
RFC787 - Connectionless data transmission survey/tutorial

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Request For Comments: 787 A. Lyman Chapin

July 1981

Subject: Connectionless Data Transmission Survey/Tutorial

From: A. Lyman Chapin

The attached paper on connectionless data transmission is being

distributed to the members of a number of US organizations that are

involved or interested in the development of international data

communication standards. Following a review period ending Septem-

ber 1, 1981, a revised version of the paper - incorporating com-

ments and suggestions received from reviewers - will be considered

by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) committee

responsible for Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model

issues (ANSC X3T5). If approved, it will then be presented to the

relevant International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

groups as the foundation of a US position recommending the incor-

poration of connectionless data transmission by the Reference Model

and related OSI service and protocol standards.

Your comments on the paper, as well as an indication of the extent

to which the concepts and services of connectionless data transmis-

sion are important to you and/or your organization, will help to

ensure that the final version reflects a true US position. They

should be directed to the author at the following address:

A. Lyman Chapin

Data General Corporation MS E111

4400 Computer Drive

Westborough, MA 01580

(617) 366-8911 x3056

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00



X3T5/81-171 This document has not been re-

X3T51/81-44 viewed or approved by the appro-

X3S37/81-71R priate Technical Committee and

does not at this time represent

a USA consensus.


Connectionless Data Transmission

A. Lyman Chapin

22 May 1981 Revision 1.00

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00


The increasingly familiar and ubiquitous Re-

ference Model of Open Systems Interconnection,

currently being considered by the International

Organization for Standardization (ISO) for

promotion to the status of a Draft International

Standard, is based on the eXPlicit assumption

that a "connection" - an association between two

or more communicating entities, possessing

certain characteristics over and above those

possessed by the entities themselves - is

required for the transfer of data in an Open

Systems Interconnection (OSI) environment.

Although the connection-oriented model of

communications behavior has proven to be an

extremely powerful concept, and has been applied

sUCcessfully to the design and implementation of

protocols and systems covering a wide range of

applications, a growing body of research and

experience suggests that a complementary concept

- connectionless data transmission - is an

essential part of the Open Systems Interconnec-

tion architecture, and should be embraced as

such by the OSI Reference Model. This paper

explores the concept of connectionless data

transmission and its relationship to the more

familiar concepts of connection-oriented data

transfer, developing a rationale for the inclu-

sion of the connectionless concept in the

Reference Model as an integral part of the

standard description of the OSI architecture.

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

1 Introduction

Over the past three years, a number of national and interna-

tional standards organizations have expended the time and

efforts of a great many people to achieve a description of an

architectural Reference Model for interconnecting computer

systems considered to be "open" by virtue of their mutual use of

standard communication protocols and formats. The current

description, the Reference Model of Open Systems Interconnection

(RM/OSI)[1], is generally accepted by the International Organi-

zation for Standardization (ISO), the International Telephone

and Telegraph Consultatitive Committee (CCITT), the European

Computer Manufacturer's Association (ECMA), and many national

standards bodies, including the American National Standards

Institute (ANSI), and has progressed to the status of a Draft

Proposed Standard (DP7498) within ISO. It describes the con-

cepts and principles of a communications architecture organized

hierarchically, by function, into seven discrete layers, and

prescribes the services that each layer must provide to the

layer immediately above it (the uppermost layer provides its

services to user applications, which are considered to be

outside of the Open Systems Interconnection environment).

Building on the services available to it from the next-lower

layer, each layer makes use of standard OSI protocols which

enable it to cooperate with other instances of the same layer

(its "peers") in other systems (see Figure 1). This technique

of grouping related functions into distinct layers, each of

which implements a set of well-defined services that are used by

the layer above, partitions a very complex, abstract problem -

"how can the components of a distributed application, operating

in potentially dissimilar environments, cooperate with each

other?" - into a number of more manageable problems that enjoy a

logical relationship to each other and can individually be more

readily understood.

The Reference Model was developed to serve as a framework for

the coordination of existing and future standards designed to

facilitate the interconnection of data processing systems. The

purpose of OSI is to enable an end-user application activity

(called an "application process") located in a system that

employs OSI procedures and protocols (an "open" system) to

communicate with any other appication process located in any

other open system. It is not the intent of OSI to specify

either the functions or the implementation details of systems

that provide the OSI capabilities. Communication is achieved by

mutual adherence to agreed-upon (standardized) services and

protocols; the only thing that an OSI entity in a given layer in

one system needs to know about an OSI entity in the same layer

User of (N)-services User of (N)-services

[an (N+1)-entity] [an (N+1)-entity]

\ /

\ /

\ /-----(N)-service-Access-points-----\ / (N+1)


\ / (N)

\<-----services provided to------>/

\ (N+1)-layer /

\ /

,------------, ,------------,

(N)-entity <----"Peers"----> (N)-entity (N)-LAYER

'------------' '------------'

\ /

\<----services required---->/

\ from (N-1)-layer /

\ / (N)


\ / (N-1)

\ /

\ /

\ /




FIGURE 1 - General Model of an OSI Layer

A Note on OSI Terminology


The construction of a formal system, such as the architecture of

Open Systems Interconnection, necessarily involves the introduc-

tion of unambiguous terminology (which also tends to be somewhat

impenetrable at first glance). The terms found here and in the

text are all defined in an Appendix. The "(N)-" notation is used

to emphasize that the term refers to an OSI characteristic that

applies to each layer individually. The "(N)-" prefix stands in

generically for the name of a layer; thus, "(N)-address", for

example, refers abstractly to the concept of an address associa-

ted with a specific layer, while "transport-address" refers to

the same concept applied to the transport layer.

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

of another system is how the other entity behaves, not how it is

implemented. In particular, OSI is not concerned with how the

interfaces between adjacent layers are implemented in an open

system; any interface mechanism is acceptable, as long as it

supports access to the appropriate standard OSI services.

A major goal of the OSI standardization effort is generality.

Ideally, the Reference Model should serve as the common archi-

tectural framework for many different types of distributed

systems employing a wide range of telecommunication

technologies, and certainly an important measure of the success

of OSI will be its ability to apply the standard architecture

across a broad spectrum of user applications. The way in which

the Reference Model has developed over the past four years

reflects an awareness of this goal (among others): the process

began with the identification of the essential concepts of a

layered architecture, including the general architectural

elements of protocols, and proceeded carefully from these basic

principles to a detailed description of each layer. The organi-

zation of the current Reference Model document [1] exhibits the

same top-down progression. At the highest level, three elements

are identified as basic to the architecture[1]:

a) the application processes which exist within the Open

Systems Interconnection environment;

b) the connections which join the application processes and

permit them to exchange information; and

c) systems.

The assumption that a connection is a fundamental prerequisite

for communication in the OSI environment permeates the Reference

Model, and is in fact one of the most useful and important

unifying concepts of the architecture. A growing number of

experts in the field, however, believe that this deeply-rooted

connection orientation seriously and unnecessarily limits the

power and scope of the Reference Model, since it excludes a

large class of applications and implementation technologies that

have an inherently connectionless nature. They argue that the

architectural objectives of the Reference Model do not depend on

the exclusive use of connections to characterize all OSI

interactions, and recommend that the two alternatives - connec-

tion oriented data transfer, and connectionless data transmis-

sion - be treated as complementary concepts, which can be

applied in parallel to the different applications for which each

is suited.

At the November, 1980 meeting of the ISO subcommittee responsi-

ble for OSI (TC97/SC16), a working party laid a solid foundation

for this argument in two documents: Report of the Ad Hoc Group

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

on Connectionless Data Transmission[3], and Recommended Changes

to Section 3 of [the Reference Model] to Include Connectionless

Data Transmission[2]; and the importance of the issue was

recognized by the full subcommittee in a resolution[25] calling

for comments on the two documents from all member organizations.

The question of how the connectionless data transmission concept

should be reflected in the OSI architecture - and in particular,

whether or not it should become an integral part of the Re-

ference Model - will be debated again this summer, when the

current Draft Proposed Standard Reference Model becomes a Draft

International Standard. The remainder of this article will

explore the issues that surround this question.

2 What Is Connectionless Data Transmission?

Connectionless data transmission (CDT), despite the unfamiliar

name, is by no means a new concept. In one form or another, it

has played an important role in the specification of services

and protocols for over a decade. The terms "message mode"[ ],

"datagram"[35], "transaction mode"[22,23,24], and

"connection-free"[37,47] have been used in the literature to

describe variations on the same basic theme: the transmission of

a data unit in a single self-contained operation without

establishing, maintaining, and terminating a connection.

Since connectionless data transmission and connection-oriented

data transfer are complementary concepts, they are best under-

stood in juxtaposition, particularly since CDT is most often

defined by its relationship to the more familiar concept of a


2.1 Connection-Oriented Data Transfer

A connection (or "(N)-connection", in the formal terminology of

OSI) is an association established between two or more entities

("(N+1)-entities") for conveying data

("(N)-service-data-units"). The ability to establish

(N)-connections, and to convey data units over them, is provided

to (N+1)-entities by the (N)-layer as a set of services, called

connection-oriented (N)-services. Connection-oriented interac-

tions proceed through three distinct sequential phases: connec-

tion establishment; data transfer; and connection release.

Figure 2 illustrates schematically the sequence of operations

associated with connection-oriented interactions. In addition

to this explicitly distinguishable duration, or "lifetime", a

connection exhibits the following fundamental characteristics:

Connection Establishment


- Successful - - Unsuccessful -

(N)- (N)-

connect (N)-connect connect (N)-

-------> indication -------> connect

request request indication

-------> ------->


(N)- <------- (N)- <-------

connect disconnect (N)-

<------- (N)-connect <------- disconnect

confirm response indication request

Data Transfer


(N)- (N)-

data (N)-data data

-------> indication -------> (N)-

request request data

-------> indication

(N)-LAYER (N)-LAYER ------->





Connection Release


- User Initiated - - Provider Initiated -


connect (N)- (N)-

------->(N)-LAYER (N)-disconnect disconnect(N)-LAYER disconnect

request indication <------- ------->

-------> indication indication

FIGURE 2 - Connection Oriented Interaction

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

[Note: Much of the material in this section is

derived from reference 3]

1. Prior negotiation.

In a connection-oriented interaction, no connection is esta-

blished - and no data are transferred - until all parties agree

on the set of parameters and options that will govern the data

transfer. An incoming connection establishment request can be

rejected if it asserts parameter values or options that are

unacceptable to the receiver, and the receiver may in many cases

suggest alternative parameter values and options along with his


The reason for negotiation during connection establishment is

the assumption that each party must reserve or allocate the

resources (such as buffers and channels) that will be required

to carry out data transfer operations on the new connection.

Negotiation provides an opportunity to scuttle the establishment

of a connection when the resources that would be required to

support it cannot be dedicated, or to propose alternatives that

could be supported by the available resources.

2. Three-party Agreement.

The fundamental nature of a connection involves establishing and

dynamically maintaining a three-party agreement concerning the

transfer of data. The three parties - the two (N+1)-entities

that wish to communicate, and the (N)-service that provides them

with a connection - must first agree on their mutual willingness

to participate in the transfer (see above). This initial

agreement establishes a connection. Thereafter, for as long as

the connection persists, they must continue to agree on the

acceptance of each data unit transferred over the connection.

"With a connection, there is no possibility of data transfer

through an unwilling service to an unwilling partner, because

the mutual willingness must be established before the data

transfer can take place, and data must be accepted by the

destination partner; otherwise, no data [are] transferred on

that connection."[3]

3. Connection Identifiers.

At connection establishment time, each participating

(N+1)-entity is identified to the (N)-service by an (N)-address;

the (N)-service uses these addresses to set up the requested

connection. Subsequent requests to transfer data over the

connection (or to release it) refer not to the (N)-address(es)

of the intended recipient(s), but to a connection identifier

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

supplied by the (N)-service (in OSI parlance, an

"(N)-connection-endpoint-identifier"). This is a

locally-significant "shorthand" reference that uniquely identi-

fies an established connection during its lifetime. Similarly,

the protocol units that carry data between systems typically

include a mutually-understood logical identifier rather than the

actual addresses of the correspondents. This technique elimina-

tes the overhead that would otherwise be associated with the

resolution and transmission of addresses on every data transfer.

In some cases, however - particularly when non-homogeneous

networks are interconnected, and very location-sensitive addres-

sing schemes are used - it can make dynamic routing of data

units extremely difficult, if not impossible.

4. Data Unit Relationship.

Once a connection has been established, it may be used to

transfer one data unit after another, until the connection is

released by one of the three parties. These data units are

logically related to each other simply by virtue of being

transferred on the same connection. Since data units are

transferred over a connection in sequence, they are related

ordinally as well. These data unit relationships are an impor-

tant characteristic of connections, since they create a context

for the interpretation of arriving data units that is indepen-

dent of the data themselves. Because a connection maintains the

sequence of messages associated with it, out-of-sequence,

missing, and duplicated messages can easily be detected and

recovered, and flow control techniques can be invoked to ensure

that the message transfer rate does not exceed that which the

correspondents are capable of handling.

These characteristics make connection-based data transfer

attractive in applications that call for relatively long-lived,

stream-oriented interactions in stable configurations, such as

direct terminal use of a remote computer, file transfer, and

long-term attachments of remote job entry stations. In such

applications, the interaction between communicating entities is

modelled very well by the connection concept: the entities

initially discuss their requirements and agree to the terms of

their interaction, reserving whatever resources they will need;

transfer a series of related data units to accomplish their

mutual objective; and explicitly end their interaction, releas-

ing the previously reserved resources.

2.2 Connectionless Data Transmission

In many other applications, however, the interaction between

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

entities is more naturally modelled by the connectionless data

transmission concept, which involves the transmission of a

single self-contained data unit from one entity to another

without prior negotiation or agreement, and without the as-

surance of delivery normally associated with connection-based

transfers. The users of a connectionless (N)-service may, of

course, use their (N+1)-protocol to make any prior or dynamic

arrangements they wish concerning their interpretation of the

data transmitted and received; the (N)-service itself, however,

attaches no significance to individual data units, and does not

attempt to relate them in any way. Two (N+1)-entities communi-

cating by means of a connectionless (N)-service could, for

example, apply whatever techniques they might consider appro-

priate in the execution of their own protocol (timers,

retransmission, positive or negative acknowledgements, sequence

numbers, etc.) to achieve the level of error detection and/or

recovery they desired. Users of a connectionless, as opposed to

connection-oriented, (N)-service are not restricted or inhibited

in the performance of their (N+1)-protocol; obviously, though,

the assumption is that CDT will be used in situations that

either do not require the characteristics of a connection, or

actively benefit from the alternative characteristics of connec-

tionless transmission.

Figure 3 illustrates schematically the single operation whereby

a connectionless service may be employed to transmit a single

data unit. Figure 4 shows a widely-implemented variation,

sometimes called "reliable datagram" service, in which the

service provider undertakes to confirm the delivery or

non-delivery of each data unit. It must be emphasized that this

is not a true connectionless service, but is in some sense a

hybrid, combining the delivery assurance of connection-oriented

service with the single-operation interface event of connection-

less service.

Many of those involved in OSI standardization activities have

agreed on a pair of definitions for connectionless data

transmission, one for architectural and conceptual purposes, and

one for service-definition purposes[4]. The architectural

definition, which has been proposed for inclusion in the Re-

ference Model, is:

"Connectionless Data Transmission is the transmission (not

transfer) of an (N)-service-data-unit from a source

(N)-service-access-point to one or more destination

(N)-service-access-points without establishing an (N)-connection

for the transmission."

The service definition, which is intended to provide a workable

basis for incorporating a connectionless service into the








FIGURE 3 - Connectionless Data Transmission





(N)-LAYER --------->





FIGURE 4 - "Reliable Datagram" Service

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

service descriptions for individual layers of the Reference

Model, is:

"A Connectionless (N)-Service is one that accomplishes the

transmission of a single self-contained (N)-service-data-unit

between (N+1)-entities upon the performance of a single

(N)-service access."

Both of these definitions depend heavily on the distinction

between the terms "transmit", "transfer", and "exchange":

Transmit: "to cause to pass or be conveyed through space or a

medium." This term refers to the act of conveying only, without

implying anything about reception.

Transfer: "to convey from one place, person, or thing, to

another." A one-way peer-to-peer connotation restricts the use

of this term to cases in which the receiving peer is party to

and accepts the data transferred.

Exchange: "to give and receive, or lose and take, reciprocally,

as things of the same kind." A two-way peer-to-peer connotation

restricts the use of this term to cases in which both give and

receive directions are clearly evident.

These definitions are clearly of limited usefulness by

themselves. They do, however, provide a framework within which

to explore the following characteristics of CDT:

1. "One-shot" Operation.

The most user-visible characteristic of connectionless data

transmission is the single service access required to initiate

the transmission of a data unit. All of the information re-

quired to deliver the data unit - destination address, quality

of service selection, options, etc. - is presented to the

connectionless (N)-service provider, along with the data, in a

single logical service-access operation that is not considered

by the (N)-service to be related in any way to other access

operations, prior or subsequent (note, however, that since OSI

is not concerned with implementation details, the specific

interface mechanism employed by a particular implementation of

connectionless service might involve more than one interface

exchange to accomplish what is, from a logical standpoint, a

single operation). Once the service provider has accepted a

data unit for connectionless transmission, no further communica-

tion occurs between the provider and the user of the service

concerning the fate or disposition of the data.

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

2. Two-party Agreement.

Connection-oriented data transfer requires the establishment of

a three-party agreement between the participating (N+1)-entities

and the (N)-service. A connectionless service, however, invol-

ves only two-party agreements: there may be an agreement between

the corresponding (N+1)-entities, unknown to the (N)-service,

and there may be local agreements between each (N+1)-entity and

its local (N)-service provider, but no (N)-protocol information

is ever exchanged between (N)-entities concerning the mutual

willingness of the (N+1)-entities to engage in a connectionless

transmission or to accept a particular data unit.

In practice, some sort of a priori agreement (usually a system

engineering design decision) is assumed to exist between the

(N+1)-entities and the (N)-service concerning those parameters,

formats, and options that affect all three parties as a unit.

However, considerable freedom of choice is preserved by allowing

the user of a connectionless service to specify most parameter

values and options - such as transfer rate, acceptable error

rate, etc. - at the time the service is invoked. In a given

implementation, if the local (N)-service provider determines

immediately (from information available to it locally) that the

requested operation cannot be performed under the conditions

specified, it may abort the service primitive, returning an

implementation-specific error message across the interface to

the user. If the same determination is made later on, after the

service-primitive interface event has completed, the transmis-

sion is simply abandoned, since users of a connectionless

service can be expected to recover lost data if it is important

for them to do so.

3. Self-contained Data Units.

Data units transmitted via a connectionless service, since they

bear no relationship either to other data units or to a "higher

abstraction" (such as a connection), are entirely

self-contained. All of the addressing and other information

needed by the service provider to deliver a data unit to its

destination must be included in each transmission. On the one

hand, this represents a greater overhead than is incurred during

the data transfer phase of a connection-oriented interaction; on

the other, it greatly simplifies routing, since each data unit

carries a complete destination address and can be routed without

reference to connection-related information that may not, for

example, be readily available at intermediate nodes.

4. Data Unit Independence.

The connectionless transmission of data creates no relationship,

express or implied, between data units. Each invocation of a

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

connectionless service begins the transmission of a single data

unit. Nothing about the service invocation, the transmission of

the data by the connectionless service, or the data unit itself

affects or is affected by any other past, present, or future

operation, whether connection-oriented or connectionless. A

series of data units handed one after the other to a connection-

less service for delivery to the same destination will not

necessarily be delivered to the destination in the same order;

and the connectionless service will make no attempt to report or

recover instances of non-delivery.

Note: A number of popular variations on CDT include

features that run counter to those described

above. These variations deserve to be discussed

on their own merits, but should not be confused

with the architectural concept of connectionless

data transmission.

These characteristics make CDT attractive in applications that

involve short-term request-response interactions, exhibit a high

level of redundancy, must be flexibly reconfigurable, or derive

no benefit from guaranteed in-sequence delivery of data.

3 The Rationale for Connectionless Data Transmission

Because CDT is not as widely understood as connection-oriented

data transfer, it has often been difficult in the course of

developing service and protocol definitions to adduce a ration-

ale for incorporating CDT, and even more difficult to determine

appropriate locations for connectionless service within the

layered hierarchy of OSI. This section addresses the first

concern; the next section will deal with the second.

The most natural way to discover the power and utility of the

CDT concept is to examine applications and implementation

technologies that depend on it. The following observations are

distilled from the specifications and descriptions of actual

protocols and systems (many of which have been implemented), and

from the work of individuals and organizations engaged in the

OSI standardization effort (quoted material is from reference 3,

except where otherwise noted). They are divided into seven

(occassionally overlapping) categories which classify the

applications for which CDT is well suited.

Inward data collection involves the periodic active or passive

sampling of a large number of data sources. A sensor net

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

gathering data from dedicated measurement stations; a network

status monitor constantly refreshing its knowledge of a network

environment; and an automatic alarm or security system in which

each component regularly self-tests and reports the result, are

all engaged in this type of interaction, in which a "large

number of sources may be reporting periodically and asynchron-

ously to a single reporting point. In a realtime monitoring

situation, these readings could normally be lost on occassion

without causing distress, because the next update would be

arriving shortly. Only if more than one successive update

failed to arrive within a specified time limit would an alarm be

warranted. If, say, a fast connect/disconnect three-way

handshake cost twice as much as a one-way [connectionless] data

transmission which had been system engineered to achieve a

certain acceptable statistical reliability figure, the cost of

connection-oriented inward data collection for a large distri-

buted application could be substantially greater than for

[connectionless collection], without a correspondingly greater

benefit to the user."[3]

Outward data dissemination is in a sense the inverse of the

first category; it concerns the distribution of a single data

unit to a large number of destinations. This situation is

found, for example, when a node joins a network, or a

commonly-accessible server changes its location, and a new

address is sent to other nodes on the network; when a synchroni-

zing message such as a real-time clock value must be sent to all

participants in some distributed activity; and when an operator

broadcasts a nonspecific message (e.g., "Network coming down in

five minutes"). In such cases, the distribution cost (including

time) may far exceed the cost of generating the data; control-

ling the overall cost depends on keeping the cost of dissemina-

tion as low as possible.

Request-response applications are those in which a service is

provided by a commonly accessible server process to a large

number of distributed request sources. The typical interaction

consists of a single request followed by a single response, and

usually only the highest-level acknowledgement - the response

itself - is either necessary or meaningful. Many commercial

applications (point of sale terminals, credit checking, reserva-

tion systems, inventory control, and automated banking systems)

and some types of industrial process control, as well as more

general information retrieval systems (such as videotex), fall

into this category. In each case, the knowledge and expectation

of each application component as to the nature of the interac-

tion is represented in an application-process design and imple-

mentation that is known in advance, outside of OSI; lower level

negotiations, acknowledgements, and other connection-related

functions are often unnecessary and cumbersome.

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

An example of an application that combines the characteristics

of inward data collection, outward data dissemination, and

request-response interaction is described by the Working Group

on Power System Control Centers of the IEEE Power Engineering

Society in a recent letter to the chairman of ANSI committee

X3T51 concerning the use of data communication in utility

control centers[17]. They note that "a utility control center

receives information from remote terminal units (located at

substations and generating plants) and from other control

centers, performs a variety of monitoring and control functions,

and transmits commands to the remote terminals and coordinating

information to other control centers." During the course of

these operations, the following conditions occur:

1) Some measurements are transmitted or requested from

remote terminals or control centers every few seconds.

No attempt is necessarily made to recover data lost due

to transmission error; the application programs include

provisions for proper operation when input data is

occassionally missing. [Inward data collection]

2) Some data items are transferred from commonly accessed

remote sites or multi-utility pool coordination centers

on a request-response basis. [Request-response


3) In some cases, an application program may require that

some measurements be made simultaneously in a large

number of locations. In these cases, the control center

will broadcast a command to make th affected

measurements. [Outward data dissemination]

In closing, they note that "utility control centers around the

world use data communications in ways similar to those in the

United States."

Broadcast and multicast (group addressed) communication using

connection-oriented services is awkward at best and impossible

at worst, notwithstanding the occassional mention of

"multi-endpoint connections" in the Reference Model. Some

characteristics of connection-based data transfer, such as

sequencing and error recovery, are very difficult to provide in

a broadcast/multicast environment, and may not even be

desirable; and it is not at all easy to formulate a useful

definition of broadcast/multicast acknowledgement that can be

supported by a low-level protocol. Where group addressing is an

important application consideration, connectionless data trans-

mission is usually the only choice.

Certain special applications, such as digitized voice, data

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

telemetry, and remote command and control, involving a high

level of data redundancy and/or real-time transmission

requirements, may profit from the fact that CDT makes no effort

to detect or recover lost or corrupted data. If the time span

during which an individual datum is meaningful is relatively

short, since it is quickly superceded by the next - or if, as in

digitized voice transmission, the loss or corruption of one or

even several data units is insignificant - the application might

suffer far more from the delay that would be introduced as a

connection-oriented service dealt with a lost or out-of-sequence

data unit (even if retransmission or other recovery procedures

were not invoked) than it would from the unreported loss of a

few data units in the course of a connectionless exchange.

Other special considerations - such as the undesirability, for

security reasons, of maintaining connection-state information

between data transfers in a military command and control system

- add force to the argument that CDT should be available as an

alternative to connection-oriented data transfer.

Local area networks (LANs) are probably the most fertile ground

for connectionless services, which find useful application at

several layers. LANs employ intrinsically reliable physical

transmission media and techniques (baseband and broadband

coaxial cable, fiber optics, etc.) in a restricted range

(generally no greater than 1 or 2 kilometers), and are typically

able to achieve extremely low bit error rates. In addition, the

media-access contention mechanisms favored by LAN designers

handle transmission errors as a matter of course. The usual

approach to physical interconnection ties all nodes together on

a common medium, creating an inherently broadcast environment in

which every transmission can be received by every station.

Taking advantage of these characteristics virtually demands a

connectionless data link service, and in fact most current and

proposed LANs - the Xerox Ethernet[43], the proposed IEEE 802

LAN standard[14,46], and many others - depend on such a service.

As a bonus, because connectionless services are simpler to

implement - requiring only two or three service primitives -

inexpensive VLSI implementations are often possible.

In addition, the applications for which LANs are often installed

tend to be precisely those best handled by CDT. Consider this

list of eight application classes identified by the IEEE 802

Interface Subcommittee as targets for the 802 LAN standard[46]:

1. Periodic status reporting - telemetry data from

instrumentation, monitoring devices associated with static or

dynamic physical environments;

2. Special event reporting - fire alarms, overload or stressing


Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

3. Security control - security door opening and closing, system

recovery or initialization, access control;

4. File transfer;

5. Interactive transactions - reservation systems, electronic

messaging and conferencing;

6. Interactive information exchange - communicating text and

Word processors, electronic mail, remote job entry;

7. Office information exchange - store and forward of digitized

voice messages, digitized graphic/image handling;

8. Real-time stimulus and response - universal product code

checkout readers, distributed point of sale cash registers,

military command and control, and other closed-loop and

real-time applications.

Of these, almost all have already been identified as classic

examples of applications that have an essentially connectionless

nature. Consider this more detailed example of (8): a local

area network with a large number of nodes and a large number of

services (e.g., file management, printing, plotting, job

execution, etc.) provided at various nodes. In such a

configuration, it is impractical to maintain a table at each

node giving the address of every service, since changing the

location of a single service would require updating the address

table at every node. An alternative is to maintain a single

independent "server lookup" service, which performs the function

of mapping the name of a given service to the address of a

server providing that service. The server-lookup server re-

ceives requests such as, "where is service X?", and returns the

address at which an instance of service X is currently located.

Communication with the server-lookup server is inherently

self-contained, consisting of a single request/response

exchange. Only the highest-level acknowledgement - the response

from the lookup service giving the requested address - is at all

significant. The native reliability of the local area network

ensures a low error rate; if a message should be lost, no harm

is done, since the request will simply be re-sent if a timely

response does not arrive. Such an interaction is poorly model-

led by the connection-oriented paradigm of opening a connection,

transferring a stream of data, and closing the connection. It

is perfectly suited to connectionless transmission techniques.

Network interconnection (internetworking) can be facilitated -

especially when networks of different types are involved, as is

often the case - if the internetwork service is connectionless;

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

and a number of related activities, such as gateway-to-gateway

communication, exhibit the request-response, inward data

collection, and outward data dissemination characteristics that

are well supported by CDT. One of the best examples of a

connectionless internetwork service is described in a document

published by the National Bureau of Standards (Features of

Internetwork Protocol[29], which includes a straightforward

discussion of the merits of the connectionless approach:

"The greatest advantage of connectionless

service at the internet level is simplicity,

particularly in the gateways. Simplicity is

manifested in terms of smaller and less compli-

cated computer code and smaller computer storage

requirements. The gateways and hosts are not

required to maintain state information, nor

interpret call request and call clear commands.

Each data-unit can be treated

independently...Connectionless service assumes a

minim[al] service from the underlying

subnetworks. This is advantageous if the

networks are diverse. Existing internet proto-

cols which are intended for interconnection of a

diverse variety of networks are based on a

connectionless service [for example the PUP

Internetwork protocol[44], the Department of

Defence Standard Internet Protocol[31], and the

Delta-t protocol developed at Lawrence Livermore


The principle motivating the development of internetwork servi-

ces and protocols that make few assumptions about the nature of

the individual network services (the "lowest common denominator"

approach) was formulated by Carl Sunshine as the "local net

independence principle"[39]: "Each local net shall retain its

individual address space, routing algorithms, packet formats,

protocols, traffic controls, fees, and other network character-

istics to the greatest extent possible." The simplicity and

robustness of connectionless internetworking systems guarantee

their widespread use as the number of different network types -

X.25 networks, LANs, packet radio networks, other broadcast

networks, and satellite networks - increases and the pressures

to interconnect them grow.

4 CDT and the OSI Reference Model

As a concept, connectionless data transmission complements the

concept of connection-oriented data transfer throughout the OSI

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

architecture. As a basis for deriving standard OSI services and

protocols, however, it has a greater impact on some layers of

the Reference Model than on others. Careful analysis of the

relative merits of connectionless and connection-oriented

operation at each layer is necessary to control the prolifera-

tion of incompatible or useless options and preserve a balance

between the power of the complementary concepts and the stabili-

zing objective of the OSI standardization effort.

Figure 5 illustrates the layered OSI hierarchy as it is most

commonly represented (it shows two instances of the hierarchy,

representing the relationship between two OSI systems). The

following sections discuss the CDT concept in the context of

each of the seven layers.

4.1 Physical Layer

The duality of connections and connectionless service is diffi-

cult to demonstrate satisfactorily at the physical layer,

largely because the concept of a physical "connection" is both

intuitive and colloquial. The physical layer is responsible for

generating and interpreting signals represented for the purpose

of transmission by some form of physical encoding (be it

electrical, optical, acoustic, etc.), and a physical connection,

in the most general sense (and restricting our consideration, as

does the Reference Model itself, to telecommunications media),

is a signal pathway through a medium or a combination of media.

Is a packet radio broadcast network, then, using a

"connectionless" physical service? No explicit signal pathway

through a medium or media is established before data are

transmitted. On the other hand, it can easily be argued that a

physical connection is established with the introduction of two

antennae into the "ether"; and if the antennae are aimed at each

other and designed to handle microwave transmission, the impres-

sion that a physical connection exists is strengthened. Whether

or not one recognizes the possibility of connectionless physical

services - other than purely whimsical ones - will probably

continue to depend on one's point of view, and will have no

effect on the development of actual telecommunication systems.

4.2 Data Link Layer

Many data link technologies - particularly those coming into

popular use with the growth of local area networking - are far

easier to understand and work with when the traditional

connection-oriented concepts (embodied, for example, in the

widely-used HDLC, SDLC, and ADCCP standards) are replaced by the

,---------------------, ,---------------------,

Level 7 Application Layer <----------> Application Layer

-------------------- --------------------

Level 6 Presentation Layer <----------> Presentation Layer

-------------------- --------------------

Level 5 Session Layer <----------> Session Layer

-------------------- --------------------

Level 4 Transport Layer <----------> Transport Layer

-------------------- --------------------

Level 3 Network Layer <----------> Network Layer

-------------------- --------------------

Level 2 Data Link Layer <----------> Data Link Layer

-------------------- --------------------

Level 1 Physical Layer <----------> Physical Layer

'---------------------' '---------------------'

FIGURE 5 - Layered Hierarchy of Open Systems Interconnection

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

concept of connectionless data transmission. The previous

discussion of local area networking has already made the point

that the high-speed, short-range, intrinsically reliable broad-

cast transmission media used to interconnect stations in local

area networks are complemented both functionally and concep-

tually by connectionless data link techniques.

One of the organizations currently developing a local area

network data link layer standard - the Data Link and Media

Access (DLMAC) subcommittee of IEEE 802 - has recognized both

the need to retain compatibility with existing long-haul techni-

ques and the unique advantages of CDT for local area networks by

proposing that two data link procedures be defined for the IEEE

802 standard.

In one procedure, information frames are unnumbered and may be

sent at any time by any station without first establishing a

connection. The intended receiver may accept the frame and

interpret it, but is under no obligation to do so, and may

instead discard the frame with no notice to the sender. Neither

is the sender notified if no station recognizes the address

coded into the frame, and there is no receiver. This

"connectionless" procedure, of course, assumes the "friendly"

environment and higher-layer acceptance of responsibility that

are usually characteristic of local area network


The other procedure provides all of the sequencing, recovery,

and other guarantees normally associated with

connection-oriented link procedures. It is in fact very similar

to the ISO standard HDLC balanced asynchronous mode procedure.

Data link procedures designed for transmission media that

(unlike those used in local area networks) suffer unacceptable

error rates are almost universally connection-based, since it is

generally more efficient to recover the point-to-point

bit-stream errors detectable by connection-oriented data link

procedures at the data link layer (with its comparatively short

timeout intervals) than at a higher layer.

4.3 Network Layer

Connectionless network service is useful for many of the same

reasons that were identified in the previous discussion of

network interconnection: it greatly simplifies the design and

implementation of systems; makes few assumptions about underly-

ing services; and is more efficient than a connection-oriented

service when higher layers perform whatever sequencing, flow

control, and error recovery is required by user applications (in

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

fact, internetwork services are provided by the Network Layer).

CDT also facilitates dynamic routing in packet- and

message-switched networks, since each data unit (packet or

message) can be directed along the most appropriate "next hop"

unencumbered by connection-mandated node configurations.

Examples of more or less connectionless network layer designs

and implementations abound: Zilog's Z-net (which offers both

"reliable" and "unreliable" service options); DECNET's

"transport layer" (which corresponds to the OSI Network layer);

Livermore Lab's Delta-t protocol (although it provides only a

reliable service, performing error checking, duplicate

detection, and acknowledgement); the User Datagram protocol[48];

and the Cyclades network protocol[38]. In fact, even the

staunchly connection-oriented X.25 public data networks

(Canada's Datapac is the best example) generally emply what

amounts to a connectionless network-layer service in their

internal packet switches, which enables them to perform flexible

dynamic routing on a packet-by-packet basis.

4.4 Transport Layer

The connectionless transport service is important primarily in

systems that distinguish the Transport layer and everything

below it as providing something generically named the "Transport

Service", and abandon or severely compromise adherence to the

OSI architecture above the Transport layer. In such systems a

connectionless transport service may be needed for the same

reasons that other (more OSI-respecting) systems need a connec-

tionless application service. Otherwise, the purpose of defin-

ing a connectionless transport service is to enable a uniformly

connectionless service to be passed efficiently through the

Transport layer to higher layers.

4.5 Session Layer

The whole notion of a session which binds presentation-entities

into a relationship of some temporal duration is inherently

connection-oriented. The purpose of defining a connectionless

session service, therefore, is to enable a uniformly connection-

less service to be passed efficiently through the session layer

to higher layers. In this sense, the connectionless session

service stands in precisely the same relationship to the connec-

tionless transport service as a session-connection stands to a


Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

4.6 Presentation Layer

Very much the same considerations apply to the Presentation

layer as apply to the Session layer.

4.7 Application Layer

The most obvious reason to define a connectionless application

service - to give user application processes access to the

connectionless services of the architecture - is not the only

one. The application layer performs functions that help user

application processes to converse regarding the meaning of the

information they exchange, and is also responsible for dealing

with the overall system management ASPects of the OSI operation.

Over and above the many user-application requirements for

connectionless service, it may be profitably employed by system

management functions that monitor and report on the status of

resources in the local open system; by application layer manage-

ment functions that need to interact in a request-response mode

with similar functions in other systems to perform security

access control; and by user application process functions that

monitor the status of activities in progress.

The potential availability of two complementary services at each

layer of the architecture raises an obvious question - how to

choose between them? It should be clear at this point that

unilateral exclusion of one or the other, although it may

simplify the situation for some applications, is not a general

solution to the problem. There are actually two parts to the

question: how to select an appropriate set of cooperative

services for all seven layers during the design of a particular

open system; and, if one or more layers of the system will offer

both connection-oriented and connectionless services, how to

provide for the dynamic selection of one or the other in a given


The second part is easiest to dispose of, since actual systems -

as opposed to the more abstract set of services and protocols

collected under the banner of OSI - will generally be con-

structed in such a way as to combine services cooperatively,

with some attention paid to the way in which they will interact

to meet specific goals. Although two services may be provided

at a given layer, logical combinations of services for different

applications will generally be assembled according to relatively

simple rules established during the design of the system.

Evaluating the requirements of the applications a system must

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

support and the characteristics of the preferred implementation

technologies will also answer the first question. A system

designed primarily to transport large files over a long-haul

network would probably use only connection-oriented services.

One designed to collect data from widely scattered sensors for

processing at a central site might provide a connectionless

application service but use a connection-oriented network

service to achieve compatibility with a public data network.

Another system, built around a local area network bus or ring,

might use a connectionless data link service regardless of the

applications supported; if several LANs sere to be

interconnected, perhaps with other network types, it might also

employ a connectionless internetwork service.

The definition of OSI standard services and protocols, however,

must consider the general case, so as to accomodate a wide range

of actual-system configurations. The motivating principle

should be to achieve a balance between the two goals of power

and simplicity. The service definition for each layer must

include both connection-oriented and connectionless services;

otherwise, the utility of a service at one layer could be

negated by the unavailability of a corresponding service else-

where in the hierarchy. However, the role played by each

service may be radically different from one layer to the next.

The Presentation, Session, and Transport layers, for instance,

need to support their respective connectionless services only

because the Application layer, which must provide a connection-

less service to user applications, cannot do so effectively if

they do not. Recognizing these role variations opens up the

possibility of restoring a measure of the simplicity lost in the

introduction of choice at each layer by limiting, not the

choices, but the places in the hierarchy where conversion from

one choice to the other - connection to connectionless, or vice

versa - is allowed (see figure 6). At this stage in the devel-

opment of the CDT concept, it appears that there are exscellent

reasons for allowing such a conversion to take place in the

Application, Transport, and Network layers (and in the Data Link

layer, if some physical interconnection strategies are deemed to

be connectionless). In the other layers, the provision of one

kind of service to the next-higher layer must always be accom-

plished by using the same kind of service from the next-lower

layer (see figure 7). (This principle of like-to-like mapping

is not related to multiplexing; it refers to service types

(connection-oriented and connectionless), not to actual

services.) Adopting such a restriction would contribute to the

achievement of the balance mentioned above, without excluding

those combinations of services that have demonstrated their


^ ^ (N+1)-LAYER


,-------------------------, ,-------------------------,

Offers a connectionless Offers a connection-

(N)-service oriented (N)-service


Uses a connection- Uses a connectionless

oriented (N-1)-service (N-1)-service

'-------------------------' '-------------------------'


v v (N-1)-LAYER

FIGURE 6 - Service Type Conversion

^ ^ (N+1)-LAYER


,-------------------------, ,-------------------------,

Offers a connectionless Offers a connection-

(N)-service oriented (N)-service


Uses a connectionless Uses a connection-

(N-1)-service oriented (N-1)-service

'-------------------------' '-------------------------'


v v (N-1)-LAYER

FIGURE 7 - Same-Service Mapping

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

5 Summary

Support for incorporating connectionless data transmission as a

basic architectural element of the Reference Model has grown as

understanding of the concept has become more widespread. The

protocol development sponsored by various agencies of the U.S.

Department of Defense, for example, have long recognized connec-

tions and connectionless transmission as complementary concepts,

and have employed both. Similar work being carried out by a

division of the Institute for Computer Science and Technology at

the National Bureau of Standards, the result of which will be a

series of Federal Information Processing Standards, depends

heavily on connectionless as well as connection-oriented

concepts. The importance of CDT to some of these U.S. efforts

is reflected in comments received by ANSI committee X3T5 during

the recent Reference Model ballot period, one of which states

that "Publication of this material [DP7498] without incorpora-

tion of the concerns associated with Connectionless Data

Trans[mission] makes a mockery of U.S. interests."[18] A some-

what less emotional expression of the same sentiment is embodied

in the official U.S. Position on Connectionless Data

Transmission[9], in which X3T5, the responsible U.S.

organization, "endorses SC16/N555 [Recommended Changes to

Section 3 of [the Reference Model] to Include CDT] without

exception and announces its intention to pursue vigorously the

incorporation of CDT as the first major extension to the Basic

Reference Model of OSI." In the same document, X3T5 notes that

it "intends to issue and maintain a version of DP7498 to be

referred to as DP7498-prime, incorporating the CDT extensions."

That there is also significant international support for the CDT

concept is clear, however, from the membership of the ISO

SC16/WG1 Ad Hoc Group on Connectionless Data Transmission, which

produced the N555 document last November; it includes represen-

tatives from France, Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom as

well as from the U.S. Those who believe that the CDT concept is

an essential part of the OSI architecture hope that eventually

the DP7498-prime document, or its successor, will replace the

exclusively connection-oriented Reference Model before the

latter becomes an International Standard.

6 Acknowledgements

[to be supplied]

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

Appendix A: Vocabulary

APPENDIX A - Vocabulary

OSI Terminology

The following terms are defined in either the text or the

vocabulary annex (or both) of the Draft Proposed Reference Model

of OSI (ISO/DP7498). Some terms are given more than one defini-

tion in different sections of the Reference Model; these are

marked with an asterisk (*), to indicate that selection of the

accompanying definition involved the author's personal


[to be supplied]








CDT Terminology

The following terms, not yet part of the standard OSI

vocabulary, relate to the concept of connectionless data


"Connectionless Data Transmission is the transmission (not

transfer) of an (N)-service-data-unit from a source

(N)-service-access-point to one or more destination

(N)-service-access-points without establishing an (N)-connection

for the transmission."

"A Connectionless (N)-Service is one that accomplishes the

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

Appendix A: Vocabulary

transmission of a single self-contained (N)-service-data-unit

between (N+1)-entities upon the performance of a single

(N)-service access."

Transmit: "to cause to pass or be conveyed through space or a

medium." This term refers to the act of conveying only, without

implying anything about reception.

Transfer: "to convey from one place, person, or thing, to

another." A one-way peer-to-peer connotation restricts the use

of this term to cases in which the receiving peer is party to

and accepts the data transferred.

Exchange: "to give and receive, or lose and take, reciprocally,

as things of the same kind." A two-way peer-to-peer connotation

restricts the use of this term to cases in which both give and

receive directions are clearly evident.


unit-data transfer/transmission

transaction (from SC1/N688)

data transmission (from DIS 2382 Section 9)

[End of Appendix A]

Connectionless Data Transmission, Rev. 1.00

Appendix B: References

APPENDIX B - References

1. Data Processing - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic

Reference Model.

Source: ISO/TC97/SC16

Reference: ISO/DP7498




Date: 12/80

2. Recommended Changes to Section 3 of 97/16 N537, Basic

Specifications of the Reference Model of OSI,

to Include Connectionless Data Transmission.

Source: ISO/TC97/SC16/WG1 Ad Hoc Group on

Connectionless Data Transmis-


Reference: ISO/TC97/SC16/N555




Date: 11/80

3. Report of the Ad Hoc Group on Connectionless Data


Source: ISO/TC97/SC16/WG1 Ad Hoc Group on

Connectionless Data Transmis-


Reference: ISO/TC97/SC16/N566




Date: 11/80

4. Definitions of the Term "Connectionless Data Transmission"

(a letter to the chairman of ANSC X3T51 from

the acting chairman of ANSC X3T56).

Source: ANSC X3S33/X3T56

Reference: X3S33/X3T56/81-22



Date: 1/81

5. Connectionless Provisions for OSI Reference Model.

Source: ANSC X3S37

Reference: ISO/TC97/SC6/WG2/W12


Date: 2/81

6. Comments on Recommended Changes to Section 3 of 97/16

N537, Basic Specification of the Reference

Model of OSI, to include Connectionless Data

Transmission, SC16/N555.

Source: DIN (FRG)

Reference: ISO/TC97/SC6/WG2/W10

Date: 2/81

7. Connectionless Data Transmission.

Source: X3S33/X3T56 Ad Hoc Group on Connec-

tionless Data Transmission

Reference: X3S33/X3T56/81-26

Date: 1/81

8. Contribution to Document ISO/TC97/SC16 N555 Concerning the

Extension of General Concepts from the Basic

Reference Model to Connectionless Data Trans-

fer Mode.

Source: ISO/TC97/SC16/WG1 Ad Hoc Model Exten-

sion Group B


Date: 3/81

9. US Position on Connectionless Data Transmission.

Source: ANSC X3T5

Reference: ISO/TC97/SC16/N605


Date: 3/81

10. Revision of SC16/N551 to Include Connectionless Data


Source: ANSC X3S33/X3T56

Reference: ISO/TC97/SC16/N602




Date: 3/81

11. Report of USA Vote and Comments on ISO DP7498.

Source: ANSC X3T5

Reference: ISO/TC97/SC16/N590


Date: 3/81

12. USA Proposed Revision to Draft Basic Session Service


ISO TC97/SC16 N553.

Source: ANSC X3S33/X3T56

Reference: ISO/TC97/SC16/N597



Date: 3/81

13. USA Proposed Revision to Draft Transport Service


ISO TC97/SC16 N563.

Source: ANSC X3S33/X3T56

Reference: ISO/TC97/SC16/N601



Date: 3/81

14. Comments on Connectionless Data Transmission.

Source: Robert F. Stover, Honeywell Inc.

Reference: Private communication

Date: 4/81

15. Proposed Changes to the OSI Transport Layer.

Source: Gregory Ennis, Sytek Inc.

Reference: X3T51 Reference Model Editing Group


Date: 3/81

16. Review of the ISO Draft Proposal (DP 7498), Open System

Interconnection Reference Model (Project


Source: National Security Agency, Central

Security Service, Department

of Defense

Reference: NSA/Css Serial T095/008/81

X3T51 Reference Model Editing Group


Date: 3/81

17. Comments on Draft Proposal ISO/DP7498.

Source: Working Group on Power System Control

Centers, IEEE Power Engineer-

ing Society

Reference: X3T51 Reference Model Editing Group

V3.I, V4.4

Date: 3/81

18. Review of ISO Draft Proposal 7498 (Open Systems


Source: Department of the Air Force

Reference: X3T51 Reference Model Editing Group

V3.J, V4.5, V1.15, V2.H

Date: 3/81

19. Proposed Improvements to Section 6 of DP7498.

Source: A. Lyman Chapin, Data General Corpora-


Reference: X3T51 Reference Model Editing Group


Date: 3/81

20. Comments on Section 7.4 of DP7498.

Source: ANSC X3S33/X3T56

Reference: X3S33/X3T56/81-30

X3T51 Reference Model Editing Group


Date: 3/81

21. Comments on DP7498.

Source: ANSC X3S33/X3T56

Reference: X3S33/X3T56/81-60

X3T51 Reference Model Editing Group


Date: 3/81

22. USA Position Concerning Progression of the Reference Model

of Open Systems Interconnection (Parts I and

II of USA Comments on N309).

Source: ANSC X3T5

Reference: ISO/TC97/SC16/N405



Date: 9/80

23. Addenda to the USA Position Concerning Progression of OSI

Reference Model (Parts I and II).

Source: ANSC X3T5

Reference: X3T5/80-143


Date: 9/80

24. US Position on the WG1 Rapporteur's Report of October


Source: ANSC X3T5

Reference: X3T5/80-142


Date: 10/80

25. Resolutions: ISO/TC97/SC16 - Open Systems Interconnection:

Berlin - November 12 - 14, 1980.

Source: ISO/TC97/SC16

Reference: ISO/TC97/SC16/N570


Date: 11/80

26. NBS Analysis of Major US Government Requirements of

Transport Protocol Services.

Source: National Bureau of Standards, US

Department of Commerce

Reference: ISO/TC97/SC16/N404



Date: 9/80

27. Features of the Transport and Session Protocols.

Source: National Bureau of Standards, US

Department of Commerce

Reference: X3S33/X3T56/80-30

Date: 3/80

28. Specification of the Transport Protocol.

Source: National Bureau of Standards, US

Department of Commerce

Reference: X3S33/X3T56/81-59

Date: 2/81

29. Features of Internetwork Protocol.

Source: National Bureau of Standards, US

Department of Commerce

Reference: X3T51/81-23



Date: 7/80

30. Service Specification of an Internetwork Protocol.

Source: National Bureau of Standards, US

Department of Commerce

Reference: X3T51/81-24



Date: 9/80

31. DoD Standard Internet Protocol.

Source: US Department of Defense Advanced

Research Projects Agency

Reference: X3S33/X3T56/80-17


Date: 1/80

32. Connectionless Data Transfer (letter from the chairman of

X3T51 to X3T55, X3T56, and X3S3).

Source: John Day, Digital Technology, Inc.

Reference: X3T51/80-76

Date: 12/80

33. Local Area Networks and the OSI Reference Model.

Source: Robert R. Shatzer, Hewlett-Packard


Reference: X3T51/80-38

Date: 8/80

34. An Introduction to Local Area Networks.

Source: David D. Clark, et. al.

Reference: IEEE Proceedings 66:11

Date: 11/78

35. Issues in Packet-Network Interconnection.

Source: V.G. Cerf and P.T. Kirstein

Reference: IEEE Proceedings 66:11

Date: 11/78

36. Connectionless Data Transfer.

Source: John Neumann, Microdata Corp.

Reference: X3S33/X3T56/80-120

Date: 12/80

37. A Protocol for Packet Network Interconnection.

Source: V.G. Cerf and R.E. Kahn

Reference: IEEE Transactions on Communication

COM-22 No. 5

Date: 5/74

38. The CYCLADES End-to-End Protocol.

Source: H. Zimmermann

Reference: Proceedings of the IEEE Vol. 66 No. 11

Date: 11/78

39. Interprocess Communication Protocols for Computer


Source: Carl Sunshine, USC/ISI

Reference: Stanford Digital Systems Laboratory


Date: 12/75

40. CCITT Recommendation X.25 - Interface Between Data Ter-

minal Equipment (DTE) and Data

Circuit-Terminating Equipment (DCE) for

Terminals Operating in the Packet Mode on

Public Data Networks.

Source: CCITT Study Group VII

Reference: COM VII/489

Date: 11/80

41. An Analysis of ARPAnet Protocols.




42. ISO High-Level Data Link Control - Elements of Procedure.

Source: ISO

Reference: ISO/IS4335

Date: 1977

43. ETHERNET Specification (Version 1.0)

Source: Xerox Corporation

Reference: X3T51/80-50

Date: 9/80

44. PUP: An Internetwork Architecture.

Source: D.R. Boggs, J.F. Shoch, E.A. Taft,

R.M. Metcalfe

Reference: IEEE Transactions on Communications

COM-28 No. 4

Date: 4/80

45. Delta-t Protocol Preliminary Specification.

Source: R.W. Watson

Reference: Lawrence Livermore Laboratories

Date: 11/79

46. The Evolving IEEE 802 (Local Network) Standard.

Source: Bryan R. Hoover, Hewlett-Packard




47. A System for Interprocess Communication in a Resource

Sharing Computer Network.

Source: D. Walden

Reference: Communications of the ACM Vol. 15

Date: 4/72

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