
RFC744 - MARS - a Message Archiving and Retrieval Service

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NWG/RFC744 JS5 8-Jan-78 21:59 42857

Network Working Group Joanne Sattley

Request for Comments: 744 JZS@CCA

NIC: 42857 8 January 1978

MARS - A Message Archiving & Retrieval Service

I. IntrodUCtion


This document describes a Message Archiving and Retrieval Service

(MARS) which has been developed at Computer Corporation of America; it

utilizes the Datacomputer, a network database utility developed by CCA

for ARPA. [Research and development of a prototype MARS system was

supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of the

Department of Defense, under the ARPA Very Large Databases program,

and was monitored by the Office of Naval Research under Contract No.


The Service is available, primarily, to groups for storage of

teleconferencing transcripts. Is is also available, upon request, to

individual ARPANET correspondents.

There are both 'public' and 'private' messages in the database.

Public messages may be retrieved by anyone. The public collection

includes the messages of the Header-People [@ MIT-MC] group, and the

MsgGroup [@ USC-ISI] proceedings.

Private messages may be retrieved only by the users who have archived

them, or anyone whose name appears on the list of message recipients.

Messages archived using MARS are heavily indexed and can be retrieved

in a variety of ways, including Boolean combinations of message

recipients, message composition date, any text Words in the message

subject, and text words in the message body. The MARS facilities are

integrated very naturally into the existing collection of

message-handling tools:

. A message is designated for archiving by sending it to

MARS-Filer @ CCA using one of the usual message-mailing tools such


. A message is designated for retrieval by sending a request as

ordinary mail to MARS-Retriever @ CCA.

The Filer program checks for mail every hour; the Retriever program

checks every quarter-hour. The periodicity can be altered to meet

demand but the intent is for MARS to operate as a background job and

only during extremely low-activity periods.

The next section (II) describes the indexing operation in greater

detail, and how to archive and retrieve messages. The last section

(III) is an extractable user card.

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MARS - A Message Archiving & Retrieval Service

II. Using MARS


A. Message Indexing


For each message, a vector of parsed tokens is created. The parsed

tokens are collected by the message-field in which they occurred -- to

be used as "indexes", i.e., values of inverted fields, by the


The Filer "indexes", essentially without analysis, except for the


-- Each distinguishable section of the message is indexed

separately; each header line is a separate inversion domain, as

is the body of the message.

-- The header lines which contain ARPANET addresses are analyzed in

order to index separately on mailbox and host.

-- The date-field is parsed and converted to the standard Tenex

internal date/time format, which is better adapted for

less-than/greater-than comparisons, as in retrievals which

specify a date range.

-- One-character words in both the subject-field and the

message-text field arbitrarily discarded.

-- Two-character words in the message-text field are arbitrarily


-- Hyphenated phrases, i.e., words bound together by hyphens, are

retained intact.

-- All message formats which conform to RFC733 standards are

accommodated. The minimum requirements are: a date-field, a

from-field, and a blank line between the message-header and


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MARS - A Message Archiving & Retrieval Service

B. To Archive Messages


There are three modes of filing currently supported by MARS, to wit:

-- single-message mode, wherein the MARS-Filer mailbox appears in

the message as an addressee;

-- forwarded-message mode, wherein the MARS-Filer mailbox appears as

the only primary recipient;


-- batch mode, wherein the mailing envelope is addressed to

MARS-Filer and the subject-field contains the keyword "batch".

Until the ARPANET standard for the format of messages is implemented

universally, the variability amongst formats is still greater than the

Filer can handle as it stands. Nonetheless, a user can successfully

file any message in a "foreign" format by forwarding it to the Filer

under the aegis of a mail-handling program which does produce good

formats. Admittedly, the correct header-field indexing, as described

above, will not be done on the enclosed message; but at least, the

words in its unreadable header fields will appear as "text" words in

the indexing.

In the case of forwarded-message-mode filing, all interesting indexing

information is extracted from the message-header of the forwarding

envelope prior to discarding it. The name of the archiver, the date

and time the message was forwarded, and the subject-line information

are recorded. The remainder is handled as though it were a

non-forwarded message which had been CC'd to the Filer.

A forwarded message may be 'annotated' by adding text (e.g., notes,

comments, keywords) in the forwarding envelope. Annotations are filed

and retrieved as part of the archived message.

In the case of batch-mode filing, only the archiver's name and the

date and time s/he sent the package are extracted from the mailing

envelope. The message-body portion is then treated as a series of

individual messages.

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MARS - A Message Archiving & Retrieval Service

C. To Retrieve Messages


Retrievals are initiated by sending a Retrieval Request (which is a

specially formatted message) to "MARS-Retriever@CCA". Retrieved

messages are mailed back, one at a time, and will appear as new mail

in the requester's mailbox.

Retrieval Request messages can be composed using any SNDMSG-type of

program, as follows:

. The recipient of the RR message must be MARS-Retriever @ CCA

. Other message header fields are ignored for now

. The message body portion of the RR is used to compose Datalanguage

for performing the retrieval. Its format resembles a message

header, or selected portions thereof.

The following list defines which field names are recognized, and some

notes on their interpretation. The scanning of each field is

terminated by a carriage-return.

DATE: The format of the date field is day-month-year. Use of

hyphens is optional. This field will cause only those

messages composed on the specified date to be retrieved.

AFTER: Use of this field will retrieve messages composed after

the specified date.

SINCE: This field is interpreted like the AFTER: field.

BEFORE: Use of this field will retrieve messages composed before

the specified date.

UNTIL: This field is interpreted like the BEFORE: field.

FROM: This field is eXPected to contain a valid mailbox name.

The host specification is optional. If more than one name

is specified, ORing of the names is implicit.

Retrieval based upon host specification alone has not been


TO: This field is expected to contain one or more valid

mailbox names. The host specification is optional. Spaces

and commas between the names imply AND.

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MARS - A Message Archiving & Retrieval Service

SUBJECT: Use of this field will retrieve all messages whose

indexed subject-field contents match the specified

word(s). Spaces and commas imply AND. The use of OR

must be explicit.

TEXT: Use of this field will retrieve all messages whose

indexed message-body contents match the specified

word(s). Spaces and commas imply AND. The use of OR

must be explicit.

An interactive TENEX-based program for composing RRs is available;

the filename is "RR.SAV". A copy of this program is stored on the

Datacomputer, available via DFTP under node COMMON>MARS.

There is also a copy of the program in CCA's Directory at SRI-KA;

another in the CCA-ACCAT directory at ISIA.

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MARS - A Message Archiving & Retrieval Service

III. MARS User Card


:: Archiving


Individual Messages

. Include MARS-Filer@CCA on message distribution list

. Forward message to MARS-Filer@CCA [Annotation is optional.]

Batches of Messages

. Incorporate the mail file as the message-body of a single

message sent to MARS-Filer@CCA with the clue "BATCH" in its


:: Retrieving


Using RR Program

. RR is a TENEX-based interactive program designed to prepare

Retrieval Request messages and to mail them to MARS-Retriever@CCA.

Using SNDMSG-Type Program

. Send a message to MARS-Retriever@CCA, specifying the retrieval

criteria in the body of the message.

Sample Retrieval Criteria

SUBJECT:RFC733 or RFC733 ; OR must be explicit

TEXT:MARS Project,goals ; spaces & commas imply AND

DATE: 14 November 1977

SINCE: 1 Nov 77 ; same as AFTER: 1 Nov 77

AFTER: 1 Dec 1977

UNTIL: 15 January 1978 ; same as BEFORE: 15 January 1978

BEFORE: Aug 7 76

FROM: JZS@CCA ; host specification is optional

FROM: Hacker,JZS ; comma implies OR (in FROM: field only)

TO: CCA@SRI-KA ; host specification is optional

TO: SDD-0:,SDD-1: ; spaces and commas imply AND

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