CR not

followed by a LF in the data stream. The converse of this is

that a NUL received in the data stream after a CR (in the

absence of options negotiations which explicitly specify

otherwise) should be stripped out prior to applying the NVT to

local character set mapping.

The NVT keyboard has keys, or key combinations, or key sequences,

for generating all 128 USASCII codes. Note that although many

have no effect on the NVT printer, the NVT keyboard is capable of

generating them.

In addition to these codes, the NVT keyboard shall be capable of

generating the following additional codes which, except as noted,

have defined, but not reguired, meanings. The actual code

assignments for these "characters" are in the TELNET Command

section, because they are viewed as being, in some sense, generic

and should be available even when the data stream is interpreted

as being some other character set.


This key allows the user to clear his data path to the other

party. The activation of this key causes a DM (see command

section) to be sent in the data stream and a TCP Urgent

notification is associated with it. The pair DM-Urgent is to

have required meaning as defined previously.

Break (BRK)

This code is provided because it is a signal outside the

USASCII set which is currently given local meaning within many

systems. It is intended to indicate that the Break Key or the

Attention Key was hit. Note, however, that this is intended to

provide a 129th code for systems which require it, not as a

synonym for the IP standard representation.

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Interrupt Process (IP)

Suspend, interrupt, abort or terminate the process to which the

NVT is connected. Also, part of the out-of-band signal for

other protocols which use TELNET.

Abort Output (AO)

Allow the current process to (appear to) run to completion, but

do not send its output to the user. Also, send a Synch to the


Are You There (AYT)

Send back to the NVT some visible (i.e., printable) evidence

that the AYT was received.

Erase Character (EC)

The recipient should delete the last preceding undeleted

character or "print position" from the data stream.

Erase Line (EL)

The recipient should delete characters from the data stream

back to, but not including, the last "CR LF" sequence sent over

the TELNET connection.

The spirit of these "extra" keys, and also the printer format

effectors, is that they should represent a natural extension of

the mapping that already must be done from "NVT" into "local".

Just as the NVT data byte 104 should be mapped into whatever the

local code for "uppercase D" is, so the EC character should be

mapped into whatever the local "Erase Character" function is.

Further, just as the mapping for 174 is somewhat arbitrary in an

environment that has no "vertical bar" character, the EL character

may have a somewhat arbitrary mapping (or none at all) if there is

no local "Erase Line" facility. Similarly for format effectors:

if the terminal actually does have a "Vertical tab", then the

mapping for VT is obvious, and only when the terminal does not

have a vertical tab should the effect of VT be unpredictable.

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All TELNET commands consist of at least a two byte sequence: the

"Interpret as Command" (IAC) escape character followed by the code

for the command. The commands dealing with option negotiation are

three byte sequences, the third byte being the code for the option

referenced. This format was chosen so that as more comprehensive use

of the "data space" is made -- by negotiations from the basic NVT, of

course -- collisions of data bytes with reserved command values will

be minimized, all such collisions requiring the inconvenience, and

inefficiency, of "escaping" the data bytes into the stream. With the

current set-up, only the IAC need be doubled to be sent as data, and

the other 255 codes may be passed transparently.

The following are the defined TELNET commands. Note that these codes

and code sequences have the indicated meaning only when immediately

preceded by an IAC.


SE 240 End of subnegotiation parameters

NOP 241 No operation

Data Mark 242 The data stream portion of a Synch

This should always be accompanied

by a TCP Urgent notification.

Break 243 NVT character BRK

Interrupt Process 244 The function IP

Abort output 245 The function AO

Are You There 246 The function AYT

Erase character 247 The function EC

Erase Line 248 The function EL

Go ahead 249 The GA signal

SB 250 Indicates that what follows is

subnegotiation of the indicated


WILL (option code) 251 Indicates the desire to begin

performing, or confirmation that

you are now performing, the

indicated option

WON't (option code) 252 Indicates the refusal to perform,

or continue performing, the

indicated option.

DO (option code) 253 Indicates the request that the

other party perform, or

confirmation that you are expecting

the other party to perform, the

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indicated option.

DON'T (option code) 254 Indicates the demand that the

other party stop performing,

or confirmation that you are no

longer expecting the other party

to perform, the indicated option.

IAC 255 Data Byte 255.


The TELNET TCP connection is established between the user's port U

and the server's port L. The server listens on its well known port L

for such connections. Since a TCP connection is full duplex and

identified by the pair of ports, the server can engage in many

simultaneous connections involving it's port L and different user

ports U.

Port Assignment

When used for remote user access to service hosts (i.e., remote

terminal access) this protocol is assigned server port 23 (27

octal). That is L=23.

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 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
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