
RFC753 - Internet Message Protocol

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March 1979

IEN: 85

RFC: 753


Jonathan B. Postel

March 1979

Information Sciences Institute

University of Southern California

4676 Admiralty Way

Marina del Rey, California 90291

(213) 822-1511

< INC-PROJECT, MAIL-MAR-79.NLS.38, >, 31-Mar-79 19:50 JBP ;;;;

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Internet Message Protocol


PREFACE ........................................................ iii

1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................... 1

1.1. Motivation ................................................... 1

1.2. Scope ........................................................ 1

1.3. The Internetwork Environment ................................. 2

1.4. Operation .................................................... 2

1.5. Interfaces ................................................... 3

2. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ........................................... 5

2.1. Relation to Other Protocols .................................. 5

2.2. Terminology ................................................. 5

2.3. Assumptions .................................................. 6

2.4. General Specification ........................................ 7

2.5. Mechanisms .................................................. 11

3. DETAILED SPECIFICATION .......................................... 13

3.1. Overview of Message Structure ............................... 13

3.2. Data Elements ............................................... 13

3.3. Message Objects ............................................. 16

3.4. Command ..................................................... 23

3.5. Document .................................................... 31

3.6. Message Structure ........................................... 33

3.7. MPM Organization ............................................ 36

3.8. Interfaces .................................................. 39

4. EXAMPLES & SCENARIOS ............................................ 41

Example 1: Message Format ........................................ 41

Example 2: Delivery and Acknowledgment ........................... 43

GLOSSARY ............................................................ 49

REFERENCES .......................................................... 51

APPENDICES .......................................................... 53

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This is the first edition of this specification and should be treated as

a request for comments, advice, and suggestions. A great deal of prior

work has been done on computer aided message systems and some of this is

listed in the reference section. This specification was shaped by many

discusions with members of the ARPA research community, and others

interested in the development of computer aided message systems. This

document was prepared as part of the ARPA sponsored Internetwork

Concepts Research Project at ISI, with the assistance of Greg Finn, Alan

Katz, Paul Mockapetris, and Mamie Chew.

Jon Postel

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March 1979



This document describes an internetwork message system. The system is

designed to transmit messages between message processing modules

according to formats and procedures specified in this document. The

message processing modules are processes in host computers. Message

processing modules are located in different networks and together

constitute an internetwork message delivery system.

This document is intended to provide all the information necessary to

implement a compatible cooperating module of this internetwork message


1.1. Motivation

As computer supported message processing activities grow on individual

host computers and in networks of computers, there is a natural desire

to provide for the interconnection and interworking of such systems.

This specification describes the formats and procedures of a general

purpose internetwork message system, which can be used as a standard

for the interconnection of individual message systems, or as a message

system in its own right.

We also provide for the communication of data items beyond the scope

of contemporary message systems. Messages can include typed segments

which could represent drawings, or facsimile images, or digitized

speech. One can imagine message stations equipped with speakers and

microphones (or telephone hand sets) where the body of a message or a

portion of it is recorded digitized speech. The output terminal could

include a graphics display, and the message might present a drawing on

the display, and verbally (via the speaker) describe certain features

of the drawing. This specification provides basic data elements for

the transmission of structured binary data, as well as providing for

text transmission.

1.2. Scope

The Internet Message Protocol is intended to be used for the

transmission of messages between networks. It may also be used for

the local message system of a network or host. This specification was

developed in the context of the ARPA work on the interconnection of

networks, but it is anticipated that it has a more general scope.

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Internet Message Protocol


The focus here is on the internal mechanisms to transmit messages,

rather than the external interface to users. It is assumed that a

number of user interface programs will exist. These will be both new

programs designed to work with system and old programs designed to

work with earlier systems.

1.3. The Internetwork Environment

The internetwork message environment consists of processes which run

in hosts which are connected to networks which are interconnected by

gateways. Each individual network consists of many different hosts.

The networks are tied together through gateways. The gateways are

essentially hosts on two (or more) networks and are not assumed to

have much storage capacity or to "know" which hosts are on the

networks to which they are attached [5].

1.4. Operation

The model of operation is that this protocol is implemented in a

process. Such a process is called a Message Processing Module or MPM.

The MPMs exchange messages by establishing full duplex communication

and sending the messages in a fixed format described in this document.

The MPM may also communicate other information by means of commands

described here.

A message is formed by a user interacting with a User Interface

Program or UIP. The user may utilize several commands to create

various fields of the message and may invoke an editor program to

correct or format some or all of the message. Once the user is

satisfied with the messages it is "sent" by placing it in a data

structure shared with the MPM.

The MPM discovers the unprocessed input data (either by a specific

request or by a general background search), examines it, and using

routing tables determines which outgoing link to use. The destination

may be another user on this host, a user on another host in this

network, or a user in another network.

In the first case, another user on this host, the MPM places the

message in a data structure shared with the destination user, where

that user's UIP will look for incoming messages.

In the second case, the user on another host in this network, the MPM

transmits the message to the MPM on that host. That MPM then repeats

the routing decision, and discovering the destination is local to it,

places the messages in the data structure shared with the destination


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Internet Message Protocol


In the third case, the user on a host in another network, the MPM

transmits the messages to an MPM in that network if it knows how to

establish a connection directly to it, otherwise the MPM transmits the

message to an MPM that is "closer" to the destination. An MPM might

not know of direct connections to MPMs in all other networks, but it

must be able to select a next MPM to handle the message for each

possible destination network.

A MPM might know a way to establish direct connections to each of a

few MPMs in other nearby networks, and send all other messages to a

particular big brother MPM that has a wider knowledge of the internet


A individual network's message system may be quite different from the

internet message system. In this case, intranet messages will be

delivered using the network's own message system. If a message is

addressed outside the network, it is given to a MPM which then sends

it through the appropriate gateways via internet procedures and format

to (or toward) the MPM in the destination network. Eventually, the

message gets to a MPM on the network of the recipient of the message.

The message is then sent via the local message system to that host.

When local message protocols are used, special conversion programs are

required to transform local messages to internet format when they are

going out, and to transform internet messages to local format when

they come into the local environment. Such transformations are

potentially information lossy. The internet message format attempts

to provide features to capture all the information any local message

system might use. However, a particular local message system is

unlikely to have features equivalent to all the possible features of

the internet message system. Thus, in some cases the transformation

of an internet message to a local message discard of some of the

information. For example, if an internet message carrying mixed text

and speech data in the body is to be delivered in a local system which

only carries text, the speech data may be replaced by the text string

"There was some speech here". Such discarding of information is to be

avoided when at all possible, and to be defered as long as possible,

still the possibility remains, that in some cases, it is the only

reasonable thing to do.

1.5. Interfaces

The MPM calls on a reliable communication procedure to communicate

with other MPMs. This is a Transport Level protocol such as the TCP

[20]. The interface to such a procedure conventionally provides calls

to open and close connections, send and receive data on a connection,

and some means to signal and be notified of special conditions (i.e.,


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The MPM receives input and produces output through data structures

that are produced and consumed respectively by user interface (or

other) programs.

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Internet Message Protocol


2.1. Terminology

The basic unit transferred between networks is called a message. A

message is made up of a transaction identifier (a number which

uniquely identifies the message), a command list (which contains the

necessary information for delivery), and the document list. The

document list consists of a header and a body, which contains the

actual data of the message.

For a personal letter the document body corresponds to the contents

the a letter, the document header corresponds to the the address and

return address on the envelope.

For an inter-Office memo the document body corresponds to the text,

the document header corresponds to the header of the memo.

The commands correspond to the information used by the Post Office or

the mail room to route the letter or memo.

The messages are routed by a process called the message processing

module or MPM. Messages are created and consumed by User Interface

Programs (UIPs) in conjunction with users.

Please see the Glossary section for a more complete list of


2.2. Assumptions

The following assumptions are made about the internetwork environment:

It is in general not known what format intranet addresses will assume.

Since no standard addressing scheme would suit all networks, it is

safe to assume there will be several and that they will change with

time. Thus, frequent software modification throughout all internet

MPMs would be required if such MPMs were to know about the formats on

many networks. Therefore, each MPM which handles internet messages is

required to know only the minimum necessary to deliver them.

We require each MPM to know completely only the addressing format of

its own network. In addition, the MPM must be able to select an

output link for each message addressed to another network or host.

This does not preclude more intelligent behavior on the part of a

given MPM, but at least this minimum is necessary. Each network has a

unique name and number.

Each MPM will have a unique internet address. This feature will

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Internet Message Protocol

Functional Description

enable every MPM to place a unique "handling-stamp" on a message which

passes through it en-route to delivery.

2.3. General Specification

There are several ASPects to a distributed service to be specified.

First there is the service to be provided, that is, the

characteristics of the service as seen by its users. Second there is

the service it uses, that is, the characteristics it assumes to be

provided by some lower level service. And, third there is the

protocol used between the modules of the distributed service.

User User

\ /

\ /

\ /

--+----------------------------------------+-- Service

! \ / ! Interface

! +--------+ +--------+ !

! ! Module ! <--Protocol--> ! Module ! !

! +--------+ +--------+ !

! \ / !

! +-----------------------+ !

! ! Communication Service ! !

! +-----------------------+ !

! !


Message Service

Figure 1.

The User/Message Service Interface

The service the message delivery system provides is to accept

messages conforming to a specified format and to attempt to deliver

those messages, and to report on the success or failure of the

delivery attempt. This service is provided in the context of an

interconnected system of networks, and may involve relaying a

message through several intermediate MPMs utilizing different

communication services.

The Message/Communication Service Interface

The message delivery system calls on a communication service to

transfer information from one MPM to another. There may be

different communication services used between different pairs of

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Internet Message Protocol

Functional Description

MPMs, though all communication services must meet the following

service characteristics.

It is assumed that the communication service provides a reliable two

way data stream. Such a data stream can usually be oBTained in

computer networks from the transport level protocol, for example,

the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) [20]. In any case the

properties the communication service must provide are:

o Logical connections for two way simultaneous data flow of

arbitrary data (i.e., no forbidden codes). Data is delivered

in the order sent with no gaps.

o Simple commands to open and close the connections, and to send

and receive data on the connections.

o A way to signal and be notified "out-of-band" (such as TCP's

urgent) is available so that some messages can be labeled "more

important" than others.

o Controlled flow of data so that data is not transmitted faster

that the receiver chooses to consume it (on the average).

o Transmission errors are corrected without user notification or

involvement. Complete breakdown on communication is reported

to the user.

The Message-Message Protocol

The protocol used between the distributed modules of the message

delivery system, that is, the MPMs is a small set of commands which

convey requests and replies. These commands are encoded in a highly

structured and rigidly specified format.

2.4. Mechanisms

MPMs are processes which use some communication service. A pair of

MPMs which can communicate reside in a common interprocess

communication environment. A MPM might exist in two (or more)

interprocess communication environments, and such an MPM might act to

relay messages between MPMs in the environments.

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Internet Message Protocol

Functional Description

User User

\ /

\ /

\ /


! \ / !

! +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ !

! ! MPM ! <--Protocol--> ! MPM ! <--Protocol--> ! MPM ! !

! +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ !

! ! / \ ! !

! +-----------------------+ +-----------------------+ !

! !Communication Service A! !Communication Service B! !

! +-----------------------+ +-----------------------+ !

! !


Message Service with Internal Relaying

Figure 2.

The transfer of data between UIPs and MPMs is conceived of as the

exchange of data structures which encode messages. The transfer of

data between MPMs is also in terms of the transmission of structured


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Internet Message Protocol

Functional Description

+-----+ DATA +-----+

USER-->! UIP !-->STRUCTURES-->! MPM !-->other

+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ MPMs

! !

! +-----+

+--! !

! +-----+

+--! !

! !


+-----+ DATA +-----+

other-->! MPM !-->STRUCTURES-->! UIP !-->USER

MPMs +-----+ +-----+ +-----+

! !

! +-----+

+--! !

! +-----+

+--! !

! !


Message Flow

Figure 3.

In the following, a message will be described as a structured data

object represented in a particular kind of typed data elements. This

is how a message is presented when transmitted between MPMs or

exchanged between an MPM and a UIP. Internal to a MPM (or a UIP), a

message may be represented in any convenient form. As the following

figure shows, when a message is ready for transmission, it moves from

the processing routines to be encoded in the typed data elements and

then to a data compression routine, and is finally transmitted. On

the receiving side, the message is first decompressed then decoded

from the data element representation to the local representation for

the processing routines.

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Internet Message Protocol

Functional Description


! !

! processing DATA DATA !

! routines ---> ENCODER ---> COMPRESSOR ---> !

! !


Send MPM


! !

! DATA DATA processing !

! ---> DECOMPRESSOR ---> DECODER ---> routines !

! !


Receive MPM

Detailed View

Figure 4.

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Internet Message Protocol

Functional Description

2.5. Relation to Other Protocols

The following diagram illustrates the place of the message protocol in

the protocol hierarchy:

+------+ +-----+ +-------+ +-----+ +-----+

!Telnet! ! FTP ! !Message! !Voice! ... ! ! Application Level

+------+ +-----+ +-------+ +-----+ +-----+

\ ! / ! !

+-----+ +-----+ +-----+

! TCP ! ! RTP ! ... ! ! Host Level

+-----+ +-----+ +-----+

! ! !


! Internet Protocol ! Gateway Level




! Local Network Protocol ! Network Level



Protocol Relationships

Figure 5.

The message protocol interfaces on one side to user interface programs

and on the other side to a reliable transport protocol such as TCP.

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The presentation of the information in this section is difficult since

everything depends on everything, and since this is a linear media it

has to come in some order. In this attempt, a very brief overview of

the message structure is given, then a radical switch is made to

defining the basic building blocks, and finally using the building

blocks to reach the overall structure again.

3.1. Overview of Message Structure

In general a message is composed of three parts: the identification,

the command, and the document. Each part is in turn composed of

message objects.

The identification part is composed of a transaction number assigned

by the originating MPM, and the internet host number of that MPM.

The command part is composed of an operation type, an operation code,

an argument list, an error list, the destination mailbox, and a stamp.

The stamp is a list of the MPMs that have handled this message.

The document part is composed of a header and a body. The message

delivery system does not depend on the contents of the document part,

but this specification does make some recommendations for the document


The following sections define the representation of a message as a

structured object composed of other objects. Objects in turn are

represented using a set of basic data elements.

3.2. Data Elements

The data elements defined here are similar to the data structure and

encoding used in NSW [18].

Each of the diagrams which follow represent a sequence of octets.

Field boundaries are denoted by the "!" character, octet boundaries by

the "+" character. The diagrams are presented in left to right order.

Each element begins with a one octet code.

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Internet Message Protocol


Code Type Representation

---- ---- --------------


0 No Operation ! 1 !



1 Padding ! 0 ! octet count ! Data ...



2 Boolean ! 2 ! 1/0 !



3 Index ! 3 ! Data !



4 Integer ! 4 ! Data !



5 Bit String ! 5 ! bit count ! Data ...



6 Text String ! 6 ! octet count ! Data ...



7 List ! 7 ! octet count ! item count ! Data



8 Proplist ! 8 ! octet count ! Data ...


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Internet Message Protocol


Element code 0 (NOP) is an empty data element used for padding when it

is necessary. It is ignored.

Element code 1 (PAD) is used to transmit large amounts of data with a

message for test or padding purposes. No action is taken with this

data but the count of dummy octets must be correct to indicate the

next element code.

Element code 2 (BOOLEAN) is a boolean data element which has the value

1 for True and 0 for False.

Element code 3 (INDEX) is a 16-bit unsigned integer datum. Element

code 3 occupies only 3 octets.

Element code 4 (INTEGER) is a signed 32-bit integer datum. This will

always occupy five octets. Representation is two's complement.

Element code 5 (BITSTR) is a bit string element for binary data. The

bit string is padded on the right with zeros to fill out the last

octet if the bit string does not end on an octet boundary. This data

type must have the bit-count in the two octet count field instead of

the number of octets.

Element code 6 (TEXT) is used for the representation of text. Seven

bit ASCII characters are used, right justified in the octet. The high

order bit in the octet is zero.

Element code 7 (LIST) can be used to create structures composed of

other elements. The item-count contains the number of elements which

follow. Any element may be used including List itself. The octet

count specifies the number of octets in the whole list. A null or

empty List, one with no elements, has an item-count of zero (0).

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Internet Message Protocol


Element code 8 (PROPLIST) is the Property-List element. It has the

following form:


! 8 ! octet ! pair !

! ! count ! count!



! name ! value ! name ! value !

repeated ! count! count ! ...! ...!


The Property-List structure consists of a set of unordered name/value

pairs. The pairs are a one octet name count and a two octet value

count followed by the name and value strings. The counts specify the

length in octets of the name and value strings. Each string has a

length in octets which agrees with its respective count. The count of

octets until the next pair in the property list is 1 + 2 + name count

+ value count octets. The entire Property-List is of course equal in

length to the octet count of the element itself. Immediately

following the octet count for the entire element is a one octet pair

count field which contains the total number of name/value pairs in the


3.3. Message Objects

In the composition of messages we use a set of objects such as

address, or date. These objects are encoded in the basic data

elements. The message objects are built of data elements.

While data elements are typed, message objects are not. This is

because messages are structured to the extent that only one kind of

message object may occur in any position of a message structure.

The following is a list of some of the objects used in messages. The

object descriptions are grouped by the section of the message in which

they normally occur.

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Internet Host Number (ihn)

This identifies a host in the internetwork environment. When used

as a part of tid, it identifies the originating host of a message.

The ihn is a 32 bit number, the higher order 8 bits identify the

network, and the lower order 24 bits identify the host on that



Transaction Identifier (tid)

This is the transaction identifier associated with a particular

command. It is a list of the transaction number and the internet

host number of the originating host.

LIST ( tn , ihn )

Transaction Number (tn)

This is a number which is uniquely associated with this

transaction by the originating host. It identifies the

transaction. (A transaction is a message and acknowledgment, this

is discussed in more detail in later sections.) A tn must be

unique for the time which the message (a request or reply)

containing it could be active in the network.




This is very similar to Mailbox in that it also is the "address"

of a user. However, Address is intended to contain the minimum

information necessary for delivery, and no more.

PROPLIST ( --- )


A yes (true) or no (false) answer to a question.


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This is the argument to many of the operations. It consists of a

List of different data types. The List will have form and data

relevant with the particular operation.

LIST ( --- )


Gives the type of a command (e.g., request, reply, alarm).



The error list contains information concerning an error which has

occured. It is a List comprised of the two objects error-class

and error-string.

LIST ( error class, error string )


A code for the class of the error.



A text string eXPlaining the error.



A comment on the delivery of a messages, for instance a message

could be delivered, forwarded, or turned over to general delivery.


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This is the "address" of a user of the internetwork mail system.

Mailbox contains information such as net, host, location, and

local user-id of the recipient of the message. Some information

contained in Mailbox may not be necessary for delivery.

As an example, when one sends a message to someone for the first

time, he may include many items which are not necessary simply to

insure delivery. However, once he gets a reply to this message,

the reply could contain an Address (as opposed to Mailbox) which

the user will use from then on.

A mailbox is a PROPLIST. A mailbox might contain the following

name-value pairs:

name element description

---- ------- -----------

IA INTEGER internet address

NET TEXT network name

HOST TEXT host name

USER TEXT user name




ZIP TEXT zip code

PHONE TEXT phone number

PROPLIST ( --- )


This names the operation or procedure to be performed.



REGULAR for normal delivery, FORWARD for message forwarding,

GENDEL for general delivery, or other options which may be defined


LIST ( TEXT, ... )

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These could be mailbox does not exist, mailbox full, etc.



Each MPM that handles the message must add a unique identifier

(ihn, see above) to the list. This will prevent messages from

being sent back and forth through the internet mail system without

eventually either being delivered or returned to the sender.

LIST ( ihn, ihn, ... )


When a message is sent through the internetwork environment, it

acquires a list of MPMs that have handled the message in "Stamp".

This list is then carried as "Trail" upon reply or acknowledgment

of that message. More simply, requests and replies always have a

"Stamp" and each MPM adds its ihn to this "Stamp." Replies, in

addition, have a "Trail" which is the complete "Stamp" of the

original message.

LIST ( ihn, ihn, ... )


The command type, e.g., request or reply.



In this section, we define some objects useful in message document

headers. The ones we use are taken from the current ARPANET message

syntax standard [6,8].


When copies of a message are sent to others in addition to the

addresses in the To object, those to whom the copies are sent will

have their addresses recorded here. CC will be a single TEXT



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The date and time are represented according to the International

Standards Organization (ISO) recommendations [13,14,15]. Taken

together the ISO recommendations 2014, 3307, and 4031 result in

the following representation of the date and time:


Where yyyy is the 4 digit year, mm is the two digit month, dd is

the two digit day, hh is the two digit hour in 24 hour time, mm is

the two digit minute, ss is the two digit second, and fff is the

decimal fraction of the second. To this basic date and time is

appended the offset from Greenwich as plus or minus hh hours and

mm minutes.



The document body will contain that portion of the message

commonly thought of as the text portion. It will be composed of a

list of elements. This will allow transmission of data other than

pure text if such capabilities are needed. We can, for instance,

envision digital voice communication through the transmission of

BITSTR element, or transmission of graphic data, etc. Information

regarding control of such features could be included in the header

for cooperating sites, or in the body itself but such protocols

would depend upon agreement among those sites involved. It is

expected of course that the majority of messages will contain body

portions comprised of TEXT elements.

LIST ( --- )


The document header contains the memo header presented to the

user. In principle this may be of any style or structure. In

this specification it is recommended that a PROPLIST be used and

that the name-value pairs correspond to the header fields of

RFC733 [6].

PROPLIST ( --- )

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The From is meant to be the name of the author of a document. It

will be one TEXT element.



Sometimes it will be desired to direct the replies of a message to

some address other than the From or the Sender. In such a case

the Reply-To object can be used.



The Sender will contain the address of the individual who sent the

message. In some cases this is NOT the same as the author of the

message. Under such a condition, the author should be specified in

the From object. The Sender is a single TEXT element.



The subject of the message.



To identifies the addressees of the message. The To object is one

TEXT element.


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3.4. Command

This section describes the commands which processes in the internet

message system can use to communicate. Several aspects of the command

structure are based on the NSW Transaction Protocol [19]. The

commands come in pairs, with each request having a corresponding


A command is a list:

LIST ( mailbox, stamp, type, operation, arguments, error-list )

The arguments are described generally here and more specifically, if

necessary, in the description of each command.

mailbox: PROPLIST

This is the "to" specification of the message. Mailbox takes the

form of a property list of general information, some of which is

the essential information for delivery, and some of which could be

extra information which may be helpful for delivery. Mailbox is

different from address in that address is a very specific list

without extra information.

stamp: LIST ( INTEGER, ... )

This is a list of the MPMs that have handled the message. Each

MPM must add its 32 bit Internet Host Number (ihn) to the LIST.

type: INDEX

type=1 a REQUEST operation.

type=2 a REPLY operation.

type=3 an ALARM operation. (A high priority message.)

type=4 a RESPONSE to an alarm operation.

operation: TEXT

Operation is the name of the operation or procedure to be

performed. This string must be interpreted in an upper/lower case

independent manner.

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arguments: LIST

This is a list of arguments to the above operation.

error-list: LIST

If message is type 1 or 3 (a request or an alarm):

LIST ( ) (a zero length list)

If message is a type 2 or 4 (a response or response to alarm)

LIST ( error-class, error-string ) indicates what,if any, error


error-class: INDEX

=0: indicates success, no error

=1: partial results returned.

This error class is used when several steps are performed by

one operation and some of them fail.

=2: failure, resources unavailable.

=3: failure, user error.

=4: failure, MPM error. Recoverable.

=5: failure, MPM error. Fatal.

=6: User abort requested

error-string: TEXT

This is a human readable character string describing the error.

Possible errors:

error-string error-class

No errors 0

Command not implemented 2

Syntax error, command unrecognized 3

Syntax error, in arguments 3

Server error, try again later 4

No service available 5

User requested abort 6

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command: DELIVER

type: 1

function: Sends message to a mailbox

reply: The reply is ACKNOWLEDGE

arguments: LIST ( options )

options: one or more of the following

"REGULAR" regular delivery

"FORWARD" message forwarding

"GENDEL" general delivery

other options which may be defined later

argument structure:

LIST ( LIST ( TEXT, ... ))

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type: 2

function: reply to DELIVER

arguments: LIST ( tid, trail, answer, reasons, how-delivered )

tid: tid of the originating message

trail: the stamp from the deliver command

answer: yes if delivered successfully,

no if error in delivery.

reasons: if the answer is yes, the reason is "ok", if the answer

is no the reason could be one of "no such user", "no such host",

"no such network", "address ambiguous", or a similar response

how-delivered: one or more of the following:

"FORWARD" message was accepted for forwarding

"GENDEL" message was accepted for general delivery

"ACCEPT" message was accepted for normal delivery

other types of delivery may be defined later

argument structure:


LIST ( INTEGER, ... ),




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command: PROBE

type: 1

function: finds out if specified mailbox (specified in mailbox of

the command) exists at a host

reply: the reply is RESPONSE

arguments: LIST ( --none-- )

argument structure:

LIST ( )

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command: RESPONSE

type: 2

function: reply to PROBE

arguments: LIST ( tid, trail, answer, address OR reasons )

tid: the tid which came from the originating PROBE

trail: the stamp which came from the originating PROBE

answer: Yes if mailbox found, or no for invalid mailbox

if answer is yes the fourth argument is address

if answer is no it is reasons

address: a specific address in the network

reasons: a reason why mailbox is invalid

Possible reasons include:

"Mailbox doesn't exist"

"Mailbox full"

"Mailbox has moved, try this new location", address

address is a new address to try

argument structure:

if answer is yes


LIST ( INTEGER, ... ),



if answer is no


LIST ( INTEGER, ... ),



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command: CANCEL

type: 3

function: abort request for specified transaction

reply: The reply is CANCELED

arguments: LIST ( tid )

tid of transaction to be cancelled

argument structure:


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command: CANCELED

type: 4

function: reply to CANCEL

arguments: LIST ( tid, trail, answer )

tid: tid of transaction to be cancelled

trail: the stamp of the CANCEL command

answer: yes if the command was canceled, no if not.

argument structure:


LIST ( INTEGER, ... ),


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To summarize again, a command consists of a LIST of the following


name element

---- -------

mailbox PROPLIST

stamp LIST ( INTEGER, ... )

type INDEX

operation TEXT

arguments LIST ( --- )

error LIST ( INDEX, TEXT )

3.5. Document

The actual document follows the command list. It contains a header

which usually contains such information as From, To, Date, CC, etc.;

and the actual body of the message. The message delivery system does

not depend on the document. The following section should be taken as

a recommendation for common practice, not as a requirement.

Document Header

For the same reason that it is impossible to for see the many forms

that intranet addresses will take, standardizing of document headers

would also be a mistake. The approach we suggest is to lay the

groundwork for a set of basic document header functions and provide

for enough extensibility to allow nets to add whatever header

features they desire. Features added in this fashion, however, may

not be understood by other networks. It is suggested that subset

defined here be implemented by all networks.

This subset is taken from the current ARPANET standard for message

headers in the text oriented computer message system [6,8].

The document header will precede the document body portion of the

message and will consist of a proplist data element. The document

header is meant to be used by individual networks to tailor the

header to suit their individual needs. As an example, consider the

ARPA network. Typically, the receiver's name is taken to be his

network address. It often prints in the document header in just

that form: Frank@SITEX. Such a salutation is unacceptable in some

more formal modes of communication. Some network might choose to

place into header proplist the name-value pair ("SALUTATION:", "Mr.

Frank Hacker"). Upon receipt of the message, the document handling

program would then be able to scan the header proplist looking for

such a pair and so be able to correctly address the recipient by

name instead of by network address. However, other networks or

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sites within the network may not understand such specific

information. Under such a condition it should be ignored.

The minimum header is a PROPLIST of the following name-value pairs:

Name Value

---- -----



A normal header is a PROPLIST containing the following name-value


Name Value

---- -----







Document Body

The Body of the message is just a sequence of data elements which

contains the actual document. Much of the time this will be a

single TEXT element, but for some applications other data elements

may be utilized.

LIST ( --- )

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3.6. Message Structure

An internet message is composed of three parts. The first is the tid

which identifies the transaction; the second is the Command List; and

the third part is the Document List, which is itself comprised of a

Document-Header and a Document-Body.

When shipped between two MPMs, a message will take the form of a LIST:

Message is:

LIST ( tid, Command-List, Document-List )

It is convenient to batch several messages together shipping them as

a unit from one MPM to another. Such a group of messages is called

a message-bag.

A message-bag will be a LIST of Messages, each Message is of the

form described above.

Thus, a message-bag is:

LIST ( Message1, Message2, ... )

Message Sharing

When messages are batched for delivery, it may often be the case

that the same Document will be sent to more than one recipient.

Since the Document portion can usually be expected to be the major

parts of the message, much repeated data would be sent if a copy of

the Mail for each recipient were to be shipped in the message-bag.

To avoid this redundancy, messages are assembled in the message-bag

so that actual data appears first and references to it appear later

in the message-bag. Since each message has a unique tid, the

references will indicate the tid of the actual data. In this sense,

all references to copied data may be thought of as pointing earlier

in the message-bag. The data to be retrieved can be thought of as

indexed by tid. Note that the semantics require such references to

point to data already seen.

When a portion is Shared, that portion is determined by its position

within a message, i.e., if the Command list was to be Shared, then

its position within a Message would contain the tid of the message

already seen whose Command list was identical to it. The same is

true of the Document Header and the Document Body. Only a complete

Command, Header, or Body may be Shared, never a partial one.

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If an encryption scheme is used, that portion of the message which

is encrypted can not be shared. This is due to the fact that

encrypting keys will be specific between two individuals.

Internal Message Organization

The tid

This is the transaction identifier. It is assigned by the

originating MPM.

The Command List

The command-list is a LIST which contains two elements, content

and command.

Content is one item of element type INDEX. If content=0, the item

is not shared and the next element of the LIST is the command. If

content=1 the item is shared. In this case, the second element

will contain the tid of the command to share from. The tid must

be of a prior message in the current message-bag. Other values of

content may be defined later for different data structures.

Thus, command-list is:

LIST ( content, tid ) if content=1


LIST ( content, command ) if content=0

content is:

INDEX which is 0 if there is no sharing

and is 1 if sharing occurs

tid is:

the tid of the message to be shared from

command is:

LIST ( mailbox, stamp, type, operation, arguments, error-list )

The document-list

The document portion of an internet message is optional and when

present is comprised of a LIST containing two elements:

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document-list is:

LIST ( header-list, body-list )

While either the header-list or the body-list may be shared, both

elements must appear in the m.

The document-header

The header-list will be a List which will always contain two

elements. The first element will be content to indicate whether

or not the header is to be shared. The second element will either

be the tid of the header to be copied (if content=1) or it will be

the document-header (which is a PROPLIST) containing the actual

header information (if content=0). The tid must point to a

document-header already seen in the message-bag.

The header-list is either:

LIST ( content, tid ) if content=1


LIST ( content, document-header ) if content=0

document-header is:

PROPLIST which contains header information

The document-body

The body-list will be a LIST of two elements. The first element

will again be content, indicating whether or not the body is to be

shared. If it is shared, the second element will be tid

indicating which body to copy. This tid must be of a message

already seen in the message-bag. If content indicates no sharing,

then the second item is a document-body.

body-list is:

LIST ( content, tid ) if content=1


LIST ( content, document-body ) if content=0

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document-body is:

LIST ( items comprising the body ... )

Message Fields

message := ( tid, command-list, document-list )

tid := ( tn, ihn )

command-list := ( content, command )

command := ( mailbox, stamp, type, operation,

arguments, error-list )

document-list := ( header-list, body-list )

header-list := ( content, document-header )

body-list := ( content, document-body )

3.7. MPM Organization


The heart of the internet message system is the MPM which is

responsible for routing and delivering message between the networks.

Each network must have at least one MPM. These MPMs are connected

together, and internet mail is always transferred along channels

between them. The system interfaces with the already existent local

message system.

Since the local network message system may be very different from

the internet system, special programs may be necessary to convert

incoming internet messages to the local format. Likewise, messages

outgoing to other networks may be converted to the internet format.


Messages in the internet mail system are shipped in "bags," each bag

containing one or more messages. Each bag is addressed to a

specific MPM and contains messages for the hosts on that MPM's


Each MPM is expected to implement functions which will allow it to

deliver local messages it receives and to forward non-local ones to

other MPMs presumably closer to the message's destination.

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Loosely, each MPM can be separated into five components:


Receives incoming Message-Bags, from other MPMs, from UIPs, or

from conversion programs.

2--Message-Bag Processor

Splits a Bag into these three portions:

a. Local Host Messages

b. Local Net Messages

c. Foreign Net Messages

3--Local Net Delivery

Delivers local net and local host messages, may call on

conversion program.

4--Foreign Net Router

Creation of new Message-Bags for forwarding to other MPMs,

determines route.

5--Foreign Net Shipper

Activates foreign shipping channels and ships Message-Bag to

foreign MPMs. Performs data compression while shipping bags.

All of these components can be thought of as independent. Of the

five, the Acceptor, the Local-Net Delivery, and the Message-Bag

Processor are fully self-contained and communicate with each other

only through a queue, the Bag-Input Queue. The function of the

Acceptor is to await incoming Message-Bags and to insert them into

the Bag-Input Queue.

That queue is the input to the Message-Bag Processor component which

will separate and deliver suitable portions of the Message-Bags it

retrieves from the queue to one of three queues:

a. Local-Host Queue

b. Local-Net Queue

c. Foreign Net Queue

When a MPM decides to forward a message to another MPM, it must add

its own identification (i.e., its ihn) to the stamp field of the

command. The stamp then becomes a record of the route the message

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has taken. An MPM should examine the stamp field to see if the

message is in a routing loop. Some commands require the return of

the stamp as a trail in the matching reply command.

All of these queues have as elements complete Message-Bags (some of

which may have been portions of the original Bag).

The Local-Host and Local-Net queues serve as input to the Local-Net

Delivery process. This component is responsible for delivering

messages to its local host and other hosts on its local net to which

it is connected. It must be capable of handling whatever error

conditions the local net might return, including the ability to

retransmit. It may call on conversion program to reformat the

messages into a form the local protocol will accept. This will

probably involve such things as copying shared information.

The other two processes are more closely coupled. The Foreign Net

Router takes its input Bags from the Foreign Net Queue. From the

internal information it contains, it determines which one of the

MPMs to which it is connected should receive the Bag.

It then places the Bag along with the routing information into the

Shippable Mail Queue. The Foreign Net Shipper retrieves it from

that queue and transmits it across a channel to the intended foreign


The Foreign Net Router should be capable of receiving external input

to its routing information table. This may come from the Foreign

Net Shipper in the case of a channel going down, requiring a

decision to either postpone delivery or to determine a new route.

The Router is responsible for maintaining sufficient topological

information to determine where to forward any incoming Message-Bag.

Decisions concerning the return of undeliverable Bags are made by

the Router.

It should be stressed here that message delivery should be reliable.

In the event that delivery is impossible, the message should be

returned to the sender along with information regarding the reason

for not delivering it.

Implementation Recommendations

Transaction numbers can be assigned sequentially with wrap around

when the highest value is reached. This should ensure that no

message with a particular transaction number from this source is in

the network when another instance of this transaction number is


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3.8. Interfaces

User Interface

It is assumed that the interface between the MPM and the UIP

provides for passing data structures which represent the document

portion of the message. In addition this interface must pass the

delivery address information (which becomes the information in the

mailbox field of the command). It is weakly assumed that the

information is passed between the UIP and the MPM via shared files,

but this is not the only possible mechanism. These two processes

may be more strongly coupled (e.g., by sharing memory), or less

strongly coupled (e.g., by communicating via logical channels).

Communication Interface

It is assumed here that the MPM use an underlying communication

system, and TCP [20] has been taken as the model. Again, this is

not intended to limit the implementation choices, other forms of

interprocess communication are allowed and other types of physical

interconnection are permitted. One might even use dial telephone

calls to interconnect MPMs (using suitable protocols to provide

reliable communication).

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Example 1: Message Format

Suppose we want to send the following message:

Date: 1979-03-29-11:46-08:00

From: Jon Postel <Postel@ISIB>

Subject: Meeting Thursday

To: Dave Crocker <DCrocker@Rand-Unix>

CC: Mamie


Please mark your calendar for our meeting Thursday at 3 pm.


It will be encoded in the structured format. The following will

present successive steps in the top down generation of this message.

1. message

2. ( tid, command-list, document-list )

3. ( ( tn, ihn ),

( content, command ),

( header-list, body-list ) )

4. ( ( tn, ihn ),

( content,

( mailbox, stamp, type, operation,

arguments, error-list ) ),

( ( content, document-header ),

( content, document-body ) ) )

5. ( ( 37, 167772404 ),

( 0, (

( IA: 167772359, NET: arpa, HOST: rand-unix,

USER: DCrocker ),

( 167772404 ),



( ( REGULAR ) ),

( ) ) ),

( ( 0, (

Date: 1979-03-29-11:46-08:00

From: Jon Postel <Postel@ISIB>

Subject: Meeting Thursday

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Examples & Scenarios

To: Dave Crocker <DCrocker@Rand-Unix>

CC: Mamie ) ),

( 0, ( Dave:

Please mark your calendar for our meeting

Thursday at 3 pm.

--jon. ) ) ) )

6. LIST( LIST( INDEX=37, INTEGER=167772404 ),


command LIST( PROPLIST( IA: 167772359,

NET: arpa,

mailbox HOST: rand-unix,

USER: DCrocker ),

stamp LIST( INTEGER=167772404 ),

type INDEX=1

operation TEXT="DELIVER"

arguments LIST( LIST( TEXT="REGULAR" )),

error-list LIST( ) ) ),


document-header PROPLIST(

DATE: 1979-03-29-11:46-08:00

FROM: Jon Postel <Postel@ISIB>

SUBJECT: Meeting Thursday

TO: Dave Crocker <DCrocker@Rand-Unix>

CC: Mamie ) ),


document-body LIST( TEXT=


Please mark your calendar for

our meeting Thursday at 3 pm.

--jon." ) ) ) )

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Examples & Scenarios

Example 2: Delivery and Acknowledgment

The following is four views of the message of example 1 during the

successive transmission from the origination MPM, through a relay MPM,

to the destination MPM, and the return of the acknowledgment, through

a relay MPM, to the originating MPM.


! 1 2 !

! sending --> originating --> relay --> destination --> receiving !

! user MPM MPM MPM user !

! !

! 4 3 !

! originating <-- relay <-- destination !



Transmission Path

Figure 6.

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Examples & Scenarios

1. Between the originating MPM and the relay MPM.

LIST( LIST( INDEX=37, INTEGER=167772404 ),


command LIST( PROPLIST( IA: 167772359,

NET: arpa,

mailbox HOST: rand-unix,

USER: DCrocker ),

stamp LIST( INTEGER=167772404 ),

type INDEX=1

operation TEXT="DELIVER"

arguments LIST( LIST( TEXT="REGULAR" )),

error-list LIST( ) ) ),


document-header PROPLIST(

DATE: 1979-03-29-11:46-08:00

FROM: Jon Postel <Postel@ISIB>

SUBJECT: Meeting Thursday

TO: Dave Crocker <DCrocker@Rand-Unix>

CC: Mamie ) ),


document-body LIST( TEXT=


Please mark your calendar for

our meeting Thursday at 3 pm.

--jon." ) ) ) )

The originating MPM sends the message of example 1 to a relay MPM.

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Examples & Scenarios

2. Between the relay MPM and the destination MPM.

LIST( LIST( INDEX=37, INTEGER=167772404 ),


command LIST( PROPLIST( IA: 167772359,

NET: arpa,

mailbox HOST: rand-unix,

USER: DCrocker ),

stamp LIST( INTEGER=167772404,

INTEGER=167772246 ),

type INDEX=1

operation TEXT="DELIVER"

arguments LIST( LIST( TEXT="REGULAR" )),

error-list LIST( ) ) ),


document-header PROPLIST(

DATE: 1979-03-29-11:46-08:00

FROM: Jon Postel <Postel@ISIB>

SUBJECT: Meeting Thursday

TO: Dave Crocker <DCrocker@Rand-Unix>

CC: Mamie ) ),


document-body LIST( TEXT=


Please mark your calendar for

our meeting Thursday at 3 pm.

--jon." ) ) ) )

The relay MPM adds its ihn to the stamp, but otherwise the message

is unchanged.

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Examples & Scenarios

3. Between the destination MPM and the relay MPM.

LIST( LIST( INDEX=1993, INTEGER=167772359 ),


command LIST( PROPLIST( IA: 167772404,

mailbox USER: *MPM* ),

stamp LIST( INTEGER=167772359 ),

type INDEX=2


arguments LIST( LIST( INDEX=37,

tid INTEGER=167772404 ),

LIST( INTEGER=167772404,

trail INTEGER=167772246,

INTEGER=167772359 ),


reason LIST( TEXT="OK" ),

how-delivered LIST( TEXT="ACCEPT" ) ),

error-list LIST( INDEX=0,

TEXT="No Errors") ),

document LIST( ) )

The destination MPM delivers the message to the user's UIP, and

composes an acknowledgment. The acknowledgment is addressed to

the originating MPM. Note that the trail is the stamp of the

incoming message plus the ihn of the destination MPM.

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Examples & Scenarios

4. Between the relay MPM and the originating MPM.

LIST( LIST( INDEX=1993, INTEGER=167772359 ),


command LIST( PROPLIST( IA: 167772404,

mailbox USER: *MPM* ),

stamp LIST( INTEGER=167772359


type INDEX=2


arguments LIST( LIST( INDEX=37,

tid INTEGER=167772404 ),

LIST( INTEGER=167772404,

trail INTEGER=167772246,

INTEGER=167772359 ),


reason LIST( TEXT="OK" ),

how-delivered LIST( TEXT="ACCEPT" ) ),

error-list LIST( INDEX=0,

TEXT="No Errors") ),

document LIST( ) )

The relay MPM adds its ihn to the stamp and forwards the


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BBN Report 1822, "The Specification of the Interconnection of

a Host and an IMP". The specification of interface between a

host and the ARPANET.

Command List

The part of a message used by the MPMs to determine the

processing action to be taken.


A logical unit of data, in particular an internet datagram is

the unit of data transfered between the internet module and a

higher level module.


The destination address, an internet header datagram protocol


Document List

The part of the message created by or delivered to a user.


Control information at the beginning of a message, segment,

datagram, packet or block of data.


The Interface Message Processor, the packet switch of the


Internet Address

A four octet (32 bit) source or destination address consisting

of a Network field and a Local Address field.

internet datagram

The unit of data exchanged between a pair of internet modules

(includes the internet header).

Local Address

The address of a host within a network. The actual mapping of

an internet local address on to the host addresses in a

network is quite general, allowing for many to one mappings.

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Internet Message Protocol



The unit of information transmitted between users of message

systems. As transmitted between MPMs a message consists of a

Transaction Identifier, a Command List, and a Document List.


An implementation, usually in software, of a protocol or other



A Message Processing Module, the process which implements this

internet message protocol.


An eight bit byte.


The 3 octet (24 bit) local address portion of an Internet



Real Time Protocol: A host-to-host protocol for communication

of time critical information.


The source address, an internet header field.


Transmission Control Protocol: A host-to-host protocol for

reliable communication in internetwork environments.

Transaction Identifier

The unique identifier of a message.

Type of Service

An internet datagram protocol header field which indicates the

type (or quality) of service for this internet packet.


A User Interface Program, a program which presents message

data to a user and accepts message data from a user. A

program which interacts with the user in the composition and

examination of messages.


A cross-net debugging protocol.

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Internet Message Protocol


[1] Barber, D., and J. Laws, "A Basic Mail Scheme for EIN," INWG 192,

February 1979.

[2] Bhushan, A., K. Progran, R. Tomlinson, and J. White,

"Standardizing Network Mail Headers," RFC561, NIC 18516, 5

September 1973.

[3] Bolt Beranek and Newman, "Specification for the Interconnection of

a Host and an IMP," BBN Technical Report 1822, May 1978 (Revised).

[4] Braaten, O., "Introduction to a Mail Protocol," Norwegian

Computing Center, INWG 180, August 1978.

[5] Cerf, V., "The Catenet Model for Internetworking," Information

Processing Techniques Office, Defense Advanced Research Projects

Agency, IEN 48, July 1978.

[6] Crocker, D., J. Vittal, K. Progran, and D. Henderson, "Standard

for the Format of ARPA Network Text Messages," RFC733, NIC 41952,

21 November 1977.

[7] Crocker, D., E. Szurkowski, and D. Farber, "Components of a

Channel-independent Memo Transmission System," Department of

Electrical Engineering, University of Delaware,, February 1979.

[8] Feinler, E. and J. Postel, eds., "ARPANET Protocol Handbook,"

NIC 7104, for the Defense Communications Agency by the Network

Information Center of SRI International, Menlo Park, California,

Revised January 1978.

[9] Harrenstien, K., "Field Addressing," ARPANET Message, SRI

International, October 1977.

[10] Haverty, J., "MSDTP -- Message Services Data Transmission

Protocol," RFC713, NIC 34739, April 1976.

[11] Haverty, J., "Thoughts on Interactions in Distributed Services,"

RFC722, NIC 36806, 16 September 1976.

[12] Haverty, J., D. Henderson, and D. Oestreicher, "Proposed

Specification of an Inter-site Message Protocol," 8 July 1975.

[13] ISO-2014, "Writing of calendar dates in all-numeric form,"

Recommendation 2014, International Organization for

Standardization, 1975.

Postel [Page 51]

March 1979

Internet Message Protocol


[14] ISO-3307, "Information Interchange -- Representations of time of

the day," Recommendation 3307, International Organization for

Standardization, 1975.

[15] ISO-4031, "Information Interchange -- Representation of local time

differentials," Recommendation 4031, International Organization

for Standardization, 1978.

[16] Myer, T., and D. Henderson, "Message Transmission Protocol,"

RFC680, NIC 32116, 30 April 1975.

[17] Postel, J. "Internetwork Datagram Protocol, Version 4," USC

Information Sciences Institute, IEN 80, February 1979.

[18] Postel, J. "NSW Data Representation (NSWB8)," IEN 39, May 1978.

[19] Postel, J. "NSW Transaction Protocol (NSWTP)," IEN 38, May 1978.

[20] Postel, J. "Transmission Control Protocol, TCP, Version 4," USC

Information Sciences Institute, IEN 81, February 1979.

[21] Postel, J., "Assigned Numbers," RFC750, NIC 45500,

26 September 1978.

[22] Postel, J., "Message System Transition Plan," JBP 64,

USC-Information Sciences Institute, February 1979.

[23] Rivest, R. L. "A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and

Public-Key Cryptosystems" Communications of the ACM, Vol. 21,

Number 2, February 1978.

[24] Shoch, J., "A Note On Inter-Network Naming, Addressing, and

Routing," Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, IEN 19, January 1978.

[25] Thomas, R., "Providing Mail Services for NSW Users," BBN NSW

Working Note 24, Bolt Beranek and Newman, October 1978.

[26] White, J., "A Proposed Mail Protocol," RFC524, NIC 17140, 13 June


[27] White, J., "Description of a Multi-Host Journal," NIC 23144,

30 May 1974.

[28] White, J., "Journal Subscription Service," NIC 23143, 28 May 1974.

[Page 52] Postel

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Internet Message Protocol


A. Encryption

It would be straightforward to add the capability to have the document

portion of messages either wholly or partially encrypted. The

approach is to define an additional basic data element to carry

encrypted data. The data within this element could be composed of

other elements, but that could only be perceived after the data was



9 Encrypt ! 9 ! octet count ! Data ...


Element code 9 (ENCRYPT) is Encrypt. The format is the one octet type

code, the three octet type count, and count octets of data. Use of

this element indicates that the data it contains is encrypted. The

encryption scheme is yet to be decided but will probably be the Public

Key Encryption technique [23] due to the capacity for coded


To process this, the user is asked for the appropriate key the first

time an encryption block is seen for a particular message. The

encrypted data is then decrypted. The data thus revealed will be in

the form of complete data type fields. Encryption cannot occur over a

partial field. The revealed data is then processed normally.

Note that there is no reason why all fields of a document could not be

encrypted including all document header information such as From,

Date, etc.

Postel [Page 53]

March 1979

Internet Message Protocol


B. Data Compression

When message-bags are shipped between MPMs the data should be

compressed according to the following scheme:

shipping-unit := compression-type message-bag

compression-type := A one octet compression type indicator.

compression-type value description

---------------------- -----------

0 no compression used

1 basic compression

basic compression

This basic compression procedure is the same as that defined for

use with the ARPANET FTP [8]. Three types of compression-units

may be formed, sequence-units, replication-units, and

filler-units. The data is formed into a series of

compression-units independent of the structure or object and

element boundaries.


A sequence-unit is a one octet flag and count followed by that

many data octets.


!0! n ! n data octets ...


The flag and count octet has its high order bit zero and the

remaining bits indicate the count (in the range 0 to 127) of

following data octets.


A replication-unit is a one octet flag and count followed by one

data octet, which is to be replicated count times.


!10! n ! data !


The flag and count octet has its high order two bits equal

one-zero and the remaining six bits indicate the count (in the

range 0 to 63) of number of time to replicate the data octet.

[Page 54] Postel

March 1979

Internet Message Protocol



A filler-unit is a one octet flag and count, indicating that a

filler octet is to be inserted count times.


!11! n !


The flag and count octet has its high order two bits equal

one-one and the remaining six bits indicate the count (in the

range 0 to 63) of number of time to insert the filler octet.

The filler octet is zero, the octet with all bits zero.

Postel [Page 55]

March 1979

Internet Message Protocol

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